Grahamstown Journal 1898 04 April
Saturday 2 April 1898
DIED at her residence, Cross-street, Grahamstown, on Friday April 1st, Emily Elizabeth, relict of the late William Charles MINGAY, aged 56 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave Cross-street on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.
We regret that it is our sad duty today to chronicle the death of another well-known and old resident of this City. Mrs. W.C. MINGAY died yesterday, at her residence in Cross Street. Her end was caused by heart disease, from which she has been a sufferer for many years, and although the end was expected, still it came as a great shock. She was aged 56 years, and was the relict of the late William Charles MINGAY, who will be remembered as being 20 years ago in the first rank of Grahamstown musical circles. Mrs. MINGAY leaves two sons and two daughters to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind and loving mother, and we would wish to join with their many other friends in expressing our deepest sympathies with them in their affliction. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.
DIED at Grahamstown Asylum on April 2nd, James MACDONALD, Engine Driver, late of Port Alfred, aged 54 years.
Mrs. MACDONALD and family desire to thank the Doctors and Attendants for all their kindness.
Rev. Theodore MEYER, pastor of Jamestown, son-in-law of Mr. D. DE WAAL M.L.A., has died of typhoid. Deceased, who was only 32 years of age, was regarded as a broad-minded Dutch minister, and was extremely popular.
On Thursday the 24th inst. a sad accident occurred at Still Bay. Mr. Pieter J. COORTS, [ar.] of Rietvallei in the Prince Albert district, and one of its enterprising farmers, having taken his wife (a daughter of Mr. Helgard RENSBURG of Neve), who is in delicate health, to enjoy sea air at Still Bay, went in on Saturday last with some of his children to fetch her. On Thursday morning he went together with his little boy to bathe at the mouth of the river. The tide was very high at the time, and a strong wave carried him out of his depth, and he was swept out to sea by the strong current running out of the river. He was seen to swim and struggle against the adverse current for some time, but succumbed before any assistance could be rendered; there being no boats near and most of the visitors still in bed. Mr. COORTS was about 62 years of age and leaves a young widow and seven children to mourn his loss. The body was found some distance off the bathing place on Friday morning.
[Transcriber’s note: His Death Notice says he was also known as Pieter Jacobus KOORTS and his wife was Susanna Elizabeth JANSE v RENSBURG]
Tuesday 5 April 1898
This morning in Commemoration Church a very pretty wedding took place. Miss H.E. FLETCHER, the daughter of the late Mr. G. FLETCHER, and granddaughter of the late Mr. W.A. FLETCHER, and also of our respected neighbour, Mrs. C.A. HILL, was united in wedlock with Mr. F.W. PHILLIPS, of Port Elizabeth. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. A.T. RHODES, and the service was fully choral, the bride having been for many years a member of the church choir. Mr. T.E. SPEED presided at the organ and played the customary “Wedding March”. The bride, who was elegantly attired in a dress of cream Surah silk trimmed with chiffon, pearl embroidery and orange blossoms, with wreath and veil (made by Messrs. Muirhead & Gowie), and who carried a handsome bouquet, the gift of the bridegroom, was given away by Mr. F. HARRIS. The bridesmaid was Miss Ivy HILL of Salem, cousin of the bride, whose dress was made of cream grenadine, trimmed with yellow and cream chiffon, and who wore a white felt hat with feathers. Mr. Stanley DOLD was groomsman. A large number of guests were present. After the ceremony an adjournment was made to the house of the bride’s mother in Bathurst Street, where a reception was held. The presents were very numerous and costly, the bride having been very popular in this city. The happy pair left by cart for Manley’s Flat, en route for Port Alfred, where the honeymoon is to be spent. We heartily join with their many friends in wishing them long life and great happiness.
Thursday 7 April 1898
Married on 5th April at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, Harriett Emmeline, daughter of the late George Henry FLETCHER, of Grahamstown, to Frank Warr PHILLIPS, of Port Elizabeth, son of the late George F. PHILLIPS, Norwich, England.
