South African Commercial Advertiser 1842 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 2 April 1842
In St.Andrew’s Church on Monday 7th March by the Rev G. Morgan:
Mr. Richard LAING, widower, to Miss Cornelia Mary JONES.
In the Independent Chapel on Tuesday 22nd March by the Rev Henry Calderwood:
James BOND to Sarah ADONIS
In the Episcopal Chapel, Long-street on Friday 25th March by the Rev T.A. Blair:
A son of Dr. FORREST, Med. Staff, baptised John.
In Cape Town on the 28th March by the Rev Dr Adamson:
A son of Mr. Nicol STENHOUSE, baptised Nicol.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
Feb 27: A son of Mr. M. DELAHUNT, baptised James John.
March 13: A son of Laurence RYAN, baptised Luke Barnaby.
March 13: A daughter of James McCLOSKY, baptised Maria Mary Anne.
March 28: A son of Philip HARRIS, baptised Philip Edward.
DIED on the 25th March 1842 ay 11 o’clock pm, after an illness of only six days, my beloved Husband George GLAESER Esq, District Surgeon of Worcester, aged 56 years 1 month and 25 days – of which painful loss his distressed Widow hereby gives notice to Friends and Relatives.
Dorothea GLAESER.
Wednesday 6 April 1842
DIED at Caledon, of Erisypelas, on the 3rd April, John HONEY Esq, District Surgeon, aged 42 years; leaving a Widow and 3 Children, and a large circle of Friends, to lament the loss of one whose many kind and generous qualities, exhibited during a residence of 16 years in the District, had justly endeared him to the Inhabitants.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Wednesday 30th March by the Rev G. Morgan:
Mr. William Daniel FLEISCHER to Miss Matgaret Stevenson ADAMSON.
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 4th April by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of John STEIN Esq, baptised Maria.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas BARSS, baptised Maria Olivia Matilda.
3rd April: Harry DENNIS, seaman, aged 26 years.
Wednesday 13 April 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 11th April by the Rev G.V.Thorpe AB, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William BUCHANAN, baptised Maria Dorothea.
5th April: Herbert, son of Augustus F. OAKES Esq, Madras Artillery, aged 19 months.
8th April: James HEWETT Esq, Chaplain 52nd Bengal Native Infantry, aged 39 years and 6 months.
11th April: Mr. Richard Allwright WINDELL, aged 25 years and 10 months.
11th April: Mary Anne Ellen, daughter of Mr. William FELL, aged 15 months.
Saturday 16 April 1842
In St.George’s Church, Wynberg on Monday 16th April by the Rev Dr Okes:
A daughter of Stephen HOCK Esq, baptised Julia.
9th April: Agnes, daughter of Robert EDWARDS, aged 5 years and 9 months.
11th April: William SUTHERWOOD, late Pensioner from HM 56th Regt of Foot, aged 60 years.
At Simon’s Town:
15th March: Agnes Maria [sic], aged 1 year and 12 months.
21st March: Samuel DREW of HMS Belle Isle, aged 42 years.
24th March: Benj. JUMBO, aged 35 years.
25th March: Robert COYSH of HMS Dido, aged 19 years.
Wednesday 20 April 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 18th April by the Rev G.V.Thorpe, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Donald MACRAE, baptised Francis WOLHUTER.
A son of Mr. William WRIGHT, baptised William Charles.
A son of Mr. John CULLIS, baptised George.
A son of Mr. Wm. Nevel WINDELL, baptised Henry Richard James.
A daughter of Mr. Peter FIFE, baptised Catherine.
Saturday 23 April 1842
MARRIED on Monday the 18th instant in the Roman Catholic Church, Cape Town, by the Rev J Griffith, Adr. Louis Henry Durand DES LONGRAIS, of Mauritius, to Leontine Mary, third daughter of the late J.G. SWAVING Esq.
MARRIED at Colesberg on the 28th March 1842, F. RAWSTORNE Esq, Civil Commissioner of the Division of Colesberg, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev James MURRAY.
Departed this Life at Woodstock, near Cape Town, on Thursday afternoon the 21st inst, Miss Margaret Elizabeth CLOETE, eldest and beloved daughter of the Hon. Henry CLOETE Ls, aged 20 years and 9 months.
Woodstock, April 22 1842.
In St.George’s Church, Wynberg on Wednesday 20th April by the Rev Dr Okes:
Mr. W. MARSHALL to Johannah Susanna ROODE.
In St.George’s Church, Wynberg on Sunday 17th April by the Rev Dr Okes:
An adult, baptised George MORTIN.
