Grahamstown Journal 1899 10 October
Monday 2 October 1899
FINCHAM. At Trollope-street on the 30th Sept, the wife of Allister T. FINCHAM of a daughter, both doing well.
Mr. S. GIBSON (Sanitary Contractor) and family have arrived here from the Rand. They left on Thursday evening after seeing all their mules commandeered. Mr. GIBSON is an old resident of Grahamstown.
We have much pleasure in publishing an extract from a letter addressed by the gallant and learned Member for Victoria East to a friend here. The reproduction of the extract from the old Volunteer order book is extremely interesting.
“I am struggling for a 2ft narrow gauge railway to help on Peddie folk. The system works very well in India, and there is plenty of literature on it. I preached it all last session, and specially quoted Mr. BODTKER on “little railways for South Africa.” This session this book is issued as a Parliamentary paper! Thanks to Major INGLEBY, who discovered it among a heap of old papers in the Drill Hall here. I am in possession of an order book of the Grahamstown Volunteers of the year 1835, beginning January 9th. The Corps consisted of four companies of Infantry, and one troop on Cavalry. Capt. SPARKS of H.M. 38th Regt. (at the General’s request) to be Lieut.Col., T.C. WHITE, Engineer-Major. Captains: Thomas DAMANT, W.R. THOMPSON, W. WRIGHT, R. GODLONTON. Lieuts: H.B. RUTHERFORD J.P., P.W. LUCAS, L.H. NEWRAUNT [sic], J.D. NORDEN. 2nd Lieuts: Joseph WALKER, H.J. JENNINGS, Joseph LATHAM, William SHEPPARD, A. McDONALD. Adjt. T. NELSON, Qrt. Master John ATHERSTONE, Surgeon. Cavalry: Charles GRIFFITH, Capt., Lieut: Charles MAYNARD, Cornet: Edward NORDEN. The orders in January 9 1835 are signed by H.G. SMITH, Lt-Colonel Commanding the troops. The number of rounds and ammunition and flints to be marked opposite each man’s name.”
Tuesday 3 October 1899
A private wire received this morning states that no British subject will be allowed to remain in the Transvaal, and no permits will be issued.
Mrs. MOORE arrived here from the Rand by this morning’s early train and is staying at the Railway Hotel.
Messrs. TARLETON, SCOBELL and TAYLOR arrived from Johannesburg yesterday and are sing at the Railway Hotel.
A rich farmer named VAN WYK was killed in a cart accident near Burghersdorp on Thursday. The disselboom broke, and the farmer fell under the wheels. His young wife and children were in the cart.
Wednesday 4 October 1899
Mr. DOUGLASS arrived from Johannesburg by yesterday’s early morning train, after three days and three nights travelling.
Mr. L. SMITH and Mrs. SMITH were arrivals from the Rand last Saturday morning. Mr. SMITH is the son of our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. W.A. SMITH.
Mr. J.E. JONG. Dr. JONG, of Worcester, has taken over the plant, premises and good will of the Colesberg Advertiser from Mr. WEAKLEY, who has been connected with the paper over 30 years.
The death is announced at Graaffreinet of Mr. R.S. GODBOLT, who for many years taught on farm schools in that district, and of late years conducted a commercial school in the town. He took a great interest in sports, and will long be remembered as the author of a very useful book, GODBOLT’s Practical Arithmetic. He died at the early age of fifty-four from cancer.
Thursday 5 October 1899
DIED at the Albany General Hospital on October 4th, A. CROSS, late of Taunton, Somerset, England, aged 33 years.
Aliwal North, Wednesday.
On Monday night when the Smithfield Commando, about 700 strong, had just left Smithfield, a severe thunderstorm broke, and the lightning killed one man named Roolf VAN WYK and rendered two others unconscious. One of the latter, named ENGELBRECHT, is not expected to recover.
