Grahamstown Journal 1898 05 May
Tuesday 3 May 1898
On Saturday April 23rd at “Nungi”, Kokstad, Rose Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Selwyn WARNER, and eldest daughter of the Rev. D. DODD, Lady Frere, aged 28 years.
Yesterday morning (reports the Cape Times) a European named [COLNER] was run over by a light engine near the coal shed. His one leg was cut clean off and he succumbed to the injuries in the afternoon. A post mortem was held, and an inquest will follow.
A European, William WEBSTER, committed suicide lately at Albert, a few miles from the city, by putting a double-barrelled gun in his mouth and blowing out his brains. He is said to have suffered for some time from fits of moody silence and retirement, brought about by a bite from a neighbour’s bulldog.
The Free State Volksraad on Friday had a discussion on Mr. SWANEPOEL’s petition praying the Raad to legalise his marriage with his niece. The marriage had been performed in the Colony after permission had been repeatedly refused in the Free State. The Raad, however, refused to legalise this incestuous marriage by 39 to 14.
[See issue of 10 May]
We greatly regret to have to report the decease of an old and highly respected citizen, Mr. James HARVEY, which occurred on Sunday after an illness of three weeks, caused by paralysis. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon in the Roman Catholic Cemetery. We offer sincere sympathies to the bereaved widow and family.
At Johannesburg, at Park Station, on Wednesday, an American named George MUDD, the proprietor of a boarding-house at the Simmer and Jack, met his death through a misadventure when attempting to board the train leaving for Elandsfontein. It is supposed that the deceased arrived at the station just as the train was starting, and running to the far end of the platform, jumped on board, but the speed at which the train was travelling evidently threw MUDD off his feet and over to the other side, where he was found an hour or two later lying near the electric light shanty, about 60 yards north of the platform, in a terribly mangled condition and quite dead.
Thursday 5 May 1898
BIRTH at Ballinafad, Committees, on May 1st 1898, the wife of W.T. BRADFIELD of a son.
DIED at his residence, Gladstone Villa, Grahamstown, on Sunday 1st May 1898, James HARVEY, aged 67 years. R.I.P.
DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday 5th May 1898, the Rev. William TYSON, in his 75th year.
The Funeral of the above will leave Mr. SHAND’s residence, Prince Alfred-street, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 3 o’clock.
The Funeral of the late R.O. HARRIS will move from the Masonic Temple, Hill-street, tomorrow (Friday) morning at 9 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
It is our painful duty to announce the decease of the Rev. W. TYSON, which occurred today at Selwyn Castle, the residence of his son-in-law, A.B. SHAND Esq. Mr. TYSON had been seriously ill for more than a year past. To the widow and family of the deceased we offer our most sincere condolences.
Saturday 7 May 1898
DIED at Port Elizabeth, on May 5th 1898, Robert Osborne HARRIS, aged 42 years. At Rest.
The funeral of the late Rev.W. TYSON took place yesterday afternoon. There was a large following of citizens. The pall-bearers were Messrs. J.E. WOOD M.L.A., Hy. WOOD (Mayor), Dr. BECKER, H. HILL, J. SLATER, Hon. W. AYLIFF. The chief mourners were Messrs. J.H. TYSON, A.B. SHAND and several grandchildren. Revs. H. COTTON, J. PENDLEBURY BA, G.W. CROSS, S.J.HELM and A.E. GRIFFIN were present, and all who took part in the last rites to this well-known, highly respected minister. The funeral was conducted by Mr. A. WILL.
Tuesday 10 May 1898
Mr. SWANEPOEL, whose petition to the Free State Volksraad to legalise his marriage attracted some attention lately, did not marry his niece but a young lady who was his cousin on both his father’s and his mother’s side. Such a marriage, while forbidden in the Free State, is legal in the Cape Colony, where Mr. SWANEPOEL was actually married.
At Stellenbosch Police Court on Friday an action was brought against Dr. MARAIS, Principal of the Public School, and Master CALDER, for thrashing a boy named Conrad HONEY, son of J.W. HONEY, ex C.C. and R.M. of Carnavon. A criminal charge previously heard had been dismissed. The evidence of the boy was that on the 25th April he and six other boys were reported by the Dutch master for not having learned their Dutch lessons. They were sent into MARAIS’ room, whereupon MARAIS told him to stoop down. He did so, when MARAIS struck him two severe blows. When told to bend down a third time he (HONEY) told MARAIS that the Educational Manual did not allow him to beat him for not learning his lessons. When he made this objection, MARAIS struck him several times on the legs with a quince cane. The boy then broke away, whereupon MARAIS called CALDER to hold him down to the desk. This CALDER did, when MARAIS walloped him very severely. To the best of his recollection MARAIS struck him fifteen times. MARAIS, in defence, said that when the boy had been guilty of insubordination he was no longer a pupil, but a culprit, and he (MARAIS) was not bound by the Educational Manual. The case was dismissed.
