Grahamstown Journal 1899 02 February
Wednesday 1 February 1899
Constable THATCHER jumped off a Capetown tramcar with a trailer behind on Saturday whilst going at some speed and fell, and the wheels of the trailer passed over him. [..] one leg clean off, and he sustained other injuries. He was removed to the Hospital and has since died.
Messrs. T. BIRCH & Co, who have secured five gold medals and one silver medal at the Exhibition, have a large supplement in today’s Journal, and we would advise all our readers to pay special attention to the announcements contained therein. This firm has well deserved popularity for the excellence of their goods.
Mr. BLAINE stated that this was an application for a decree of divorce, by reason of defendant’s failure to restore conjugal rights to plaintiff on or before 15th January, as ordered by the Court on 15th November last.
Before applying for the order Mr. BLAINE asked that the rule nisi, calling upon defendant to show cause why the plaintiff should not be allowed to sue in forma pauperis, be made absolute. This had inadvertently been omitted on the return day. An affidavit by plaintiff’s attorney was put in, in support of the application.
The Court made the rule absolute and granted a decree of divorce as prayed.
Mr. HUTTON moved for a decree of divorce and custody of the children of the marriage, by reason of defendant’s failure to return to plaintiff on or before 31st October last, as ordered by the Court on 12th September.
Thursday 2 February 1899
Professor of Music at Kingswood College
Is at liberty to receive Pupils for Instruction in all branches of Violin, Viola and Cello playing.
The Principles of the School of Spohr and David will be adhered to, and the most modern system of technique will be taught.
Terms on application to Mr. Edgar WOOD
Kingswood College
Marrying at the early age of fifteen is not only ridiculous (says the Tarka Herald) but against the laws of nature. In a civilised country, such as we live in, there should be a law prohibiting young girls under the age of, at least, seventeen, from marrying. A case of this kind occurred in Tarkastad this week, the bride not having reached the age of sixteen.
A Mr. VAN BELLE, a railway official, was taking tickets at Elandsfontein on Saturday. Whilst passing from one car to the other, one of the carriages jumped by coming in contact with the points. Mr. VAN BELLE fell between the carriages, was dragged some considerable distance, but not before one of the wheels passed over one of his heels, crushing it terribly, so much so that amputation above the ankle took place on his arrival at the Company’s hospital.
A man named MORGAN, well known in racing circles, committed suicide at Rosebank, Capetown, on Sunday by blowing out his brains with a revolver. No reason is assigned for the terrible act.
The latest news of old President KRUGER is that his health is failing a great deal (says the Friend) and that the rough child of nature is fast approaching his dotage. Mr. KRUGER has become very deaf indeed, and his eyes are now troubling him very much. The G.O.M. of the Republic cannot be prevailed upon to relinquish his pipe, although all the medical men who treat him advise that he should do so.
Friday 3 February 1899
ENTERED INTO REST on the 3rd February 1899, Eileen Purvis Manley, infant daughter of John and Robina A. ROACH, aged 1 year.
[Transcriber’s note: According to her baptism she was born on 7 February 1898, so was actually four days short of her first birthday]
Mr. REES of East London, who sustained such terrible injuries in the railway accident at Mostert Hoek’s siding, is at present staying at Sea Point, though his injuries still necessitate a daily visit to the hospital. He is able to get about a little with the aid of crutches, but will, of course, remain a cripple for life. Mr. REES has also lost the use of his left arm.
Mr. William DE SMIDT, who died on Wednesday at Rondebosch, was 66 years of age, had practised as a Government Surveyor for many years, and was in active work up to within a few days of his death. He had been ailing, but it was not until a week or ten days ago that serious results were anticipated.
At Maritzburg a child of eight years, son of Mr. [E. ELLEGER], was killed in broad daylight, being run over by a trolley. The driver was said to be drunk at the time and has since been arrested.
Saturday 4 February 1899
A country paper says it hears from Johannesburg that “Dr. BERRY, the Speaker, dropped dead while reading the Masonic Funeral Service in his capacity as Master Mason, over the grave of a freemason named ENGLAND. The news has made a great sensation, especially in the Queenstown district.” This is a mare’s nest, as regards the Speaker, who we hope is as well as usual. [He is] the Rev. Dr. BERRY, whose death at Wolverhampton, England, was reported in our last issue.
Quite a sensation weas occasioned in Port Elizabeth on the receipt from Johannesburg of the shocking intelligence of the death of Mr. Harry ELLIOTT, especially as foul play is suspected. Harry ELLIOTT was the fourth son of the late Mr. Caldwell ELLIOTT. He was born in Port Elizabeth and resided here until shortly after Johannesburg came into prominence, when he removed thither and did remarkably well.
Monday 6 February 1899
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th inst, the wife of William WHITE-COOPER of a son.
