Grahamstown Journal 1899 01 January
Tuesday 3 January 1899
We are exceedingly sorry that our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. J.S. WILLCOX, the President of the Executive, is not at present able to be about and enjoying the success of the great enterprise which he has done so much to promote by his unwearied labour, patience and tact. Mr. WILLCOX has been laid up for more than a week with severe cold and inflammation, and we regret to hear that no decided improvement can at present be reported. We sincerely trust, however, that he may soon be better, and able to visit the Exhibition, where his fellow workers truly miss the encouragement of his cheerful countenance and wise management.
Saturday 7 January 1899
You may lick a Postage Stamp, but you can’t lick a Wearwell Cycle
We are showing a full range of ladies’ and Gents’ Machines
The Wearwell Road Racer
Price and Competition Defied
Call and Inspect
W. BROOKS & Co, Clothing Emporium
Church Square, Grahamstown
Tuesday 10 January 1899
On Tuesday morning an early service, beginning about 4am, was held in the Rhenish Mission Church at Worcester, and just before its close was interrupted in a startling manner. An old colored man named Willem ADRIAN, 75 years of age, suddenly sank back in his seat and almost immediately expired. The doctor was sent for, but before a medical man could arrive the deceased had ceased to breathe. He had been complaining of pain in his side and shortness of breath during the previous fortnight, but told his wife on Tuesday morning that he felt quite well.
Thursday 12 January 1899
Capetown, Wednesday (Reuter’s wire to Journal)
In the Civil Service exam the following are the successful candidates:
