Grahamstown Journal 1898 07 July
Saturday 2 July 1898
The funeral of Mrs. Andries DU TOIT has taken place at Middelburg. The deceased lady was eight years of age [sic]. She was an old voortrekker. Her husband laid out the city of Pretoria and he was also pioneer of Middelburg. Her son is Landdrost at Middelburg.
[Transcriber’s note: Her Death Notice confirms that she was 80 and was born Elizabeth Gertruida Jacoba DE VILLIERS]
We (Advocate) are pleased to chronicle a very interesting event which took place at the Wesleyan Chapel, Fort Beaufort, on Tuesday morning last, viz. the marriage of Mr. Alexander William HEPBURN, of Grahamstown, (of the well-known firm of HEPBURN & JEANES, photographers, of that City) and Miss Blanche CUMMING, second daughter of Mr. David CUMMING, our worthy and indefatigable native superintendent. The church was crowded by relations and friends of the bride, many having to be content with a view from the porch. Whilst waiting for the arrival of the bridal party, a suitable anthem was nicely rendered by the church choir, the concluding portion being sung as the party entered the sacred edifice. Miss Gertrude CUMMING was the bridesmaid, and Mr. ELDERKIN, of Healdtown, ably officiated as best man. The bride was stylishly dressed in ivory silk, tastefully trimmed with silk lace, gimp and ribbons. Her hat, which was also very stylishly made, was trimmed with feathers and chiffon to match. She wore a beautiful watch and chain and a brooch set with two diamond rubies, the gift of the bridegroom.
The Rev. S.B. CAWOOD then proceeded with the marriage service, and assisted by the Rev. T.W. POCOCK, completed the solemn service that pronounced the happy couple man and wife. A reception was afterwards held at the residence of the bride’s father, at the commencement of which a very handsome silver mounted tea and coffee set was presented to the bride with best wishes from her late Sunday School scholars and teachers. Numerous telegrams received, expressive of best wishes for the future happiness and prosperity of the happy pair, were read and the usual toasts on such auspicious occasions heartly proposed and neatly responded to. The presents were numerous and costly and included about a dozen cheques. The bridal party left Fort Beaufort about 2 o’clock in the afternoon, accompanied by many friends as far as Mr. MILDENHALL’s farm, where refreshments were amply provided. After a short stay there the bride and bridegroom left for Grahamstown, and from thence they journeyed by train to Port Elizabeth, where we trust they are now thoroughly enjoying their honeymoon trip.
Alicedale Junction, Friday (Special to Journal) – Last evening, while the School concert was proceeding, the wife and children of Mr. Stoffel FOURIE were called out of the room, and the news soon spread that their father had not returned home. A search party was at once instituted, consisting of the Cape Police and others, and about midnight the body was found lying near a krantz, where Mr. FOURIE ha gone to mend a wire fence. His gun and axe were found lying close by the body. Death must have been very sudden.
The late Mr. FOURIE was a very unassuming man of about 40 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children, who have the sympathy of all here in their sad and sudden bereavement.
Tuesday 5 July 1898
Married on the 28th June at the Wesleyan Church, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev. S.B. Cawood, assisted by the Rev. T.W. Pocock, Alexander William, youngest son of the late F.W. HEPBURN, to Blanche, second daughter of David CUMMING Esq, of Fort Beaufort.
DIED on the 28th June 1898, at Grahamstown, Alice Belinda TROLLIP, daughter of the late William L. TROLLIP, aged 30 years.
Police Court marriages are becoming popular. The ceremony (remarks the Cape Argus) is brief, occupying about two minutes. No less than four couples were united at the Resident Magistrate’s Court early one morning.
Mr. NELL, the well-known carrier of Graaffreinet, was seriously injured by being run over by his ox wagon. He was endeavouring to mount the wagon when entering town, but the disselboom broke, throwing him under the wheel, which passed over his chest, breaking his ribs, two of which penetrated the lungs. His life is despaired of.
