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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1898 08 August

Thursday 4 August 1898

House Painter, Paper Hanger and Grainer
Address: Cathcart-st, Grahamstown

Practical Carriage Builder
Carriages, Phaetons, Spiders, Carts, Buggies and Dog Carts on hand or made to order, equal to any imported article either for Design, Workmanship or Durability.
Special attention to Repairing, Painting and Trimming – Charges Moderate.

For First-Class Groceries Try
Family Grocer
Try our Java and Ceylon Coffees, Pure and Mixed, Special Qualities: Sugars, Teas, Tinned Fish and Meats, Splendid Variety: American Dried Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Apples, Nectarines and Plums: American Tinned Fruits, Pears, Peaches, Apples and Apricots, very fine.
We stock Jameson’s Natal Jams and Chutneys.
Fresh Butter, Eggs and All Kinds of Vegetables Every Day.
Special line in Cape Gooseberry Jam, 6d a tin.

A. BEHENMAN, a German, aged 42, committed suicide at Durban on Friday night. The deceased was found in a reclining posture at his home, quite dead. He had still a six chambered revolver in his right hand, and his forefinger on the trigger. Only one chamber had been emptied, and the bullet had passed clean through the man’s head, the spent bullet having knocked off the deceased’s hat, and the lead and the hat lay at the suicide’s feet. The deceased was a married man, and arrived in Natal only three months ago. He had been out of work for some time, and was in a despondent state.

A horrible gun accident took place at 11 o’clock on Saturday morning about three miles from Petersburg, on the Pretoria road. B. VAN BLERK, who is about thirty-five years of age, was cleaning a rifle when the gun went off, and the bullet entered his right eye and went in a slanting direction through his brain and out on the left side of his head. The tent was strewn with the poor fellow’s brains. Death must have been instantaneous. Great sympathy is felt for his relations. VAN BLERK was highly respected by everyone. Dr. HOHLE, the District Surgeon, was in quick attendance and made the most minute examination, and pronounced the sad affair to be purely accidental. Acting Landdrost [HEYSTEL] narrowly escaped a serious mishap on his return from VAN BLERK’s camp; his pony bolted, and had it not been that the road was level and wide, he would have fared badly. The Landdrost escaped with a slight shaking but the pony was chafed somewhat seriously.

We much regret to have to record the death of Mr. Carel E. ZIERVOGEL of Cradock, who was seized with a severe attack on inflammation of the bowels last Friday night and succumbed on Monday. Great sympathy is felt for Mrs. ZIERVOGEL, who was in Capetown with the children on account of ill health, and to whom her husband’s sudden and most unexpected decease will be a sad blow. He was just arranging to sell off his property and reside in Capetown, where he believed he could do better business.

Saturday 6 August 1898

In the Estate of the late Mrs. Jean EATON
All Persons having claims against the above Estate are requested to file them with the undersigned within fourteen days, and those indebted thereto are required to pay the amounts due from them within the same period.
July 27th 1898

In the Estate of the late Mary Anne KINDT (born COLCLOUGH) of Grahamstown
All Persons having claims against the above Estate are desired to file the same, and those indebted thereto to pay their accounts within six weeks from the date hereof.
Attorney for Executor Dative
29th July 1898

Tuesday 9 August 1898

Mr. T. BRITTON, the well known Rand veterinary surgeon, was found dead in his bed. It is a very sad case, as he leaves a widow and large family.

Titus TITIES, in his lifetime a farmer, whose father and mother died such a veery long time ago that all trace of their age and occupation have disappeared in the dim past, died on August 28th 1897, on the farm Zoovoorby, in Gordonia, at the age of 105.

Mr. Roger TREVOR, a well known pioneer, who pulled down the Portuguese flag at Massikessi during the early days of the Chartered Company, and was wounded during the last rebellion in Mashonaland while up there with WHITE’s Scouts, died at Bulawayo on Sunday night of heart disease.

Thursday 11 August 1898

MARRIED at the United Presbyterian Church, Cove, Dumbartonshire, Scotland, on the 23rd June, by the Rev. Professor Lindsay, Glasgow, assisted by the Rev. Armstrong Black, Liverpool, and the Rev. J. Cameron, Cove, Florence, second daughter of Rev. Dr. STEWART, Lovedale, to David Blyth ANDERSON, eldest son of John ANDERSON Esq. of Knockderry, Cove.

