Grahamstown Journal 1898 03 March
Tuesday 1 March 1898
The late Mr. John Wesley KING, who died at his farm King’s Glen, Cyphorgat, Albert district, on Friday 18th ult, in the 61st year of his age, was the fourth son of the late Thos. F. KING, one of Grahamstown’s oldest citizens, in whose business record was the building of the Commemoration Church here. Mr. J.W.KING was born in Grahamstown and married Miss Charlotte CAWOOD, the eldest daughter of the late Hon. S. CAWOOD. After the marriage he purchased the beautiful farm King’s Dale, in the Adelaide district, where he was greatly successful as a breeder of Angoras. About five or six years since he removed to Cyphorgat, where he acquired a valuable farm, which he named King's Glen. To the public Mr. J.W. KING was best known as an intelligent, progressive and enterprising farmer. He may be said to have attended almost every leading Agricultural Show held for the last thirty years in the Eastern Province. Conscientious, cheerful and entirely trustworthy, John KING was liked and respected by all who dealt with him. To his wife, children and many friends, his loss is very great, and keenly felt. The circumstances of his death were tragically touching. He had been ailing for a few weeks, but no serious results were anticipated. He had got up from bed rather early on Friday morning, dressed with the intention of going into the garden, when he asked his wife to stand him up, saying he felt no pain and would be all right soon. After a few moments he said “sit me down”, and while his wife’s arms were around him to assist him, he passed away without another word. Mr. KING’s funeral took place on Sunday 20th ult at Molteno, where many beautiful wreaths were sent, and amid a numerous assemblage of sorrowing relations and friends the Rev. Mr. GOLIGHTLY read the burial service.
Mr. KING’s brothers are Mr. Geo. KING of Bedford, and Mr. Thos. A. KING of East London, formerly M.L.A. for Victoria East. His other brother, Frank, died at Bedford a few years ago. We tender this brief and imperfect record of a worthy man to his relatives and friends, with whose loss we sincerely sympathise.
Tuesday 8 March 1898
BIRTH at Roseneath, Grahamstown, on March 1st 1898, the wife of J. Reay SHAW of a daughter.
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on March 4th 1898, Harry R. BOOTHROYD, aged 42 years.
The funeral of the above will leave the Masonic Temple, Hill Street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Frank ARMSTRONG was discharged from the Chronic Sick Hospital, Cape Corps Camp, in 1888, after which he disappeared and is believed to have died.
The relations of the lost man will be grateful to any person who will give positive information about him, as to whether he is dead or alive.
Please address T. Barry VAN DER RIET, Solicitor
7th March 1898
A distressing accident occurred at the Leicester Mine, Klipdam, resulting in the death of Hendrick SNYMAN, an overseer. Deceased, while superintending blasting operations, was struck by some falling ground, breaking his leg and injuring his spine. He was promptly taken to the Klipdam Hospital, where despite the efforts of Dr. CROGHAN he succumbed to his injuries at 2 next morning. Deceased was only married three weeks ago, and much sympathy is felt for his wife and relations.
An unfortunate gun accident occurred at Somerset East recently, but we (Budget) are pleased that no serious consequences are anticipated. It appears that the brothers, James and Thomas BATTIS, went out together into the kloofs, the former taking a gun for the purpose of shooting doves. They separated, and after a while, one firing on a bird, James failed to notice his brother, who received the charge of pellets in his back. Medical aid was sought on town being reached, and some of the shots were extracted, but several still remain. Fortunately they struck the most muscular parts of the back, and the doctors anticipate no dangerous results. Thomas BATTIS is a married man residing in the Transvaal, and was visiting his sick father.
