Grahamstown Journal 1898 06 June
Thursday 2 June 1898
A man named SAINT, a carpenter, while engaged on the roof of the new Mutual Buildings, South Street, Durban, fell through the scaffolding, 50 ft high, on Monday afternoon, and was taken to the hospital in a dying condition. The unfortunate man only came out of the hospital a few days ago, where he had been treated for injuries sustained through a similar accident.
Mr. R.P. YOUNGHUSBAND, representing a Capetown firm in the Eastern Province, had a miraculous escape from death at Steytlerville on Thursday. It appears that Mr. YOUNGHUSBAND went with a friend to see a museum and a collection of curios and animals collected by Mr. T. BOSMAN, a taxidermist. In one of the rooms, where a few rifles and revolvers were lying about, there happened to be several people visiting. One of the gentlemen picked up a revolver and pulled the trigger, not thinking the weapon was loaded. But it was, and as Mr. YOUNGHUSBAND was standing close by, the bullet went through his left arm, entered his breast pocket and went through inside his jacket, being held there fast by his pocket handkerchief. Dr. MENCHAL was immediately in attendance and had the wound dressed, but not before Mr. YOUNGHUSBAND had lost a quantity of blood. Mr. YOUNGHUSBAND is progressing favourably.
LUNAN v LUNAN, an action for judicial separation on the grounds of malicious desertion, was heard before the E.D. Court on Tuesday. Mr. KING for plaintiff, the defendant in default.
The parties were married at Fort Beaufort on the 17th April 1882, and there were four minor children, issue of the marriage.
The plaintiff being called, stated that they lived at Fort Beaufort and other places in the Colony, up to September 1893, when the defendant left. He went on his own account, and was away for three years. He sent witness money from Bulawayo for the support of herself and the family until 8 months ago, when he ceased to do so, and on the 3rd January 1898 he wrote to her, in reply to a letter she had sent, and stated: “If you decide to come to Bulawayo you will do so on your own responsibility and, if you come, I will not assist you or recognise you.” Witness had written stating she was willing to come, and would bring the children, and, in return, she received that letter. Since January she had not heard from him or received any money. The witness further stated that her husband was a doctor and was now practising at Undabulo, about 20 miles from Bulawayo. He used to send her £25 a month, and she considered that would be a reasonable sum for him to send now. The children were at school at Fort Beaufort.
Mons. FAGAN, at present Parish Priest in charge of the Catholic Church at Fort Beaufort, having proved the marriage, the Court granted an order calling upon the defendant to restore to plaintiff her conjugal rights before the 15th July or, failing his doing so, to show cause on the 1st August why a decree of judicial separation should not be granted, why plaintiff should not have custody of the minor children and why alimony to the amount of £25 a month should not be ordered, together with costs of suit.
The remains of Vivian C. FLETCHER, son of a farmer at Kingwilliamstown, were last week removed from Ganopede, Bechuanaland, where the deceased fell in battle in March 1897, and solemnly re-interred on his father’s farm.
Saturday 4 June 1898
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 3rd June 1898, Mary Agnes, eldest daughter of Thomas and Emma CLARK, aged 15 years and 6 months.
DIED at Grahamstown, June 4th 1898, Mary Lucy, beloved wife of Max KINDT, aged 31 years. R.I.P.
The funeral of the above will leave the Victoria Hotel tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
Tuesday 7 June 1898
A Polish Jew, named KALOSHIPOKI, created great amusement in the Rand Court by expressing a total ignorance of the English and Dutch languages, but was willing to be examined in Kafir. The Court refused to entertain the idea and the case was postponed until an interpreter could be found.
Much sorrow has been caused by the news of the death of Mr. Redmond DALY, son of the well known Mr. Charles DALY of Mosita. Deceased was an old St.Aidan’s College (Grahamstown) boy.
The Frontier Guardian says: Mr. W.H. STRETTON, of Buffelsfontein, one of our most enterprising and progressive young farmers, son of the late Mr. Henry STRETTON, was married on the 18th inst. at Highland Home, Tarka, to Miss KING, daughter of the late Mr. F. KING, of Bedford.