A very pretty wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth, last Thursday morning by the Rev. D. HEWITT, when Mr. Ewart DAMERELL took to the altar Miss Emily Ann MASTERSON, both of whom are well-known residents of that town. The happy pair spend their honeymoon in Grahamstown.
William Harold SMITH, a young fellow, who recently recovered from enteric fever, committed suicide at Durban on Monday by shooting himself through the brain with one revolver shot. He had been in somewhat low spirits since his illness, and complained of loss of memory. He has no relatives in South Africa.
A sad bathing fatality occurred in the Bay at Durban on Monday when Joseph William CARNABY, an engineer, and his two sons, aged thirteen and nine respectively, were drowned. The father was in the habit of taking his boys for swimming lessons. They had nearly finished their bathing when the younger brother got beyond his depth and disappeared. The father and brother hastened to his assistance, but the latter being unable to swim clutched his father on reaching deep water, and almost simultaneously the other brother seized the father, and all sank to rise no more.
Saturday 9 April 1898
A pretty little wedding took place this morning at 11 o’clock in Christ Church, Oatlands, when Mr. Fred VAN DER RIET, formerly of the Solicitor-General’s office here, but who has since received promotion further north, was married to Miss Mary FRANKLIN, daughter of our well-known fellow citizen, Mr. George E. FRANKLIN. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. M. NORTON, Incumbent of the Church, and the wedding was a very quiet one. May every happiness go with the young couple.
A boy of 12, belonging to Fort Beaufort, Percival VICE, was unhappily drowned while bathing in the river near the bridge on Sunday morning, about 7 o’clock. It is supposed (says the Advocate) that whilst diving he struck his head against a rock. Noticing that he was stunned, his brother went into the water and brought him out. He was, however, already dead.
are naturally subjects of interest for every young girl. The chief ambition is to have a rich husband and an extensive establishment, but her pleas become greatly modified as her experience of the world grows more matured. At last she settles down to the conviction that riches do not mean happiness, and she determines to be content with true worth, even if allied to comparative poverty. When she comes to this frame of mind she makes herself worthy to be a true helpmate to the man of her choice. Her first duty is to obtain the blessing of sound health. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS will give all that is required in this direction if they are taken with regularity.
Tuesday 12 April 1898
DIED at his residence, High-Street, Grahamstown, on the 10th April, James Wilson ABBOTT, aged 73 years, born at Northampton, England.
Our obituary columns today contain a record of the death on last Easter Sunday evening of Mr. James Wilson ABBOTT, a well-known, greatly esteemed and respected citizen of Grahamstown. Mr. ABBOTT was born in Northampton, England, on the 17th March 1825, and conducted a business of builder and contractor there and subsequently in London, until in January 1861 he decided to seek his fortune in the Cape Colony, and with his wife and five children he came out to Port Elizabeth in the sailing vessel ‘Matilda Atheling’, then one of the largest sailing packets trading with the Cape. Grahamstown was Mr. ABBOTT’s choice, and in this city he settled with his family and remained here until his death. When Mr. ABBOTT started business here he threw a life and energy into the building trade, which in itself was a revolution. His first important work was the rebuilding of Wood’s Hotel; this was taken after fitting up the old Council Chamber in the stores hitherto occupied by W.R. THOMPSON & Co. Then came the tenders for building the London and South African Bank, now the Standard Bank, and for this Mr. ABBOTT’s tender was accepted, and the building stands to this day as one of the most substantial in the City. Following this work were the alterations for the Public Library, the building of the Albany Hall; St.Phillip’s Church in the location; Healdtown Church; Christ Church, Gill College, Somerset; Public Offices, Peddie; St.Aidan’s College; the Wesleyan Church in Port Elizabeth; the Grahamstown Town Hall; and within a few years since the rebuilding of Messrs. BAYES & Co’s Bon Marché premises, a feat of skill and contrivance rarely carried out in this Colony, Messrs. BAYES & Co having been enabled to conduct their large business without interruption during the rebuilding of their premises. The Convent here has been almost rebuilt by Mr. ABBOTT. The Cathcart House Hotel on Market Square is also a monument of Mr. ABBOTT’s skill and economy of material. The large stores of HOWSE, REYNOLDS & Co, now Messrs. FITCHAT & Co, in Bathurst Street, the late Mr. WHITEHEAD’s property in Church Square, and the alterations of Messrs. KNIGHT & Co’s business premises were all his work. Two or three of the delicately skilled successes of Mr. ABBOTT may be mentioned by referring to his placing of the new stained glass windows in Commemoration Church, the fixing of the tablet to the memory of the Rev. William SHAW in Commemoration Church, the tablet having been received here in broken fragments, the fixing of the memorial tablet in the Cathedral to the memory of the late Dean WILLIAMS, the erection of this monument with the figure of Good Hope, and the vault where rest the remains of the Hon. Robert GODLONTON and Mrs. GODLONTON, and the insertion and construction of the Gothic arch in the north wall of Commemoration Church to receive the new Organ Building. Of Mr. ABBOTT’s latest work, and his Magnum Opus, the magnificent and imposing structure of Kingswood College here, will stand for all time as a monument to his skill and fame as a master builder.