The will (dated May 18 1894) of the late Fanny Mary HOLLAND was filed on June 8 1898 by the executor testamentary, Andrew Barclay SHAND, the secretary for the time being of the Eastern Province Guardian Loan and Investment Company of Grahamstown. The testatrix bequeaths to her sister-in-law, Mary Frances HOLLAND, £50, to Emma BROWNE, her sister, all testatrix’s personal effects, save and except her books and the bookcase, which are bequeathed to her nephew and grandson, Harold Kytlin BROWNE. To her said sister, Emma BROWNE, the interest of £500, which amount is bequeathed to her executor upon trust, and after the death of the said Emma BROWNE, upon further trust to her said nephew and grandson, Harold Kytlin BROWNE, who also receives the residue of the estate.
The will (dated May 13 1892) of the late Dr. William Guybon ATHERSTONE, of Grahamstown, was filed on July 4th 1898 by the executors testamentary, Guybon Damant ATHERSTONE and Walter Herschel ATHERSTONE, sons of the testator. The testator bequeaths to his son Guybon Damant his family residence and grounds, situate in Beaufort-street, Grahamstown: to his daughter Ida MARTIN, widow of John Byde MARTIN, the farm Geelhoute Boom, or Atherstone, situate in the division of Albany, together with the Government land adjoining belonging to the testator, free of any mortgage that may be upon the same, also lots No. 5 and 17, situate at Port Alfred on the west side of the Kowie River: to his daughter Gertrude DILLON, widow of Thomas Joseph Lamb DILLON, the lots No. 1 and 2 on Mount Pleasant, near Grahamstown, known as the Whispering Pines: to his son Walter Herschel, certain property at Port Alfred, known as the Custom House property: to his granddaughters, Geraldine Grace DE ROEBECK and Emily Olivia DE ROEBECK respectively, lots 360 and 361 at Port Alfred, on the west side of the Kowie River, near the wharf, with the request that the said granddaughters do not alienate the said lots to any person out of the family. The residue of the estate is bequeathed to testator’s children, i.e. Guybon Damant, Ida MARTIN, Gertrude DILLON and Walter Herschel in equal shares.

A very sad occurrence is reported from Otto’s Hoop, Transvaal, a young man named GOUCHE, who had only been married a few months, being seriously injured through the accidental discharge of a gun, which he was lifting from a wagon. The gun charge lodged in his abdomen, and the injuries, it was feared, prove fatal.

Saturday 13 August 1898

DIED at West Hill, Grahamstown, on August 12th 1898, Sarah SKEA, aged 79 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, West Hill, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at half past 2 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday August 13 1898, Mary Elizabeth MACKAY, relict of the late David MACKAY, aged 73 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Cradock-street, near Aidan’s College, tomorrow (Sunday)afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

It is our sad duty to record today the deaths of two well-known inhabitants of Grahamstown. Mrs. MACKAY, of Cradock-St, widow of the late Mr. David MACKAY, who died a short while back, died early this morning. She was 73 years of age, and has not long survived her husband, who was formerly one of the best known of the local Postal officials. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock.
Mrs. SKAE [sic – should be SKEA] died yesterday at her residence on West Hill, and while the City was in the throes of the Election Contest, her life passed peacefully away. She was 79 years old, a ripe old age. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2:30.
To the bereaved families we tender our sincerest sympathies in their sad affliction.

Harry WOOD, son of Sir Evelyn WOOD, who is coming out to Natal, was once a Royal page, and enjoyed the distinction of having his ears boxed by the Queen.

Thursday 18 August 1898

DIED at Grahamstown, August 17th 1898, Mrs. B. CINNAMON Sen., aged 69 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence in Carlisle Street at 9 o’clock tomorrow (Friday) morning. Friends respectfully invited to attend.


The news of the death of Mr. Alfred HEWITT yesterday came as a severe shock to all who knew that gentleman. To know him was to respect him. Mr. HEWITT, who came out here with his wife and family for his health, had always had trouble with his lungs, and an exhausting attack of influenza, succeeded by congestion of the lungs and pleurisy, caused his death at 1am yesterday morning. Mr. HEWITT held a responsible position in the Telegraph Department, and was held in high esteem by all who came in contact with him. He had seen much service at home, and has also put in 8 years at Grahamstown. The deepest sympathy will be felt for Mrs. HEWITT and her three children in this terrible affliction. Mr. HEWITT was 43 years of age. The funeral will take place this afternoon.

