South African Commercial Advertiser 1831 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 1 October 1831
MARRIED at Graham’s Town on Sept 19 by the Rev John Carlisle, Mr. Richard SOUTHEY to Miss Isabella SHAW.
BIRTH Sept 23 at the Royal Observatory, the lady of the Rev John FRY, Chaplain of HM Ship Maidstone, of a son.
Sept 28: James BROOKS, aged 42 years.
Sept 28: A daughter of Mr. F. EVEREST, named Mary Jane Gray, aged 1 year 1 month and 27 days.
Wednesday 5 October 1831
MARRIAGEIn the English Church Cape Town Monday Oct 3 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. George HOLLOWAY to Susanna Johanna ENGELBRECHT.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Oct 2 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. W. HUNT baptised Frederick Hercules.
A son of Mr. W.E. SCOTT Jun, baptised William Edward.
In the Military Chapel Sunday Oct 2 by the Rev H.G.P.Cooke, acting for the Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Sergeant John GREENHOLSH of HM 75th Regiment, baptised Catherine.
Saturday 8 October 1831
BIRTH in Cape Town on Sunday the 3rd [sic] of October, Mrs. T. ELLIOTT of a son.MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town by the Rev H.G.P.Cooke AB, acting for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
William NEWSON to Elizabeth BROOKS
Wednesday 12 October 1831
MARRIED at George on Tuesday 27th Sept by the Rev J.J.S.Ballot, John Daniel, eldest son of J.W. VAN DER RIET Esq, Civil Commissioner for George and Uitenhage, to Mary West, daughter of Robert Chas. HARKER Esq of Plettenburg’s Bay, District of George.CHRISTENINGS
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Oct 9 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of H. TENNANT Esq, Secretary to the Orphan Chamber, baptised Jane Elizabeth.
A son of J.H. VANRENEN Esq, Capt in the Hon East India Company’s service, baptised Adrian Deneys.
Oct 7: William FRIEND, aged 49 years.
Oct 9: Mrs. Ann NIXON, widow of the late Mr. J. NIXON, aged 60 years.
Saturday 15 October 1831
MARRIED (by special licence) at Graham’s Town on the 6th September 1831 by the Rev Mr.W. Carlisle, English Chaplain, Alexander THOMSON Esq to Olivia Elizabeth, second daughter of the late James ..CHAT [first two letters rubbed away in news print] Grove House, Wynberg.DEATH in Cape Town on the 13th Oct, Catherine, only daughter of Abraham DE SMIDT Esq, aged 22 months and 7 days, of which sorrowful event notice is hereby given to relatives and friends.
In the Military Chapel Sunday Oct 9 by the Rev H.G.P.Cooke, acting for the Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Private G. RITCHIE of HM 75th Regt, baptised George Henry.
Oct 12: Mr. J. WHISKIN, aged 48 years and 11 months.
Oct 12: Eliza LUKEY, aged 27 years.
Wednesday 19 October 1831
MARRIED (by special licence) on Monday the 17th inst, by the Rev B.C. Goodison, Chaplain to the Forces, William M. FORD Esq, 72nd Highlanders, to Henrietta Hester, eldest daughter of W.A. DAVIES Esq MD, H,E.I.C.S.MARRIAGES
In the English Church Cape Town Monday Oct 17 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Henry WRIGHT to Sarah ELLIOTT
(By special Licence) In the Military Chapel by the Rev B.C. Goodison, Chaplain to the Forces:
W.M. FORD Esq, Asst. Surgeon in HM 72nd Highlanders, to Henrietta Hester, eldest daughter of W.A. DAVIS Esq MD of the Hon East India Com. Service.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Oct 16 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. J. ROSS baptised Hamilton.
A daughter of T. MASKEW bapt. Anne Frances Maria.
A daughter of Mr. L. ARMSTRONG bapt. Catherine.
A son of Mr. J. BLAND bapt. John James.
A daughter of Mr. W. NORRIS bapt. Matilda Mary.
A son of J. ISAACS, native of Johanna, baptised James John.
Saturday 22 October 1831
BIRTH: The lady of Charles ROBINSON Esq, Senior Member of the Medical Board of Calcutta, of a daughter.Cape Town 20th Oct 1831
BIRTH yesterday, the 21st inst, in Cape Town, the lady of Major McKENZIE, Bengal Establishment, of a daughter.
NOTICE. Departed this life on Wednesday 19th Oct 1831, our beloved daughter H.H. MORGAN, aged 4 years and 26 days, of which sorrowful loss we hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Cape Town, 21st October 1831.
In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday Oct 19 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of E. MAUDE Esq bapt. Sarah Holme.
A son of R.J. JONES Esq bapt. Frederick Hamilton.
Oct 16: Mr. T. RANDALL, aged 57 years and 2 months.
