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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1834 - 3 - July to September

Wednesday 2 July 1834

The partnership heretofore existing between Henry Francis WOLLASTON and Alexander GRAY under the Firm of WOLLASTON & Co is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the said Alexander GRAY having retired therefrom. The business will continue to be carried on under the same name.
As witness our hands at Cape Town
30th June 1834

DIED at Tralee Ireland on the 20th March, Mrs. REEVES, relict of Dr. REEVES, late an eminent Army surgeon and of St.Bartholemews.

DIED on the 30th June, Sarah Jacoba, youngest daughter of the late R. WRANKMORE Esq, aged six years 11 months and 3 days, deeply regretted by her family.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday June 30 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
Mr. R.C. JONES to Miss Martha Ann LE BRETON.
Mr. M. BUTLER to Miss Louisa Fredrica BARCHFIELD.

On Friday June 27 as above:
A son of J.D. THOMSON Esq bapt. John Edward Deas.

June 25: James ROGERS, aged 39 years.

Wednesday 8 July 1834 [sic]

Dr.CARTER has removed from Burg-street to No.65 Strand-street, corner of St. George’s-street, the house lately occupied by Mr. VALENTIN.

BIRTH at Cape Town on Sunday 6 July, the wife of the Rev G. CHRISTIE of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 7th inst by the Rev J M Kloek Van Staveren, Walter HARDING Esq to Johanna Petronella, eldest daughter of the Hon J.G. BRINK Esq
Cape Town 8th July 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Monday July 7 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
Mr. William WARD to Miss Ann BROWN.

On Sunday July 6 as above:
A daughter of Mr. J. CALF Jun baptised Susanna Elizabeth
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday June 29 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A son of J. CAREY Esq baptised Huskisson.
A son of Mr. E. SAWYER baptised Charles.

July 5: William WILLIAMS aged 45 years.

Saturday 12 July 1834

DIED on the 5th instant, Allen INNES, aged 1 year 11 months and 5 days, son of Professor INNES, S.A. College.

BIRTH at Cape Town on the 11th inst, the lady of Capt. P. LATOUCHE of a son.

Late conductor of Mr. LODEWYK’s business
Hair Dresser, Wigmaker &c
Begs to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced business on his own account at No.3 Shortmarket-street, near Market-square, and hopes by attention to business to merit a share of their support.

Dr.BROWN has removed to No.86 Long-street, the house lately possessed by Mrs. H. CLOETE, next to Dr. BAILEY’s

Wednesday 16 July 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday July 13 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A son of Mr. J. FELL Jun baptised John.
A son of the late Mr. T. HUMPHRIES baptised William Timothy.

July 9: Susan CLARKE, aged 19 years.

Saturday 19 July 1834

DIED on Monday the 14th July, Mr. John O’CONNAR.

Wednesday 23 July 1834

In the Insolvent Estate of Charles BREEZE of Graham’s Town
Sale of immoveable property belonging to the above Estate to be held before the Resident Magistrate in his office at Graham’s Town on Wednesday the 3rd day of September next at 12 noon, peremptorily to the highest bidder, pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court bearing date the 12th day of July 1834.
A small piece of ground situate in Artificers-square, Graham’s Town, with a small convenient cottage erected thereon.
Also, at the same time and place, under the Insolvent Estate of Henry HARPER of Graham’s Town, a small piece of ground near the Public Market, Graham’s Town.
Conditions of Sale may be seen and further particulars ascertained at the office of the Undersigned in Graham’s Town.
George JARVIS, Trustee
Graham’s Town, July 16 1834.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday July 20 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of Mr. G. WARD baptised Mary Jane.
A daughter of Mr. A. COPE baptised Mary Ann.
A son of Manauph, native of Madagascar, bapt. John.

Saturday 26 July 1834

BIRTH at Stellenbosch on the 17th inst, the lady of W.M. MACKAY Esq of a son.

Wednesday 30 July 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday July 27 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of Mr. J. FITZPATRICK bapt Martha Maria.
A daughter of Mr. J.F. ASCHEN bapt Margaretha Agnes.

July 24: James LETT, aged 68 years.

Saturday 2 August 1834

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 24th July, the lady of Capt. R.D. HALLIFAX of a daughter.