Mr. ABBOTT deserved the title of the Napoleon of his trade here. Not only was he conversant to the fullest extent with every detail connected to his business, but in architecture and in correcting the errors of plans given to him to work from he showed a skill and ability which were little less than marvellous, and worthy of a professional expert. He never knew what the word “impossible” meant, and could solve any difficulty in the plans given him when there was necessity to do so. Of his private character it may be said that as a citizen Mr. ABBOTT had the friendship of everyone who knew him. He was universally respected and esteemed, and his loss is, outside that of his family, most keenly felt by a very large circle of friends. No kinder or worthier man ever took up his lot in this city than the late James Wilson ABBOTT, and for his monument in this city it may be said “look around”. The absence of knowledge of his illness, and its unexpected termination, prevented many friends from making friendly enquiries. To his widow, his four sons, and two daughters, Mrs. ADDISON and Mrs. MORRIS, of Elliotdale, Bomvanaland, we tender our sincerest sympathies, and we know that we are joined in them by very many of Grahamstown’s citizens. The funeral of the late Mr. ABBOTT took place at eight o’clock this morning, and was attended by a large and representative number of citizens and friends. The Chief Mourners were the sons of the deceased, Mr. W.B. ABBOTT, Mr. F.J. ABBOTT, Mr. A.A. ABBOTT, and Mr. E.W. ABBOTT, and two grandchildren, Masters James and Julius ABBOTT. The pall bearers were: the Mayor, Henry R. WOOD Esq,; John E. WOOD Esq. M.L.A.; Lieutenant-Colonel NELSON; Honourable William AYLIFF; John W. BAYES Esq. and J. ARMSTRONG Esq, Inspector of the Public Works Department, Grahamstown. The service was read at the late residence of the deceased, and at the graveside by the Rev. Messrs. CHUBB, A.T. RHODES and J. PENDLEBURY. The funeral arrangements were conducted by Mr. A. WILL.
The sad news comes to hand today of the sudden death at the Kowie yesterday of Mr. Edw. DICKS senior, who was for many years in business in this City. Full particulars are not yet to hand.
The death of Mr. J. Douglas WALLACE took place at his residence on the farm Northcote, near Willow Grange, Natal, on Thursday week last, under most distressing circumstances. It appears that Mr. WALLACE was taking a walk around his fields, and when walking through some long grass at the end of a donga, was bitten by a huge puff-adder which, after biting him, renewed the attack. He succeeded, however, in killing the reptile, and sucked the wound, which was in the lower part of the calf of his leg, after which he walked home, a distance of about three hundred yards, Unfortunately he was entirely alone excepting for native servants, and without any remedy excepting a small bottle of brandy. Physicians were speedily summoned, but in spite of medical aid and the attentions of his wife and brother, Mr. WALLACE died of the poison.
A sad accident is reported from King as happening in the Gaga. A cart in which Mrs. FLANAGAN, of Mancazana, was travelling from Alice, got off the road in the dark night and ran against an antheap, with the result that the lady was thrown out and her neck broken.
