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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1834 - 4 - October to December

Wednesday 1 October 1834

MARRIAGE at Madras on the 5th July at St.George’s Church by the Rev F. Spring AM, William DOUGLAS Esq of the Madras Civil Service to Caroline, eldest daughter of J.HARE Esq, Wynberg.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Sept 28 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of J. CARTER Esq baptised Sarah Marianne.

Wednesday 8 October 1834

Notice is hereby given to relatives and friends that our youngest son Petrus Johannes Keeve died on the 6th inst at the age of 8 months and 6 days.
Cape Town, 6th October 1834

In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday Oct 6 [sic] by the Rev Dr Adamson DD:
A son of Mr. J. McGREGOR baptised John Graham.

Saturday 11 October 1834

Respectfully informs the inhabitants of Cape Town and its vicinity that he has commenced business as a Boot and Shoe-maker at No.6 Zieke-street, where he trusts by punctuality, and supplying the best description of materials and workmanship, to merit a share of their support. He has also opened an Establishment at Wynberg, where Ladies and Gentlemen can be supplied in the above line, at the shortest notice, and upon the most reasonable terms.
NB Wanted, a few good journeymen, to whom the highest wages and constant employment will be given, none will be treated with who are not of the best description. Apply as above.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Oct 5 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Troops:
A son of Mr. J. CHAPMAN baptised Henry Samuel.
A daughter of Mr. J. GRIFFITHS baptised Mary Ann.

At Wynberg Sept 27: Sarah GILLIAMS, native of this Colony, aged 30 years.
Sept 30: Mr. Wilhelm Christopher LUTTERMANN, aged 49 years.

Wednesday 15 October 1834

Jan Casper BREWIS, late of George Town, has opened a Lodging House for Farmers and will transact all commissions, as well on the Market as in Town, with which he may be favored. He solicits the patronage of the public, and promises to execute speedily and carefully everything trusted to him. J.C. BREWIS at present occupies the house No.12 Castle-street, next to Mr. J.H. GROENEWALT, where he has provided suitable apartments for the reception of his country friends.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Oct 13 [sic] by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J.W. SEALE to Miss Maria Wilhelmina Petronella KIRSTEN.
J.W.H.DIETZ to Margaret Sellers EERLICH.

On Sunday Oct 12 as above:
A son of H. WALTERS Esq, Bengal Civil Service, bapt. John Skynner.
A son of Mr. J.A. MOLLETT baptised Samuel Peter.
A daughter of Mr. S. BENOY baptised Harriet.

Oct 12: A son of Mr. J.S. BAYLY, named William George, aged 6 months and 9 days.

Saturday 18 October 1834

MARRIED on Monday the 13th instant in the English Church Cape Town by the Rev G. Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Mr. James William SEALE, only son of the late Capt. William SEALE of the H.E.I. Company’s Service, to Miss Maria Wilhelmina Petronella, second daughter of Mr. Frans S. KIRSTEN, Field-Cornet, District Simon’s Town.

Oct 16: Mr. John PHILLIPS, Plumber in the Waterworks, after 21 years service.

Wednesday 22 October 1834

BIRTH at Cape Town on the 20th instant, the lady of the Rev W. ROBERTSON, Minister of Swellendam, of a son.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Oct 20 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Thomas MERRITT to Miss Rebecca WETTON

On Sunday Oct 19 as above:
A son of W.S. WILLSON Esq, Captain of the Platina, baptised Joseph Thomas Sinclair.
A son of R.M. SATCHWELL Esq baptised Richard Mient.
A daughter of Mr. T. MOSSE baptised Emily Elizabeth
On Monday Oct 20 by ditto:
A son of W.M. MACKAY Esq baptised Angus John.
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Oct 5 by the Rev Holt Okes DD:
A son of Mr. J. COLEMAN baptised Jacob.
On Sunday Oct 12 by ditto:
A daughter of J. STEUART Esq, High Sheriff, baptised Caroline Jane.