An old resident of Grahamstown has just passed away into Eternal Rest, in the person of Mrs. CINNAMON, widow of the late Mr. Ben CINNAMON of this City. Mrs. CINNAMON has been resident here for 40 years, and was 69 years of age. She was only ill for about 4 weeks, being seized by a sharp attack of influenza, and congestion of the lungs. She leaves 5 living children, 4 sons and a daughter, to mourn the loss of a good and kind mother. The end came yesterday morning at 9 o’clock. The funeral of the late Mrs. CINNAMON will take place at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.

We have to chronicle the sad death at Klerksdorp of Mr. Norman SMITH, second son of our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. W.A. SMITH. Deceased met with a serious accident recently, which necessitated a critical operation, from which he never really recovered. He was well known here, having been educated at the Public School. The body will be brought to his native town for interment. To the bereaved family we tender our deepest sympathy.

Fifty-nine persons were granted letters of naturalisation in this Colony during the first six months of the year. The majority of these were born in Russia, and Germany comes next.

Saturday 20 August 1898

PASSED AWAY on Wednesday August 17th 1898, at Klerksdorp, Transvaal, after a severe accident, Norman Dudley SMITH, second son of Mr. W.A. SMITH.
The Funeral of the late Mr. Norman SMITH will leave the residence of his father, Beaufort Street, at 3 o’clock on Monday afternoon. Sympathising friends are invited to attend.

A most distressing accident occurred at Prieska on Thursday last. Mrs. JOUBERT, having left her youngest son in the kitchen, by some unaccountable means the back of his frock caught alight. Fortunately he ran into the room to his father and mother, who were enabled to extinguish the flames in time to prevent fatal injuries. The child is severely burnt, but up to the present is progressing favourably.

A novel wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon at Durban and attracted a crowd of over 1,000 people in West Street, it having become known that all those taking part were to be mounted on bicycles. This rule even applied to the officiating Wesleyan minister. The mother of the bride as she pedalled through the crowd was warmly applauded. The bride was Miss Beattie TUNMER, reputed to be the earliest lady cyclist in Durban, and the bridegroom Mr. A.A. BURNE. The happy pair rode from the church on a bicycle made for two.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage certificate shows that the bride and groom were Beatrice Elsie TUNMER and Albert Allen BURNE]

Rev. DU TOIT, who was killed in the recent railway smash, preached earnest sermons in the D.R. Church only last Sunday week.

The Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage has held an inquest n the body of a European named Jesse [MAUNDEVILLE], who died somewhat suddenly in a native hut at Gubb’s Location a few days ago. Deceased was of Portuguese descent and had reached the very ripe age of 103 years. He is supposed to have been a fisherman in his time, but latterly was too ill to work, and lived on charity. The medical evidence showed that death was due to senile decay.

The marriage of Miss Alice SHEFFIELD, eldest daughter of Mr. T. SHEFFIELD, Managing Director of the Argos Company, with Mr. Theodore PACKMAN, son of the Rev. C.H.L. PACKMAN, Rector of St.Bartholomew’s, Grahamstown, will take place on the 16th September.

At Fort Beaufort, at the home of Mr. PAYNE, on the 16th August, by the Rev. A. HANESWORTH, Mr. George Alfred TEMLETT, of Fort Cox, was married to Miss Kate GARNER, daughter of the late Mrs. PAYNE. Owing to recent bereavement the wedding was of the quietest and simplest order. Everything went happily. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr. Robert TEMLETT, and the bride by her nieces, the Misses SAVORY, and by Miss Rhoda TEMLETT, of Alice. Miss GARNER’s happy nature and attractive qualities will be greatly missed in Fort Beaufort.
[Transcriber’s note: The bereavement referred to was Kate GARNER’s mother, Mary Anne PAYNE (nee WEBB), who died on 1 December 1897. See her Death Notice]

Tuesday 23 August 1898

DIED at Hill’s Garden, Kareiga, on August 18th 1898, Mark TUCKER, aged 76 years. Deeply regretted.

Married in St.Patrick’s Pro Cathedral by the Right Rev. Bishop McSherry, on Tuesday August 23rd 1898, Charles COMPTON-EASON, fourth son of William EASON Esq, The Shepherds, Cranbrook, Kent, England, to Janie, sixth daughter of the late John McNAMARA, of Seftons, Cape Colony.

