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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1899 11 November

Wednesday 1 November 1899

A girl born at Maritzburg has been christened Talana Elanda Symons. The first name is that of the hill near Dundee from which the Boers were dislodged. The second is an abbreviation of Elandslaagte, and the third is a compliment to the late General.

Thursday 2 November 1899

This morning at 11:30 o’clock Commemoration Church was the scene of a very quiet, though eminently tasteful wedding, when Mrs. R.B. HAMILTON of this City was united to Mr. W. RUTHVEN-HALL, lately Wesleyan Minister at Port Alfred, and also at Charlestown (Natal).
The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.T. RHODES, Secretary to the Conference. Mr. T.E. SPEED presided at the organ and the service was partly choral.
Mrs. HAMILTON, who was given away by her brother, Mr. P. HAW, was dressed in a very becoming travelling costume of grey and white, with hat to match.
Rev. L.F. HOARE acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. W. RUTHVEN-HALL left by this afternoon’s train for Port Alfred, where the honeymoon will be spent. We join with a host of friends in giving our heartiest congratulations and good wishes to the newly married couple.
[Transcriber’s note: The bride was born Florence Isabel HAW, and her death notice shows that her first husband was Robert Burns HAMILTON]

Saturday 4 November 1899

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 4th Nov, the wife of John JOLLY of a son.

Monday 6 November 1899

Dr. FARELLY, the well-known “international legal authority”, was among the passengers arriving at Durban by the Raglan Castle. He got away from Pretoria just in time, a warrant having been issued for his arrest on a charge of high treason.

It was with profound regret that the Ladysmith camp learned that Lieutenant CLAPHAM, of the Natal Mounted Rifles, was shot through the heart in Monday’s engagement. He was exceedingly popular, not only with his own regiment but with the whole Volunteer force, and his untimely end has cast a profound gloom over the whole camp.

It is our sad duty today to record the lamented death of Miss Olive GORTON, eldest daughter of Mr. GORTON of Cyler Crescent, Port Elizabeth, which took place at that place on Sunday morning last at 9 0’clock. Miss GORTON was a niece of Mrs. GEDYE, widow of the late Rev. E. GEDYE. The amiable young lady was engaged to be married to Mr. A.B. STIRK of this City, and the news of her death came as an awful shock. She had undergone an operation on Friday, and seemed to be progressing favourably, but on Sunday she gradually grew worse. Such a sad occurrence as this fortunately is rarely chronicled by us. Mr. GORTON was in town a few weeks back and had endeared herself to all who had the honour to know her. She was 23 years of age. Mr. A.B. STIRK left this morning for Port Elizabeth, it being found impossible to charter a “special” yesterday. Our deepest sympathies are with him, and with all concerned in this sore trial.
[Transcriber’s note: Her civil death notice says she died following an attack of appendicitis. Her fiancé was presumably Arthur Burt STIRK, son of Charles Joseph STIRK and Elizabeth TROLLIP]

The following incident, related in connection with the Elandslaagte fight, indicates how quickly a man recovers from fear in battle:- “During the early part of the charge Major SAMPSON observed a man lying down, and ordered him to go on. He replied that he was perfectly willing to go on, but that he was paralysed with fear. The Major went on, and shortly afterwards the trooper charged past him. Major SAMPSON asked what was the matter, whereupon the trooper showed him that his moustache and part of his upper lip had been carried away by a bullet, and yelled ‘Where are the wretches? Let me get at them’. With that he moved on, and was in the front of the charge the whole way.”

Tuesday 7 November 1899

Mr. John CLARK (brother of the Contractor for the City plumbing), who was formerly an apprentice in the Journal office, and for some years past has been in a printing office in Johannesburg, had to flee thence with other refugees, and paid us a visit two or three days ago. He had a written permission to stay, but happened one morning to see a notice in the papers that all British subjects, with or without permits, must clear within 24 hours. There was nothing for it but to get into a train with his wife and family, abandoning their house, and all that they could not take with them. At Vereniging he was robbed of, not his all, but all that the Boers could catch. They were so eager in searching all the passengers for money that they did not detect a rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition, which one passenger who was “out in the ‘95” had still managed to retain, and brought safely away with him. At the Orange River they were subjected to a robbery of another description. All the passengers’ baggage and boxes were piled up, and the passengers were made to walk on, being told that all would be brought on after them. When, however, they reached the train on this side of the river, their luggage was not forthcoming, and those who wanted to go back to look for it were threatened by the Free State guards. Thus the mighty little republic levied blackmail on the unfortunate fugitives, who have not been able to recover their belongings. Mr. CLARK was glad enough to reach safe quarters; but hopes soon to return to Johannesburg to resume his business, and see what is left of his house and effects. ‘Tis alas, we fear, the sad experience that multitudes of others could relate.