Saturday 25 October 1834

BIRTH at Beaufort on the 13th inst, the lady of William KINNEAR Esq of a son.

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Oct 19 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Sir J.F.W. HERSCHEL KG, baptised Margaret Louisa.

Wednesday 29 October 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Oct 27 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Henry George MAYOSS to Miss Eliza FERRIS

On Sunday Oct 26 as above:
A daughter of Mr. W.G. ANDERSON bapt. Maria Deane.

Wednesday 5 November 1834

To Win Farmers, Shopkeepers, Travelling Traders and Others
William GRAY
Copper and Tinsmith
No.59 Strand-street
Will offer for sale by auction on Tuesday the 18th inst a number of brandy stills, from a leaguer to a half aum; also a great variety of copper and tin wares, which he will put in small lots for the convenience of purchasers. Articles of every description in the above line made to order, and country orders executed with [obscured] despatch on the lowest terms.
Cape Town, 1st Nov 1834.

MARRIED at Stellenbosch on the 1st November by the Rev A FAURE, A. FAURE Esq LLD to Miss Dorothea Susanna DE VILLIERS.

Baptised in the Dutch Reformed Church, at Wynberg by the Rev P E Faure, a daughter of Mr. J.H.G. SCHRIKKER, named Martina Anna Henriette.

DIED at Simon’s Town on the 31st October 1834 at half past 2 o’clock PM, the wife of Mr. William COOPER, born VAN VELDEN, aged 43/48? years 10 months and 22 days, much regretted by all those who knew her pious and charitable behaviour to all around her, leaving her husband and eleven children to lament their sincere loss.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Nov 3 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Samuel MOLLETT to Miss Johanna Margaretha ROW

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday 2nd Nov as above:
A daughter of Mr. H. BICKERSTETH baptised Henrietta Elizabeth.
A son of Mr. J. COOPER baptised George.
A daughter of Mr. F. EVEREST baptised George. [sic – see next edition]
A daughter of Mr. J. ORCHARD baptised Ann.
A son and daughter of Mr. E. SAUNDERS baptised Enos Joseph and Mary Ann.
At Rondebosch on Saturday 1st November as above:
A daughter of Mr. P.L. CLOETE Jun baptised Rykie Sophia.

Saturday 8 November 1834

Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturer
No.47 Long-street
Begs to announce to the Gentry and Inhabitants of Cape Town his arrival from England, and that he has commenced his business in the above line, and from his long practice in England, and through knowledge of its various branches, flatters himself that he shall be able to offer articles so far superior to any previously manufactured in this Colony as will ensure him a portion of public confidence and support.
TL has brought with him a variety of the most fashionable English snuffs, prime Havannah cigars, usually retailed in England at 3d and 4d each, at 1s to 1s 3d per dozen, 8s and 9s per dozen.
PS A case of Havannah cigars in bond to be disposed of for exportation.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday 2nd Nov by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. F. EVEREST baptised Laura Sophia.

Nov 2: Mrs. Elizabeth Antoinette HEARD, wife of Mr. W. HEARD, aged 29 years 2 months and 27 days.
Nov 3: Mrs. Pauline ROACH, aged 41 years and 6 months.

Wednesday 12 November 1834

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 1st inst, by the Rev Mr. Van Staveren, Philip Johannes RENS Esq to Miss Maria Margaretha Carolina, eldest daughter of J.F. MUNNIK Esq.

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday 9th November by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Captain J.H. VAN RENEN, Bengal Army, baptised henry Polemann.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas MASKEW baptised Isabella Charlotte.
A son of Mr. J. ANDERSON baptised John.

Nov 9: A daughter of Mr. W. FORBES, named Eliza Matilda, aged 2 years and 10 months.

