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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1832 - 1 - January to March

Wednesday 4 January 1832

In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday Jan 1 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. E. MOORE named William Edward.
A daughter of A. McDONALD, named Margaret.

Saturday 7 January 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Friday December 30 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of J.D. WATT Esq, Dept.Asst.Com.Gen. to the Forces, baptised Meriel Anna.
On Sunday Jan1 by ditto:
A son of Mr. J. THORNHILL baptised George Mounsey.
On Thursday Jan 1 [sic] by ditto:
A daughter of W.G. McKENZIE Esq, Major, Bengal Establishment, baptised Eliza Johanna Cubbon.

Jan 4: A daughter of Mr. H. BICKERSTETH, named Henrietta, aged 8 months.
Jan 5: Mr. John HENDERSON, aged 32 years.

Wednesday 11 January 1832

MARRIED on Monday 9 January by special licence, Mr. Thomas HARRIS, Merchant, to Eleanor, fourth daughter of the late Dr. REEVES of Cork.

DIED in Cape Town on Saturday the 7th January 1832, Margaret, the daughter of John KENNADAY, aged 10 years, deeply regretted by her parents and friends.

Saturday 14 January 1832

Mr. James LOW, Master Shipwright, begs leave to inform his friends and the public that in consequence of his long sickness he wishes to retire from business during his illness, therefore offers for sale his extensive stock of goods at very moderate prices, and intends shortly to hold a public sale of which due notice will be given.
13 January 1832

In the Military Chapel Sunday January 8 by the Rev H. Cooke AB, acting for the Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of J. BROWN, Drum Major of HM 75th Regt, baptised Elizabeth.

Wednesday 18 January 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Jan 16 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:

A son of Mr. J. STIDWORTHY bapt. John Alfred.

Jan 14: Mrs. E. BENDALL, wife of Mr. J. M. BENDALL, aged 42 years.
Jan 16: Joseph BURROWS, aged 36 years.

Saturday 21 January 1832

Mr. DALGAIRNS will now turn his attention to the purchase as well as to the growth and improvement of wool. He begs leave to intimate that proper kraals, with every convenience for washing, shearing &c will be immediately provided for those who may not have the means for washing &c their sheep on their own farms. The farmer, by this means, even at some distance can at little or no expense transport the wool on the sheep’s back to market.
This plan of transporting the wool to where it can be washed on the sheep’s back is a plan resorted to with much success in Spain, where some of the best wool is grown. Mr. D will either contract with the farmer from year to year, allowing him so much a head for the wool on the sheep’s back, or pay a price by the pound, after it is properly washed, charging a portion of the wool for washing &c.
NB In order that the improvement of wool may go on progressively and under the farmer’s own eye, a change of very superior rams will be yearly provided and the farmer’s old rams taken in return by Mr. D at their value. Every information afforded to new beginners, and as the wool improves so will the price.
Sand Fountain near Uitenhage, on Graham’s Town and Graaff-Reinet Road.

Saturday 4 February 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Jan 30 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. W. TAYLOR to Mrs. Charlotte GODFREY, widow

On Sunday Jan 29 as above:
A daughter of P. TONKIN baptised Helena Sophia.
In the English Church Wynberg Saturday Jan 28 by the Rev H. Cooke BA, officiating for the Rev B.C. Goodison AM, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of W.M. Mackay Esq baptised Magdalena Johanna.

Jan 27: Elizabeth, wife of Mr. T. HARDING, aged 26 years 1 month and 13 days.
Feb 1: A daughter of Mr. J. TOWNSEND, named Elizabeth Sarah, aged 1 year.
Feb 1: Mr. J. INGLESBY, aged 22 years 4 months and 8 days.

Wednesday 8 February 1832

W. Edward DREGE, Market-square
Has just unpacked, and for sale, a splendid investment of London made and warranted gold and silver chronometers and watches, with richly embossed and engine-turned double-bottomed hunting cases, capped and jewelled, hand to mark the seconds, on patent detached lever, horizontal and other most approved principles, maintaining power &c.
These watches will be sold at the lowest rate possible.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Feb 5 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. F.D. WALDEK baptised Fredrik Johannes.
In the Military Chapel Sunday Feb 5 by the Rev H. Cooke AB, Acting Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of W. LIDDLE, Quarter master Sergeant HM 75th Regt, baptised Ellen.