East London papers describe the recent marriage of Miss Annie L. DALLAS, daughter of the Town Councillor James DALLAS, to Mr. W.J. ATHERSTONE, late of Grahamstown, as “perhaps the prettiest wedding ever celebrated in East London proper”. The Rev. J.T. FERGUSON, Presbyterian Minister, officiated, and there were about three hundred guests.
Thursday 14 April 1898
PASSED AWAY at Brighton on the 18th March, Mary Anne, relict of the late Dr. J.C. MINTO.
It is proposed to organise in connection with the South African Industrial and Arts Exhibition to be held here in December and January next, special Settlers’ Jubilee Festivities, in the same way as was done at the 1887 Exhibition. It is expected that this will prove an additional attraction to all descendants of those sturdy old pioneers of civilisation in 1820. But very few, if any, Settlers are themselves alive, but their descendants are legion.
Saturday 16 April 1898
DIED very suddenly at his residence, Port Alfred, on the 11th April, Edward Ford DICKS sen., aged 67 years and 11 months.
DIED at Grahamstown on the evening of the 15th April 1898, Thomas HUBBARD, aged 49 years.
The Funeral of the late Mr. HUBBARD will leave the Baptist Church tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
Yesterday afternoon there passed away at the Albany Hospital a well-known figure in Grahamstown in the person of Mr. T. HUBBARD, for many years overseer of the convict gang. He met with an accident to his knee about two months ago, while at work in South Street, and eventually entered the Hospital. His wife was up to see him yesterday and while she was there he died suddenly, from fatty degeneration of the heart. This is a particularly sad case, as Mr. HUBBARD leaves a widow and eight children, with absolutely no provision.
Last week a lean man named ROOS was found lying dead in a furrow in the old town. Foul play was suspected, but the post mortem reveals that he was suffering from hunger, and had slipped into the furrow head first. The deceased belonged to a band of religious fanatics, headed by one SWANEPOEL, and had been suffering from intense excitement, fasting being a portion of his religious exercises.
Tuesday 19 April 1898
FELL ASLEEP at Port Elizabeth, April 11th 1898, George Cuthbert, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred THOMAS, Welcome Wood, aged 3 months and 11 days.
Lost awhile our treasured love
Gained for ever, safe above.
News has reached Graaffreinet of a distressing fatality between there and Aberdeen. Young Andries AURET, son of the Scab Inspector of Graaffreinet, and related to several prominent families there, was out shooting at [Bassons’s] Kraal on Monday afternoon when John HOFFMANN, who accompanied him, heard an unexpected shot close by. AURET staggered up to him, exclaiming “Look what I have done”, and showed his bowels perforated with shot. He clutched HOFFMANN, and then dropped dead. The affair created a deep sensation. It is believed to be an accident through deceased striking the butt end of the gun on the ground, when the trigger slipped. He was 17 years old.
Thursday 21 April 1898
MARRIED at Westbourne Church, Glasgow, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Orrock Johnstone, assisted by the Rev. David Ross MA, Ronald Charles GRANT, son of Colonel James GRANT, to Mina Waller, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. STEWART, of Lovedale.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on April 14th 1898, George GOLDSWAIN, aged 57 years and 14 days – deeply regretted.
From Vryheid, S.A.R., is reported the murder of a young German named Gustav CORDEN, in the employ of Mr. Louis COMBRINK of that town, who was unexpectedly set upon by a Kafir with a kerrie and killed on the spot. CORDEN discovered the murderer killing one of his employer’s sheep and, reprimanding him. Was done to death in a most brutal manner. The murderer was arrested, but thanks to a policeman named VAN ROOYEN, afterwards effected his escape.
Tuesday 26 April 1898
BIRTH at Hodges-street, Grahamstown, on April 23rd 1898, the wife of Mr. Geo. EATON of a son.