We regret to have to record the death, which took place at Berlin on February 19, of Mrs. BROWN, the wife of Mr. Nathaniel BROWN and mother of S.J. BROWN of Lily Vale. The deceased lady was well known throughout Kaffraria, having resided at Berlin for many years, and was widely respected. Mrs. BROWN came to the Colony with the Settlers in 1820, and was married to her widowed husband 65 years ago. They had a large family, and ten of the children still survive, while there are some 100 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The deceased was connected with a number of families in the district, including that of the Hon. T. BROWN. Mrs. BROWN, together with her husband, had seen all the ups and downs of the Frontier since landing in 1820, having been several times nearly ruined through the Kafir wars which devastated South Africa. The deceased was an earnest Christian, having been a member of the Wesleyan Church from her early youth. We tender our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.
[Transcriber’s note: Deceased was born Sarah Ann SAUNDERS]
Thursday 10 March 1898
At Barberton on Sunday, an employee of the Sheba Company, named [FORGNAN], while riding up a zigzag path on horseback, was precipitated with his steed into the gully below, death being instantaneous.
As we go to press the sad news is flashed over the wires that Miss Ada JACKSON, daughter of Mr. JACKSON of Oatlands Road, Grahamstown, and sister-in-law of Mr. Fred PAXTON of the Kimberley Victoria Hotel, Port Alfred, was drowned this morning whilst bathing on the beach. The body has not yet been recovered. These are all the details to hand as we go to press, and that the sad report is correct we have every reason to believe there can be no doubt.
Much regret is expressed here at the tidings of the death from typhoid of the Mayor of Capetown, Mr. H. BOALCH. Several of our leading citizens had made his acquaintance at the Bulawayo festivities, and were specially gratified at his interest in our coming Exhibition, to which he became a personal guarantor, and promised to help towards its success.
On Saturday evening two miners, John BACKLAND and W. OAKLAND, were killed in the City and Suburban Mine, Johannesburg. They had prepared nine charges of dynamite in a drive, and preparatory to igniting the fuse they sent a Kafir assistant away. As the men had not followed, the Kafir returned to the scene, after the charges had exploded, and discovered their two lifeless bodies in a terribly mangled condition. The men had only proceeded a distance of 20 feet from the holes. How the accident occurred is a mystery.
Saturday 12 March 1898
BIRTH at Ellington House, Grahamstown, on March 11th, the wife of Henry WOOD of a son.
DIED at Grahamstown, 12th March, Reginald Benjamin, youngest son of Mr. Ben. FARLEY, aged 1 year 9 months and 5 days.
One bud the Gardener gave me, a fair and loving child,
He gave it to my keeping, to cherish undefiled,
It lay upon my bosom, it was my hope, my pride,
Perhaps it was an idol, which I must be denied,
For just as it was opening in glory to the day,
Came down the Heavenly Gardener and took my bud away,
Yet not in wrath He took it, a smile was on His face,
And tenderly and kindly He bore it from its place.
A Brave Young Lady – Body not yet Recovered.
Port Alfred, Friday (Our Correspondent):
A very sad accident occurred here yesterday morning when Miss Ada JACKSON, sister of Mrs. Fred PAXTON, of the Kimberley Hotel, lost her life whilst bathing. It appears that Miss JACKSON, accompanied by two little girls, was bathing on the East Beach, not far from the Pavilion. Just at the spot is a hole, about 10 ft deep, in the old channel of the river, which is very dangerous, especially at low water. It happened to be dead low water when the accident occurred. The unfortunate young lady and the two children were holding hands in the surf, when one of the little girls fell into this hole. Miss JACKSON pulled her out, but while doing so a wave came, pulled her off her feet, and swept her out into deep water. The two children got out safely and immediately gave the alarm. Two gentlemen from Cuylerville happened to be riding along the beach. As soon as they heard what was wrong one of them, Mr. Basset SIMPSON of Shaw Park, thew off his clothes and dived into the hole, making every effort possible to find the body, but without success. The port boat was got out and a crew organised to search at sea as far as the Fountain Rocks, while search parties were sent out in every direction along the beach. The search was kept up through the night, but up to the time of writing the body has not been found. Deepest sympathy is felt for the bereaved family, especially for the sister, Mrs. PAXTON, who is quite prostrated by the sudden blow.