Feb 3: A daughter of Mr. J. JURY, named Esther Sophia, aged 2 months and 4 days.
Feb 4: A son of the late Mr. S. ELLIOTT, named William, aged 3 years.
Feb 6: A son of J. WILKINSON Esq, named William George Elliott, aged 9 months and 25 days.
Feb 6: A son of Mr. W. GUNN, named George Henry, aged 11 months and 20 days.

Saturday 11 February 1832

DIED at Klapmuts near Stellenbosch on the 6th inst, Margaret Stuart, infant daughter of Thomas HARRIS Esq of the Bombay Establishment, aged 10 months and 22 days.

On Monday 6th Feb departed this life, at Muizenberg, after a long and tedious illness, Mr. Samuel LANGLEY, aged 41 years and 9 months.
Wynberg 10th Feb 1832

DIED on Tuesday 7th instant, at half past 2 o’clock, after a severe and painful illness of five weeks, my beloved and youngest son Jacob, at the age of 17 years and 5 months, of which painful loss I hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
The widow J.G. VAN REENEN, born M.H. HORAK
Cape Town, February 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Tuesday Feb 7 by the Rev G. Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Captain DOUGLAS of the ship Morley, baptised Ellen.

Wednesday 15 February 1832

We regret to have to announce the death of Mr. Robert WOODCOCK, who expired at his residence in Buitenkant, Cape Town, on Sunday last, after a painful illness. This gentleman came to the Colony with the British Settlers in 1820, and until the last three years he was located near Clanwilliam. Since that period he resided in town, and for about two years filled the situation of Reporter to this Journal, with ability and scrupulous honor. He was latterly engaged in the establishment of a Brewery, but the failure of that project, and previous weakly health, preyed upon his mind, and reduced him to the sick bed from which he never rose. Mr. WOODCOCK was about 52 years of age and has unfortunately left a widow and three children in circumstances almost amounting to destitution. His funeral was attended by several respectable persons, among whom were some of his masonic brethren.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Feb 13 by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:

On Sunday Feb 12 as above:
A son of Mr. N.W. MEYER baptised Edward James.
A daughter of Mr. J.C. GOLDING baptised Adelaide.
In the English Church Wynberg Sunday Feb 12 by the Rev H Cooke BA, officiating for the Acting Chaplain:
A son of Mr. J. NORKETT baptised John.

Feb 7: Capt. S. PHELPS aged 30 years and 7 months.
Feb 12: Andrew PATERSON, seaman, aged 43 years.
Feb 13: Mr. R. WOODCOCK, aged 51 years 10 months and 8 days.

Saturday 18 February 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Tuesday Feb 14 by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. T.J. HITCHCOCK to Miss Johanna C. R. ZULCH.

On Thursday Feb 16 as above:
A son of F. COLLISON Esq baptised Henry Clarke.

Wednesday 22 February 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Feb 19 by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of G.M. BRUNE.T Esq [penultimate letter rubbed away] baptised Maria Theresa Francisca.
A son of Mr. R. TOWNROE baptised Richard Thomas.
A son of Mr. R. RYAN baptised Regard Petrus Engelward.

Feb 12: A daughter of Mr. R. WILSON, named Elizabeth Hannah, aged 9 months.
Feb 18: Amos RUSTED, seaman, aged 29 years.

Saturday 25 February 1832

Feb 16: The Rev. B.C. GOODISON MA, Chaplain to the Forces.
Feb 20: Mr. J.H. WILLS, aged 42 years 3 months and 15 days.

