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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1832 - 3 - July to September

Wednesday 4 July 1832

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday July 2 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr.T. CAIRNCROSS to Miss Caroline Matilda CLARKE.
Mr. C. YOUNGER to Miss Harriet MILLS.
Mr. R. CLARKE to Miss Maria Christina VAN WILLIGH.

On Sunday July 1 as above:
A son of Mr. G. TWYCROSS baptised Stephen Jervis.
Two sons of Mr. J. McLACHLAN baptised Alexander and James.
Two daughters of ditto baptised Isabella and Elizabeth.

June 28: A daughter of Eliza SIMMONS, named Catherine, aged 1 month and 16 days.
June 29: Elizabeth, wife of Mr. T. SHELLY, aged 38 years and 10 months.
June 30: A daughter of Mr. A. DAY, named Mary, aged 6 years and 9 months.

Saturday 7 July 1832

BIRTH at Swellendam on Sunday 1st instant, Mrs. RAWSTORNE of a daughter.

Wednesday 11 July 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Monday July 9 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Charles HIND to Miss Esther Sarah WILKINSON

In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday July 8 by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. POULTNEY baptised Thomas Philip.

July 6: George POTTS aged 42 years.
July 8: Martha LENARD aged 19 years.
July 9: Richard ADAMS, late seaman of the ship Triumph.

Saturday 14 July 1832

DIED on the 29th ult at Port Elizabeth, aged 42, Lieutenant Richard LAMONT, late of the Royals, which Regiment he entered in July 1809, when they were encamped on South Sea Common, destined for the Walcheren Expedition; he was present during all the actions and skirmishes upon that occasion; he afterwards served in the West Indies, with the Second Battalion of that Regiment, from thence went to North America, and was present during all the late American War, from its commencement in 1812 until its termination, embracing all the general actions, in one of which (Lund’s Lane) in Canada he particularly distinguished himself by taking with a single company of his Regiment, three times the number of his men, prisoners, for which he received the warmest thanks from the Commander in Chief, General DRUMMOND, on the Field of Action. Mr. LAMONT was twice treacherously taken prisoner by the Americans, from whom however he made his escape each time in a manner truly miraculous. This event has unfortunately impeded his promotion in a Service to which he always was sincerely devoted, and left a widow with a young family to lament his loss.
Cape Town 12th July 1832

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
At Wynberg on the 10th instant by the Rev. H.G. Cooke, Chaplain to the Forces:
Robert Dampier HALLIFAX Esq, Capt 75th Regt, to Harriet, only surviving daughter of Lt.Col. THOMSON, Commanding Royal Engineer.

Wednesday 18 July 1832

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday July 15 by the Rev J. Heavyside, Minister and Missionary &c, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. R. WILSON baptised Elizabeth Frances.
A son of Mr. H. BICKERSTETH baptised John Lang.
In the Military Chapel Sunday July 15 by the Rev H.G.P.Cooke BA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of James HARDIE, private of HM 72nd Highlanders, baptised Isabel.
In the English Church Wynberg Sunday July 15 by the Rev E. JUDGE AM, officiating chaplain:
A daughter of M.F. BROWNRIGG Esq, Lieut.RN, baptised Emma Maria.

July 8: William ADSHEADE, aged 33 years.

Wednesday 25 July 1832

BIRTH at Matjeskuil on the 18th inst, the lady of C.W. RICHARDSON Esq of a son.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday July 23 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. George John MARSHALL to Ermiena NIEUSTAD.

On Sunday July 22 as above:
A son of Mr. W. HUTCHONS baptised Colin James.
A son of Mr. A. GOSLETT bapt. Clement William Hardie.
A daughter of Mr. H. ADAMS baptised Elizabeth Sarah.
A daughter of Angelica, a free person, baptised Rosina.
In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday July 22 by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
A daughter of Mr. J. BARTIE, named Margaret.
In the Military Chapel Sunday July 22 by the Rev H.G.P. Cooke BA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Wm. BROOKES, Serjeant Major in HM 75th Regt, baptised Susanna Matilda.

Wednesday 1 August 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday July 29 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. H.N. CHASE baptised George.

July 24: William SMITH aged 45 years
July 27: A son of Mr. J. PERRING, named John Christian, aged 1 month and 23 days.
July 30: Mr. John GRIFFITH, aged 32 years.

Saturday 4 August 1832

DIED on the 26th ultimo, my beloved husband Mr. Johan Fredrik BECK, aged 50 years and 4 months; of which painful loss I hereby give notice to relatives and friends, requesting to be excused the visits of condolence.
Cape Town 2nd August 1832
Widow J.F. BECK, born C.F. VOS

In the English Church Wynberg Sunday July 22 by the Rev E. Judge MA, officiating chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. G. TURNBULL bapt. Johanna Elizabeth.
On Sunday July 29 by ditto:
A son a Margaret CAEZAR baptised Alexander.

July 28: Mr. George NASH aged 26 years.