Lieutenant MEIKLEJOHN has had his arm amputated and is doing well. His experience in the Elandslaagte fight can only be described as miraculous. Going up the hill, and leading his men, both his sword and his scabbard were shattered, while he was not touched. He continued to cheer his men on, among a perfect hail of bullets, receiving one in the lower right arm; another took off the little finger of his right hand, one penetrated the left thigh and the last “snicked” his neck. He was picked up a mass of blood and mud, but cheerful as a bird, and when Major TAMPLIN saw him on Friday he was in the best of spirits and making up his mind to get well as early as possible. Later, amputation was found to be necessary. The Lieutenant is a son of Professor MEIKLEJOHN of Edinburgh, and brother of Mrs. SAUNDERS, wife of Dr. SAUNDERS, Grahamstown.

Wednesday 8 November 1899

BIRTH on the 7th inst, at Hawton Hall, Grahamstown, the wife of Percy C, HAW, of Johannesburg, of a daughter.

A King paper reports the marriage on 25th October, at Stutterheim, of Miss Clarissa Maria JAKINS, second daughter of Mr. J.T. JAKINS of Isidenge, and late of Seven Fountains, Lower Albany, to Mr. Herbert PALMER, second son of the late Mr. G.R. PALMER of the farm Waterfall, a well-known and popular young farmer.

Thursday 9 November 1899

An unfortunate man, Charles Cornelius COOPER, who met with a terrible accident on Monday, being run over by a shunting engine on the Port Elizabeth wharf, was taken to the hospital, where an operation was performed, but the poor fellow succumbed to his injuries and died within three hours of the accident. The deceased was a refugee from Fordsburg, and bad luck seems to have dogged him of late, for on arriving here he lost his child, and his wife is now being looked after by the Ladies’ Relief Committee.

Maritzburg, Wednesday (Reuters):
The Governor has received the following authentic information, dated Ladysmith, Tuesday 7th inst.
Major TAUNTON killed and Sergt. MAPSTONE (N.C.) since died of his wounds. Others wounded, Natal Carbineers, Troopers A. PAINE, R.W. WATTS, C.J.E. MILLER, C.W. WEBBER, S.E. WAUGH: Natal Mounted Rifles, Corpl. H. SILBURN: Border Rifles, Capt. ARNOTT, Troopers A.G. GOLDSTONE, J. EDMONDS, J.H. THOMAS. All slightly wounded and are doing well.

Mr. B.T. [BROCHER], member of the Second Transvaal Raad for Vryheid, has died from wounds received at the Battle of Glencoe,

Saturday 11 November 1899

We learn that Mr. H.F. BLAINE and Mr. H.O. DOLD, with commendable public spirit, have each presented a fine trooper-horse to the First City Volunteers Mounted Infantry, which generous gift will enable two additional troopers to be mounted. This good example should be followed by other loyal citizens.

Monday 13 November 1899

PASSED AWAY on Friday 10th November at the residence of Mr. Wm. MANLEY near Kei Road, John DUFFIELD, aged 67 years,

On Monday afternoon Mr. Johannes Adam NORTJE, a farmer who had been in Graaffreinet on business, at [Roodeheuvel] being alone in his [cart]. Early next morning (says the Advertiser) the unfortunate man was found lying sorely wounded in the road near Mr. SCHOEMAN’s place at [Kamnatie], and he was carried to a cottage near and medical attendance obtained. From what subsequently transpired it would appear that NORTJE drove his cart in a most erratic manner and must have been thrown out by the vehicle striking a [……] of the road. He was then dragged along [……] hundred yards, sustaining a compound fracture of the [leg] and other wounds, and thus he lay unconscious till discovered by a transport rider. In spite of surgical [….ation], he expired on Thursday.