As Lieut. DANIELL of Sweet Milk Fountain was returning from Uitenhage, where he had been to place his children to school, he met several wagons which had crossed the Sunday River about two hours before, when it was not more than two feet deep at the drift. On entering the river with his wagon about midnight it suddenly rose to the height of about 15 feet. The wagon, oxen, two asses (that Mr. D had just purchased for 400 dollars), and a horse which had been fastened behind the wagon, were immediately carried away with frightful violence by the stream. Mr. D, with much risk to himself, succeeded in disengaging one of the asses, but he was under the necessity of leaving the rest to their fate, having with great difficulty saved his own life by clinging to a bush which hung over the river. The driver and leader had also a narrow escape. Mr. HUBBARD, who keeps the Inn on the Graham’s Town side of the river, rendered every assistance in his power. Having conveyed Mr. D across in his boat, they proceeded together down the river, hoping that the wagon would drive to that side which is free of the bush which renders the opposite bank perfectly [obscured]ticable; but unfortunately the wagon had [obscured] a spot which they could not reach about 500 yards [obscured] the drift. In the morning they found seven of the [obscured] dead and floating on the surface, being still fastened [in] their yokes. The other three had escaped during the night. The horse was alive though he had been in the water for five hours, and was saved. Towards the latter part of the day the wagon was taken out; but three of the [obscured] and property to the amount of 945 Rds, including [obscured] in cash, was lost.
Graham’s Town Journal Feb 16.

Wednesday 29 February 1832

Departed this life at Stellenbosch at half past three o’clock this morning, aged 69 years 5 months and 25 days, deeply regretted by his family and numerous friends, the Rev. Mr. Meent BORCHERDS, for nearly 40 years [sic] Minister on the Establishment of the Dutch Reformed Church of this Colony; more than 44 of which he had pastoral charge of the community of Stellenbosch, having officiated in that District from the commencement of September 1780 to the end of December 1830.
Cape Town Feb 28 1832.

In St.Andrew’s Church Feb 6 by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
Mr. J. McGREGOR to Miss Harriet CAIRNS
On Saturday Feb 18 by ditto:
Mr. J. WRIGHT to Miss Catherine SHIPLEY.

In the Military Chapel Sunday Feb 26 by the Rev H Cooke, acting for the Chaplain of the Forces:
A daughter of Sergeant C. CAMPBELL of HM 75th Regt, baptised Eliza.

Saturday 3 March 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Thursday Mar 1 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of W. HARTLEY Esq, late Major of the Royal African Corps, baptised Henry John.

Feb 28: A daughter of Leah, a free person, named Grace, aged 7 years and 3 months.
Feb 29: Thomas FERGUSON, aged 60 years.

Wednesday 7 March 1832

Mr. R.J. STAPLETON, being about to proceed to England forthwith, and intending to return in twelve months, will execute any commissions that may be entrusted to his care during his stay there. Mr. S requests all claims outstanding against him to be sent in for adjustment without delay to No.2 Grave-street.

BIRTH on Friday 2nd instant, the lady of William THOMPSON Esq of a son.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday March 4 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A free person baptised Christina Elizabeth.
In St.Andrew’s Church Monday March 4 [sic] by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. J.W.M. MOORE baptised Ephraim George.

March 3: William FORD, seaman, aged 40 years.
March 4: A son of A. STEWART, named John, aged 3 months and 12 days.

Saturday 10 March 1832

Baptised at Graaff-Reinet on the 25th Feb 1832, by the Rev A. Murray MA, a son of A. BERRANGE Esq named Daniel Fredrik.

DIED at Stellenbosch on the 28th February last, Mrs. Louisa Adriana HOORN (born at Overyssel), wife of the Rev T.J. HEROLD, whose domestic happiness she constituted for more than 20 years: she is deeply and much regretted by her beloved husband, her large family, and numerous friends who were acquainted with her amiable character. Though her sufferings were great during her illness she bore them with Christian resignation: and anticipated with a faithful confidence on her Saviour the hour of her dissolution.
Cape Town 6th March 1832.

In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday March 7 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J. WICKSTEED to Miss Mary Ann OLDHAM

March 6: A son of Mr. J.C. ECKLEY, named George Henry, aged 1 year and 7 months.

Wednesday 14 March 1832

BIRTH on the 9th inst at Newlands, the lady of Captain MARJORIBANKS of a son.