Thursday 9 June 1898
Mr. George WEAKLEY, manager of the Colesberg paper, met with a somewhat serious accident. On Monday 30th ult he was visiting at Mr. John VAN ZYL’s farm, T’Zamenkomst. Before breakfast he went out to shoot ducks. The cartridge did not fit in the gun, and required considerable force to get it in, and when in it fitted very tightly. About half a mile from the house, Mr. WEAKLEY fired. The shot in the cartridge remained in the gun: the powder exploded and forced its way out at the lock, striking Mr. WEAKLEY in the right eye. Fortunately he was able to make his way back to the house, and was brought immediately into town. At first it was feared that the eye was completely destroyed, but Dr. RIORDAN, who is in attendance, holds out the faint hope that it may be spared.
Saturday 11 June 1898
BIRTH at Market Square, Grahamstown, June 9th 1898, Mrs. Albert LAWRANCE of a daughter.
MARRIED at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, on June 8th by the Rev. A.T. Rhodes, John HARRINGTON, of the Railway Department, to Winifred Jessie PIKE, youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel PIKE, of the Forest Department.
DIED this morning, Frederick SUCKOW, aged 67 years and 2 months.
His end was peace.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Hodges-street, at 4 o’clock tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Brother Foresters will meet at their Hall in Hill Street, at 3 o’clock.
Tuesday 14 June 1898
BIRTH at Thornbury Cottage, Grahamstown, June 14th, the wife of T.E. SPEED of a daughter.
Michael DOOLEY, a veteran of the British Army, was buried at Johannesburg on Tuesday. Deceased had attained the age of 82 years, and death is attributed to senility, a chill, and exposure. DOOLEY is said to have served in the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, and early frontier wars in the Cape Colony.
The following is the list of persons drawn to be summoned as Jurors for the Criminal Sessions in the Eastern Districts’ Court on July 15th:
William REILLY
George Alfred WILMOT
Henry MOSS
Charles MOORE
Herbert GREEN
Valentine RIPPON
Charles J. VEITCH
William Henry PAULL
Walter Henry FOWLDS
Alfred EMMS
Thomas Henry STREET
Arthur W. JEANES
William ROE
George Archibald GUSH
Richard John HORNE
George Charles GOODWIN
Richard John COGAN
William SOUTH
Thursday 16 June 1898
Mr. Thomas BANNON, who came out to this country with the 27th Regiment in 1835, says the Alice Times, left last Wednesday for Fort Beaufort en route to Port Elizabeth, where he will spend his last days. The Rev. Monsignor FAGAN and other friends have taken an interest in the old man, who is now in his 86th year, and they have succeeded in getting him a good and comfortable home in that well-known charitable institution, the Nazareth Home, at the Bay. BANNON’s many friends here wish him every comfort and care in his old days.
Abdul BURNS, once a prominent figure in Capetown politics, died on Friday. He controlled the Malay vote, and was a personage seriously to be reckoned with by politicians. He used to appear at every political meeting, speaking with great force. His father was an ex private soldier in a Scottish Regiment and his mother was a coloured woman, and he was a sincere Moslem from his youth. By trade he was a cab driver.
Mr. HUTTON for plaintiff. The defendant was in default.
This was an action for restitution of conjugal rights, or failing compliance, for divorce.
Mr. HUTTON called Arthur W.P. COLEBY, plaintiff in the case, who stated he was married on the 30th March 1891, at the R.C. Church, Wood Green, London. They lived in England and came to East London in February 1894. They first lived in a furnished house and then in one which they furnished, where they took in boarders. Soon after this, differences arose on account of his wife’s conduct with a boarder. She remained up at night with him. In consequence of this witness sold the boarding-house. Defendant would not live with him unless he took a house and had the boarder. They, in consequence, lived separately, he in town and she at the beach. He afterwards attempted to come to a reconciliation: and he hired another house, where he fell sick. During his illness the former boarder appeared in the home again. Witness had to go to Katberg for his health. He wrote to his wife, but got no reply. His wife left for England the day after witness’s return. He wrote to her through her parents. In August last year she came out again. His first intimation was a letter from Port Elizabeth saying she was on board the ‘Norman’. She asked him to send money, but not to come to her. He went on board the ‘Norman’ and saw her, but there was no reconciliation. She went to Kingwilliamstown, where she got a situation. She wrote to him there suggesting a divorce, and saying she would never come back to him. Witness stated he had on previous occasions threatened divorce in the hope it might bring her back to him. A letter was written by the plaintiff’s solicitor asking her to return, and saying her husband would receive her, but to this no answer was received, and she had not returned.