Orange River, Saturday: (Reuter’s Special)
Brevet Lt.-Colonel Keith FALCONER and Lieut. WOOD were buried this afternoon with full military honours. All members of the Staff with the officers commanding the different Regiments were present at the sad and impressive service. The Rev. Mr. HILL, Chaplain to the forces there, officiated.
[Below, from a long article on the conduct of the war:]
Brevet Col. Keith FALCONER of the Northumberlands was reconnoitring with a small party on the left, and had advanced to within 400 yards of the enemy when he was killed with a shot through the chest. Lieut. WOOD, of the North Lancs., just replied to the Major’s order to retire when he was shot through the head, and Lieut. HALL was wounded in the thigh……The entire column returned to Orange River last night. Lieut WOOD died shortly after his arrival in camp.

Tuesday 14 November 1899

Mr. John SAMPSON, a descendant of the Settlers, and one f the original grantee farmers, occupying Mount Pleasant, Chalumna, for the past forty years, has died at the age of seventy-two years, leaving a widow, nine children, forty grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Hearty congratulations to Mrs. ROLLAND, widow of the late Rev. Mr. ROLLAND, Missionary in Basutoland, who this day attains her 97th birthday. Mrs. ROLLAND, who is residing in Oatlands, is still strong and in full enjoyment of sight and hearing, and all wish her a continuance of these blessings.

Thursday 16 November 1899

BIRTH on the 15th inst. at West Hill, the wife of F.A. HUTTON of a daughter.

DIED at Clifton, Clumber, on November 11th 1899, Mary STAPLES (born PURDON), relict of the late John Joseph STAPLES, in her 78th year. Deceased was a descendant of the British Settlers of 1820.
There’s a beautiful land on High
Where we never shall say “Goodbye”,
When over the River we’re happy for ever
In that beautiful land on High.

Mr. S. LOXTON, who died at Queenstown on Friday, was not connected with the early Settlers, but was about the Colony near Grahamstown early in the forties, and took part in the war of 1846. He was known at that time as a great pedestrian, often preferring to walk from town to town instead of riding, as he of course had to do when employed in actual warfare, both then and in the Kafir war of 1850. He was an officer of levies and was often called upon by the Government to raise those irregular native forces consisting of Hottentots and people of that class. Subsequently he was at the engagements at Shiloh and [Invani] and afterwards settled on a grantee farm at Whittlesea. He became M.L.A. for Queenstown in [1874]. Mr. LOXTON, who was between 80 and 90 years of age at his death, leaves a widow, and by his first marriage two daughters and one son, also by his second marriage one son. His first wife was a Miss COMLEY of Grahamstown, and his second the widow of the late Mr. GERRARD, of Queenstown.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage entry for his marriage to Sarah COMLEY shows that he was in Albany as early as 1838]

Friday 17 November 1899

John GRAINGER, stationmaster at Umbilo, Natal, committed suicide on Sunday by firing a revolver at his chest. It is said that he had been suffering from melancholia for some time past, and borrowing a revolver from a station official, he put an end to his life.

On October 24th Mr. WHITMORE, of Pilgrim’s Rest, had a quarrel with a small servant boy over wages. The boy ran and got his sticks and struck Mr. WHITMORE over the left temple. He bled fearfully from the blow, and at sundown became unconscious. Dr. ANGER came up from St.John’s, but could do nothing, and after five days the injured man died. The murderer, a boy of 14 or 15, is now in gaol.

Monday 20 November 1899

BIRTH on the 16th inst. at Blackburn, Albany, the wife of M.M. DINGLE of a daughter.

Tuesday 21 November 1899

Private URQUHART of the Cape Police escaped from Colesberg disguised as an old tramp carrying a bundle over his shoulder. The Boers were greatly chagrined at his eluding them and for some time surrounded the Police Barracks waiting to shoot him as he came out.

Wednesday 22 November 1899

DIED at Middelburg, C.C., on November 19th 1899, Constance Isabella, beloved daughter of Dr. G. Carrington PURVIS M.D. of Grahamstown, aged 15 years.

A letter from Vryburg Oct 22nd says: I am afraid we have English as well as Dutch rebels here. QUINLAN, the Mafeking rebel stationmaster, who let the Boers know about the armoured train, has been shot.