First Class Matriculated
1 FARR, George Percy
2 WELSH, Alexander Simpson
3 CANVEY, Andrew Harry
4 ZIERVOGEL, Herbert
5 REID, Walter Hugo Yeld
6 OCHSE, Frank Henry Steven
7 KNOX-DAVIS, Lionel Sydney
8 DU PREEZ, Henry Goldsbury
9 HARTNADY, John William Francis
10 CROSS, Matthew Arnold
11 CATHERINE, Ernest Hinton
12 SMITH, Herbert Stanley
13 TROLLIP, William Francis Charles
14 McCORMICK, Spencer Acklom
15 FENNELL, Louis Reginald Page
16 DEWAR, Charles Alexander
17 JOSLIN, Valentine Lawrance
18 BICKFORD, Ethelbert
19 ORDEMANN, Conrad Friedrich
20 BOWKER, Harold Dugard
21 VERSFELD, Reginald Garde
22 DE KOCK, Matthys Johannes De Wet
23 STANDEN, Lucy Margaret
24 GORDON, Robert Shand
25 SIMPSON, William Hope
26 RAINER, Henry Aubrey
27 PREINS, John Daniel
First Class Non-Matriculated
1 DAVIES, Sydney Alfred
2 SMIT, Lennon Impey
3 WHITE, James Wingate
4 LIMINGTON, Alfred John
5 RHODES, Harold Mainwaring
6 DEAS, John Simpson
7 FRENCH, Henry Mowlan
8 YOUNG, George Gustavus Frederick
9 LOXTON, Jesse
10 SNOOKE, Stanley Delacourt
11 EKSTEEN, Gerhardus Kotze
12 STEENKAMP, Jacobus Nicolas
13 BRINK, Frederick James
14 ISTED, Thomas Crawford
15 McILWAINE, Henry
16 SIMPSON, Harold Fitzpatrick
17 CLOETE, Montrose Claverhouse
18 LINSTROM, Jan Frederick
19 FELLING, Charles Wm.
20 THEIL, Otto Theodore
21 CAMERON, Alexander James
22 DE VILLIERS, Marthinus Cornelis
23 LESUEUR, Reginald Ewd. Constant
24 DREYER, Melt Van der Spuy
25 LYNE, Frank Augustus
27 PERCIVAL, Harold Tregarthen
28 DICKSON, Claude Francis Jones
29 PARKER, Herbert Louis
30 VAN RENEN, Wm. Andrian
31 MOODIE, Thomas (No. 158)
32 EDES, Matthew Ethelbert
33 BOYES, Chas. Selwyn
34 GOLDSCHMIDT, Bernard Isaac
35 HUDSON, Ralph George
36 CUNNINGHAM, Jacobus Gerten-Bach
37 BOUNT, Jan Pieter Joubert
38 WHITE, George Lorraine
39 ALEXANDER, George Norval
BRENNAN, Michael
42 PARSONS, Henry Bryant
Second Class Matriculated (Alphabetically arranged)
BAILLIE, Chas. Arnelius
BERGH, Eloff Reginald
DE VILLIERS, Daniel Cornelius
DE VILLIERS, Eric Gustav
DE WET, Johannes Jordaan
DE WIT, Josias Jacobus
EUVRARD, Roelof Vandermerwe
GRAY, Sydney Filmer
GRIFFITHS, Percival John
HOFMEYR, Wejnad Louw
JACKSON, Philip Peter Duke
JARVIS, Joseph William George
LEOPOLDT, Christian Frederick Louis
PILKINGTON, George William
STRYD[...], Conrad Josephus
ST[..]ER, Frederick James
Second Class Non-Matriculated (Alphabetically arranged)
ABRAHAMS, Louis Frederick
BAZELY, Ernest Harold
BEGG, Arthur Harvey Stavely
B[...]KKES, Michael David
BROWN, Francis Montagu
BUDGE, Richard Thomas
CAMBRIDGE, Frederick William
CAMPBELL, Gordon Centlivres
[CHANNING], Sanderson
CHASE, Bertram Hudson
COLLIERS, Johannes Daniel
COTSER, Walter
CREED, Harold Elvey Frederick
CUMMING, Ronald Gordon
DAWSON, William Barren
DOW[...], William Karl
DEWITT, Jacobus
D[.....], Murdoch Morrison
ELLIS, William Harold Vernon
FURNESS, James Harry
GARNER, Stephen Donald Ayliff Philip
HARRIS, William Arthur
HOETS, John George Douglas
HOFMEYR, Percy George
HULL, William Barraud
INNES, William Harzenberg Rose
JACKSON, John Sydney
KEILLER, Robert Pearson
KNOBEL, Johannes Casparus Jurgen
[MAAG], Henry Samuel Stephanus
MAY, Walter Ernest
McLEOD, Harold Reuben
MEINTJES, Carlos Adrian Hoffender
MOLL, Andreas M[.]llett
MOLL, Frederickus Gerhardus
MOODIE, Thomas (No. 157)
MORRIS, George Abbott
NARRIWAY, Douglas Oswald
ORLANDINI, Peter James
PEPLER, Isaac John
PER[..], Richard
PHILIPS, Charles Harry
RICHARDS, Michael Smuts
PONTON, Ernest Munro
PRINGLE, Mark Elliott
PROBART, Alfred A. Beckett
ROBIE, John Christian
RAINIER, Reginald Garrett
RUSHTON, Robert William McDonald
SHORT, Archibald Gray
SIMKINS, Henry William James
TROMP, Henry
TEE[...], Wicke[..]
VAN BREDA, Charles
VENTER, Albertus Stephanus
WILSON, John James Page
YULE, Harold Norman
1 D[.....], George
2 BRINK, Henry Frederick
3 FARR, George Percy
1 McCORMICK, Spencer Acklom
2 STANDEN, Lucy Margaret
3 JACOBS, Henry Bingham
4 KEILLER, Robert Pearson
5 [BROOK], Henry Frederick
6 HARTNADY, John William Francis
7 CLEMENTSON, Henry Lawson
1 JACOBS, Henry Bingham
1 T[....]LOTTE, Theodore
2 PONTON, Ernest Munro
3 ORDEMANN, Conrad Frederick
1 WELSH, Alexander Simpson
1 DEWAR, Charles Alexander
Capetown, Thursday (Special wire to the Journal)
The list of successful candidates in Civil Service Examination is published. There were over 250 Candidates. Number 1 in First Class Matriculated was George Percy FARR and in Non-Matriculated Sydney Alfred DAVIES. One lady, Miss Lucy STANDEN, was number 23 out of 27 in First Class Matriculated list. She also passed second out of seven in Typewriting.