Order granted, ordering defendant to return before July 15th, failing which to show cause on the 1st August why a decree of divorce should not be pronounced.
The plaintiff in this case, Ellen STOKES, sued her husband, William STOKES, for divorce, on the grounds of his adultery with one Minnie, about the 16th May 1895.
The Solicitor General called the plaintiff, who stated that she was married to her husband in1893, and lived on a farm Reuben, in Mount Currie district. Her husband did not treat her well from the first. He assaulted her. She remained with him about 4 years and then went back to her father. There were two children (boys) of the marriage, both of tender age, and witness desired to have custody of them. There was a servant named Minnie living with them before she left her husband, and she heard something from Jafta, another servant, which confirmed suspicions she already had with regard to her. She saw her husband at her father’s, and mentioned to him what she had heard. He did not deny it, and said she was not to expose him. Witness said she did not know where defendant is now, but thought he had gone to Beira.
The Solicitor general read several letters from defendant to his wife, one of which said that he considered she had been very unkind to him, as she would not give him one more chance, and concluded with a passionate farewell to his first love, and the statement that his heart was broken. He said he only remained alive for the children’s sake.
The marriage having been proved by Rev. Chas. J. HEPBURN, Wesleyan Minister in charge of the Kokstad circuit, Jafta DANIELS was called and gave evidence to the defendant’s misconduct, and the Court granted a decree of divorce, the plaintiff to have custody of the children, and the defendant to forfeit any benefits under the marriage with costs.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage certificate shows that plaintiff was born Ellen Petronella Martha LIVERSAGE]
Saturday 18 June 1898
A distressing affair occurred near Chalumna (Kingwilliamstown) on Wednesday last. A lady named Susanna patience HURN, 31 years of age, set her dress on fire and was so severely burned that she died.
The marriage has taken place at Wooldridge, Peddie of Mr. L.C. MEREDITH of Melsetter, Rhodesia, and Miss Hannah WILLOWS, third daughter of Mr. WILLOWS of Brighton, Peddie.
The G.R. Advertiser reports that a shocking occurrence took place on Tuesday night on the farm Vley Poort near Middelburg. The accident resulted in the death of Miss Constance DU TOIT, the 21 year old daughter of Mr. A.F. DU TOIT. It appears that Mrs. FINNEY, of Durban, a sister of Mrs. DU TOIT, and the deceased occupied one bedroom, and the night of Monday being cold they directed that a bucket full of live coals be placed in the room for the night. Both door and window were shut, and the ladies retired to rest. It was not until 7 on Tuesday morning that the room was opened by Mrs. DU TOIT, who was shocked to find her daughter a corpse, and her sister nearly so. Assistance was at once summoned, and by half past 2 Drs. JOHNSTON and HOLZMANN were using all the resources of science to restore to consciousness the almost inanimate form of Mrs. FINNEY. The poor lady is still insensible, and few hopes are entertained of her final recovery. Great sympathy is everywhere expressed for the family, which is known all through this and the adjoining districts. The Civil Commissioner’s clerk of Graaffreinet, Mr.C. DU TOIT, is brother to the deceased, and Dr. JONES of Steynsburg, Mr. N.F. DU WAAL and Mr. W.C. TURPIN are brothers-in-law.
Tuesday 21 June 1898
BIRTH at Grahamstown on June 20th 1898, the wife of W. ROACH, Kei Road, of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday June 19th 1898, the wife of C.R. CHALMERS of a son.
Married on June 16 at Johannesburg, by the Rev. M.F. Crewilson, William Richard, youngest son of R. SHUTT Esq., of Bristol, England, to Kate Harriet HARVEY, eldest daughter of H. HARVEY Esq, late of Grahamstown, Cape Colony.
We regret to report the sudden death at the farm Krantz Drift, on Sunday morning last, of Mrs. WRIGHT, wife of Mr. G.G. WRIGHT, solicitor, of Grahamstown.