Mr. F.S. COLLETT, who has been arrested by the Boers, is a thoroughly loyal Englishman, his parents living at Riet Vlei, Middelburg district. He conducted the Albert Times for many years with conspicuous energy, till the invasion of the Colony closed his field of enterprise in that direction.

Friday 24 November 1899

DIED at Brookville House, Joseph ARMSTRONG, aged 56 years, late of Dumfries, Scotland.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, High Street, on Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Our Grahamstown boy, Trooper TURPIN I.L.H., who sought to save Colonel CHISHOLM, has been mentioned in despatches and awarded his sergeant’s stripes.

Saturday 25 November 1899

BIRTH at Grahamstown on November 25th 1899, the wife of James LONG of a son.

“Journal” Special.
Capetown, Friday: The following is a list of casualties at Belmont.
Major-General FEATHERSTONHAUGH hit in the shoulder.
3rd Batt. Grenadier Guards
Lieut. FRYER
26 rank and file
Lieut. BLUNDELL (since dead)
Slightly: Lieut-Col CRABB, Lieuts. GORDON, REBOW, RUSSELL and CAMERON
36 rank and file
13 missing
1st Battalion Coldstream Guards
8 rank and file
Lieut. GRANT
17 rank and file
[3] missing
2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards
Lieut. Hon. C. WILLOUGHBY (slight)
Lieut. BARTON (severe)
Six rank and file
Scots Guards
9 rank and file
Major Hon. North DALRYMPLE (severe)
2nd Lieut. LIVIER
34 rank and file
Northumberland Fusiliers
Lieut. R.W.N. BRINE
12 rank and file
Major DASHWOOD (dangerously)
Capt. SAPTE (severely)
Lieut. E. Adjt. FISHBOURNE (severely)
Lieut. FIXBURY (dangerously)
32 rank and file
Yorkshire Light Infantry
Rank and file 3
2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment
Capt. FREELAND (severely)
Lieut. BARTON (severely)
The wounded are reported as going on well.

Before Sir Jacob D. BARRY J.P., Mr. Justice JONES and Mr. Justice SOLOMON
November 23rd 1899
Mr. KING for plaintiff
The defendant had entered appearance but did not file plea, and was in Court.
The Declaration stated that plaintiff and defendant were both resident at Port Elizabeth. They were married on the 9th April 1895 at Uitenhage in community of property, and there was issue of the marriage, one child, Lilian Marguerite BULLEN, three years of age. The parties lived together till the month of June 1897, when on account of domestic differences and dissentions they agreed to separate, and on the 26th June 1897 they entered into a notarial deed of separation, and since that they had lived apart. The plaintiff alleged that on various occasions from the beginning of April 1898 to March 1899 at Steytlerville, defendant had committed adultery with one Samuel WEBB.
Mr. KING called Henry BULLEN, who gave evidence as to the marriage, and stated that the cause of the separation was that they lived unhappily on account of defendant’s conduct, she being too free with the native servants and talking scandal. She also complained about witness’s mother. There was constant quarrelling. She went to Uitenhage on the excuse of having a tooth out, and witness afterwards heard she claimed a separation. He signed a deed of separation and since then he lived in Port Elizabeth and defendant at Steytlerville. About 4 months ago she came to the shop to enquire the address of his parents. He told her he did not know the address. As she was going out of the shop she said witness would hear from DE VILLIERS, her agent, again. He heard certain rumours which caused him to take these proceedings. Witness did not know WEBB. He claimed a decree of divorce and custody of the minor child. He intended to send her to his parents.
To the Court: Except on the one occasion mentioned, witness had not spoken to defendant. His agent. O’BRIEN, had subpoenaed the defendant and WEBB.
Mr. KING then called Eliza A. BULLEN (the defendant) who, after giving evidence as to the marriage and the separation, said that after she was teaching and went to Johannesburg, and she came back and went to Steytlerville to teach. She there met Mr. WEBB and got to know him intimately. It was true that she had been guilty of misconduct with him.
To the Court: She did not intend, if divorced, to marry him.
Samuel WEBB was a clerk at Milton Bros., Steytlerville, and got to know defendant. He had been on intimate terms with her for about a year. He had not any intention of marrying her.
To Mr. Justice SOLOMON: Mr. O’BRIEN, the agent, asked him to give evidence. He gave it because he thought it was right to do so. He had ceased having anything to do with defendant as he heard she had been “carrying on” with other men.
The marriage being proved. This closed the case for the plaintiff.
Mr. KING said he had to admit the case differed from ordinary cases as there was no evidence except that of WEBB, corroborating that of the defendant. There was an old case in which the evidence of a defendant was not considered sufficient, but that was as against the co-respondent, not against the defendant. There was here the corroboration of WEBB, which was very strong if it was believed.
The Judge President said that id collusion had been shown he would certainly not grant a decree, but the evidence showed no collusion, and the man with whom defendant misconducted herself confirmed her statement: while there was evidence that her conduct with men generally was not proper: and that this was the case before the separation, and was one of the circumstances which caused it, while there was also the fact that WEBB stated he gave her up because she was carrying on with other men. His Lordship considered that a decree of divorce should be granted and that plaintiff should have custody of the child.
Mr. Justice JONES said he quite concurred. With reference to the question of collusion there was nothing to shew collusion between plaintiff and defendant. Whether there was some object between the defendant and co-respondent was not so clear, but at any rate plaintiff was entitled to a divorce on the grounds of his wife’s misconduct.
Mr. Justice SOLOMON concurred.
A decree of divorce was accordingly pronounced. Plaintiff to have custody of the minor child.