It is quite time the numerous warnings which have been given of the danger of bathing on the East Beach were heeded. Safe bathing is provided in the Lagoon, while on the West Side also there is good bathing to be had, but in spite of the numerous accidents people continue to use the East Beach, which is extremely dangerous in some places, especially with a receding tide, owing to the strong current, and the peculiarly shifting character of the sand.
Port Alfred, Saturday morning (Own Correspondent):
The body has not yet been found. It is feared now that it never will be. Miss JACKSON was bathing with Mrs. L.O. LLOYD, Misses THARRATT and Muriel MATTHEWS. The latter child’s life was saved by Miss JACKSON’s brave efforts.
[Transcriber’s note: There are several letters to the newspaper calling for better warning signs at the Kowie]
Tuesday 15 March 1898
BIRTH at Belmont Cottage on March 13th 1898, the wife of H.J. MARAIS of a son.
On Friday, says the Bechuanaland News, a sixteen-year-old son of Mr. LOMBARD, a farmer who lives in the Transvaal close to our border, did not return from school at the usual hour, and in the evening the parents went to look for him. They found his body lying by the roadside, struck dead by lightning.
A case is reported from Port Shepstone of a whole family having been poisoned by [arsenic] having been placed in tea by a Cingalese servant. The victims are Mr. FRASER, manager of the Barrow Green Tea Estate, and family. Mr. FRASER is dead, and others are in a critical state. The servant was brought from Ceylon by Mr. FRASER, who had large experience there on a tea estate.
Thursday 17 March 1898
DROWNED at Port Alfred on the 10th March 1898, Ada Blanche Maud, the third and beloved daughter of George and Harriet JACKSON, of Grahamstown, aged 22 years and 2 months.
The Mother and family tender their sincere thanks to all friends for their kind and unremitting attention and assistance during their hours of sorrow.
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on March 16, E.G. CHAPMAN, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. E. CHAPMAN, aged 30 years.
The funeral of the above will leave the residence of his father, Market Square, this (Thursday) afternoon at 5 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
DIED at Grahamstown on March 16, Jane SCOTT, relict of the late George EATON Sen., aged 67 years.
I rest my soul on Jesus,
This weary soul of mine:
His right hand me embraces,
I on his breast recline.
I love the name of Jesus,
Immanuel, Christ the Lord:
Like fragrance on the breezes
His name abroad is poured.
I long to be like Jesus,
Meek, loving, lowly, mild:
I long to be like Jesus,
The Father’s Holy Child.
I long to be with Jesus,
Amid the heavenly throng,
To sing with saints His praises,
To learn the angel’s song.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Queen Street, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
It is our sad duty today to report the deaths of two well-known members of this community, both of whom will be missed by a large circle of friends. Mrs. George EATON, senior, died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 3pm. Mr. E.G. CHAPMAN, son of our fellow citizen, Mr. Edward CHAPMAN, died very suddenly last evening from a relapse in a case of fever. The funeral will take place this evening at 5 o’clock. We tender our sincerest sympathies to the bereaved relatives in both cases, in their sad and sudden bereavement.
The funeral of Mr. C. LILFORD, an old East Londoner, who came out 40 years ago, took place recently. He had got up in the morning, apparently in good health, but while walking towards the window to draw the curtains he was seized with apoplexy. His eldest son is manager of the Standard Bank at Cathcart.
A private telegram states that the body of Mr. Woolf JOEL will be embalmed and taken to England for burial in Willesden Cemetery, London N., where the late Mr. BARNATO was interred.