By Special Licence in the English Church Simon’s Town Wednesday July 23 by the Rev H Frazer AB, Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. I.W. HUGHES, Master of the ship Hall, to Miss Maria Johanna MILLER.

Wednesday 6 August 1834

FUNERAL of the Hon. Joachim Willem STOLL Esq
Yesterday the remains of this excellent man were conveyed from his house in Strand-street to their final resting place in the Dutch Burying Ground, Somerset Road. The deceased had expressly desired that his funeral should be conducted in the most simple and private manner; but an immense concourse of all ranks and classes of the Inhabitants of Cape Town and its Vicinity assembled in front of his late dwelling, lined the streets, and covered the stoeps and tops of the houses, by 3 o’clock, and a long procession of gentlemen, headed by His Excellency the Governor, and the Judges of the Supreme Court, followed the humble bier on foot, and the members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, with the Deacons and Elders of the Lutheran Church, bore his pall. On arriving at the place of interment a simple hymn was sung, and an affecting address and prayer offered up by the Rev Mr Van Staveren. The earth then closed on the dust of one who was an honor to his country and to human nature.

Mr.& Mrs. HULL respectfully apprise their numerous and kind friends that, in deference to their valued suggestions, they have removed to a more centrical situation, viz No.79 Long-street, near the corner of Strand-street, where Mrs. HULL receives pupils for the Piano Forte. Mr. HULL undertakes the arrangement of complicated accounts, gives instruction in bookkeeping &c.

DIED at Malmesbury in Zwartland, on the 25th July, Mr. J. STONE of Saldanha Bay, aged 37 years 3 months and 8 days.

In the English Church Cape Town on Tuesday July 29 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
An adult person baptised Antoinette Dorothy.
On Sunday August 3 as above:
A twin son of Mr. C.W. ADAMS bapt. William James.
A daughter of Mr. T. BEETON baptised Eliza Ann.

Saturday 9 August 1834

Begs to announce the removal of her school to the lower part of Mrs. TRUTER’s house in the Keizersgracht. The Dancing School will in future be held there also on Wednesdays from 3 to 5 o’clock, and on Fridays from 4 to 6 o’clock.
Mrs. CAMPBELL has six hours in the week disengaged for Private Lessons, which she would wish to devote to the instruction of a select class of Young Ladies, above 14 years of age, in the French Language.

DIED on Saturday morning the 3rd August at her father’s house in the Heeregracht, Mrs. LACY, aged 21 years, wife of Lieut. LACY of the 72nd Highlanders.

Aug 2: Mrs. Maria LACY, wife of Lieut. T.E. LACY of HM 72nd Highlanders, aged 21 years.

Wednesday 13 August 1834

DIED at Wynberg on the 8th inst, Huskisson, infant son of James CAREY Esq, aged 4 months and 20 days.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday August 10 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A son of Mr. W. DUCKITT baptised John.
A son of Mr. R. VIPPOND baptised Edward
A daughter of Mr. W. LYALL baptised Fredrica Eliza.

Saturday 16 August 1834

BIRTH at Stellenbosch on the 12th inst, the lady of Capt. DUNBABIN of the Bombay Army of a daughter.

Wednesday 20 August 1834

Whereas James Thomas ERITH and his wife Jane ERITH have executed before me the Notary on 9th August 1834 a Deed of Separation from Bed, Board and Community of Property, and have agreed that all debts contracted prior to the date thereof shall be paid by him or her who may have incurred the same. Notice thereof is hereby given to the Public that from henceforth they shall not be answerable or liable for each other’s debts, but the same shall run for account and risk of him or her who shall contract the same from the date of the aforesaid deed.
Cape Town 15th August 1834
Witness, R.BECK
C. WHITCOMB, Notary Public.

Rondebosch Academy
Begs to inform the public that he has opened a Boarding and Day School at the healthy and pleasant situation called ‘Molenvliet’, formerly the residence of Mr. W. LEUTGUES, about four miles from Cape Town.
C.E.S. trusts by strict attention to the religious, moral and intellectual culture of his pupils to obtain a portion of public patronage and support. Branches of education he professes to teach are Geography, History, Commercial Arithmetic, and the rudiments of Latin.
Boarders £22:10 or 300 Rds per annum.
Day Boarders 18/- or 12 Rds per month.
Day Scholars 9/- or 6 Rds per month.