The late William GOLDSWAIN, who died on Wednesday last, was 75 years and 5 months of age. In his person another of our old and esteemed citizens has gone from our midst. His familiar face was often to be seen at our Stock Fairs and on our market. In early life he lived near Bathurst, where he was born, being the eldest son of the late Jeremiah GOLDSWAIN, one of the original settlers of 1820. For many years the family lived at Freestone Farm, he combining farming with the carrying trade, , and the latter occupation he carried on, until the railways took the work out of the carriers’ hands. During the different wars the family suffered severely, and when the war of 1850 broke out, he, with his father and brothers were living at Burnt Kraal having turned their attention to sheep farming, and it was with difficulty that they saved any of their valuable stock. They lost heavily. At the close of the war he went on a trading expedition into Kaffirland, and on his return he took up his permanent residence in this city, still carrying on his old business as a carrier. He was known by all the up country merchants. During the last nine years he has had a dairy farm, together with stock and ostriches, near Bowden, he visiting the city fortnightly with produce. A large family of five sons and two daughters, and also grandchildren, a sorrowing widow and numerous friends are left to mourn his loss.
Thursday 7 July 1898
A terrible tragedy is reported as we (East London Standard) go to press, to the effect that a young daughter of Mr. GROBBELAAR, of Cambridge, was burnt to death last night. The child, who was only two years and eight months old, is said to have taken a lamp, saying that she was going to make a cup of tea for her father, when the flames caught her dress, and the poor little child was killed.
Saturday 9 July 1898
PASSED AWAY at Elephant Park, district of Bathurst, on July 6th 1898, Emma Louisa (born BARTLETT), the beloved wife of Arthur B.TIMM, aged 29 years and 5 months.
“Not lost but gone before”.
At Grahamstown, July 8th 1898, Rachel, relict of the late Edward BRUCE, formerly of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and second daughter of the late Richard RALPH, of Fort Beaufort.
The funeral of the above will leave from her late residence, 16 Lawrance-street, on Monday at 3pm. All friends are respectfully invited to attend.
We regret to report the sad death of Mrs. BRUCE of Lawrance St., who is well known in Grahamstown. She was 75 years of age and was the relict of the late Edward BRUCE, formerly of Newcastle-on-Tyne, brother of the famous Dr. BRUCE whose writings on the Roman Wall in England will be well remembered. Mrs. BRUCE was second daughter of the late Richard RALPH of Fort Beaufort. Her sister is Mrs. W.C. HOLDEN, relict of the late Rev. W.C. HOLDEN.
Alicedale Junction, Friday Night (Special to Journal)
A very sad and fatal accident has just happened here to a pretty little girl named Johanna STRYDOM, grand-child of Mrs. KRUGER of this place. The child had received a birthday present from her mother up country, and upon receipt of this she asked and obtained leave to have a picnic with some other children. The little picnic party proceeded to a spot about 100 yards from Mrs. KRUGER’s house. The children lit a fire and the wind was blowing briskly at the time. By some means or other Johanna’s dress caught on fire. Her screams drew the attention of her grandfather, who ran to extinguish the flames, and although he succeeded in extinguishing the flames, t was, alas, too late: for almost every stitch of clothing was completely consumed by the flames. When the child was taken home she was a terrible sight, and only lived six hours. Just before she died she told her grandmother (Mrs. KRUGER) that she was “going home”, and then she passed away. She was only six years of age. Great sympathy is expressed on all sides for her far distant parents.
Tuesday 12 July 1898
BIRTH 7th July, the wife of W.E. MASTERS of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. CRONWRIGHT, of Hopetown, have been celebrating their golden wedding. Mr. J. CRONWRIGHT’s father came to the Colony shortly after the 1820 settlers and was an ardent labourer in the mission field with Mr. Robert MOFFAT and others, and for years stationed in Griquatown. The good old custom was gone through in a most realistic manner, especially when the “plain gold ring” was placed on the finger of the ancient bride by the white haired groom.
Thursday 14 July 1898
The death of Mr. J.H. DRURY, of the well known firm of tobacco manufacturers of Port Elizabeth, occurred on Tuesday last, owing to an attack of Bright’s disease, from which he had been a sufferer for a long time past.
The Herald announces the death of Mr. A Tracey MIDDLETON, one of the most prominent of Port Elizabeth’s citizens, which sad event occurred on Tuesday after a few days’ illness from rheumatic fever. Mr. MIDDLETON was one of those robust-looking citizens who would be regarded generally as likely to weather many more storms than had fallen to his lot. A most careful, industrious and successful merchant, who seldom complained of ill health, there are many who will express sorrow at his demise.
