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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1898 02 February

Tuesday 1 February 1898

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on Sunday evening, January 30th, Alice Elizabeth YOUNG, relict of the late Adjutant YOUNG, aged 48 years.

On Tuesday night a third-class passenger from Johannesburg to Vereeniging named Piet SMITH, who was on his way to the Colony with his wife and family, startled the company in the carriage by jumping from the train through the open carriage window. The incident occurred about a mile the other side of Meyerton. Upon arrival of the train at Vereeniging an engine and a van were despatched to the scene of the mishap, and to the pleasant surprise of his terrified wife, SMITH was found walking about near the scene of the accident, little the worse for his fall. Mr. SMITH’s explanation was that he was fast asleep and never realised the situation until he touched the ground. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH and family subsequently continued their journey.

Thursday 3 February 1898

MARRIED by Special Licence at Bloemfontein, on January 29th 1898, Edward Marlay De Lorne CAROLIN to Emily Olivia DE ROBECK.

DIED at Seymour on the 20th Jan, William henry BATES, aged 80 years.

The manager of the Crown Deep Johannesburg reports that Hy. HADCOCK, an engine driver employed on the property, met with his death recently through being caught by the machinery. It appears that HADCOCK was standing in the neighbourhood of No.1 crusher, when he was caught by the rapidly-revolving machinery. He was whirled into the shafting of No.1 crusher, thrown round and round, and beaten against the machinery until life was extinct. The injuries were numerous and include a fractured skull and a compound fracture of the lower jaw. Death was practically instantaneous.

Saturday 5 February 1898

That well known hostelry and farm, Breakfast Vlei, has exchanged hands for £1,800.

A branch of the Royal Ancient Order of Buffaloes has been started in Uitenhage, the Hon, John DOLLEY being among those who took the first degree.

Tuesday 8 February 1898

BIRTH at Commemoration Cottage on Feb 7th 1898, the wife of E. COCKCROFT of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Feb 7th 1898, the wife of J. ROACH, Kei Road, of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Feb 5th 1898, William Frederick Rainier GREGORY (late Assistant Government Engineer), eldest son of William GREGORY, of Tormarton, Gloucestershire, aged 31 years 7 months.

That well known roadside house of call, Breakfast Vlei, that has been in the WATSON family for forty years (says the News) has been bough by Mr. Walter JOHNSON, of Koonap, who may be relied upon to maintain its reputation.

We (Cape Mercury) notice the announcement of the marriage of the second daughter of the late Sir William Henry DRAKE and Lady DRAKE to Captain L.C.F. JACKSON D.S.O. the Hampshire Regt., Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Bombay command. The bride is a granddaughter of the late Hon. George WOOD of Grahamstown.

We have to report the death on Saturday evening last of Mr. W.F.R. GREGORY, Government Engineer of Alicedale. The deceased gentleman, who was taken ill at Alicedale three weeks ago, with what was thought was an attack of malarial fever, was brought into the Albany Hospital, where he was found to be a victim of the fatal typhoid fever. Notwithstanding all the care, for which our Hospital is noted, he died on Saturday. Typhoid (from which, as doctors inform us, Grahamstown is happily free) is said to be very prevalent at the Junction owing to the sanitation being defective, and another case will, we learn, be brought in today. The death of Mr. GREGORY, who was held in the utmost esteem and respect, was rendered all the more sad owing to the fact that he was to be married next month. The funeral took place yesterday morning, Rev. W.H. TURPIN officiating. There was a very large attendance, a number of people attending from Alicedale. The pall bearers were Messrs. ROSS (District Engineer), [J. DEMAINE] J.P., [L.] CHAPMAN and Inspector LLOYD. A great many beautiful wreaths and floral tokens of sympathy were sent including one (Immortelle) in a glass case – a small token of respect and esteem from railway employees and their friends. The funeral obsequies were undertaken and carried out by Mr. A. WILL in his usual good taste.

Saturday 12 February 1898

DIED at Grahamstown on February 11th, Eliza Sophia, wife of Henry Strutt TAYLOR Esquire.

[Transcriber’s note: Issues for week beginning 14th February not available]

Tuesday 22 February 1898

DIED at Colesberg on the 16th February, William RICHARDSON, fourth son of the late John RICHARDSON, of Trappe’s Valley, aged 17 years and 4 months.

Last week the lightning struck a farm house belonging to old Mr. v.d. WETHUIZEN, of Vlakfontein, near Rustenberg. The old gentleman was killed on the spot together with a friend named v.d. WALL.

Sixteen guests were taken suddenly ill after one of the meals at an hotel in Potchefstroom, and poisoning is suspected. Ten of the guests subsequently recovered; but Mr. VAN GOKKEL, of the Netherlands Bank, died, and the others are still laid up.

A regular epidemic of suicides seems to have set in. A carpenter, named RUSSELL, has killed himself at Durban, making three victims in nine days. RUSSELL, who appears to have had domestic trouble, shot himself stone dead with a revolver. He had apparently placed the barrel of the revolver in is mouth and fired one shot. He leaves a wife and two children.

Thursday 24 February 1898

At Boksburg Emilie STRAN was charged with fatally shooting Robert ARMSTRONG. It appears that ARMSTRONG was found prowling about the Geldenhuis Deep and arrested by the accused, who was night watchman on the property. ARMSTRONG was running away and STRAN fired two shots and wounded the fugitive, who died in a few hours. The deceased was employed at the Jumpers Deep. In his declaration he said he lost his way and took shelter.

The Supreme Court yesterday granted a man named PEGGENPOEL a judicial separation, owing to his wife’s intemperate habits. In delivering judgment the Chief Justice said there appeared to be no case in which the Court had decided that habitual drunkenness alone would be sufficient for a judicial separation, but such conduct as would render married life wholly intolerable would be a sufficient ground for separation. He (the Chief Justice) had always held that such habitual drunkenness as in the present case ought to constitute a sufficient legal cause for separation. A decree would be granted.

Saturday 26 February 1898

PASSED peacefully away at Kingsglen, District of Albert, on the 18th February 1898, John Wesley KING, aged 60 years and 7 months.

  • Hits: 1922