We record with much regret the death of Percy O’BRIEN, which was caused through a fall from his bicycle. As he was coming rapidly down the Cradock Road, the bicycle appears to have jerked in passing through a sluit, and the rider fell heavily upon his head, fracturing the skull. He was not at first unconscious and managed to return home to St.Aidan’s College, where, however, he soon lost consciousness, and in spite of surgical attendance he died during the afternoon of Sunday. The poor young fellow was a great favourite with his fellow pupils, and gave promise of a useful life. His remains were sent down by the night train to Port Elizabeth for burial, his father being Mr. T. O’BRIEN, a well-known citizen of that town. We offer sincere condolences to the bereaved parents and family in this sudden and deep affliction.
The settlers at New Germany, Natal, celebrated the jubilee of 50 years’ existence of the settlement, which was rendered gay with arches and bunting. A thanksgiving service, public speeches, a children’s service, juvenile sports, races etc. filled the programmes. Some of the older settlers contrasted their early experiences with the success now attending them, and recounted the hardships of that period.
Thursday 28 April 1898
MARRIED at West Hill Church on Wednesday 27th April 1898, by the Rev. J. Pendlebury, William Paull SLATER, second son of J. SLATER Esq. of Grahamstown, to Ethel Jessie, fourth daughter of P.GIBSON Esq.
DIED at St.Aidan’s College, Grahamstown, on Sunday last, the 24th April 1898, Percy Walter, youngest son of Ellen and Thomas O’BRIEN, Port Elizabeth, aged 15 years 2 months and 8 days.
“Thy Holy Will be Done”
Yesterday at West Hill Wesleyan Church Mr. W.P. SLATER, son of Mr. Josiah SLATER of the Journal, was united in wedlock with Miss Ethel GIBSON, daughter of Mr. P. GIBSON. The ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. J. PENDLEBURY, was of a quiet nature, but a goodly number of friends were there to witness it. The bride, who looked very charming, was given away by her brother, Mr. W.G. GIBSON. Her costume was made of cream [illegible] alpaca with full train, the sleeves and epaulettes were of cream [broché] and the bodice was trimmed with pearl passementerie and chiffon. She carried a very showy bouquet. The [dress] was made by Mrs. ROTHWELL.
The bridesmaid was Miss SLATER, sister of the bridegroom, who wore an elegant costume made by Miss SCHALLER, composed of fancy pink silk material trimmed very tastefully with pink chiffon and silk to match. Her hat was of white velvet trimmed with white ostrich tips, white satin ribbon and velvet, with pink, and she carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums and ferns. The best man was Mr. P. GIBSON, brother of the bride. The button holes worn by the gentlemen were made by Messrs. W. & C. GOWIE. Mr. T.E. SPEED presided at the organ and played the usual Wedding March.
After the ceremony the company adjourned to the house of the bride’s mother, where hearty congratulations were showered upon the happy pair. Subsequently the bride and bridegroom left by cart for Manley’s Flat, taking the afternoon train thence to Port Alfred, where the honeymoon is to be spent.
In Commemoration Church this morning a very pretty wedding was celebrated. The contracting parties were Mr. W.H. BARNES, of Church Square, and Miss Jessie BLACKBEARD, daughter of Mrs. BLACKBEARD, Bathurst Street. The church was almost filled with guests and friends of the bride and bridegroom, Miss BLACKBEARD being very popular in the city.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. PENDLEBURY and was fully choral, the bride having been for many years a useful member of the Church Choir. Mr. T.E. SPEED presided at the organ and played the Wedding March.
The bride, who entered the Church upon the arm of her brother, Mr. [illegible] BLACKBEARD, looked very elegant and charming, attired in a superb costume of white figured silk with court train. The dress was trimmed with [chiffon] and pearl embroidery. She wore a [wreath] of orange blossom and a veil, and carried a lovely bouquet of flowers.
The bridesmaid was Miss [Lizzie] SLATER, niece of the bride, who wore a [...] dress trimmed with pale green [silk] with hat and feather to match. The dresses were made by Madame [A....] [of] Messrs. BIRCH & Co. There were two little flower girls, Miss Nellie BROOK and Miss Evelyn BLACKBEARD, nieces of the bride. The best man was Mr. H.R. BARNES, brother of the bride.