At the Cathedral, Grahamstown, on 4th October 1899, by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese and the father of the bride, Harold ABRAHAMSON, of Lyndhurst, Cradock, to Helen Elizabeth Gurdon, youngest daughter of the Rev. Canon WOODROOFFE
A most charming wedding took place yesterday afternoon in St.George’s Cathedral, when Mr. Harold ABRAHAMSON, son of L. ABRAHAMSON Esq, ex M.L.A. for Somerset East, was married to Miss Helen WOODROOFFE, daughter of our esteemed fellow citizen Rev. Canon WOODROOFFE. The church was beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers, and presented a most festive appearance. The sacred ceremony was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, and the bride’s father, and the bride was given away by Rev Canon MULLINS. The bridesmaids were Miss Hilda WOODROOFFE and Miss Fanny ABRAHAMSON, while Miss Dorothy THOM and Miss Dorothy ABRAHAMSON were two sweet little flower girls. Mr. Arthur W. DOUGLASS acted as best man.
The bride wore a most becoming dress of white satin with lace yoke, wearing the usual wreath and veil, and the dresses of the bridesmaids were of white satin, covered with white net, transparent yoke, and sleeves with blue rosettes. They wore spays of red and white carnations. The flower girls wore chic little costumes of accordion-pleated silk. All the bridal party carried beautiful bouquets.
After the ceremony of matrimony the Bishop of the Diocese delivered a most interesting closing address to the young couple. The service was fully choral, and the grand old Wedding March was played by Mr. W. DEANE, organist of the Cathedral.
The bridal party repaired to the residence on Oatlands Road, where a sumptuous repast was provided, and where the usual festive toasts and good wishes were duly attended to. A group photograph was taken by Messrs. HEPBURN & JEANES. A large number of costly and useful presents and shoals of congratulatory telegrams were received.
Mr. and Mrs. ABRAHAMSON left last night for Capetown, where they will stay at the Queen’s Hotel. We join with all other friends in wishing them a life free from care and full of happiness.
Friday 6 October 1899
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on October 5th 1899, William PALMER, aged 79 years, late Ordnance Store-keeper.
The funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Drostdy, tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr. A.E. CROSS, one of the staff of compositors who daily help in the production of the Journal. Mr. CROSS was born in Plymouth, Marine Barracks, his father being a sergeant in the Royal Marines, and at an early age removed with his parents to Taunton. He came to us from Capetown, and was a steady, good and trustworthy workman, but unfortunately was a victim to consumption in its worst form. He had come out from England to this sunny land to try and regain his health and strength, leaving his wife, child and all relations and every tie behind him. Though the poor fellow battled manfully to continue his work, he had at last to give in, and obtained admission to the Albany General Hospital, where despite the best of treatment he breathed his last on Wednesday morning. Mr. CROSS was a general favourite in this office, and the Journal staff paid their last tokens of respect at the quiet funeral yesterday morning, the Rev. Mr. HILL officiating. Many beautiful wreaths were laid on the coffin, and those present felt that they had lost not only a fellow workman but a friend. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved wife and relatives.
The lamented death of Mr. J.D. ELLIS is said to have been caused by eating mushrooms.
Saturday 7 October 1899
Married at Clumber on the 15th [sic] October by the Rev. T.D. Rogers, George Clifford PURDON, son of Mr. William PURDON of Rokeby Park, to Minnie Sophia Longden TIMM, daughter of the late Mr. Reuben TIMM, of Mount Pleasant, Clumber.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage certificate shows that the marriage took place on 5th October]
An interesting ceremony was witnessed in the Wesleyan Church, Clumber, on Thursday the 5th inst, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. George C. PURDON, son of Mr. Wm. PURDON Rokeby Park, to Miss Minnie S.L. TIMM, daughter of the late Mr. Reuben TIMM, of Mount Pleasant, Clumber.
The Church was prettily decorated, and although the weather was rather unfavourable, a large number of persons assembled, showing the esteem in which the happy couple are held. The resident Minister, the Rev. T.D. ROGERS, performed the ceremony, and the bride was given away by the Rev. J.W. THOMPSON of Fort Beaufort, a former Minister of the Circuit. The bride was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss Edith PURDON, the sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Violet TIMM, the cousin of the bride. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. Victor SMAILES and Mr. McIverton BRADFIELD.