Saturday 14 January 1899
Married at Sidbury, on January 9th 1899, by the Rev. J.W. Thompson, George Archibald GUSH, fourth son of the late G.R. GUSH, of Schiet Kop, Sidbury, to Elizabeth MUNCASTER, third daughter of W. MUNCASTER Esq, Cumberland, England.
Monday 16 January 1899
And Inhabitants of Grahamstown in Particular
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is with great pleasure we have to advise of our having been enabled to acquire the entire exhibits of some of the most successful exhibitors at the South African Industrial and Arts Exhibition which is being held here, and therefore will be in a position to supply you with the various Articles that so charmed your eye, but which you could not touch. You will now be able to touch as much as you like, and we can assure you that your taste will be charmed to a greater extent than your eyes were.
The list of Stands bought so far is as follows:
SHEPHERD’s: Jams etc: Awarded Gold Medal
GLEBE REFINING CO’s: Syrup and Loaf Sugar: Awarded Gold Medal
STOWER’s: Lime Juice: Awarded Gold Medal
LETHAM’s: Hams etc: Awarded Gold Medal
PEAK, FREAN & CO’s: Cakes and Biscuits: Awarded Gold Medal
DAY & MARTIN’s: Polishes etc: Awarded Gold Medal
MAURITIUS PRODUCTS: Sugars and Jams etc: Awarded Gold Medal
Also HINDSON’s Natal Teas and
The Fine Assortment of Mazawattee Tea, for which we are the sole Grahamstown Agents.
The Household Paraffin Pump is selling well, and is proving itself to be a veritable boon.
High-street and Bathurst-street
Sole Grahamstown Agent for Mazawattee Tea and Household Paraffin Pump.
DIED at Bathurst January 10th 1899, Stephen Thompson LANSDELL, eldest and beloved son of John and Annie E. LANSDELL, aged 1 year and 7 months.
On Saturday night close to the Braamfontein Racecourse, while a cart was being driven in that direction, the horses bolted and threw one of the two occupants, Mrs. VAN ZYL, belonging to Zandfontein Farm, eight miles from town, out of the vehicle. One of the wheels passed over her body. In a seriously wounded condition she was removed to the Johannesburg Hospital, but she died a few minutes after admission.
A farmer named Hans [BOSMAN] met with a fatal accident at Brakspan, near Boksburg, on Monday. He was driving a loaded trolley when he accidentally fell off, and the wheels of the trolley passed over him, breaking his ribs and causing other internal injuries. He died two hours afterwards.
Wednesday 18 January 1899
The Dartmouth of South Africa
During this week and until further notice, the Launch will run daily up the River, leaving the Wharf soon after the arrival of the Morning Train from Grahamstown, returning in time for Lunch and a Run to the Beach by Tram.
Return Ticket 2/6. Children 1/3
PS. Until about Thursday the Launch will run through to Mansfield (9 miles up the River).
Thursday 19 January 1899
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown, January 19th 1899, Louisa, relict of the late W. BEADLE, aged 75 years.
The funeral of the above will leave the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. J.W. HILL, Hill-street, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock.
A ten-year-old boy named BUSHELL, who with his father was spending the day on the rocks near Bat’s Cave, East London, fishing, fell over a cliff some 30 feet, while getting wood for a fire, and was instantly killed.
Mrs. HOWARD, wife of Mr. Josias HOWARD, broker and auctioneer, and an old resident of Kingwilliamstown, died suddenly on Sunday while dressing for church. She was in her usual spirits at breakfast. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was largely attended by the townspeople, by whom deceased was held in the highest esteem.