After the ceremony [illegible] was made to the house of Mr. P.E. [illegible] where the guests were [illegible...]reception held. The presents were both numerous and costly... [the rest of the paragraph is mostly illegible]
The happy couple […...]town by cart for Kingwilliamstown [en route for] for East London.
We join with the many […] wish long life and great happiness [to] the wedded couple.
[Transcriber’s note: The right hand side of the scan is over exposed and the print has sometimes disappeared completely]
Mrs. HOBY (Miss KELLY) wife of Mr. HOBY, musician, of Durban, who was removed to the Johannesburg lazaretto suffering from small pox on Monday, died there shortly afterwards.
Last Tuesday evening as Mr. PEVERELL was riding into town from Waainek Camp, his horse suddenly fell, throwing him to the ground, and thereby breaking his collar-bone, and severely bruising him. The horse’s knees were badly smashed.
The Durban friendly societies have agreed to hold a combined church parade for the benefit of Mrs. CARNABY and family, the father of the family being drowned, and it is intended to make such gatherings annual, to provide a permanent fund for similar purposes.
On Saturday (says the Watchman) two men went out buck shooting on a farm near Macleantown. A large bushbuck ram suddenly jumped up and ran between them, and, we suppose, in the excitement of the moment, one of the men fired. The contents of his gun, however, lodged in his companion’s body with fatal effect, and he died shortly afterwards. The deceased’s name is Franz BECKER, a widower, residing close to Macleantown, and he leaves a large family, for whom much sympathy is expressed.
On Wednesday last the members of the German Baptist Church, worshiping [sic] in the Buffalo Road, King, met together in the garden of Rev. Hugo GUTSCHE to commorate [sic] his fifty fith [sic] birthday, by singing hymns and anthems, the […] hymn “Now praise we […] hence the same which was sung at his first arrival into Kingwilliamstown 30 years ago. Rev. GERNETSKY, his co-pastor, on behalf of the congregation, then made (says the Watchman) a very suitable speech, and presented Mr. GUTSCHE with a purse, saying at the same time, that they could not allow their pastor who had been amongst them for so long, to have to do so much walking, so the money was to be spent on purchasing a pair of horses.
GOLD AT THE [......]
The locality of the gold discovery (the Advertiser says) is beyond Zuurpoort in the Sneeuwberge about midway between Graaffreinet and Richmond. After receipt of the favourable report of the assayer from Capetown last week, Mr. Albertyn DU TOIT, owner of the farm, formed a syndicate with Mr. O. BERHOLSTZ, his son-in-law, Messrs. J. DU TOIT, GROBBELAAR and GRIMWALT, adjoining farmers and three or four other residents of the neighbourhood. With the capital raised employment was given to a number of boys, who started work on the reef on Monday. The prospector states that the rock resembles the Rand reef, and extends for some distance. There is some limited water supply on the spot for crushing and washing.
At Kingwilliamstown on Monday about [1] a.m. a native entered the house of Mr. STAP, living on the outskirts of the town. Mr. STAP awoke with the noise in the bedroom, and looking up saw a form passing the foot of the bed. He immediately got up and caught the intruder by the leg as he was making his escape through the window. A fierce struggle ensued in which Mrs, STAP came to her husband’s assistance and belaboured the burglar with a long narrow wedge of stone. The native ultimately secured his release , not, however, before biting STAP severely on the arm, and knocking two of his wife’s teeth out. Mrs. STAP behaved with astonishing pluck. The depredator was caught about seven o’clock this morning while quietly painting outside one of the stores, and he confessed to being the party wanted, and will be duly brought before the Magistrate.