Saturday 15 November 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday Nov 12 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, acting for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of J.C. CHASE Esq baptised Mary Stuart Centlivres.
In the English Church Wynberg on Thursday 30 by the Rev J Hallewell MA:
An adult native of the Cape baptised Charles.
On Sunday Nov 2 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, Acting Chaplain:
A son of J. LEVAT baptised Charles.
A daughter of Leentje ISAACS baptised Rose Lydia.
A son of Lydia Margaret CAEZAR baptised James William.
A son of Jane, free black, baptised Thomas.
On Sunday Nov 9 by ditto:
A son of G. TURNBULL baptised Robert Richard.
In the Military Chapel Tuesday Nov 4 by the Rev E JUDGE MA, Acting Chaplain to the Troops:
A daughter of the Rev E. JUDGE MA bapt. Catherine Matilda.
On Wednesday Nov 5 as above:
A son of Capt. C.C. CRAVEN, 72nd Highlanders, baptised Ranulph.
A daughter of J. MURRAY Esq MD baptised Emily.
A daughter of D. ARMSTRONG Esq baptised Ann Jane.

Oct 31: Charles YOUNG, native of the Cape, aged 20 years.
Nov 11: Mr. Bono Anthony SUTER aged 44 years.

Wednesday 19 November 1834

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Nov 17 by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Nov 2 as above:
A son of Mr. S. STUART baptised Charles Ogilvie.
A son of Peter, native of Johanna, baptised Henry.

Nov 15: Richard George, son of Mr. R. YARDLEY, aged six months.

Saturday 22 November 1834

MARRIED by Special Licence in the English Church Cape Town by the Rev George Hough on the 21st instant, Captain L.W. GIBSON of the Hon E.I. Company’s 75th Bengal Native Infantry, to Miss Georgiana PERET.
Nov 21 1834

Wednesday 26 November 1834

MARRIED at the Military Chapel on Monday the 24th inst by the Rev E Judge AB, Chaplain to the Forces, Joseph PEARSON Esq, HM Ordnance, to Miss Anna Elizabeth RABE.
Cape Town.

By Special Licence in the English Church cape Town on Friday Nov 21 by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
L.W. GIBSON Esq, Captain 27th Bengal Native Infantry, to Miss Georgiana PERRET.
On Monday Nov 24 by ditto:
Mr. C.A. LIEDHER to Mrs. Ann BRADLING, Widow.

On Sunday Nov 23 as above:
A son of Mr. H. HEWITT baptised Henry.
A son of Mr. T. SMITH baptised James Seton.

Saturday 29 November 1834

In the Military Chapel Monday Nov 24 by the Rev E Judge MA, Acting Chaplain to the Troops:
Joseph PEARSON Esq, HM Ordnance to Miss Anna Elizabeth RABE.
Color-Sergeant James CAMPBELL of HM 72nd Highlanders to Isabella BRANKIN.

On Monday Nov 24 as above:
A daughter of F. PELLAT Esq of HM Ordnance bapt. Sophia Glenalvon.
Nov 27: A daughter of Quartermaster Luke CASTRAY bapt Hannah D’Urban.

Nov 26: A daughter of the Rev E JUDGE, aged 3 months and 11 days.

Wednesday 3 December 1834

In the English Church cape Town on Monday Dec 1 by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Adolph HECKRATH to Miss Charlotte Rebecca SMITH.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Nov 30 as above:
Two daughters of Mr. William DAVIS, baptised Rebecca Moody and Martha Moody.

Saturday 6 December 1834

Dec 1: George BROWNE, aged 23 years.

Wednesday 10 December 1834

The Rev J. VON MANGER begs to inform the family and friends that his beloved wife Maria Elizabeth VON MANGER (born VAN REENEN) departed this life on the morning, 7th inst, at the age of 55 years 10 months, and begs to be excused the visits of condolence.
9th December 1834.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Dec [9?] by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. S. BENNINGFIELD baptised Samuel Francis.
A son of Mr. E. SMITH baptised Edward.
A daughter of Mr. R. BENFIELD bapt. Emma Lucretia.