Friday 20 January 1899
Quiet little Peddie was all agog with excitement on Wednesday last, the occasion being a double wedding in the Wesleyan Church. The contracting parties were the Misses Jessie and Winifred PENN, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. PENN of [illegible] and Mr. WHITTLE of [Mata....], East Griqualand, and Mr. MIDDLETON of East London. As the brides, accompanied by their father, and followed by their bridesmaids, the Misses PENN and WHITTLE, entered the church, the hymn “The Voice that breathed o’er Eden” was sung by the choir. The brides, who were “gowned”, one in white satin and one in white silk, looked very charming, as did also the bridesmaids and the flower girls, the Misses LLOYD, whose costumes were a very pretty costume of cream and green. At the conclusion of the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. E. Polkinghorne THOMAS, the bridal party with a large number of guests adjourned to Burt’s Hotel, where the usual toasts were drunk. Shortly after the newly wedded couples started on their bridal trips, Mr. and Mrs. WHITTLE going to Kingwilliamstown and East London, and Mr. and Mrs. MIDDLETON to Grahamstown. The brides will be greatly missed by a large number of relatives and friends, whose warmly expressed good wishes they carry with them to their new homes.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage certificate of Jessie Mabel PENN to James Mortimer WHITTLE is here and that of Winifred Ogilvie PENN to Frederick Augustus MIDDLETON is here.]
Tuesday 24 January 1899
On Jan. 18th at St.Patrick’s Cathedral, by the Rev. Father O’Rourke, George Tiernan JENKINS, Electrical Engineer of Abergavenny, Mon., to Joan Mary, youngest daughter of the late Patrick HEALY of Grahamstown.
[Transcriber’s note: Abergavenny is in Monmouthshire, Wales]
Johannesburg, Monday (Special wire to Journal)
Mr. ERDAL, head of the financial department of Eckstein’s, died on Saturday night.
We extremely regret to receive news by wire of the decease of this esteemed Wesleyan Minister, who died suddenly of heart disease while attending the Synod at Shawbury in the Transkei. Further particulars have not reached us.
Thursday 26 January 1899
The will (dated September 19 1877) of Joseph and Elizabeth TROWER, of Trappe’s Valley, Bathurst, the former a late member of the House of Assembly, was filed on December 8. The will is entirely a mutual one, and the survivor is appointed heir or heiress as the case may be.
Monday 30 January 1899
BIRTH at Grahamstown on January 29th 1899, the wife of W.P. SLATER of a daughter.
On Saturday night Private William POGMORE of C Company Royal Berkshire Regiment, who has been ill for about 3 weeks, died of enteric fever at the Barracks here, and was buried yesterday. Deceased was only 19 years old and comes from Newcross, London, and enlisted on 1st Nov. 1897. He leaves a father in the old country to mourn his loss.
Another death also took place in connection with the military, a European Nurse in the family of Lieut. PEAKE, Miss Lizzie ANNALS, dying yesterday morning of typhoid fever. She was only 28 years of age, and was much esteemed by the family who benefited from her services, but her loss will be felt most terribly by her fiancé, who is a Corporal in the Regiment.
Yesterday afternoon a double funeral took place from the Drostdy, when there was a very large attendance. The remains of Private POGMORE were conveyed on a gun carriage draped in black, with Union Jack with deceased’s helmet and side-arms above the coffin. The gun carriage was drawn by about 10 of deceased’s comrades in arms. The band of the First City Volunteers and the Royal Berkshire Drums and Fifes supplied suitable music. This [interment] was closely followed by the [...] procession of the late Miss ANNALS, and both funerals entered St.George’s Cathedral, where short but impressive services were conducted by the Very Rev. the Dean, assisted by the Rev. Hurst JONES. A large number of beautiful wreaths and other offerings were sent by kind and sympathetic friends.
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