The costumes of the young ladies were much admired. The bride’s dress, from the well-known establishment of Mr. R. Restall STOCKS, consisted of handsome Bangalore silk, with court train, trimmed with moire veloire and chiffon, lace, buckles and sprays of orange blossom. Which gave the costume a charming appearance; a bridal wreath and square completed the costume. The bridesmaids wore cream satin striped alpaca, over yellow foundations, trimmed with satin, with hats to match. The bride carried a beautiful shower bouquet made by Miss B TIMM.
At the close of the interesting ceremony the Wedding March was played by Miss E. TIMM, and the happy couple were driven to the residence of Mrs. R. TIMM, the mother of the bride, for refreshments, and to receive the congratulations of their friends. Later in the day they proceeded by train to Port Alfred for their honeymoon.
Numerous presents, useful and ornamental, testified to the popularity of the newly married couple. We wish for them a long and happy career.
Mrs. MONK arrived from Johannesburg last night and is staying at the Railway Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. BENNETT are staying at the Railway Hotel. They arrived from the Rand yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. ROBERTSON are staying at the Railway Hotel. They arrived from the Johannesburg last night.
Mr. COLLINS, Inspector of the Rand Mines, was an arrival from Johannesburg and is staying at Wood’s Hotel.
Messrs. RAND, ANDERSON and TRUNWAY are staying at Wood’s Hotel, having arrived from Johannesburg last evening.
Messrs. DICKINS, GARDINER, MELLISH and WALKER are the latest arrivals from the Rand and are staying at the Railway Hotel.
Mr. J.R. FRYLINCK and Mrs. D.E. FRYLINCK were arrivals from Johannesburg yesterday. They are visitors at Wood’s Hotel.
Monday 9 October 1899
At Durban on Friday a nine-year-old schoolboy named CARR slipped off a tramcar and one of the wheels ran over his leg, which had to be amputated.
We are sorry to learn that our much-esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Reuben AYLIFF, lies at his residence in Grey Street seriously ill, and his condition gives much anxiety to his relatives and friends.
Tuesday 10 October 1899
The Funeral of the late Mr. William PALMER took place on Saturday afternoon. Capt. D. SAMPSON and Messrs. W.T. SAMPSON, J. LONG and R.W. NELSON were the chief mourners, and Col. A.E. NELSON, Messrs. BARSNLEY, HARDACRE and T. FOX acted as pall bearers. There were a large number of civilian friends present.
The First City Volunteers were well represented, and the band of that regiment under Bandmaster GILDER rendered the “Dead March in Saul” and “Beethoven” on the march up, while at the grave, between the volleys of the firing party, they played a verse of “When our heads are bowed with woe”. Capt. BOOTH was in command. The Rev. Father O’ROURKE officiated. A large crowd assembled to see the touching ceremony. Mr. A. WILL conducted things in his usual excellent style.
On Friday (reports the Watchman) before the C.C. and R.M. (A. GARCIA Esq.) an inquest was held touching the death of the late Mr. J.D. ELLIS. Dr. CHUTE gave evidence, from which it appeared that deceased took suddenly ill about 5:30 on Sunday afternoon. The doctor attended him. All during the night Mr. ELLIS was in great pain. About 3 o’clock he became worse, and about a quarter to four he expired. Mr. ELLIS told Dr. CHUTE that he had eaten some mushrooms on Sunday morning. A waiter at the Central Hotel stated that deceased brought some mushrooms to him on Sunday morning and asked that they should be cooked for him. This was done, and he had them for dinner. The housekeeper to the deceased said that he ate a couple of bananas. She told him not to as they were bad. She herself had eaten one and it disagreed with her. He did not, however, take her advice. Dr. SPENCER handed in a certificate of the post mortem examination conducted by him. The effect of it was that death was caused by weakness of the heart caused by pain resulting from colic. Dr. EGAN’s opinion was that death was due to collapse of the heart produced by colic pains, and he believed those pains were started from mushroom poisoning. The Magistrate returned a verdict of death due to collapse of the heart produced by coli pains in the bowels.