A man named GRIFFIN died suddenly at Bloemfontein the other morning in the street, shortly after leaving a kafir eating house. It is believed that the unfortunate man had partaken of a vile concoction used in Johannesburg low-class trade, which is said to be growing here. GRIFFIN arrived a fortnight ago and was sentenced to seven days’ imprisonment for travelling from Paarl on the railway without a ticket.
Thursday 23 June 1898
BIRTH on June 22nd, at Grahamstown, the wife of W.[R.] WRIGHT of a son.
BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on Tuesday 21st inst, the wife of Tilney E. PADDON of a son.
MARRIED by Special Licence at Port Elizabeth, on the 22nd June 1898, Walter Henry, second son of the late J.J. VROOM, of Grahamstown, to May Ellen, eldest daughter of J.T. FISH, of Uitenhage.
MARRIED at St.Andrew’s Church, Wooldridge, Peddie, by the Rev.Mr. Reade, Horace Roland Webber GOLDSWAIN, fourth son of James GOLDSWAIN Esq, of Stanway, Peddie, to Milvina Agnes Ann REYNOLDS, youngest daughter of J.E. REYNOLDS Esq, of Wooldridge.
A little coloured boy at Graaffreinet named George HENDRICKS, eight years old, who was sent to the Parsonage Square Dam for a bucket of water on Saturday afternoon, fell in and was drowned before the accident was known. His parents buried another child on the previous day.
Beaconsfield Parish Church was the scene of an interesting ceremony on Sunday when a memorial window, erected by public subscription in memory of the late Mr. William REED, his wife, and child, who were drowned in the Drummond Castle, was dedicated by the Rector, in presence of a crowded congregation of all denominations.
Several deaths are reported at Kingwilliamstown, including Mrs. ELLIS, mother of the well-known auctioneer of the same name, and Mrs. COLE, wife of Mr. Councillor COLE, while among natives the mortality is exceptionally high.
The marriage has taken place at Wesley Church, Kimberley, of Mr. Alfred Stewart BATES, of Johannesburg, and Miss Alice Maud HARTLEY, daughter of Mr. C.H. HARTLEY, of Kimberley.
In the Divorce Court Mr. GARDNER, Secretary of the Kimberley Board of Executors, applied for a divorce from his wife on the ground of her misconduct with Capt. SADLER, manager of the Bechuanaland Trading Co. The decree was granted, with costs.
Saturday 25 June 1898
The Funeral of the late R.O.G. DRUMMOND, of Johannesburg, will leave the residence of Lieut-Colonel NELSON, Cathcart House, at 3:30pm on Sunday the 26th inst. Friends are invited to attend.
A terrible shooting calamity has occurred at the Roodepoort Central Deep, Krugersdorp. It appears that two men, friends for a very long time, slept in the same room, one named Joe TODD and the other Wm. LANE, who worked at the Durban Deep. Both went to bed as usual, but about 2 o’clock in the morning LANE left the room for a few minutes. On his return, TODD challenged him three times, but, being very sleepy, he did not answer, whereupon TODD seized a revolver and fired. The bullet entered LANE’s groin and tore the intestines and stomach. TODD, finding his mistake, surrendered to the Fieldcornet, and was allowed out on £50 bail. Dr. ROGER, assisted by Drs. LANSER and POLSON, performed an operation yesterday, but LANE’s life is despaired of. Both men have been friends for years. On the depositions being taken, the injured man stated it was an accident, as he should have replied to his friend’s challenge. TODD is terribly affected, and is nursing LANE night and day.
In Vryheid district young Mr. CORDES is supposed to have been murdered by one MAGERMAN, a Kafir. The latter had just killed a sheep when Mr. CORDES came upon him. CORDES asked him what he was doing and how the sheep came to be dead, and, not satisfied with MAGERMAN’s explanation, ordered him to give way so that he could see the sheep. CORDES was in the act of stooping when MAGERMAN struck him with a kerrie over the head. The assaulted man fell on his knees, but sprang up again once more. MAGERMAN, however, struck him once more upon the head. Mr. CORDES then fled under the bank of the spruit, and defended himself with stones, but the murderer threw stones at him until he knocked his unfortunate victim senseless. MAGERMAN thereupon finished his bloody work, and heaved the body into the water, where it was discovered next day.