Saturday - the body found drowned at Zwartkops River mouth yesterday turned out to be that of a white man about 30 years, named J.P. FITT, a coach builder. He was of weak intellect, and had been some time wandering about the outskirts of Port Elizabeth with no work to do. The body was buried under the direction of the Field-cornet and District Surgeon this morning.
This was an action in which plaintiff claimed that defendant be ordered to give her reasonable access to a child of the marriage between the parties, and for damages.
The plaintiff’s declaration alleged that she was married to defendant at Grahamstown 1887; that on the 12th May 1897 the marriage was dissolved by the High Court of South African Republic on the ground of plaintiff’s adultery; that there was one child of the marriage, a girl of 8 years; that the custody of the child was given to the defendant, but this order was subsequently varied by the High Court so as to allow the plaintiff to see the child from time to time; that defendant had removed the child from Johannesburg and placed her in charge of William FRANCIS in the district Victoria East; that defendant had not given plaintiff reasonable access to the child, and plaintiff was not allowed to see her, except in the presence of William FRANCIS and his wife, which plaintiff maintained was not such reasonable as was intended; that she had been put to expense in making further visits to Alice to see the child; in respect of which she claimed damages to the amount of £25.
The defendant in his plea alleged that he had placed the child in the charge of his sister, Mrs. FRANCIS and did so in the best interests of the child; that in consequence of plaintiff’s improper conduct in attempting by means of bribes offered to Native women, and by other means, to get the child out of the custody of Mrs. FRANCIS, he had insisted, as he reasonably might, on the presence of a third person at any interview between plaintiff and the child; he claimed in recompensation various sums for costs incurred in various actions between the parties in the High Court, in which Judgement was given in his favour.
Mr. KING for plaintiff
Mr. HUTTON for defendant
After the pleadings had been read and some discussion taken place between the Counsel and the Court, the Court suggested that some arrangement might come to between the parties, and adjourned for half an hour. On the Court re-assembling, Mr. HUTTON stated that an arrangement had been arrived at in the following terms:-
The defendant to bring the child to Grahamstown and place her at school by the beginning of next term, and to keep her there except during the vacations, or in case of his establishing a home in Grahamstown to take the child to live with him. Plaintiff to have the right to see the child twice a week, without other parties being present, at reasonable times and places, and undertaking not to attempt to remove the child from defendant’s control. Each party to be at liberty to apply to the Court to vary this order on reasonable grounds being shown. No order as to costs.
[Transcriber’s note: The plaintiff was Edith Emily HEWSON (born DAVIES) and the defendant was Horatio Pearce HEWSON, whose sister Mary Sophia Elizabeth married William Henry FRANCIS]
Thursday 9 February 1899
Mr. Advocate SAMPSON Q.C. being about to leave Grahamstown, has instructed Mr. Henry LAWRANCE to sell at his Residence, Oatlands, at the latter end of the month, the whole of his Valuable Household Furniture and Effects.
Further particulars and date in a future issue
Henry LAWRANCE, Auctioneer
Govt. Sworn Appraiser and Ostrich Feather Broker
Saturday 11 February 1899
But what will be the use of it if you have not got one of our celebrated Corrugated Tanks, acknowledged to be the best in the Colony, all sizes and prices.
Late W.V. HOLDEN & Co.
Monday 13 February 1899
Great sympathy is felt for Mr. T. HALL, the editor of the Bedford [E.....], who has now lost a second child from diphtheria. The third that was also [afflicted] is, we are glad to hear, out of danger.
An extraordinary occurrence was reported to the Kingwilliamstown police on Friday morning. They were called to the residence of Donald STEWART, a stonemason, being near the military quarters. They found STEWART lying in a pool of blood in a bedroom with two ghastly wounds on the head. On attempting to get some account of the occurrence, a most incoherent story was told. The grown daughter of the injured man said her mother had taken leave of her senses. Mrs. STEWART then came out and said “Here I am. I am not afraid. I have killed my husband and child, and will do for the lot of them.” From what is to be gathered so far it seems that STEWART and his wife were on good terms last night, being visited by a partner named SMITH and a young fellow named RUSSELL, who is engaged to the daughter. SMITH left about nine, when STEWART went to bed. Mrs. STEWART followed shortly after and RUSSELL left the house about ten. He was called by Miss STEWART shortly after midnight to go and see what had happened to her father. A young child about six months old is wounded and bruised, but not seriously. STEWART is not expected to live. A huge American axe was found in the yard, supposed to be the weapon which inflicted the wounds. The injuries are terrible; one cut across the cheek severs the ear and cheek bone, and a second one on the side of the neck goes through to the vertebrae. It is said that Mrs. STEWART is subject to fits of homicidal mania.
