South African Commercial Advertiser 1832 - 2 - April to June
Wednesday 4 April 1832
BIRTH on Sunday morning April 1, Mrs. FAIRBAIRN of a daughter.
DIED yesterday April 3rd, Helen Isabella, fourth daughter of Mr. L. TWENTYMAN, aged two years and eight months.
DEATH at sea on board the ‘Thalia’, Mrs. McKENZIE, widow of the late Capt. Frederick McKENZIE, 64th Regt N I Bengal Establishment.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday April 1 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. A. STEEDMAN baptised Ester Mary.
A son of Mr. J.M. BROWN baptised Clark William Mitchell.
Saturday 7 April 1832
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town on Tuesday April 3 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of R.B. COTGRAVE Esq, Lieut. Royal Navy commanding E.I.S. General Palmer, baptised Emily Mary Helena.
On Wednesday April 4 by ditto:
A daughter of J. STURGIS Esq baptised Louisa Pope.
Wednesday 11 April 1832
DIED yesterday morning at quarter past 5 o’clock, my beloved husband L.W.C. BECK, aged about 38 years, of which painful loss I hereby give notice to relatives and friends, and beg to be excused the visits of condolence.W.C. BECK, born DE VOS.
April 4 1832
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday April 8 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of R. COOPER Esq baptised Georgina Anne Deane.
A daughter of Mr. W.M. BARBER baptised Mary Ann Sarah.
A son of J. ART baptised John James.
Saturday 14 April 1832
BIRTH at Cape Town on the 10th instant, the lady of Thos. NIGHTINGALE Esq of a son.DIED on the 11th instant, Maynard Eliza D’Oyly ROCHFORT, second daughter of Lieut. William Cowper ROCHFORT of His Majesty’s 49th Regt, and niece of Sir Charles D’OYLY Bart, aged 1 year and 8 months.
Cape Town, April 13 1832.
In the English Church Cape Town Tuesday April 10 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John DYASON to Miss Julia HEYWARD.
On Wednesday April 11 as above:
A daughter of T. ROSSER Esq, Captain in HM 13th Light Dragoons, baptised Anne.
In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday April 8 by the Rev J. Adamson:
A daughter of Mr. G. HUDD baptised Georgina.
April 11: The 2nd daughter of W.C. ROCHFORT Esq, named Maynard Eliza D’Oyly, aged 1 years and 8 months.
Wednesday 18 April 1832
BIRTH on the 14th April 1832, the lady of Daniel J. CLOETE Esq of a daughter.MARRIAGE
In the English Church Cape Town Monday April 15 [sic] by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. S. ELEY, widower, to Maria Johanna Wolmerans.
On Sunday April 15 as above:
A daughter of Mr. H.A. PAINE, baptised Georgina Menelausina Catharine Dorothy
Saturday 21 April 1832
DIED on the 18th inst, my beloved husband P.H. KUYPERS, aged 64 years 5 months and 6 days, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to friends and relatives.Wid G.W. KUYPERS, born ALBERTYN
DIED suddenly at Worcester, on the morning of the 13th inst, Gottfried Andreas WATERMEYER, aged 69 years and 5 months, deeply and deservedly regretted by his children and by all who knew and could appreciate his worth.
Cape Town April 19 1831 [sic]
Wednesday 25 April 1832
DIED at Port Louis, Island of Mauritius, on the 18th March last, Jean Joseph MABILLE Esq, aged 74 years, after a residence of 41 years on that island, as much lamented as he was respected by all who knew him.DIED in Cape Town on the 20th instant, after most protracted sufferings, Mrs. Geesje Wilhelmina CLOETE, widow of the late Jacob VAN REENEN Esq. With a heart devoted to her Creator, she, in an eminent degree, was possessed of all those amiable qualifications which rendered her an ornament to her sex, and endeared her to all who knew her worth. Her untimely death, therefore, will long be deplored by her numerous relatives and friends.
On Sunday last, at about five o’clock in the afternoon, a person called upon Dr. MACARTNEY of Wynberg, and with great anxiety requested his immediate attendance in the neighbourhood, his friend, as he stated, being apparently dead. The doctor hastened to the place, near a public house kept by a person named HARRISON, and found the individual stretched on a bed. It was stated that the deceased had died of apoplexy, and was found in that state by his friends; he had left Cape Town in good health. The deceased has left a widow and six children to deplore his loss to them. A Magistrate was sent for to inspect the body; but our Correspondent, from whom we have obtained this statement, remarks that a Coroner’s Inquest in this and similar cases would be preferable, if their proceedings were published. It appears that the deceased was afflicted with frequent fits of epilepsy; and his relatives suppose that he expire while laboring under an attack of this malady. He was in treaty with HARRISON for the purchase or exchange of his premises at Wynberg.