In the English Chapel on Sunday Aug 17 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of Mr. H. MORLAND bapt. Rebecca Maria.

Saturday 23 August 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday Aug 20 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of Lieut. T.E. LACY of HM 72nd Highlanders, baptised Maria Helen Ebden.

Wednesday 27 August 1834

BIRTH at the Roode Bloem on the 25th inst, the lady of Capt. J.H. VAN RENEN, 25th Regiment Bengal N.I., of a son.
J.H. VAN RENEN, capt.

DIED at my house on the 13th inst, after an illness of three months, by beloved sister Miss Anne Maria BUNDERS, aged 34 years 11 months. She died in full reliance of her Saviour. I give notice of this distressing loss to friends and relatives, requesting to be excused the visits of condolence.
Uitenhage, 16th Aug 1834

DEATH. It has pleased Almighty God in the night of the 29th instant to take away from me by death my dear only child Anna Maria Wilhelmina LINDENBERG, aged nearly 9 years, after a lingering consumptive illness of three months, of which second distressing bereavement in the short space of six months, while yet mourning over the loss of my beloved wife, it is my duty to inform relatives and friends herewith.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Aug 24 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of Mr. T. INGLESBY baptised Mary Susannah Jane.

Saturday 30 August 1834

MARRIED on Thursday the 28th inst, by Special Licence, by the Rev George Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain, at the house of Mrs. WRANKMORE, Thomas BOURCHIER Esq, 98th Regt, to Frances Sophia, widow of Capt. PEACH of that Corps, daughter of the later Joseph METCALFE Esq of Berner’s-street, Cavendish-square and Ely Place, Yorkshire and niece to Sir Charles METCALFE of Bengal.

BIRTH on the 21st inst, the lady of George MARSH Esq of a son.

DIED. Notice is hereby given to relatives and friends that on the 21st inst, after a short illness, died my beloved husband Johan Wilhelm Cornelis ANDERSON, aged 30 years 9 months and 11 days.
Widow Alette Jacoba ANDERSON, born BECK.

By Special Licence in the English Church Cape Town on Thursday Aug 28 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
T. BOURCHIER Esq, Surgeon 98th Regt, to Mrs. Frances Sophia PEACH, widow of the late Capt. J. PEACH.
At Cape Town on the 28th inst by the Rev J Adamson DD:
Mr. A.S. ROBERTSON to Mrs. Agnes SLEIGH.

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Aug 24 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Sarah NORTEN, free black, bapt. Mary Ann.

Wednesday 3 September 1834

BIRTH on the 29th Aug at Oatlands, near Simon’s Town, the lady of Hungerford VOWE Esq of a daughter.

BIRTH at 9 o’clock PM on the 29th ult, the lady of John CARTER Esq, Surgeon, of a daughter.

BIRTH on the 25th August, the lady of Lieut. H.C. GILMORE, Bengal Army. Of a son.

Departed this life on Sunday Morning 31st August, my beloved wife Elizabeth Gesina GILMORE, aged 19 years 3 months and 15 days.
H.C. GILMORE, Lt Bengal Army.

Mr. Joseph Jules MABILLE
Having heard calumnious reports concerning a Power of Attorney which he received from the Widow Jean Joseph MABILLE, his mother, and the Widow John WHITE, his sister, informs the public that it was cancelled about eighteen months ago, by another Power, which we sent to our Agent at the Isle of France, and that since he has acted solely on his own account.
Cape Town 1st Sept. 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Sept 1 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
Mr. H. BALFOUR to Miss Ellen HOLLAND
Chery Felicite, native of Mozambique, to Jeannet TRIM, native of this Colony.

On Sunday Aug 31 as above:
A son of A.F. CHIAPPINI Esq baptised Antonio Baldasar Melchior Caspar.
In the English Church Rondebosch Aug 24 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Louisa BAKA, Native of this Colony, baptised Joseph Alexander.

August 31: Mrs. Elizabeth Genesa GILMORE, wife of H.C. GILMORE Esq, Lieutenant in the Hon. E.I.C. Service, Bengal Establishment, aged 19 years.

Saturday 6 September 1834

DIED on Saturday morning the 30th Aug 1834, my beloved wife Anne Maria BERGH, aged 41 years and 8 months.