Mr. Sydney Douglas ALLEN, contractor and transport rider, a gentleman well known in the district of Krugersdorp, died in the Victoria Hospital on Friday, after being an inmate of that institution only five days. He was stricken down with fever about a month ago, and that was followed by a bad attack of pneumonia. His life was despaired of when he went into the hospital. Mr. ALLEN was a native of Maclear, in Griqualand East, and was only 29 years of age at the time of his death.
By 11am on Wednesday the 15th June the pretty little church of St.Andrew in Wooldridge was crowded to witness the marriage of Mr. Horace Roland Webber GOLDSWAIN, fourth son of James GOLDSWAIN Esq. of Stanway, Peddie, to Miss Milvina Agnes Ann REYNOLDS, youngest daughter of Joseph Edward REYNOLDS Esq., of Wooldridge. The bride, who was given away by her father, was charmingly dressed in crème fancy striped cashmere with chiffon and ribbon and the usual wreath and veil. The bridesmaid, Miss Lillian GOLDSWAIN, sister of the bridegroom, wore a pretty costume of pale blue cashmere with white ribbon and picture hat. Mr.Edward REYNOLDS, brother of the bride, acted as best man. At the conclusion of the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. E.A.READE, Rector of Peddie, Mrs. W.H. CURRIN, who as usual presided at the organ, played the Wedding March while the bridal party left the church, when they were driven to the residence of the bride’s father, and were followed by about 50 guests. Tea and cakes &c were handed round to all present, which was done ample justice to after the cool morning drive. Then wine and cake followed, and the usual toasts were proposed and responded to in turn. The Rev. E.A. READE, after giving the happy couple all good wishes and good advice, expressed his regret at leaving his Wooldridge congregation so shortly, with whom he had spent so many happy hours, but said a call from Home bade him do so. The wedding presents were well chosen, being both useful and ornamental, and too numerous to mention. During the afternoon the happy couple were driven to their snug little home in the village, where we wish them every happiness.
Tuesday 28 June 1898
BIRTH at Restall, Newcastle, on Wednesday June 22nd, the wife of Mr. John LOCKE jun. of a daughter.
DIED at his residence, Montague House, Johannesburg, on Thursday 23rd June 1898, Richard Oliver Gardner DRUMMOND A.M.I.C.E., M.I.E.E. and M.I.M.E., aged 36 years.
DIED at his residence, Thursford House, Beaufort Street, Grahamstown, on Sunday June 26th 1898, Hon. William Guybon ATHERSTONE M.D., F.R.C.S., F.G.S., in his 85th year.
The death at the age of eighty-four of Dr. William Guybon ATHERSTONE of this City removes one of the best known and most scientific men in South Africa. The deceased savant was born at Zion Hill, Nottingham, on May 27th 1814. He came out to this Colony in 1820 – that memorable year when the British Settlers arrived here – with his father, Dr. John ATHERSTONE, in the sailing vessel ‘Ocean Queen’. When he was 21 years of age, young ATHERSTONE again crossed the ocean and visited the Homeland for the purposes of study. He studied for many years at Dublin, London, Paris and Heidelberg, and after triumphantly finishing the course, returned to the land of his adoption accompanied by his young wife, Catherine ATHERSTONE, daughter of Edwin ATHERSTONE, the well-known poet. Dr. ATHERSTONE served as Assistant Staff Surgeon under Colonel, later Sir Harry SMITH in most of the Kafir Wars, where he rendered conspicuous service. In 1868 Dr. ATHERSTONE took a leading part in the discovery of Diamonds in the Colony, the first stone found being submitted to him for report, and he had the pleasure of pronouncing it to be a genuine diamond. Dr. ATHERSTONE was then practising with his father in Grahamstown, and was gaining a reputation for himself all over the country. In 1875 he was sent home by the Colonial Government with an order to visit all the Asylums of the United Kingdom, with a view of selecting a Medical Superintendent for the Grahamstown Asylum, and of obtaining an idea of the way in which the different institutions were carried on. On his return to the Colony he made a tour through the Colony, Free State and Transvaal, observing carefully the geological features of South Africa. In 1883 Dr. ATHERSTONE was elected a member of the Legislative Council for the South-eastern Circle, and for eight years he took an active part in the politics of the Colony, retiring in 1891. In the following year, though he was now 78 years of age, the Doctor was called upon to deliver a lecture at the Kimberley Exhibition on “Diamonds”, which was of the utmost interest.