In the English Church Cape Town Monday April 23 by the Rev G. Gough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. C.W. ADAMS to Miss Elizabeth VERINDER.
Mr. J. ORCHARD to Miss Ellen VIPPOND.
On the 20th instant by the Rev Dr. Adamson:
A daughter of Mr. G. MASON baptised Martha.
April 18: A daughter of Mr. J. MARLOW, named Elizabeth, aged 20 days.
April 19: John KENNEY, seaman, aged 45 years.
April 21: Isaac REED, aged 55 years.
April 22: Mr. John ANSON, aged 32 years.
Saturday 28 April 1832
DIED on the 24th instant, Johanna Christina BIRD, wife of C. BIRD Esq, formerly Secretary to this Government, aged 50 years 6 months and 10 days.Wednesday 2 May 1832
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town on Sunday April 29 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of F. DUCKITT Esq baptised Johanna Philippina.
A son of Mr. J. EDWARDS baptised John William Benjamin.
Saturday 5 May 1832
BIRTH at Kowie House, Port Frances, the lady of Lieut. I.F. COWDEROY, late 21st Light Dragoons, of a son.CHRISTENING
On the 3rd instant by the Rev Dr Adamson:
A son of R. DYCE Esq MD, Assist Staff Surgeon, named Lowry William Fredrick.
April 29: Mr. Robert BUCHANAN, aged 39 years.
Wednesday 9 May 1832
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday May 6 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. H. SHERMAN baptised William Thomas Hancock.
A son of Mr. J. GRIFFITHS baptised Samuel John.
A daughter of Mr. B. BOND baptised Hannah Eliza.
May 1: Mr. Benjamin MORGAN, aged 46 years,
Saturday 12 May 1832
MUFFINST. THORNE, grateful for the many favors received in 1830 [sic] desires to acquaint the Ladies, Gentlemen and Inhabitants of Cape Town and its vicinity that he has commenced the above business in Cape Town, for the season, and begs to solicit their patronage and support. Persons in town wishing to be supplied regularly may have them delivered at their own houses, every morning and evening in the week (Sundays excepted) by leaving orders at the makers. No.7 Water-side, or at Mr. HIND’s, where they may be procured, No.8 Plein-street.
Cape Town May 12 1832
BIRTH at Stellenbosch on the 7th inst, Mrs. George MARSH of a son.
DEATH. Notice is hereby given to Friends and Relatives, and also to the Lutheran Community, that my son-in-law, the Rev. F. HESSE, formerly Minister of the said Community at this place, died, in the County of Hoya, on the 5th January last, aged 59 years and 10 months. I request to be excused the visits of condolence.
O.M. BERGH Senior.
We understand that in consequence of the lamented death of the Rev. Mr. C.H.F. HESSE, formerly Lutheran Clergyman in this Colony, a Funeral Service will be preached tomorrow morning by the Rev. Mr. VAN STAVEREN, in the Lutheran Church, in memory of the deceased.
DIED in London on the 7th January, my beloved husband W.T. SMALL, of which I beg to give notice to friend and relatives.
Rosannah SMALL born McMANUS
Cape Town 8 May 1832
Wednesday 16 May 1832
BIRTH 10th May at Simon’s Town, the lady of Lieut. HOPE, Royal Engineers, of a son, who survived but a few hours.CHRISTENINGS
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday May 13 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. J. JEARY baptised Robert Thomas.
A son of Mr. J. BEYNON baptised Richard Fortescue.
Saturday May 19 1832
BIRTH at Clanwilliam on the 14th inst, Mr. VAN RYNEVELD of a son.MARRIED on the 21st Feb last, at Walmer, Charles NAPIER Esq, late Brevet Major in the Royal Artillery, to Ann, the youngest daughter of C. LEWIN Esq of that village. The gallant bridegroom (who has distinguished himself in his country’s service, especially at the ever memorable conflict at Waterloo, where he was dangerously wounded) left Walmer with his youthful bride o spend the honeymoon at the residence of his friend J. GUBBINS Esq, Albion House, Ramsgate. (Kentish Gazette)
Wednesday May 23 1832
BIRTH at Sans Souci on the 20th May, the lady of the Honorable Mr. Justice MENZIES of a son.DIED on the 20th inst at the house of his grandfather, P.L. CLOETE Esq, Hugh, the infant son of E.M. GORDON Esq, aged 13 months.