DIED on Sunday last the 31st August, our beloved father Daniel FOCK, aged 57 years 9 months and 11 days, of which loss notice is hereby given to relatives and friends. For self and other children

DIED on the 3rd instant, William WADDEL Esq, late Resident Magistrate at Graham’s Town (Albany) aged 31 years.

Wednesday 10 September 1834

DEATH on the 8th inst, Maria Elizabeth Johanna DENEYS, second daughter of the late G.C. DENEYS, aged 27 years and 11 months, deeply regretted by her sorrowing relations.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Sept 7 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A son of Mr. H. DEWESS baptised Henry William.

Aug 29: Mr. george GOUGH, aged 29 years.

Saturday 13 September 1834

Uitenhage, September 5 1834
Married on Saturday last at Uitenhage Town by the Rev Alexander Smith, Joseph GREEN Esq, Merchant, to Anna Magdalena, relict of the late James SWAN Esq, late Government Surveyor of this District.

BIRTH on the 9th instant, the lady of Dr. MURRAY, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals, of a daughter.

BIRTH on Wednesday the 10th instant, at Feldhausen, the lady of Sir J.F.W. HERSCHEL KH of a daughter.

In the English Church Cape Town Thursday Sept 11 by the Rev Holt Okes DD:
A son of Lieut. C. GILMORE, Bengal Army, baptised Henry Charles Cameron.
A son of Lieut. F.B. FIELDING, HM 98th Regt, baptised Henry Charles Gilmore.
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Sept 7 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Mr. W. MOORE Jun, baptised William.

Sept 9:
A daughter of Mr. W. LYELL, named Fredrica Eliza, aged 2 months.
At Wynberg Sept 1: Mr. John HERBERT, aged 42 years.

Wednesday 17 September 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Saturday Sept 13 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A son of P. LATOUCHE Esq, Captain in the H.E.I.C. Service, baptised Cecil D’Urban.
On Sunday Sept 14 by ditto:
A son of Mr. J. JEARY baptised John Thomas.
A son of Mr. R. WILSON baptised Richard Hope.

Saturday 20 September 1834

DIED at Cape Town the 16th September, Richard WALPOLE Esq of the Hon. E.I. Company’s Civil Service, Bengal Establishment, son of the late Hon. Robert WALPOLE and grandson of Horatio, first Lord WALPOLE of Wolterton, a Judge of the Courts of Sudder Dewanny and Nizamut Adawlut, or Supreme Civil and Criminal Native Courts.

DIED at Thurso in Scotland at the Residence of his son-in-law George PATON Esq on the 20th May last, after a short illness, Mr. Franciscus Josephus PREYS, at the advanced age of 84 years 2 months and 3 days, formerly and long a resident in this Colony, much and deservedly regretted by his relatives and friends.

DIED on Friday morning the 19th instant, my dearly beloved wife Frederica Elizabeth BROWN, born PALLAS, after a very painful illness of forty hours.
Cape Town, September 19 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday Sept 17 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A son of F. DICKINSON Esq baptised Frederic.

Sept 16: Richard WALPOLE Esq, H.E.I.C.Service, aged 48 years.

Wednesday 24 September 1834

DIED at Stellenbosch on the 13th day of September 1834, after a severe illness of 13 days, which he bore with exemplary Christian resignation, J.C. FAURE, aged 65 years 1 month and 16 days, deeply regretted by his beloved wife, affectionate children and numerous friends and relatives.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 20th inst, by the Rev Dr. Adamson, Alexander HUTCHINSON Esq, W.S. Attorney Supreme Court, to Jane Charlotte, eldest daughter of Lieut. Col. GORDON of Invertromie, Scotland.

Miss MILLS, being about to relinquish her School, has kindly offered to introduce Mrs. ADNEY (recently from England and late of Simon’s Town) to succeed her in her Establishment. Mrs.A. has been engaged in Tuition since her arrival in this Colony. The School will be conducted on the same terms and principles as those of Miss MILLS, and she hopes to obtain the confidence of the parents and guardians of her pupils. Particulars of Residence will be given in a future advertisement. The School will commence on the 1st October.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Sept 21 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of Mr. R. CLARENCE bapt. Augusta Maria.

Saturday 27 September 1834

At Wynberg Sept 16: Martha Johanna, wife of F. BEEST, aged 25 years 9 months and 8 days.

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