Monday 27 November 1899

It is our painful duty to have to chronicle the death, which took place on Friday night, of Mr. Joseph ARMSTRONG, in his 56th year, well known in this City and Foreman of the Public Works Department. There are many buildings in the town which testify to the thorough knowledge the deceased had oh is work, among them being the Post Office, the recent Exhibition Building being also erected under his supervision.
The funeral left the house of the deceased in High Street at 4 o’clock on Sunday afternoon and proceeded to the Presbyterian Cemetery, where the burial took place. The Rev. W. LIDDLE M.A. B.D. officiated, the Revs. S,J. HELM and G.W. CROSS being also present. The coffin, which was carried to the hearse by the staff of the Public Works Department, was of polished oak, silver-mounted, and bore the inscription “Joseph ARMSTRONG Died Nov 24th 1899, aged 56 years.”
There was a large attendance at the funeral, many of those present carrying a wreath. The chief mourners were Mr. J. ARMSTRONG (junr.), Mr. HAY of Port Elizabeth, Capt. MacANDREW and Mr FORBES. The pall bearers were Hon. W. AYLIFF, W. GREEN A.R.M., Dr. FITZGERALD, Dr. PURVIS, Mr. Henry WOOD, Mr. S. GIDDY (Solicitor General), Dr. EDINGTON and Mr. TROLLIP. Among the procession were noticeable Lieut. Col. A.E. NELSON (Mayor) and many of the Councillors. The deceased leaves a son and two daughters to mourn their loss, to whom we tender our sincerest sympathies.
[See next issue]

Tuesday 28 November 1899

In our report of the late Mr. ARMSTRONG’s funeral we stated that he was Foreman of the Public Works Department. We are informed that this was a mistake, as he was Senior Clerk of No.2 District.

A marriage has recently taken place in London between Mr. F.H. BARBER, well known in Johannesburg and this Colony, and Miss Eliza EVANS, of Rietfontein, Cape Colony, the well-known breeder and importer of Angora goats.

The death is announced of Mr. John MILLER of Bontebok Flats, at the age of 77. He had a narrow miss of being a Settler, being born of Settler parents two years after their arrival in 1820. In 1852 he joined Sir Walter CURRIE’s Frontier Police and saw a great deal of hard and dangerous service. He went through all the Kafir wars with honour to himself. Mr. MILLER was a thoroughly progressive farmer who always held the opinion, and acted up to it, that if a thing was worth doing it was worth doing well. He leaves a widow and children, and his two brothers are still alive, Mr. T. MILLER near Tylden, and Mr. J. MILLER of Transvaal.

Thursday 30 November 1899

Mr. Wm. HARVEY, the well-known Addo farmer, informs the Telegraph that during the whole of his forty years’ experience he never remembers the country in such a fearful [condition as …..] Accompanying the drought has been a ….] of unprecedented winds, which have blown the farms and stock almost to pieces. If rain does not fall soon he does not know how they will get through the summer. [Last sentence illegible].

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