Amongst the latest arrivals at Capetown from the Rand is Mr. Charles R. PLUNKETT, editor of the [Sportsman and D….] News. Mr. PLUNKETT decided to leave with his wife and family on Wednesday and he quitted none too soon, for a warrant had already been issued for his arrest on a charge of high treason. He had enlisted some 200 men for the Imperial Light Horse at Maritzburg, and carried the risky business through without the authorities getting to hear about it until too late.
Wednesday 11 October 1899
DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday 11th October 1899, Emma, the beloved wife of Thomas BARNSLEY.
“In the midst of life we are in death”
The funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Church-square, tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
We regret to learn that Mrs. BARNSLEY, wife of Mr. T. BARNSLEY of Church Square, has died this morning of a sudden attack, we believe, of apoplexy.
Thursday 12 October 1899
At Graaffreinet Mr. J.J. STEWARD, son-in-law to Mr. J.H. SMITH M.L.A., consented to his physician’s performing an operation, which consisted in removing an ulcer from one of his lungs. He was put under chloroform, but died whilst the operation was being performed. At the time his wife was confined to her bed with a aby three days old.
Saturday 14 October 1899
A man named Tobias CLOETE attacked his wife with a chopper at Claremont on Tuesday, and, believing he had killed her, tried to commit suicide. Both are in a dangerous condition.
Among other journals which have expired, or been suspended, is the Boksburg Herald, edited of late years by Mr. Matthew LOCKHEAD, once of Lovedale. The plant and goodwill of this newspaper have been sold for £240.
The Right Rev. J.W. HICKS D.D., M.D., Bishop of Bloemfontein, died on Thursday at Maseru in Basutoland. The Bishop’s illness assumed a serious stage a few days ago, and the end came somewhat suddenly. He was the only Anglican Bishop who was a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.
We regret to learn of the death, at Claremont, on Monday last of Mr. Joseph Francis BARRY, brother of Sir Jacob Dirk BARRY, and brother-in-law of Mr. A. GARCIA, C.C. and R.M., Uitenhage. The late Mr BARRY, who, in his time, was well known in commercial circles and as a farmer, had been in delicate health for some years.
At lady Frere on Monday Miss Ella COLLINS, pupil teacher, received severe injuries by burning. It appears that when alone in a room she reached over a lighted candle to take a book from a shelf. Her skirt caught fire, and after vainly trying to extinguish the flames she ran into the back yard. There fortunately her brother happened to be. After much difficulty, and with much damage to his hands, he succeeded in subduing the flames. The young lady received terrible injuries to her lower limbs. The clothing she wore at the time was practically destroyed.
A son of Mr. J.D. ELLIS, of Kingwilliamstown, was in a train for Johannesburg at Krugersdorp on Monday. He was ordered out by the guard, who told him the train was only for burghers. He refused to leave, and as the result of an altercation he was arrested, locked up all night, bail being refused, and next morning fined 30s for an alleged assault on the guard. On arriving at Johannesburg he was proceeding to the Telegraph Office to wire to his father when a friend put in to his hand the announcement of the sudden death of that gentleman the previous day.
Monday 16 October 1899
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership between Charles Augustus OLDHAM, Richard Edmund ATKINSON and Cecil Gerard ABLETT, carrying on business in Port Elizabeth under the style or firm of Atkinson, Oldham & Co, was dissolved on the 30th September 1899. The business is continued by the said Richard Edmund ATKINSON and Cecil Gerard ABLETT for their own account or benefit, under the style or firm of Atkinson, Ablett & Co.
Dated at Port Elizabeth this 13th day of October 1899.
C. Augustus OLDHAM
Tuesday 17 October 1899
Oh My! Cannot you leave the Transvaal Question alone for a few minutes!
Thank you; now read below.
The very best china cups at 6/11 per doz.
Ornamental china candlesticks at 7½d each
White and gold egg cups at 1/9 doz.
Glass tumblers at 2/6 doz.
Tanglefoot, best of flycatchers, 2/6 doz.
At the stores of R. CAMPBELL & SON
The Famous Italian Warehousemen, High Street
Sole Grahamstown Agents for Mazawattee Tea
Thursday 19 October 1899
DIED at his residence, Rock Cottage, Grahamstown, on Thursday 19th October 1899, Reuben AYLIFF.