Dec 8: Mr. Henry HOLLOWAY, aged 50 years 9 months and 8 days.

Saturday 13 December 1834

Notice is hereby given that in accordance with provisions 31 and 32 of Local Ordinance No.4, that the choice of pews in St.George’s Church will take place on Thursday next, the 18th instant, at 12 o’clock precisely, when the Finance Committee will attend for the purpose of receiving the Pew Rents, which are required to be paid at the time such choice is made; and those shareholders intending to take pews, or someone on their behalf, are particularly requested to attend at said place and hour, as in default thereof their priority of choice will necessarily be passed over. The Trustees request that all instalments due on the respective shares will be paid to the Finance Committee on or before the 18th inst. The Finance Committee will also attend on Friday the 19th inst at __ o’clock for the purpose of such persons not being shareholders, but wishing to engage pews, making their choice, and for receiving the pew rents in advance, at which time they, or someone on their behalf, are requested to attend.

Notice is hereby given that the Interior of St.George’s Church being completed, it will be opened on Sunday the 21st instant. Divine Service to commence at half past eleven o’clock. A collection will be made at the doors in aid of the building &c.

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Nov 30 by the Rev Holt Okes DD:
Three sons and a daughter of Mr. W. CUTTING, baptised Thomas, Robert, Henry and Harriet.
Dec 7: A son of Mr. T. MORRIS baptised Thomas Marrant.
A son of Serima, baptised Dick Arends.

Dec 8: Mr. John HOYTON aged 21 years.
Dec 10: A daughter of Mr. R. BAKER, named Jemima Ann, aged 1 year and 10 months.

Wednesday 17 December 1834

In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Dec 14 by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. S. RANDALL baptised Ellen Martha.

Dec 8: Mr. John HOYTON, aged 24 years.
Dec 11: Mr. John MULLER, aged 32 years.

Saturday 20 December 1834

By Special Licence in the English Church Cape Town on Wednesday Dec 17 by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
James Richard BOOTH Esq, Capt. RN, to Miss Jane Elizabeth WYLDE.

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Dec 14 by the Rev Holt Okes DD:
A daughter of H.H. GIRD Esq baptised Maria Barendina Letterstedt.

Wednesday 24 December 1834

Thomas HUNTER, in returning his best thanks to his customers and the public in general, begs to inform them that, having completed his Establishment, with tools for all kinds of iron and iron work, he is now enabled to perform it both with greater facility and at a lower rate than hitherto; and hopes by strict attention to merit the approbation of those who may honor him with their commands.
Orders received at the Foundry, in Bree-street, or at No.36 Longmarket-street for ship work, mill, machinery, coach and carriage work in their various branches.

Notice is hereby given to relatives and friends that it has pleased the Lord to take away out of my arms my beloved husband, Edward WALLACE, aged 42 years, leaving me with 5 helpless children to regret his loss.

BIRTH at the Royal Observatory on Friday morning the 19th instant, the lady of Thomas MACLEAR Esq, the Astronomer Royal, of a daughter.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Sunday Dec 21 by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of E. CHRISTIAN Esq baptised Ewan Robertson.
A son of Mr. H.A. PAINE baptised John William.

Dec 21: Mr. Frederick VENABLES, aged 33 years and 10 months.

Saturday 27 December 1834

DIED on Wednesday evening the 17th inst, at half past 9 o’clock, after a short illness, Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. M. WOODLOCK, aged 26 years 9 months and 7 days. All who were acquainted with her kind and generous disposition will deplore her loss, leaving a broken hearted family to lament her premature death, rendered still more mournful in being the second death within the short space of 10 months.

DEATH on the 18th instant at the Residency, Plettenburg’s Bay, after a protracted illness, Maria, the amiable and exemplary wife of R.C. HARKER Esq, Government Resident of that station.