DIED after a long and tedious illness and painful suffering (as I trust in the Lord) my beloved husband Pieter Louis LE ROUX, aged 29 years 11 months and 20 days, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Wagonmakers’ Valley, March 5 1832

On the morning of the 20th Feb, Arie Willem STEENKAMP Gs, Field-Cornet of Rhenoster River, left his house at the place of Windhoek, Zakrivier, District of Clanwilliam. He had only advanced a few paces in front of his house when he was wounded by an arrow. He retired immediately indoors when, through a hole in the door, he saw a number of Bushmen and Corannas on his premises, destroying everything they met with. A number of them attacked his dwelling house, while others made themselves masters of the horses in the stable and kraal, and it is owing only to the intervention of Providence and the intrepid resistance of STEENKAMP who, though mortally wounded, assisted by his family, made so courageous a defence, that the robbers were compelled to retreat, taking, however, with them about fifty horses, and saved his family from becoming the prey of these murderous barbarians. A couple of days afterwards the brave STEENKAMP died of his wounds, leaving a widow and four children to deplore his loss. It is to be hoped that the murderers will be apprehended. (From a Correspondent)

In the English Church Cape Town Monday March 12 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J.R. BATHIE to Eliza Susanna BUDDO.

On Sunday March 12 by ditto:
A son of Capt. G. KILGOUR baptised Robert Frank.
On Monday March 12 by ditto:
A son of A. VINCENT baptised Edward
In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday March 11 by the Rev W. Robertson:
A son of Mr. W. SOMERFIELD named Edward Henry.
By the Rev B. Shaw, March 7:
A daughter of Mr. H.A. GELDENHUIS in the Cape Downs, baptised Christina Francina.

March 7: J.A. YOUNG aged 45 years.
March 10: A daughter of Mr. G. BRYANT, named Sarah, aged 2 years and 20 days.
March 12: A daughter of the late B.C. GOODISON, named Eleanor Anne, aged 1 year 11 months and 21 days.

Wednesday 21 March 1832

To Parents, Guardians &c, Mr. J.H. COLLARD, who has been engaged in superintending instruction at Malacca, begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Cape Town and its vicinity that he intends opening an Academy for Young Gentlemen, from 6 to 14 years of age. For terms apply to J.H.C. No.3 Wale-street. Testimonials as to ability can be given if required.

DIED on the 9th of this month, aged 79 years, Mrs. BLETTERMAN, widow of the late J.M. BLETTERMAN Esq, sincerely regretted by her relatives and numerous friends.
Cape Town March 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday March 18 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. J.J.C. HUDSON baptised Thomas McKenzie Correll.
In the English Church Wynberg Sunday Feb 26 by the Rev E. Judge AM, Acting Chaplain:
An adult native of this Colony, baptised Michael George HARRIS.

Saturday 24 March 1832

Married on the 9th March by the Rev Mr Ballot at George, Mr. H.G. MUNTINGH Jr to Miss Rosa HARKER, second daughter of R.C. HARKER Esq, Government Resident in Plettenburg Bay.

DIED on Thursday morning at 2 o’clock, Mr. Frans DEICHMAN, born at Leban in Cilicia, at the age of 80 years and 3 months, deeply lamented by his friends.

March 18: Mr. Charles JORDAN, aged 38 years 4 months and 4 days.

Wednesday 28 March 1832

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday 26th March by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
William George ANDERSON Esq to Miss Maria DEANE
Mr. Robert BENFIELD to Miss Eliza GRIFFITHS

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday March 25 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Thomas Dyball GRIMES baptised Emma Susanna.
In the Military Church Sunday March 18 by the Rev H. Cooke AB, Acting Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of David MILLS, HM 75th Regt, baptised John.

Saturday 31 March 1832

J.H. COLLARD begs to inform the inhabitants of Cape Town and its vicinity that his Academy will commence on Monday 2nd April at No.55 Long-street.

BIRTH on Tuesday the 27th inst, Mrs. Henry SHERMAN of a son.

March 25: Martha, wife of T. BENNET, aged 40 years and 3 months.
March 26: William HOBBS
March 27: Mrs. Mary Ann STANLEY, wife of Mr. F. STANLEY Sen, aged 54 years and 14 days.
March 28: Mr. James GOUGH, aged 49 years.

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