Funeral of the above at 3:30 Friday afternoon.
We regret to have to record the decease of our highly esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Reuben AYLIFF, which occurred at his residence, Grey Street, this morning at 2 o’clock. The funeral will leave Rock Cottage at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon.
The two officers of the Cape Police who were attacked with a force of 13 at Riverton Road by 700 Boers on Sunday morning were Inspector AYLIFF and Sub-Inspector M.K. CROZIER of this City. Inspector AYLIFF is a nephew of Hon. W. AYLIFF, and was formerly in command here, while Sub-Inspector CROZIER is a nephew of Mr. John E. WOOD, M.L.A. for this City. It is satisfactory to know that no harm was done to the little force, who retired on Kimberley.
Friday 20 October 1899
FELL ASLEEP at Groot Plaats, Keiskamma, on the 15th inst, Florence Watson, aged 23 years, dearly loved daughter of B.M. and E. THACKWRAY.
DIED at Grahamstown October 19th, John MINERS, aged 74 years, late of Cornwall, England.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, South-street, tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at half past three o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Mr. AYLIFF was the second son of the late Rev. John AYLIFF, Wesleyan Missionary, and was born at Somerset East in 1823. His education was obtained first at Salem (Mr. MATTHEWS’s Academy), where so many of our Colonial youth in the old times were educated; and afterwards in Grahamstown at a school conducted by Mr. STANDEN Sen. He began his business life as a clerk at Maynard’s Store, but afterwards removed to Port Elizabeth, where he was in the business of Messrs. John Owen, Smith & Co. Subsequently he took charge of Leeuwfontein, the then celebrated sheep farm of Mr. HOWSE, but had to leave there and bring all the valuable stock into Fort Beaufort, because of the war of 1846. During that period he was commandant of the Dutch burghers who came down from Graaffreinet. He was next in business on his own account at Fort Beaufort, and subsequently had for several years a flourishing business at Fauresmith. His venerable father resided here with him the latter years of his life, and at his death Mr. Reuben AYLIFF gave up his excellent prospects at Fauresmith and moved down to this city with his mother and sisters, to whose comfort and happiness he devoted himself. He was greatly esteemed in Grahamstown, having been Mayor of the city on three occasions, and it was during one of his mayoral years that the present Town Hall was erected and opened. For several years he was one of the representatives in the House of Assembly for the electoral division of Uitenhage. Afterwards he became Interpreter (Dutch and Kafir) of the Eastern Districts Court. During the latter years of his life he devoted much valuable time to the cause of temperance, and twice he was chosen as a delegate to the R.W. Grand Lodge of America, which country he visited in that capacity. For several years successively he held the office in the Cape Colony of G.W.C.T. He was a most affectionate son and brother, a man of the most modest and unassuming disposition, and the present writer ventures to say from long knowledge of Mr. AYLIFF that he was as nearly faultless as we can ever expect to find human nature. He was a very sincere Christian, an attached and faithful member of the Wesleyan Church, in which he sustained many important offices, and as a citizen he was universally respected and loved. Such men are an honour and a blessing to the country which gives them birth, and we trust the remembrance of Mr. Reuben AYLIFF [as] a blameless, useful and honourable carer, and the high esteem in which he was held by his fellow citizens, will comfort his family and his relatives under the bereavement they sustain through his lamented decease.
Saturday 21 October 1899
The funeral of the late Mr. Reuben AYLIFF took place yesterday afternoon from Rock Cottage, being conducted by Mr. A. WILL, Undertaker. There was a very large assembly of friends, every society or denomination in the city being represented, and all classes joined to pay their last testimony to the esteem in which Mr. AYLIFF was held. His Worship the Mayor, Lieut. Col. A.E. NELSON (in robes of office), the Town Clerk, municipal officials and the Town Council preceded the hearse. The chief mourners were Hon. W. AYLIFF, Mr. AYLIFF (Port Elizabeth) and the Misses AYLIFF. The pall bearers were Mr. J.E. WOOD M.L.A., H.R. WOOD Advocate H.F. BLAINE, Hon. Mr. Justice SOLOMON, Mr. J. SLATER, Advocate HUTTON, Mr. C.J. STIRK and Mr. T.H. PARKER. Many beautiful wreaths and other floral tributes were conspicuous.