Cape Town 21st May 1832
In the English Church Cape Town Monday May 21 by the Rev E.Judge MA, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Donald CAMERON to Miss Jacoba VAN REENEN
In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday May 20 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Adriana, a free person, baptised Dorothy.
May 17: Mrs. Catherine HANSON, aged 48 years.
Saturday 26 May 1832
DIED on the 21st at Ballybrood Glabe, County of Limerick, the residence of the Rev. George MADDER, Henry Madder INGRAM, aged 18 years, eldest son of Mr. John INGRAM of Cape Town.Saturday 2 June 1832
MARRIED on the 28th ult by the Rev Mr Cassie, J.S. NEEDHAM Esq, HM Justice of the Peace at Caledon, with Johanna Christina Margareta OTTO, widow of the late Mr. John Hendrick RADEYN.MARRIAGE at Uitenhage on the 21st May last, William WELSFORD Esq to Ann, eldest daughter of the late Captain HARDING.
Wednesday 6 June 1832
MARRIED at Cape Town on the 4th inst by the Rev James Adamson DD, Mr. William CORBITT to Miss E.W. ROE.MARRIAGE
In the English Church Cape Town on Monday June 4th by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John HEWITT to Mrs. Margaret ELLIOTT, widow.
June 2: Mrs. Mary BREST, aged 64 years.
Saturday 9 June 1832
After a long and painful disease of 27 days, died on the 3rd instant my beloved second eldest daughter, Jacoba Wilhelmina, aged about 29 years: of this, to me and my family, great loss, I acquaint relatives and friends, and trust they will sympathise with us in our affliction.J.C. PESTER
By the Rev J. Adamson Monday June 4:
Mr. W. CORBITT to Miss E.W. ROWE
Wednesday 13 June 1832
MARRIAGEIn the English Church Cape Town on Monday June 11 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. George NASH to Maria Frances CHRISTIE.
On Friday June 8 as above:
A daughter of D.J. CLOETE Esq baptised Emma Frances.
On Sunday June 10 as above:
A son of T. ANSDELL Esq baptised James.
A son of Mr. G. BRYAND baptised John William.
A son of R. YOUNG baptised George Robert.
June 10: Elizabeth Faster, wife of Mr. Jessie MARSH, aged 40 years 1 month and 21 days.
June 10: Mr. Richard WITTINGTON, aged 52 years.
At Wynberg, June 4: Mrs. Johanna Elizabeth TAYLOR, aged 42 years 6 moths and 3 days.
Saturday 23 June 1832
DIED at sea off this coast on the 26th March 1832, Mr. J.P. SCHICKKERLING of Cape Town, aged 34 years, 9 months and 13 days.MARRIAGE
In the English Church Cape Town Monday June 18 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Thomas COMPTON to Mrs. Ellen CONGREVE, widow of the late Mr. James CONGREVE.
On Wednesday June 13 as above:
A daughter of Mr. H.R. HORNE baptised Susanna Margaretha.
In the Military Chapel Sunday June 17 by the Rev H.G.P. Cooke BA, Acting Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Serjeant C. LAUDER of HM 75th Regt, baptised Salomon John.
DIED on Sunday last, the infant daughter of Mr. G. MASON, named Martha.
Wednesday 27 June 1832
DIED on Sunday 24th June 1832, Miss Maria Engela HAUPT, aged 37 years and 4 months.MARRIAGES
In the English Church Cape Town Monday June 25 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John PHILLIPS to Miss Susannah ALDRED.
Mr. John JOHNSTON to Miss Janet MURRAY.
On Sunday June 24 as above:
A son of Mr. R. SHEARER baptised Alexander Ferries.
A son of Mr. A. BYRNE baptised John Robinson.
In the Military Chapel Sunday June 24 by the Rev H.G.P.Cooke, Acting Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Corporal J. JONES baptised Mary Anne.
June 19: Mr. James JONES, aged 40 years.
June 29: John DEAKIN, aged 46 years.
Saturday 30 June 1832
CHRISTENINGAt Stellenbosch on Friday June 22 by the Rev John Heavyside, Minister and Missionary &c:
A son of G. MARSH baptised George Cuthbert.
June 27: Mr. W. THORP aged 50 years
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