On Tuesday 12th inst. at the Cathedral, Miss Edith May LYMBERY, third daughter of Mr. W. LYMBERY, formerly of Grahamstown, was married to Mr. Harry CUTMORE, late sergeant of the 1st Middlesex Regiment. The Very Rev. the Dean of Grahamstown officiated. The bride, who was given away by Staff Sergt. Major STUBBS, was charmingly dressed in cream figured silk, with white felt hat trimmed with white silk and ostrich feathers. Her bridesmaid was Miss Gertie McDOUGALL, who wore cream cretonne trimmed with sea green silk, with hat to match the bride’s. The bridegroom was supported by Corpl. ALLNUTT, of the Cape Mounted Police, as best man.
The presents were numerous and included amongst others the following:
The bridegroom, gold brooch; Messrs. LAIRD and McALLISTER, cheque; Messrs. J. and S. BECKETT, massive épergne and hand-painted music stand; Messrs. LAIRD and McALLISTER’s employees, pair of easy chairs, bamboo stand and Japanese vase; Corpl. ALLNUTT, dressing case and walking stick; Staff Sergt. Major and Mrs. STUBBS, oak and silver biscuit barrel; Miss G. McDOUGALL, hand-painted brackets; Mr. and Mrs. McDOUGALL, ostrich feathers; Miss NORTON, draw-thread tea cloth; Mr. and Mrs. MACGRATH, tea cosy and set of embroidered sofa cushions; Mr. and Mrs. PETERSON, cruet stand and set of [sellars]; Mrs. WILLIAMS, butter dish, cream jug and sugar basin; Mrs. WATRIDGE, vases; Mrs. SELLAR, cheese stand; Mrs. JENNINGS, vases; Mr. and Mrs AMES, salad bowl and fruit dish; Miss PECHEY, vases and tea cloth; Mr. and Mrs. DUNCAN, table linen; the Misses GREEN, set of mugs and glasses; the Misses JENNINGS, ornaments; Mr. H. SMITH, walking stick; Mr. Harry HOPKINS, dessert set; Miss GOREY, set of silver teaspoons; Mr. and Mrs. RILEY, brackets and vases; Mrs. [HAINES], butter knife.
Saturday 16 July 1898
A Pietersburg telegram says that the body of a white man has been found on the Limpopo Road, dead from cold and starvation. Papers on the deceased show his name to be Daniel DAVIS. He had dark hair, and was aged about 40. The man was unknown.
Mr. James FILMER, a well-known practical farmer, died at the Komgha early on Tuesday morning from a dropsical attack. At one time deceased took a leading position in public matters concerning farmers, but lately led a rather retired life. He lived at Komgha over a quarter of a century, coming from the Albany district. He was aged 72 years, and unmarried.
Mr. Andrew SMITH MA, for more than twenty years missionary at Lovedale, died at Queenstown last Saturday night. News of his death reached Kingwilliamstown on Sunday morning, and was announced from the pulpit in St.Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, with which he was connected during his stay there. He was sent out by the Free Church of Scotland in 1865, and he held the honorary title of Missionary Professor in the College department of Lovedale Institution. Hundreds of pupils, both European and Native, have passed through his hands, who will retain feelings of respect and reverence for him. He had a wonderful hold over his pupils, many of whom are in positions of great usefulness today.
Anne Louis TAYLOR of Rondebosch has obtained a decree of divorce from her husband, now in Rhodesia, he having failed to answer an order for restitution of conjugal rights.
Tuesday 19 July 1898
BIRTH at Napier Street on the 17th inst, the wife of . QUAIL of a daughter.
BIRTH on the 15th inst, the wife of James LONG, Masonic Hotel, of a daughter. Mother and child doing well.
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on Sunday 17th inst, Edward Hunt DELL, in his 85th year. Also, on the same day, his beloved wife Eliza Weymouth, aged 78 years. Both came out with the British settlers of 1820.
“Death is the veil which those who live call life,
We sleep, and it is lifted.”
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on July 18th, Ellen BARR, beloved wife of F. BARR, aged 78 years. R.I.P.