Thursday 12 May 1898
At Wellington on Monday Rev. Andrew MURRAY’s seventieth birthday was celebrated. Representatives of the Dutch Reformed Church throughout South Africa were present, as well as numerous relations and friends.
On Saturday evening a little boy of some six summers old, named LE ROUX, was run over by a cart belonging to Mr. Willie PLESSIS in New Street, Cradock (says the News), the wheel passing from his head up along his body to the shoulder. The poor little sufferer was taken home and assiduously attended to by Dr. GROBBELAAR, but despite all his efforts the little chap died on Sunday morning.
L.J. VAN DER SCHYFF, a member of the Johannesburg foot police force, committed suicide on Saturday morning in a most determined manner by shooting himself with a rifle in a house at the Brickfields. It appears that VAN DER SCHYFF was placed under arrest that morning on a charge of drunkenness. In a half drunken condition he went to Corporal NEL’s house in the Brickfields. After telling the plight he was in to the people of the house, he declared that he was tired of life, and would soon be done with it. Little notice was taken of the threat. VAN DER SCHYFF, when left alone in a room, deliberately took off a boot and stocking, and putting the muzzle of the gun under his chin, fired off a shot, the naked foot striking the trigger. The loud report startled the inmates of the house, who on running to see what had happened, found the young man in the throes of death. The rifle bullet passed through the head. Deceased was only 22 years of age.
Saturday 14 May 1898
DIED at Grahamstown on May 14th 1898, Margaret CANNON, aged 29 years.
The funeral of the above will leave the Albany Hospital tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 13th May 1898, John Carter WHITE, in his 72nd year.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Erin Villa, High-street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
The late Mr. J.C. WHITE, who died here yesterday, was a former resident of Grahamstown of many years’ standing. He was born in Port Elizabeth in 1826, and lived in Grahamstown till 12 years ago, carrying on his business of brickmaking, and making for himself the name of a good and honourable citizen. He then left for Johannesburg, where fortune smiled on him. 12 months ago he returned to the old City, purchased the property Erinville, High Street (where he died), and settled down here. He leaves a family of 6 children, 3 daughters and 3 sons, to mourn the loss of a good father. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) at 4 o’clock.
Mr. E. CHARSLEY, who committed suicide at Johannesburg recently, was an esteemed resident in Bathurst Street, Grahamstown, some 11 years ago, where he carried on a business as decorator and sign writer.
Mr. E. CHARSLEY, of the firm CHARSLEY & Son, decorators and signwriters, 160 Market Street, who cut his throat at his residence, Hampstead Cottage, Market Street, Johannesburg, was a native of the parish of Hampstead, London, and was resident in Grahamstown for a considerable period and went to the Rand about 11 years ago. After dinner, on the fatal day, which he said he had enjoyed greatly, CHARSLEY retired to his room, where a little later he was found lying lifeless in a pool of blood with a terrible wound in the lower part of the throat. So determined was he on self destruction that in committing the deed he broke the blade of the razor, pieces of which were found embedded in the spinal column.
Dr. FROOD examined the body, and the necessary official investigation was conducted by Mr. BRINK, of the Fieldcornet’s office. It appears that some time ago Mr. CHARSLEY met with a slight touch of sunstroke, and since then his disposition had become somewhat peculiar.
The marriage took place at Thaba N’chu, Orange Free State, on Thursday week of the Rev. Dewdney Wm. DREW and Miss Millicent M. MORGAN, fourth daughter of the late Mr. C.H. MORGAN of this Colony. Mr. DREW, who is the pastor of the Congregational Church, Observatory Road, Capetown, is the eldest son of the Rev. William DREW, of New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Mrs. S.W. MALAN, living near Beaufort West, has just celebrated her 96th birthday. As far as can be ascertained at present, the number of her descendants is 420, of whom about 40 are dead. She is a great-great-great-grandmother. Her eldest daughter, Mrs. MARX, is 75 years of age and has a list of descendants numbering 157.
Durban’s only licenced doctress, Dr. Lillian JENKINS, was married to Dr. ROBINSON, of Zululand, on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. N.E. HARRIS of the E.P. Herald, who has just been married at Port Elizabeth, is in town with Mrs. HARRIS, and they are spending a few days here en route for Port Alfred. We tender our best wishes to the young couple.
Tuesday 17 May 1898
On Saturday night at Humewood, near Port Elizabeth, Mr. Tom HARE, well known here, Superintendent of the Drift Sands Reclamation Works, shot himself through the heart with a revolver at his cottage at Humewood. His servant, going to take his master’s coffee in the morning, found him dead. He was a well-known sportsman and always attended Sporting Club and Turf Club meetings. His brother, who was formerly A.R.M. of Graaffreinet, met his death in exactly the same way some time ago.