Wednesday 8 August 1832

MARRIED on the 7th August by Special Licence, at the Reformed Church by the Rev George Hough, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Henry Francis DUMERGUE Esq of the Madras Civil Service to Anna Jane, youngest daughter of John MARSHALL Esq, President of the Government Bank.

Departed this life in Cape Town on Sunday August 5 1832, my dearly beloved wife Catherine, in the 50th year of her age, after a happy union of 25 years, by which severe affliction I am left with a family of eight children to lament for the irreparable loss of an affectionate wife and kind, loving and tender hearted mother.
James CAHILL, Barrack Serjeant
Main Barracks.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday August 6 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Edward PUCKEY to Miss Christiana COWLEY

On Sunday August 5 as above:
A son of Mr. John McFARLAN baptised Daniel.

August 5: Catharine, wife of Mr. J. CAHILL, aged 50 years.

Sunday 11 August 1832

MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town on Tuedsay August 7 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Henry Francis DUMERGUE Esq of the Madras Civil Service to Anna Jane, youngest daughter of J. MARSHALL Esq, President of the Government Bank.

On Wednesday August 8 as above:
A daughter of Mr. J.C. CHASE baptised Johanna Cornelia Centlivres.

Wednesday 15 August 1832

In the English Chapel Tuesday August 13 [sic] by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. F.R. BRETT baptised Wilhelmina Elizabeth.
In the Military Chapel Sunday August 12 by the Rev H.G.P.Cooke BA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of D. DAVIDSON, Color Serjeant of HM 75th Regt, baptised Jane.

Wednesday 22 August 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Monday August 20 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Isaac STANSFIELD, widower, to Martha JORDAN, widow.

On Sunday August 19 as above:
A daughter of Mr. H. WRIGHT baptised Mary Wilhelmina.

August 18: A daughter of Mr. G.W. PRINCE, named Letitia Frances, aged 1 year 8 months and 6 days.
August 18: Mr. Thomas STORY, aged 56 years.
August 20: Rachel, wife of J. BRAND, Signalman at the Port Office, aged 41 years and 6 months.

Saturday 25 August 1832

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday August 12 by the Rev E. Judge MA, officiating chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. S. RANDALL baptised Lucy.
A daughter of Mr. J. JOBSON baptised Ellen Nancy.
On Tuesday August 14 as above:
A son of Mr. Justice MENZIES baptised Hugh Christian.

Wednesday 29 August 1832

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday August 21 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of M. NOBLE baptised Eliza Ann.
A daughter of Mr. T. DENNIS baptised Mary Ann.

Wednesday 5 September 1832

In the English Church Cape Town on Sat Sept 21 [sic] by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. C.A. STONE to Miss Aletta Frederica Francina ZEILER.
On Monday Sept 3 as above:
Mr. J. DIGGERY to Martha Catharina PAULZEN

On Sunday Sept 2 as above:
A daughter of Mr. J. INGRAM Sen. baptised Mary Reeves.
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Sept 2 by the Rev E. Judge MA:
A son of Mr. W.R. OSMOND baptised Lambert Johannes Colyn.

Wednesday 12 September 1832

MARRIED on the 2nd June last at the Protestant Church of Port Louis, Mauritius, by the Rev R.E. Jones, Mr. W.H. TWENTYMAN to Miss Celia FINCH.

In the English Church Cape Town Saturday Sept 8 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. W.H. GOUGH to Martha Ann DUNSTAN.

On Friday Sept 7 as above:
Seven free persons, baptised severally, Sarah, Louisa, Francina Johanna, Maria, Ann, Sarah and Stein Johanna.
In the English Church Wynberg on Friday Sept 7 by the Rev E. Judge MA:
Two adult natives of the Cape baptised Benjamin and Joseph.

Sept 9: George CLARKE, aged 63 years.
At Wynberg Sept 6: Franciscus MARTAIN, native of Ostend, aged 54 years 7 months and 25 days.

Saturday 15 September 1832

DIED in Cape Town on the 14th ult, Mr. Thomas JOHNSTON, born in Edinburgh, aged 54 years.

Wednesday 19 September 1832

Sept 14: A son of Mr. J.R. BATHIE, named James Pearson, aged 25 days.

Saturday 22 September 1832

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 7th instant, the lady of Lieut. FIELDING, 98th Regt, of a daughter.

Wednesday 26 September 1832

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Sept 23 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. A. THOMSON baptised John Robert.
A son of Mr. J.D. GREGORY baptised Morgan Jenkins.
A son of Mr. R. CLARENCE baptised Richard Hewson.
A son of Mr. F. EVEREST baptised Frederick William.
A son of Mr. R. VIPPOND baptised James Parker.
A son of Manauph and Josephine, natives of Madagascar, baptised William.
In the English Church Wynberg on Wednesday Sept 19 by the Rev E. Judge MA, officiating chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. J. HARE baptised Harriet Penelope.

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