[See issue of 17 February]
Tuesday 14 February 1899
PASSED AWAY on 14th February 1899, in Grahamstown, Mary Geraldine, daughter of George and Martha RANDALL, aged 12 years and 6 days.
The Funeral of the above will leave her father’s residence, Howse-street, tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock.
Monday – The body of a white man was washed up near the Fishery today, and has been identified as that of a European named John HANLEY, a middle-aged man. The inquest will be held tomorrow.
Thursday 16 February 1899
Enormous Prices given for Unused Triangular Cape Stamps
Also for old Collections and old issues of African Stamps, such as from Natal, Cape, Transvaal etc.
By the City Stamp Co.
15 Castle Street, Capetown
South Africa’s Only Stamp Expert
The attention of readers and advertisers is requested to the fact that the Journal is now a Daily Newspaper. This advantage is offered to the public without any increase in the price of the Journal, which having secured a special and exclusive daily cable service in addition to the former cables and wires, is now unquestionably the cheapest daily paper in South Africa.
Daily Issue
The daily issue of the Journal is published about mid-day, and is delivered to all subscribers in town without extra charge, the subscription being as before 3s per quarter if paid in advance, or 3s 6d if not so paid.
Tri-Weekly Issue
The tri-weekly issue, containing all the news of the daily issue, continues to be published on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and will be posted to subscribers in the country on those days at the same rates as formerly, namely 5s per quarter paid in advance, otherwise 5s 6d.
At Bloemfontein a married woman named BURGESS attempted suicide on Sunday by taking poison. It is alleged that her husband thought he had cause for jealousy, and remonstrated with his wife. Thereupon she picked up the poison and commenced to drink it. The husband snatched the glass away, but not before the unhappy woman had swallowed part of its contents. The doctors hold out small hope of her recovery.
Friday 17 February 1899
MARRIED at Vryburg on the 6th February 1899, by the Rev. R. Olver, Philip, youngest son of W.W. TOWNSHEND Esq. of Vryburg, to Mary McKenzie, daughter of Thomas FERGUSON Esq. of Port Elizabeth.
Mrs. STEWART, who was arrested for the attempted murder of her husband and child, committed suicide on Sunday. She was confined in the King gaol, but as she was only depressed and miserable, no special steps seem to have been taken to watch her, though her sanity was suspected. Sunday she was still in a room in the gaol buildings, but early in the morning she broke one of the windows, and taking out a sharp piece of the broken glass, about six inches long, forced it through her neck into the windpipe and down into the cavity of the chest. She then covered herself with the bedclothes, holding them well over her neck, in order to disguise what she had done during the day. The woman’s condition was discovered, but medical assistance was of no avail, and she died at an early hour this morning. Her husband still lives, though he is in a very precarious condition. The injured baby is reported to be showing more dangerous symptoms.
[Transcriber’s note: See issue of 13 February. The Civil Death Notice of Aletta STEWART is here, and that of her husband Donald on the following page]
Monday 20 February 1899
Mr. J.R. [....BROCK], of Vlaklangte, a young man well known here, was found dead near the roadside close to town on Saturday. The cause of death was heart disease. He had a cheque for a large sum in his pocket, having disposed of his farm that morning. The deceased leaves a widow and young children, for whom much sympathy is expressed.
Sergeant COLLOCOTT completed seventeen years’ service in the Borough Police, Kingwilliamstown, on Wednesday last. Previous to that he had serves three years in the old F.A.M.P., and four years in the Albany Mounted Police under Captain SIMPKINS. On Sunday next the gallant Sergeant celebrates his silver wedding.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage certificate of Charles COLLOCOTT to Phoebe Tasmania CURRAN on 19 February 1874 is here.]
Wednesday 22 February 1899
Mr. F. GILFILLAN, of [Boschjeskloof], Cradock, lost two children within four days from diphtheria.
Thursday 23 February 1899
It is our sad duty again today to report another death in our garrison from Enteric Fever. Private Arthur Albert MINTER died at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Deceased, who was 22 years of age, belonged to A Company. He was born at Karrachee, India, his father being also a soldier, and deceased “rejoined” the colours on March 13th 1896 at Honey Hill, Newport, Isle of Wight. He has two brothers in the British Army, and his father, Mr. J. MINTER, still lives at Honey Hill. The Military Funeral will take place at 4 o’clock this afternoon, when the Band of the First City Volunteers will attend.
Tuesday 28 February 1899
DIED at Grahamstown on Monday evening, February 27th 1899, Eliza Jane Graves, the beloved wife of George Ernest FRANKLIN, in her 47th year.
The funeral of the deceased will leave her late residence in Worcester-street, Grahamstown at 9am tomorrow (Wednesday). Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Mrs. COOMBE, formerly a resident of Grahamstown, has died at Durban in the 63rd year of her age.
- Hits: 2008