A man named MONBERG, whilst proceeding to Graaffreinet to work on Monday night, is reported to have jumped out of a railway carriage on the way up. It appears he formerly resided here, but removed to a station on the Midland main line. His wife is stated to have suddenly left him last week, a note found on the table stating her intention not to return. The husband sold the furniture and removed to Graaffreinet. When picked up from the embankment he was found in an unconscious state, and taken up by a returning train back to Port Elizabeth Hospital.
Thursday 19 May 1898
BIRTH on the 17th inst. at Oak Lawn, Grahamstown, the wife of F.A. SAUNDERS F.R.C.S. Edin &c, of twin daughters.
After returning from a bicycle ride Mr. George LEE, [meteorologist], resident for many years at Kimberley, suddenly dropped dead. Deceased was 64 years of age.
Before Sir Jacob D.BARRY J.P. and Mr. Justice JONES
Monday May 16th
The Solicitor General applied that the [ruling] dissolving the marriage subsisting between the parties should be made final, the defendant having failed to obey the order requiring her to restore conjugal rights to her husband. Decree of divorce was granted and order made that defendant forfeit the benefits of community. No order as to costs.
[Transcriber’s note: NAAIRS documents name the parties as Nicholas Nickleby BENNING and Bessie Williamson BENNING (born LOVELL)]
Mr. HUTTON applied for an order making absolute a decree of divorce by reason of respondent’s failing to restore to her husband conjugal rights. Order granted.
Mr. KING applied for a final order of divorce in this case. The usual order was made on 1st Feb that defendant should restore to plaintiff her conjugal rights. On the 26th February an affidavit was produced that defendant had not done so: but it was not shown that attempts had been duly made to serve the order on him in the Transvaal. Counsel now produced the affidavit of the Deputy Sheriff of Barberton showing that this attempt had been made. Order granted of divorce, and that plaintiff should have custody of the minor child and costs of suit.
This was an action for restitution of conjugal rights, or failing compliance therewith, for divorce. Mr. HUTTON called the plaintiff, Isabella Emily SUTTON, who stated that she and her husband were married on the 26th October 1891 at Christ Church, Colesberg by the Rev. W. RAMSBOTTOM. Her husband was a hotel keeper. At first they lived happily for about a year, but he then took to drinking, and on one occasion chased her with a sword. Conduct of this kind continued till March 1895, when he left. He returned, but finally left in August that year. He had written some letters, but never offered to provide for her, though she asked him. Her mother had supported her.
The marriage having been proved, order was made, defendant to restore to plaintiff her conjugal rights on or before the 1st August or show cause on the 31st August why a decree of divorce should not be granted.
[Transcriber’s note: NAAIRS documents name the parties as Isabella Emma SUTTON (born FORRESTER) and Arthur Herbert SUTTON. Original marriage records on Family Search show that Isabella married again in 1900 and then presumably got another divorce, as she married for a third time in 1914 as a divorcee.]
Monday 23 May 1898
It was reported in town yesterday that when the train arrived at Rosmead Junction on Saturday morning, the dead body of a young man was found lying in a first-class carriage. A further report was to the effect that a recently discharged revolver was lying by the side of the corpse, which was identified as that of Mr. R.J. BELL, youngest son of the late Mr. H.C. BELL of this city.
On receiving this startling information, a Journal representative at once visited the well known Chemist’s Store in High Street, and made enquiries. He ascertained that Mr. Robert J. BELL had left by train on Friday for Queenstown, where he was going to practise as a Dentist. Mr. BELL, who was educated at the Grahamstown Public School, and at St.Andrew’s College, has just returned to Grahamstown from Scotland, where he has been most successful in passing his dentistry examinations.
Mr. BELL will be remembered by many of his friends as an athlete at school, his performances in pole jumping being much admired.
A Journal Special Wire, dated Rosmead Junction 11:30am, confirms the sad news of Mr. BELL’s death in the train. No reason is assigned for the act. Mr. BELL left here in the best of spirits. To his sorrowing friends we tender our deepest sympathies. The body will, we understand, be brought down to Grahamstown.
We (Telegraph) deeply regret to state that a most distressing occurrence took place in Rufane Valley on Wednesday evening. It appears, from what we have been able to glean, that during the afternoon the Sisters of Nazareth Home took the children for a picnic in the Valley, and when time came for returning home the little ones were mustered and the roll was called. One child – little William BEVAN, aged six years – failed to answer, and although his name was called loudly all about the locality, no trace of him could be found. The police were summoned, and the search was pursued with lanterns during the whole night, the Sisters, almost frantic with grief, aiding in the search, which was resumed yesterday. At half past ten in the morning a constable, who was aided in the search by a coloured man, discovered the body of the poor child in the river. It was immediately recovered, but life had long been extinct. We deeply sympathise with the relatives of the deceased, and with the Sisters of Nazareth, whose grief is of the most poignant description that can be conceived.