Dr.ATHERSTONE bore many honoured titles, amongst which were M.D., F.R.C.S., F.G.S., and always took a keen interest in the welfare of Grahamstown and the Colony at large. Though afflicted with total blindness a few years back, Dr. ATHERSTONE up to his death took a prominent interest in the Hospitals, Asylums, the Museum and other local institutions.
The death of this remarkable man occurred at about 9 o’clock last Sunday morning at the house in Beaufort Street. The servant took him in his coffee and water to wash in, and on her return found William Guybon ATHERSTONE had fallen and was lying quite dead. Well may we say that he has earned his eternal rest after a life of such unusual activity as his. The funeral takes place this afternoon.
The death of Mr. R.O.G. DRUMMOND took place in Beit-street, Doornfontein, last week. Born in Manchester in 1862, he came out to South Africa in August 1882, and took up his residence in the Eastern Province for a period of twelve months. Afterwards he removed to Kimberley (says the Star of the 24th) acting there in the capacity of Borough Electrician to De Beers Consolidated Mines for nearly four years. In 1893 he came to the Rand and took up the position of Consulting Electrical Engineer; and Chief of the Electrical Department to Messrs. RENNART & LENZ, which position he occupied up to the time of his disease [sic]. His death has come as a severe blow to many of his friends, for although his health for some time past has not been of the best, yet it was only last week that he was taken seriously ill. He was undoubtedly one of the leading men in his profession in South Africa, and his loss in that direction will be keenly felt. Just recently he had been appointed Vice President of the South African Society of Electrical Engineers for the coming year. Always of a genial nature, he was exceedingly popular, and his death will be felt as a distinct loss to the whole community. He leaves a widow and five children. The remains will be returned to Grahamstown for interment.
On Sunday the funeral of the late Mr. DRUMMOND took place from the residence of his uncle, Lieut. Col. A.E. NELSON, Market Square. The pall bearers were Messrs. J.S.WILLCOX, E.W. WELLS, A.A. STANTON, E. CHAPMAN, Major L.A. EDDIE. Dean HOLMES conducted the rites of the Church of England. The funeral was very largely attended, and many beautiful floral tributes were sent from Johannesburg and other centres.
A very old resident passed away at Kingwilliamstown on Sunday, in the person of Mrs. Christina BAIN. The deceased lady came to this country with the early settlers, and landed at Port Elizabeth, afterwards removing to Grahamstown and from thence taking up her residence on the Fish River Randt. Subsequently she settled for some years in Kingwilliamstown, and later accompanied her husband to Kimberley, soon after the discovery of diamonds. Here Mrs. BAIN had the misfortune of losing her husband, and thereupon she resolved to return to Kingwilliamstown, where most of her family resided.
Rowland HILL, who shot a lady then suicided at Bulawayo on the 22nd, is the son of Mr. W. HILL, of Cradock.
An old man named Christian JACOBS, who was eight years old when the Cape was taken by the English, has just died in the Western Province at the venerable age of 107. He had been in the service of the BLANCKENBERG family for the last ninety years. His brother recently died at the advanced age of ninety one years.
Thursday 30 June 1898
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on June 29th, William GOLDSWAIN, aged 75 years and 5 months. Deeply regretted.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, African Street, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
The funeral of the late Dr. W. Guybon ATHERSTONE M.D., F.R.C.S., F.S.G., took place on Tuesday afternoon. There was a large following of relatives and friends, and the general public. The first part of the Funeral Service was conducted in St.George’s Cathedral by the Very Rev. Dean HOLMES, Vicar-General of the Diocese, Revs. Canon MULLINS and Canon ESPIN. The funeral procession then moved to the Cemetery, where the remaining portions of the services were read by the Dean. The pall bearers were Sir J.D. BARRY, Dr. BECKER, Dr. GREENLEES, Dr. GREATHEAD, Messrs. H.R. WOOD (Mayor), J. SLATER, T.H.PARKER, Hon. W. AYLIFF. The remains were laid by the side of his daughter, Mrs. DE ROEBECK. Mr. A. WILL, undertaker, conducted the funeral obsequies.
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