We have to chronicle the death of Mr. Mark TUCKER, of Hill’s Garden, Kareiga, on August 18th. Deceased came out to this country many years ago with the 6th Light Dragoons, and on his discharge from the old regiment he turned his thoughts from war and settled down to a peaceful life in Albany. Mr. TUCKER was nearly 76 years of age, and leaves a number of descendants. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon by deceased’s special request at Hill’s Garden, the obsequies being conducted by the Rev. J. WHITESIDE. Mr. HEWSON of Salem was the undertaker, and gave every satisfaction. The pall-bearers were Messrs. G. EMSLIE Jun., J. EMSLIE, G.W. EMSLIE, C. EMSLIE, F.HAYES, J. MARAIS, C.HEATHCOTE, M. HEATHCOTE. The First City Volunteers were represented by Corporal C.C. EASON and Pvt. P. EMSLIE, and the Cape Police by Corporal GOLDSWAIN and Pvts. HAMLEY and FARQUHAR.

The mortal remains of the late Mr. Norman SMITH, son of our well known and highly respected fellow citizen, Mr. W.A. SMITH, arrived here from Klerksdorp on Saturday afternoon, and the funeral took place from the residence, Beaufort Street, at 3pm yesterday. There was a very large attendance of relatives, friends, and the sympathising public. As deceased was an old pupil at the Public School, four of his old school fellows, classmates who remembered him well, and esteemed his memory highly, took the duty of pall-bearers, thus paying their last tribute to their old friend, who has been cut off so suddenly in the prime of life. They were Messrs. E. ROBERTS, W.E. GROCOTT, Percy SHERRY (Port Elizabeth) and B. WEBBER. The Public School Cadet Corps, under Lieut. CHRISTOPHERSON, turned out and marched to the graveside in advance of the hearse. The chief mourners were Mr. W.A. SMITH (father) and Mr. Louis SMITH (brother). All the funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. A. WILL. The Rev. G.W. CROSS conducted the service at the graveside. Many were the beautiful wreaths and other floral tributes that were sent. The inscription on the coffin was:
Died Aug 17th 1898
Aged 30 Years

It is with deep regret that we record the death of Mr. Frederick MARCUS, who passed away at his residence, 20 Bird-street, Port Elizabeth, on Saturday night, after a long illness. The deceased gentleman was born in London on the 9th July 1826. He started business as a young man both at Capetown and at Grahamstown as an exporter of wool, feathers etc.

On Wednesday afternoon there passed away at his residence, Craigielea House, Bultfontein Rd, Kimberley, at the age of 72 years, Mr. Ben GREEN, late Commandant of the Lilyfontein Volunteers, who in 1879 took part in the Koranna rebellion, and through his steady and gallant behaviour won the respect and admiration of the troops. Born at Grahamstown in 1826, the son of one of the early settlers, he took part in most of the early Kafir wars, with no small credit to himself, and was awarded the war medal with a clasp for 1877-8-9. In November 1852 he married Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. L. EDWARDS, of Grahamstown, one of the early missionaries. For eight years Mr. GREEN was Inspector of Native Locations at Alice (Victoria East). During the last twelve years he had been resident on the Diamond Fields. His wife died forty-eight hours after his decease.

Thursday 25 August 1898

DIED at Merino, District Fort Beaufort, after a short illness, Honora Matilda WOOD, relict of the late James WOOD of Grahamstown, aged 60 years. Deeply regretted.

The engagement is announced by a Johannesburg paper of Miss Stella BAKER, sister of Mrs. Harvey RAYNIER, with Mr. George MELVILL.

Saturday 27 August 1898

DIED at the residence of her son George (City Pound), Elizabeth MARSHALL, relict of the late John MARSHALL, aged 76 years and 8 months. Deeply regretted.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence at 4 o’clock, and be at the Burial Ground at half past 4 this (Saturday) afternoon. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

We regret to record the death last night of Mrs. Elizabeth MARSHALL, widow of the late Mr. John MARSHALL, well known here. She was the mother of Capt. George MARSHALL, First City Volunteers, and leaves several other children, both in this City and up country. Mrs. MARSHALL, who was 76 years of age, died from a dropsical affection of the heart, at the residence of her son, “The Pound”, and will be buried this afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Tuesday 30 August 1898

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 26th August 1898, the wife of J.B. GREATHEAD M.B. Edin., of a daughter.

DIED at Blaauwkrantz, Bedford district, on the 27th August, Spencer James CAWTHORNE, aged 27 years and 8 months.

  • Hits: 1917