The funeral of the above will leave her late residence, near St.Aidan’s, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3 o’clock; and at St.Patrick’s Cathedral at half past 3. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
Last Sunday at about 12 o’clock, Mr. E.H. DELL died at his residence in St.Bartholomew, and about four hours afterwards Mrs. DELL also passed away. The aged couple had been married for over sixty years. Mr. DELL, who was 85 years of age, came out as a lad with the Settlers in 1820. He had therefore a varied and long experience of the vicissitudes of colonial life. He saw active service in the various Kafir wars, being for many years Commandant of the Albany Burghers. The greater part of his life was spent in farming, and his name is well known throughout the country. Mrs. DELL was born at sea on board the ship ‘Weymouth’ while the settlers were on the way out, and she was named after the ship. Mrs. DELL had been ailing for some time, but we saw Mr. DELL about town only a fortnight ago, so that his illness must have been very brief. We tender our sincere sympathies to the members of the family, who thus lose both parents in one day. The funeral is to take place today at half past three o’clock.
[Transcriber’s note: Mrs. DELL was born Eliza Weymouth USHER]
On Thursday at Queenstown Mr. Stanley J. DOLD of this city will be joined in wedlock with Miss Florrie STILLWELL of Grahamstown.
This morning Mr. E.W. ABBOTT was married to Miss COPELAND in St.George’s Cathedral, at about 7 o’clock, leaving immediately after the ceremony for East London.
A shocking accident occurred on Friday afternoon near the Port Elizabeth Gas Works, where a new main was being laid. One of the company’s engineers, a German named WOODHOFF, was engaged in a trench with other employees when the sides fell in, burying them. All except WOODHOFF were extricated easily, and found to be only slightly bruised. WOODHOFF, when dug out, was already dead. He leaves a wife and two children. He was only recently taken on the company’s staff.
In our last issue (says the Queenstown Free Press) we announced the probable arrival of Dr. SHEARER in the Colony on a visit to his brother, Mr. J.B. SHEARER of Queenstown. It is now our painful duty to record the death of that gentleman, which sad event took place on the ‘Gaul’ on the 29th June, on the voyage of that vessel between England and the Cape, and the doctor was buried at sea. Dr. SHEARER came from Paisley, in Scotland, and has one of the largest practices in that city. It is 27 years since the brothers parted, Mr. J.B. SHEARER coming to South Africa, and both were looking forward to that reunion which was not to be.
The death is announced at Umtata of Capt. RUSS C.M.R., a distinguished officer who served through the Gaika, Galeka and Basuto campaigns.
The mail brings news of the death of Mr. Saul SOLOMON, cousin of Mr. Saul SOLOMON of Capetown. The deceased was a solicitor with one of the oldest practices among the Jewish members of the profession in London. He was 82 years of age and leaves a widow, a daughter and eight sons.
Thursday 21 July 1898
MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Very Rev. Dean Holmes, on the 19th instant, Ernest Walter ABBOTT to Alice Maud COPELAND.
At Commemoration Church on Wednesday 20th inst, by the Rev. A. T. Rhodes, Herbert H. FISHER, second son of H.E. FISHER Esq. of Balham, London S.W., to Frances E. FICK, eldest daughter of C.J. FICK Esq. of Grahamstown.
PASSED AWAY at Kleinemonde, district of Bathurst, on 17th July 1898, Benjamin BARTLETT, in his 64th year.
“Safe in the arms of Jesus”.
Transvaal and Free State papers please copy.
DIED at Mount Pleasant, July 14th 1898, after a lingering illness of heart disease, John Berry WESTCOTT, aged 76 years, leaving a family of 6 children to mourn his loss.
Safe in the arms of Jesus
Safe on His gentle breast
There by his love o'er shaded
Sweetly my soul shall rest.
A Durban man named Reginald VERNON, cousin of Mr. Cyril JONGE, late M.L.A., was run over by the Berea tramcar late on Saturday night and killed on the spot. The night was very dark, and the first intimation of anything unusual was a sudden jolt of the car. Deceased had a short time before bid a police sergeant a cheery goodnight. It is believed the unfortunate fellow had gone to sleep on the line.
Yesterday afternoon a very pretty wedding took place in Commemoration Church. The contracting parties were Mr. Herbert H. FISHER, of Johannesburg, and Miss Frances (Fanny) E. FICK, daughter of Mr. C.J. FICK of this city. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. A.T. RHODES.
The bride entered the sacred edifice leaning on the arm of her father. She looked very charming. Indeed some of the ladies in the congregation were overheard to say after the ceremony: “She was really the prettiest bride of the season”. Her dress was of silk brocade rep, trimmed with brocade silk, chiffon and orange blossom. She wore a wreath and veil and carried a beautiful bouquet of stephanotis and orange blossom.