It is our sad duty to-day to chronicle the death, through a bicycle accident on Saturday last, of Master Percy Walter O’BRIEN, youngest son of Mr. Thomas O’BRIEN, of Port Elizabeth. Percy O’BRIEN, who was a student at St. Aidan’s College, Grahamstown, for over two years, was about 15 years of age, and was a very clever and promising boy. Needless, perhaps, to state, the untimely death of their beloved son has proved a great blow to his parents, who are prostrated with grief at the terrible calamity, and the deepest sympathy of our many readers will, we are sure, go out to the grief-stricken parents in their sad bereavement. From what we can gather, it appears that young Percy O’BRIEN, accompanied by two school friends, namely John REES and F. McGRATH, both belonging to East London, went for a spin on their bicycles as far as the race course. On the return journey the boys decided to ride into town by way of the Cradock Road, a very steep thoroughfare, when Percy O’BRIEN in his attempt to steer the bicycle clear of a rut in the roadway suddenly swerved over and was pitched some distance down the sloping decline. Had he let go the handles of his machine, the chances are that the poor little fellow would have escaped serious injury, but holding on to the machine the bicycle turned over on top of him. Little O’BRIEN was partly stunned by the fall, which the doctors say caused a fracture at the base of the skull, but on regaining consciousness the plucky little fellow told his companions that he felt all right, and he actually walked over a mile from the scene of the accident [to] the College without assistance. About half an hour [after] he reached home he complained to his brother that he did not feel well, and went to his room. The Rev. Father RYAN and Father O’ROURKE at once attended to the boy, and seeing that the injuries were serious, they despatched messengers for medical assistance. Doctors were promptly in attendance, and they did all in their power to soothe the sufferings of their young patient, but in spite of their exertions the poor little fellow gradually sank until an early hour on Sunday morning, when death put an end to his worldly sufferings. Mr. O’BRIEN, who was apprised by telegram of the accident, left on Saturday evening, accompanied by Mrs. O’BRIEN, but the parents unfortunately arrived too late to be present with their boy in his last moments. On Sunday evening service was held in the College chapel, when the office for the dead was read, and the body was subsequently sent by the night train to Port Elizabeth for interment. The funeral took place from his parents’ residence, Erinville, Cape Road, on Monday afternoon, when a large following of mourners attended. Included in the mournful procession to the South End Cemetery were the Rev. Father RYAN, S.J., Rector of St. Aidan’s, and several scholars from the College who had come down for the funeral. Nearly all the Marist Brothers were present, and preceding the hearse about 100 boys from the Brothers’ School, where the deceased was formerly a pupil, marched in procession. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Charles O’BRIEN, Chas. SMART, A. JACKSON, H. PHILPOTT, Jas. P. LYONS, and Aidan LYONS, all old Aidanites. The last sad rites at the grave side were performed by the Rev. Father BOURKE, assisted by the Rev. Rector of St. Aidan’s, Father RYAN, who delivered a touching address to the mourners at the close of the service. Needless to say the sad event, whereby a bright young life is cut short, is keenly deplored on all sides, and Mr. O’BRIEN has received numerous telegrams and letters from friends in all parts of the Colony condoling with him and his wife on their sad loss. Through the medium of our columns Mr. and Mrs. O’BRIEN desire to return their sincere thanks to the many kind friends who sent wreaths and other mementoes of heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. Prominent among the wreaths sent was a beautiful one from the Rector and Staff of St. Aidan’s, while the comrades and fellow-scholars of little Percy O’BRIEN also sent down a large wreath mounted with the familiar College colours, and bearing the following inscription: “From Percy’s Schoolmates, St. Aidan’s, with sorrowing hearts and universal love. R.I.P.” There were also a number of wreaths from Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown. – P.E. Advertiser.
Saturday 30 April 1898
MARRIED at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, on April 28th, by the Rev. J. Pendlebury BA, William Harry BARNES, sixth son of George BARNES Esq. of Hampshire, England, to Jessie, youngest daughter of the late Mr. G.F. BLACKBEARD, Grahamstown.
DIED April 28th, from pneumonia, at Kirkdale House, Pearson Street, Port Elizabeth, the residence of his brother, Philip Tipping JONES, formerly of Grahamstown, aged 52 years.
We regret to record the decease yesterday at Port Elizabeth, from pneumonia, of Mr. Philip Tipping JONES, of Joppa Tannery. Mr. JONES was for many years a citizen of Grahamstown and a useful Councillor, but left this city in 1887 to settle in Port Elizabeth. He was much esteemed in both towns and many will regret his decease.
- Hits: 2053