Wednesday 26 October 1831
MARRIAGEIn Cape Town Oct 23 by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Oct 23 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Seen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. D.S. SAPSFORD bapt. Elizabeth Maria.
A daughter of Capt. S. PHELPS bapt. Mary Eliza.
A daughter of Mr. R. TAYLOR bapt. Martha Margaret Sarah Ann.
Oct 19: A daughter of Mr. B. MORGAN, named Hannah Henrietta, aged 4 years and 26 days.
Wednesday 2 November 1831
CHRISTENINGIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday Oct 30 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Capt. H.G. DUNSTERVILLE bapt. Maria Sarah.
Saturday 5 November 1831
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Tuesday Nov 1 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of T.W. ELLIOTT Esq bapt. Thomas King.
On Wednesday Nov 2 by ditto:
A daughter of G. THOMPSON Esq bapt. Johanna Catherine.
A son of D.C. KENNY Esq, Col. of the Madras Army, baptised William Courtney Light.
Wednesday 9 November 1831
MARRIED by special licence on Thursday 3rd inst at Vredenburg House by the Rev.H. Cooke, J.S. KEATS Esq of HM 75th Regt. to Maria Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Thomas ROWLES Esq.Departed this Life on Sunday morning, the 6th November, deeply regretted by his disconsolate parents and friends, and within a single day of having completed his fifth year, John Thomas, eldest son of Mr. Christopher Hudson McCOMB. This child, of remarkable sagacity and promise, was suddenly snatched away in the bloom of health by the violence of a disease which effectually baffled the best medical attempts to prolong his existence.
MARRIAGE (by special licence)
On Thursday Nov 3 by the Rev.H.G.P.Cooke AB, acting as Chaplain to the Forces:
John Smith KEATS Esq, Capt in HM 75th Regt, to Miss Maria Elizabeth ROWLES.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Nov 6 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. T. SMITH bapt. Robert William Demetrius.
Nov 4: A daughter of Elizabeth ROSS, named Mary Ann, aged 14 days.
Nov 6: Thomas BARRY, aged 28 years.
Saturday 12 November 1831
MARRIAGE (by special licence)In the English Church Cape Town Thurs Nov 10 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
Wednesday 16 November 1831
BIRTH: The lady of G.M. PEDDER Esq of a daughter on the 12th inst.Nov 14 1831.
DIED this morning at 10 o’clock am, Holt, the third son of Major W.J. McKENZIE of the Honorable East India Company’s Service, aged two years and three months.
Nov 12
No.6 Strand-street.
DIED on the 12th instant after a short illness, my beloved wife Maria Magdalene BRINK, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to friends and relatives, requesting to be excused from visits of condolence.
Cape Town, Nov 15
In the English Chapel Cape Town Monday Nov 14 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J.B. DEAKEN, widower, to Mrs. M.F. ECKLEY, widow.
In the Military Chapel Sun Nov 13 by the Rev E. Judge, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Sergeant J. ROBERTS of HM 75th Regt baptised John.
A son of W.G. McKENZIE Esq, Major, Bengal Army, named Holt, aged 2 years 2 months and 10 days.
Saturday 19 November 1831
NEW NEWSPAPERThe public is respectfully informed that the First Number of a Weekly Newspaper, to be called
will be published on Friday 30 Dec next.
The Plan of the Journal comprises:
1. The local news of the day, particularly such matters as relate to trade and commerce.
2. Selections from the English and Cape newspapers.
3. The discussion of topics of a general nature.
4. Scientific and miscellaneous information.
5. Reports of Public Meetings, of interesting Law proceedings &c.
Terms: Rds 13 per annum or Rds 3( per quarter in Graham’s Town: and to every other part of the Colony Rds 16 per annum or Rds 4 per quarter (including stamps and postage). A quarter’s subscription to be paid in advance, commencing on the delivery of the first number.
Advertisements and Communications to the Editor, to be addressed to L.H. MEURANT.
Advertisements (which will appear, if required, in both English and Dutch) to be paid in advance.
Subscription lists are now open at the office of L.H. MEURANT, the Proprietor; at the Reading Room; and at the stores of Messrs.B. NORDEN, P. HENGH & Co, W.COCK & Co and W.R. THOMPSON, Graham’s Town. And in Cape Town at the Commercial Room, the Public Library and at the office of the Commercial Advertiser.
Wednesday 23 November 1831
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday Nov 20 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. W. VAWSER baptised Thomas.
On Monday Nov 21 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. M. SLOMAN baptised Eliza Burton.
Nov 17: Mr. John KNIPE aged 18 years.
Saturday 25 November 1831
The undersigned offers for sale, on account of the infirm state of his health, his Farm situated at Witteboomen. The whole of the purchase money may be held at interest for ten years certain, good security being given. For further information apply to Mr. Pieter SANDENBERGH, cape Town, or to the undersigned.J. VAN RENEN Sen.