Private DENNISON, a recent recruit of the Cape Police at Aliwal North, committed suicide by shooting himself through the temple on Thursday. He had been off duty since the morning, and it was thought that he had deserted, but in the afternoon the body was found near Kraai River Drift among the rocks, and a revolver was found in the water. A post mortem was held, but the result is not yet known. On the same day Emil LOESCHER, Hotel-keeper at Myburgh’s, formerly called BRAND, blew his brains out with a charge of buckshot. A letter was found in his pocket saying he was determined to do so at 4 o’clock in the morning. An inquest was held by the Magistrate of Burghersdorp.
Bedford, Tuesday (Own Correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs.John WEBSTER, descendants of the British Settlers of 1820, who left Grahamstown over 40 years ago, celebrated their Golden Wedding at Bedford on March 12th. Both of them are hale and hearty. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. WEBSTER most heartily on the auspicious occasion they have just celebrated, and also on their consummation of 50 years of married life. That they are both descendants of the revered old British Settlers of 1820 makes the event all the more interesting.
Saturday 19 March 1898
The funeral of the late Mr. E.G. CHAPMAN took place on Thursday afternoon last, and there was a very large attendance of friends and relatives. The pall bearers were the Hon. Wm. AYLIFF, Messrs. C.J. STIRK, A.A. STANTON, L.S. CREED, Col. A.E. NELSON and Bert WEBBER. The service at the graveside was conducted by Revs. G.W. CROSS, G.J. HELM and W. LIDDLE, each of whom took part. Many beautiful wreaths and floral offerings were sent from loving friends. Mr.A. WILL, Undertaker, conducted the funeral. The late Mr. E.G. CHAPMAN, who was perhaps better known to us all as “Boet”, was the son of Mr. Edward CHAPMAN, one of the best known of Grahamstown’s citizens, and was educated here at the Public School. He has for the last 5 years been farming successfully in Bechuanaland, and two years ago married a daughter of Mr. W. TARRANT of this City. He was down here on a holiday when the fatal fever seized him, and at the very moment when his friends were rejoicing to find him getting on so well, he suffered a relapse and died. The end was startlingly sudden. Mr. CHAPMAN had not a single enemy, and this is one of the best things that can be said of any man. The event is rendered all the more sad as it was his birthday on Wednesday last, and if he had lived till yesterday he would have been married just two years. To the bereaved relatives we tender our sincere sympathies.
Tuesday 22 March 1898
Now We Shan’t Be Long!
The Well-Known Farrier
Begs to give notice to his Clients and the Public generally that he has removed his Farriery Shop to Dundas Street, next to the Union Chapel, and hopes still to receive a due share of the public patronage.
The wife of the Rev. C.H. HUTT of a daughter, on Tuesday March 22nd.
DIED at Peddie, John Fletcher BRADFIELD (Jack), 17th March 1898, aged 23 years 5 months.
Oh call it not death,
‘Tis a Holy sleep.
The sorrowing young Widow and Parents wish to convey their sincere thanks to all friends for their kind and unremitting attention and assistance during their hour of sorrow.
DIED at Grahamstown on Monday March 21st, James STANTON, aged 55 years 1 month and 17 days.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, near Kingswood College, this (Tuesday) afternoon at 5 o’clock. All friends are invited to attend.
Mr. BORKENHAGEN is said to have caught his fatal illness by standing in the night air. Leaving a heated room, he and a friend strolled on to the bridge at Bloemfontein and stood talking for some time. He caught a chill in the stomach and during the night was seized with paralysis, from which he never recovered.
It is with extreme regret that we have to record the death of our well-known and highly respected fellow townsman, Mr. James STANTON, who passed away very peacefully in Monday night, at 9:15, at the comparatively early age of 55 years. The lamented gentleman has done much good service to the town, as a member of both the Town and Divisional Councils, and it was only failing health which compelled him to resign from these important bodies some few months ago. The Town Council presented him with an illuminated address thanking him for his past services and trusting he would soon be restored to health again. Some twelve months since Mr. STANTON’s health began to fail, and notwithstanding the best medical skill he continued gradually to get weaker, but was able to get about town until within the past three months, when he was confined to the precincts of his home. The strong, robust frame became sadly thin and attenuated, until his strength utterly gave way, compelling him to take to his couch. Mr. STANTON leaves behind him a widow and one son, and a host of sympathising friends and relatives, to all of whom we express our deepest sympathy in this their day of sorrow.