Estate late J.F.K. ATHERSTONE
A meeting of the next of kin and creditors in the estate of the late John Frederick Korsten ATHERSTONE was held before Mr. E. Graham GREEN, Acting Resident Magistrate, on Wednesday May 18th.
Mr. George WHITE, as relative of the deceased, and Executor in the estate of John George FRANKLIN, over whose estate the deceased John ATHERSTONE holds the position of a Bond, proposes Mr. John Reay SHAW of Grahamstown as Executor Dative. No others present. Mr. SHAW was appointed.
Thursday 26 May 1898
BIRTH at Reynolds Villa on the 22nd May, the wife of Clement W. SULLY, of Klerksdorp Z.A.R., of a son.
MARRIED at Clumber on May 19th 1898 by the Rev. T.D. Rogers, John BRADFIELD J.P., Melville Park, District Peddie, to Elizabeth Ann DAVIES (Annie), Palm Vale, Clumber, third daughter of the late Daniel DAVIES. No cards.
DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday May 24th 1898, David MACKAY, aged 76 years and 9 months.
We regret to report today the death of one of the best known of Grahamstown’s citizens, Mr.David MACKAY. Mr. MACKAY, who was 76 years and 9 months of age, was born in the Isle of Man in 1821 and came to this Colony in 1825 with his parents, the family taking up their residence in Capetown. In 1842 Mr. MACKAY moved to Grahamstown, in which place and the surrounding districts he has lived ever since, holding for the greater part of the time different appointments in the Civil Service. About five or six years ago Mr. MACKAY, who was then holding the responsible position of Chief Clerk at the Post Office here, retired from active life and removed to Port Alfred, where he intended to spend his declining years in peace, but after a few years’ residence, finding the climate unsuitable to his health, he returned to Grahamstown, where he lived till his death, which occurred about [1] o’clock on Tuesday afternoon last. The cause of death was a natural breaking up of the system. He leaves a widow and a large family to mourn their loss. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4pm from his late residence, Cradock Street.
At an early hour on Saturday morning a resident of the Central Hotel in Johannesburg, Tom GOULDING by name, suddenly expired. He was discovered in his bath stone dead, and the cause of the demise is attributed to heart disease.
Pretoria was surprised on Saturday to hear that Madame DE CONDÉ, manageress of the Grand Hotel, had committed suicide. The details are difficult to obtain, but it appears that at about 5 o’clock on Friday evening Madame was discovered lying in her room, showing symptoms of poisoning. Several doctors were at once sent for, and although several medical men did their utmost, Madame CONDÉ died a few hours after she was first found. During the intervening time she could not make any statement, and only laughed. The poison used was “Rough on Rats”. The funeral, which took place on Saturday afternoon, was largely attended, the deceased being well known in the Capital.
A short time ago the medal of the Royal Humane Society was awarded to Mr. C.L. KINNEAR, one of the officers of Messrs. Donald CURRIE & Co’s Cape Mail Steamer, ‘Dunnottar Castle’, and to George KARBY, of the same ship’s company, for their bravery in connection with the rescue, under circumstances of great danger to themselves, of a lunatic third-class passenger who jumped overboard from the Mail Steamer on 8th December last, in Lat. 5.44S, Long. 5.15W. The Committee of Lloyd’s have further recognised the gallantry displayed by KINNEAR and KARBY on that occasion by awarding to each of them the Bronze Medal of the Society of Lloyd’s.
Saturday 28 May 1898
A man named WHITNELL, who was going to Queenstown from Johannesburg on a visit, accompanied by his family, dies suddenly in the train just before reaching his destination.
Mr. William GRANT, bookkeeper to a prominent solicitor, at Johannesburg, committed suicide by shooting himself with a revolver through the head. No reason but temporary insanity can be assigned for the committal of the deed.
Tuesday 31 May 1898
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday May 28th [sic], the wife of E.G. GANE of a son.
DIED at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Nelson GIRDLESTONE, Prince Alfred Street, on Saturday the 28th May 1898, Caroline A. WAYLAND (relict of the late John THORNHILL). Aged 85 years and 3 months.
A middle-aged farmer named SCHALWYK was riding out of Vryburg when his horse fell, and the man’s neck was broken on the spot.
A fine lad of fourteen years has died in Kingwilliamstown from congestion of the bowels occasioned by eating the pips of a pomegranate.
At Port Elizabeth on Friday a fatal tram car accident occurred. A guard names STONEHAM, who was about to relieve one of the other guards for dinner, was jumping on the tram car, to which was attached another car, when his foot slipped and the trailer car, passing over him longitudinally, killed him in fact, although just living when extricated: he breathed his last in a very few seconds. The deceased was of a good family and was highly educated.
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