Miss Maud FICK, the bride’s sister, was bridesmaid. She was attired in a costume of silk brocade canvas, trimmed with chiffon and white silk. She also carried a bouquet and wore a gold bangle, a present from the bridegroom. Mr. J. Talbot MILES was groomsman. Mr. SPEED presided at the organ and played the Wedding March and other suitable pieces of music.
After the ceremony an adjournment was made to the house of the bride’s father, where a reception was held. Many and costly were the bride’s presents. Among these may particularly be mentioned an elegant dressing-case presented to the bride by the members of Mrs. MEDLEY’s Friday Afternoon Class, of which the bride had long been a member. There was also a cheque for a substantial amount presented by Mr. C.J. FICK, and many other presents of a costly and tasteful character. About 40 telegrams of congratulation were received during the afternoon from friends at a distance.
The bride and bridegroom left by the evening’s train for Somerset East, via Cookhouse, where the honeymoon will be spent. We join with the many friends of the happy pair in wishing them long life and great happiness.
Saturday 23 July 1898
DIED at Whitney, near Alexandria, Angela Maria, dearly beloved wife of the Rev. P.W. COPEMAN MA, who passed away to the home of her Eternal Rest on the 14th day of July 1898, aged 69 years.
MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 19th July 1898, Douglas B. DUMBLETON Esq., of Bulawayo, to Mabel AYLIFF, daughter of James AYLIFF Esq. J.P., of Uitenhage.
MARRIED at Johannesburg on the 16th inst, by Capt. Von Brandis, and also by Rev. Crewilson, Mary Rosaline, sixth daughter of E.J. HISCOCK Esq, of Somerset East, to Louis Charles PAPENFUS, of Johannesburg.
MARRIED at Wesley Church, Queenstown, on the 20th July 1898, by the Rev. Philip Tearle, Stanley James, fifth son of John DOLD J.P., Grahamstown, to Florence Sarah, fifth daughter of Albot [sic – should be Ablort] STILWELL, Queenstown. No cards.
We (Telegraph) regret to announce that a telegram was received from Sandflats yesterday morning announcing the death of Mr. Charles CAITHNESS. The deceased had been ailing for some time, and a few months ago he underwent a serious operation. The operation, to all appearance, was successful, but Mr. CAITHNESS did not regain his health. He went to Sandflats to recruit, but the change did not have the desired effect. The end was not expected so soon.
Tuesday 26 July 1898
We (African Review of July 2) understand that Mr. W.T. CLIFFORD, who made so gallant an effort to save Mr. BARNATO’s life last year, is to be married on Tuesday next to Miss Clara Strutt ANDERSON.
Thursday 28 July 1898
DIED at Thorn Kloof on the 24th July 1898, Henry Gordon CUMMING, youngest son of the late Gen. CUMMING, aged 41 years.
DIED at his residence, Whitney, near Alexandria, Philip Walker COPEMAN MA, and Colonial Chaplain, aged 85 years and 5 months.
A lad named George ROSS, staying with his uncle of the same name on a farm near Howick, Natal, has died from injuries sustained by a gun exploding. The boy went to lie on a bed on which a loaded gun rested. The gun exploded in some mysterious way.
A man named S.J. SELOUS, who has been staying in Maseru for a few months, went to Ladybrand on Wednesday, and on Friday while walking on the street dropped down dead. He was between forty and fisty years of age. He came here from Rhodesia. It is understood that he was a cousin of Mr. F.C. SELOUS, the great hunter and traveller. The deceased was an artist.
Saturday 30 July 1898
William James OLIVER, a young man employed as a tram conductor at Durban, has been arrested and remanded for the embezzlement of £77 from Messrs. Garlick and Holderoft, Johannesburg, in September 1897.
Most heartily do we congratulate Mr. E.M.H. STONE, eldest son of our friend and fellow citizen, Mr. Attorney J.M. STONE, who has passed the Law Certificate Examination, the only successful candidate this year from Grahamstown. Mr. E. STONE’s grandfather, the late Mr. J.J.H. STONE, was the first Attorney in the Eastern Province, and passed his examination before Judge MENZIES in 1841.
- Hits: 1954