The Service at Commemoration Church was conducted by Revs. A.T. RHODES, M.J. LETCHER and G.W. CROSS. The Dead March in Saul was very impressively rendered as the cortege left the edifice. At the graveside the service was completed by the Revs. A.T. RHODES and S.J. HELM. The coffin was of very handsome polished oak with gilt mounting, bearing the inscription Reuben AYLIFF Died Oct. 19 1899. Aged 76 Years.
Major SCOTT, whose tragic death we regret to record today, was in command of the Vryburg Police and Volunteers. He was married on the 10th [sic] of this month to a Miss McCAIG of Vryburg, and went to Kimberley to spend his honeymoon, but was ordered back to the front, and instructed to hold Vryburg as long as possible. The failure of his mission must have told overwhelmingly upon the mind of this gallant and high-minded young officer, to who, however, not the slightest blame could be attached.
[Transcriber’s note: According to the Vryburg marriage register the marriage took place on 2nd October]
Wednesday 25 October 1899
Capetown, Tuesday: Another battle took place at Ladysmith yesterday, in which large bodies were engaged on both sides. The British under General WHITE were successful. The following is the list of casualties:
Sergt. Edgar COLVILLE (Natal Carbineers)
Troopers P. NELSON, W. HERMAN, S. BROWN (Border Mounted Rifles)
W. CLEAVER (Natal Carbineers)
Hugh MELVILLE, O. STRAUSS (Border Mounted Rifles)
Natal Carbineers: W.J. FREEMAN (severely) and 12 lightly.
Border Mounted Rifles: Sergt. Major FRASER (slightly)
Thursday 26 October 1899
At Norval’s Pont a certain Mr. [H]ILLMAN wanted to shoot a cow, and directed his boy Jacob to bring the animal out. On shooting, the bullet penetrated the animal’s skull and entered that of Jacob, killing both of them on the spot. The boy had been a driver of one of the English ammunition wagons at the Battle of Boomplaats.
On Sunday morning last Dr. DAVID’s dispensary and some outbuildings were burnt at Elliotdale. The Dr.’s little daughter, looking out of her window in the morning, observed the fire and at once gave the alarm. Although everything was done to prevent the fire doing much damage, we regret to say the loss sustained by Dr. DAVID amounted to over £300. The property was not insured.
A constable named A.C. VARLEY, stationed at the Breakwater Convict Station, Capetown, has committed suicide by shooting himself. The body was removed to the morgue and an inquest will be held.
The Rev. S. Barrett CAWOOD, who is appointed to the charge of the Wesleyan soldiers at Ladysmith, is indefatigable in his labours among the troops and volunteers, and his ministrations are greatly appreciated.
Mr. James R. WALKER, third son of Mr. William WALKER of this City, is a Trooper in the Imperial Light Horse, and emerged unscathed from his first battle at Eland’s Laagte. Mr. WALKER’s friend, Mr. Castell WHITE, was not so fortunate, being mortally wounded.
Friday 27 October 1899
DIED in the Camp Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, on the 25th October 1899, of wounds received at Elandslaagte, fight on Saturday, Castell Damant Bowker, the youngest son of T.C. WHITE of Table Farm, and a private in the Imperial Light Horse. Aged 24 years.
Monday 30 October 1899
BIRTH at Stockenstrom on Thursday 12 October 1899, the wife of F.W. ELLIOTT of a daughter.
Captain WOOL-SAMPSON, in one of the Ladysmith engagements, though badly shot in the neck and the upper portion of the chest, exhibited great courage and insisted on still fighting in spite of his severe wound, riding home a portion of the way and disclaiming all medical aid for himself, asking that it should be bestowed on others more badly hurt. He was carried out of action by Lance-Corporal HAMPSON under a heavy fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Sept. EDKINS and daughter arrived here from Johannesburg last Friday and are staying in town till the war is over.
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