Wednesday 31 December 1834

MARRIED in the Scotch Church by the Rev J Adamson on the 22nd instant, Quarter Master Serjeant W. HUME of the 72nd Highlanders to Mary MITCHELL, only daughter of the Hospital Serjeant of that Corps.

Dec 24, Wednesday 10 o’clock pm:
Reports of the most distressing kind still keep pouring into town from various quarters. At Jan DELPORTs, on the Fish River, about 18 miles distant, the Caffers in great force attacked his kraals, and after an obstinate resistance, during which six Caffers were killed, and five or six farmers wounded, the former succeeded in carrying off the cattle and burning down the dwelling. Intelligence has also been received of the murder of an Englishman, named Robert CRAMER, near the Caffer Clay Pits. The poor man was driving some cattle towards his residence, assisted by two little girls, when he was intercepted by a body of Caffers. They stopped him, and after addressing to him a few words, which he did not understand, they dispatched him with their assegais. The poor girls were both mounted on one horse, and the wretches fired a shot at them, which passed just above their heads; they were so terrified that they fell from the horse, which the Caffers instantly seized, together with the cattle, leaving the children to proceed home without further interruption. At this moment the town is quiet, but bodies of Caffers have been seen at no greater distance therefrom than 7 or 8 miles.
Thursday morning, 11 o’clock:
Every hour brings intelligence of a more and more distressing nature. Mr. H.W. HENDERSON, a most respectable merchant of Graham’s Town, and who happened to be out on a visit at the residence of his father-in-law, Mr. T. MAHONY, has, with Mr. MAHONY, been cruelly murdered. He was with the family of the latter endeavouring to escape in a wagon from the farm to the military post at Caffer’s Drift, where they were way-laid and dispatched with assegais. Mrs. MAHONY and a child of Mr. HENDERSON’s were allowed to escape and are now on their way to Town.
The family of an industrious shoemaker named A. FORBES was also murdered yesterday afternoon and their dwellings burned. Advices have been received from the Missionary Institution of Wesleyville, under the Caffer Chiefs Pato and Kama, which state that the Caffers in that quarter are perfectly quiet, but assistance is implored from the colony to aid the missionary and his family, and such traders as may not have been murdered, in effecting their escape into the colony. There are little hopes entertained of the safety of the traders.
Property is now out of the question – life is the only thing which incites anxiety, or for the preservation of which it is thought necessary to incur any great risk. The Caffers are acting upon a most successful and ruinous system, that of sacrificing the colonists in detail. A despatch was received from Lieut. Colonel SOMERSET late last night, which states that he has been incessantly employed in pursuit of large masses of Caffers, but that his party were almost worn out by fatigue, and their horses knocked up. He had recaptured about 200 head of cattle, and about forty Caffers had been shot in different skirmishes. He states that he had not been able to collect any Burgher force, every man having to shift for himself and to defend his own family. He remarks that he has no apprehension for the safety of Graham’s Town; but urges upon the inhabitants the necessity of the most energetic measures for self preservation, it being quite impossible for him to afford them any essential assistance.
Everyone is now looking with intense anxiety for succour from the lower districts. It is not to be supposed that the Burghers there will hesitate to come forward at this momentous crisis: but it is very clear that if assistance be not speedily afforded, this part of the country must inevitably be depopulated. We are now called upon to defend our hearths, our altars and our children, and we feel the utmost confidence that none will be found wanting in this our hour of need.

In the St.George’s Church, cape Town on Sunday Dec 21 by the Rev Holt Okes DD, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. S.H. HULME to Mrs. W.H. WI..SEN [third character missing]

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Christmas Day by the Rev G Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of John ART baptised Thomas Joseph.
Dec 28: A daughter of Mr. J. DYSAON baptised Julia Molley Lash

Dec 26: Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. E. SAUNDERS, aged 5 months and 16 days.

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