Nov 18 1831
MARRIED in the English Church at Cape Town on Wednesday the 23rd November by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain, by special licence, Benjamin PHILLIPS Esq to Rosa Maria, eldest daughter of Charles WHITCOMB Esq, Attorney at Law.
In the English Church Cape Town Tuesday Nov 21 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of C. ROBINSON Esq, Member of the Medical Board at Calcutta, baptised Catherine Maria.
Wednesday 30 November 1831
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday Nov 27 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. A. BARKER baptised George Thomas.
A daughter of ditto baptised Rebecca Jane.
A son of ditto baptised Arthur James.
Wednesday 7 December 1831
NOTICE OF DEPARTUREMajor W.G. McKENZIE proposes to return to Calcutta forthwith
No.6 Strand-street
Dec 6 1831.
Departed this Life on Friday Nov 11 1831, my beloved wife Cecilia Catharina, born NORTIER, aged 31 years 9 months and 28 days, of which notice is given to relatives and friends.
Beaufort, Nov 12 1831
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Dec 4 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of G.M. PEDDER Esq, Commandant of Robben Island, baptised Ann.
Dec 1: A son of the Rev.J. FRY, Chaplain of HMS Maidstone, named John Charles, aged 3 months.
Dec 1: A daughter of I. DACOSTA, named Mary, aged 1 year and 10 months.
Dec 2: Mrs. Anne Susanna SINCLAIR, aged 68 years.
Saturday 10 December 1831
DIED on the 8th instant at Vineyard near Cape Town, Francis HAWKINS Esq of the Hon’ble East India Company’s Civil Service, aged 64 years.Cape Town, 9th December 1831
DIED in the Castle on the 3rd instant, Eliza, wife of Mr. FOLEY, aged 21 years.
MARRIAGE (by special licence)
On Tuesday Dec 6 by the Rev Henry Cooke BA, F. HAMMOND Esq, Major 75th Regt, to Catherine, only daughter of the late Lt.Col. TAYLOR, 20th Light Dragoons.
On Sunday Dec 4 by ditto:
A son of the Rev. B.C. GOODISON MA, Chaplain to the Forces &c, baptised Robert James.
In the English Church Wynberg Sunday Dec 4 by the Rev E. JUDGE AM, officiating for the Rev B.C. Goodison AM, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Eva, free native of this colony, baptised William Abraham John.
Wednesday 14 December 1831
MARRIAGEIn the English Church Cape Town Monday Dec 12 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. T. KELLY, widower, to Ann SWAN, widow.
On Sunday Dec 11 by ditto:
A son of Mr. H. LEATT baptised Richard Edward.
Dec 8: Francis HAWKINS Esq of the Hon East India Company’s Civil Service, aged 64 years.
Dec 12: Mr. Stephen ELLIOTT, aged 43 years.
Saturday 17 December 1831
BIRTH on the 13th inst at the Drostdy House, Stellenbosch, the lady of W.M. MACKAY Esq, Civil Commissioner of the Cape District, of a daughter.DIED in Cape Town on the 5th ultimo, a son of Captain STOCKENSTROM, named Andries, aged eleven months and sixteen days.
Newlands, December 15 1831.
Wednesday 21 December 1831
MARRIAGESIn the English Church Cape Town Monday Dec 19 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. S. STUART to Miss Ann McKENNA.
Mr. W. HEARD to Mrs. E.A. KNUDSEN.
Dec 13: Robert TAYLOR, aged 35 years.
Dec 17: A daughter of Mr. T. MASKEW, named Anne Frances Maria, aged 3 months and 12 days.
Dec 19: A daughter of Mr. J. JENREY, named Sarah Ann, aged 2 years 10 months and 18 days.
Saturday 24 December 1831
DIED on the 4th November, my beloved husband Johannes Abraham MINNAAR, aged 31 years and 5 months, of which I hereby give notice to relatives and friends.Anna Jacoba MINNAAR, born WEGE
Stellenbosch, Nov 20.
Wednesday 28 December 1831
DEATH. The undersigned hereby gives notice to relatives and friends that his beloved wife C.M.J. SMITH departed this life on the 24th inst, aged 54 years 8 months and 27 days, leaving me with five children to deplore her loss.J. WIRGO
Cape Town Dec 27 1821 [sic]
BIRTH at Rondebosch on the 22nd inst, the lady of Major HARTLEY of a son.
In the English Church Cape Town Tuesday Dec 27 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
On Sunday Dec 25 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. J. JURY baptised Esther Sophia.
Dec 20: A son of Mr. E. GEORGE, named John Henry, aged 1 year 10 months and 20 days.
Saturday 31 December 1831
CHRISTENINGIn the English Church Cape Town Thurs Dec 29 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of W. GADNEY Esq bapt. Johanna Caroline.
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