The second detachment of the Royal Berkshire Regiment left here for Kingwilliamstown on foot on Saturday, the weather being most oppressively warm. The men were much overcome by the heat, and at Committees towards evening Corporal COWAN of the Rand fell from an attack of heat apoplexy. Though all was done that could be done, he died, and was buried at Committees. Another soldier was also taken from the same cause, but recovered.
Again we must point out that it is too much to expect of young soldiers just out from an English winter to march in the broiling heat of South Africa. Night marches should be strictly observed, or else we shall hear of more casualties.
Thursday 24 March 1898
The many friends of Mr. Gerald CARPENTER, a well-known Bayonian, who, however, has been residing in Johannesburg during the past few years, will regret (says the P.E. Telegraph) to learn that he has met with a painful accident. It appears that Mr. CARPENTER was playing tennis when his partner, in striking the ball, caught him a violent blow with his racket under the jaw. The result was serious, for Mr. CARPENTER’s jaw was very much injured, and nearly all his front teeth were knocked out. The latest particulars received state that he was progressing as favourably towards recovery as could be expected.
The funeral of the late Mr. J. STANTON took place on Tuesday afternoon and was very largely attended. The Freemasons attended in good numbers to do the last honours to their departed Brother, and Bro. E.S. CREED, W.M. St.John’s Lodge, read the Masonic ritual for the burial of the dead. Rev. W. LIDDLE MA, of Trinity Church, conducted the first part of the service. The following were the pall bearers: Messrs. H.R. WOOD(Mayor), Col. A.E. NELSON, A. PREDDY, J.W. BAYES, G. MARSHALL, G. ROWLEY, J.H. WEBBER and E. CHAPMAN. The funeral arrangements were as usual undertaken efficiently by Mr. A. WILL.
Saturday 26 March 1898
Whilst two sons of Mr. OOSTHUIZEN of Waterfall, Transvaal, were ploughing recently on their father’s farm, along with a young native, the lightning struck them all. The younger one was stunned, but the elder brother, the native and five oxen were killed on the spot.
Tuesday 29 March 1898
BIRTH at Grahamstown on March 27th 1898, the wife of E.A. ASHINGTON of a son.
DIED at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on Monday March 28th 1898, Cumberland Thomas HILL, eldest son of the late John HILL, of Grahamstown, aged 66 years. Deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Thursday 31 March 1898
News has arrived at Capetown by the mail of the sudden death from influenza of the Rev. Dr. HOLE, for over ten years incumbent of Trinity Church, Capetown. He was an extremely popular preacher.
An Inquest to be Held
Port Alfred, Thursday 11:40am (Special wire to Journal)
Part remains of the late Miss JACKSON were found yesterday. An inquest will be held today.
The sad news of the death at Smithfield, O.F.S., of Mr. Cumberland Thomas HILL on Monday last was received here by his many relatives with deep regret. The name of HILL is one which is one of the best known in Grahamstown and the Colony at large. The deceased was formerly a leading member of Commemoration Church choir, an earnest worker in the Sunday School, and indeed took part in all the church work here, as well as attending to the other duties of a good citizen, and though it is 30 years or more since he lived here, he is well remembered. He carried on successfully a wagon-factory business on the Market Square. He was the eldest son of the late Mr. John HILL of Grahamstown, who came to this country even before the British Settlers of 1820, landing in the Colony [with] the Scotch party in 1817. Mr. John HILL was born in 1800, and died at the ripe old age of 77. Mr. C.T.HILL, who died very suddenly, was 66 years of age. In writing these few lines about a worthy man, we tender our sincerest sympathies to the bereaved relations.
- Hits: 1920