Wednesday 27 April 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 25th April by the Rev george Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. William John GREGAN, baptised Thomas William.
A daughter of Mr. John NORKETT, baptised Fanny.
April 21st: Miss Margaret Elizabeth CLOETE, daughter of the Honorable Henry CLOETE Ls, aged 20 years and 9 months.
21st April: Julia Hannah, wife of Mr. Edward BUTLER, aged 21 years and 3 months.
Saturday 30 April 1842
In the Roman Catholic Church
April 24: A daughter of Patrick HEHER, private 25th Regt, baptised Margaret.
April 24: A daughter of J. McKENNY, baptised Sarah Anne.
April 25: A daughter of Patrick HYNES, private 13th Regt, from the bark Herefordshire, baptised Mary.
BIRTH at Cape Town on the 26th April, the lady of Wm. MUSGRAVE Esq of a daughter.
Wednesday 4 May 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday 2nd May by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Thomas RAMSDEN to Louisa Carolina COOK.
Mr. William HEARD, widower, to Hendrena Magdalena HOOFSMITH
Evan DAVIS to Reze CURRY.
In St.George’s Church on Monday 2nd May by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. John TAYLOR, baptised John Jacobus.
An adopted son of Mr. Thos. RAMSDEN, baptised Nathaniel RAMSDEN.
May 1st: James SLOMAN, carpenter, aged 48 years.
MARRIED by Special Licence at Wynberg by the Rev P.E. Faure on Monday the 2nd May 1842, O.J. TRUTER Esq to Miss Catharina G. BERRANGE.
Saturday 7 May 1842
Fashionable Winter Goods &c
Per ‘Indian’
Mrs. MACDOUGAL respectfully solicits the attention of Ladies to an Elegant and Fashionable Assortment of Winter Goods &c by the above Vessel, and which are expected to be landed in a few days, weather permitting. The following are among them, viz:
Ladies’ Walking and Evening Dresses, in wrought Lace, Hamers Coole, watered Poplin, French fig. Gros de Naple, Chein, Chené Oriental, real Irish Poplin and Royal Chené; Faconi, and other rich Materials for Bonnets; French fig. and fancy Ribbons; Cap and Bonnet Flowers and Feathers, in great variety; Bonnet Shapes; Imitation and real black and white Blond Edgings, all widths; Paris and Queen’s Blonds, Blond Scarfs, Collars, Ladies’ and Gents’ extra Kid Gloves, Ladies’ long white do., Mitts, Shawls, French Stays, Roslin and Braganza Checks for Boys’ Dresses, Beaver Hats for Children, Loop and Bullion Fringes, fancy Trimmings and Girdles – with a variety of other Articles.
A very superior assortment of Baby Linen
52 Boom-street
May 6 1842
The Undersigned begs to announce that he has purchased the extensive property of Mr. J.C. EKSTEEN, in the most central part of this Village, for the express purpose of establishing a commodious Lodging House. His arrangements being now completed, he is enabled to furnish Travellers and others visiting Swellendam with superior Accommodation, Stabling, Forage, and all kinds of Foreign Wines and Malt Liquors on the most moderate terms.
Swellendam, 25th April 1842
DIED on the 2nd instant, the Rev J.H. VON MANGER, late Senior Clergyman of the Dutch Reformed Church at Cape Town, aged 75 years and 2 months.
In the Independent Chapel on Monday the 2nd May by the Rev Henry Calderwood:
Frederick BURTON to Rosa Sophia DAVIDS.
Wednesday 11 May 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday 9th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of John SHEPHERD Esq, baptised Catherine Elizabeth.
An adult person, native of this Colony, baptised Christian, surname VAN REENEN.
Two adult persons, natives of this Colony, baptised Maria Jane and Sarah Elizabeth, surname HERBERT.
Saturday 14 May 1842
Boot and Shoe Manufacturer
Has removed to 2 Keizersgracht
In the Premises occupied by Mr. J. DYASON.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday the 8th May by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A daughter of Mr. James MACGREGOR, baptised Helen.
A daughter of Mr. John WAGNER, baptised Mary.
Wednesday 18 May 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday 16th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
May 13: Mrs. Mary Charity HALL, wife of Mr. William HALL, aged 47 years.
Saturday 21 May 1842
BIRTH on Wednesday the 18th inst, Mrs. Henry SHERMAN of a son.
At Rondebosch Church by the Rev J. Fry:
April 25: John BLAKE to Elizabeth OWEN.
May 2: Thomas CROW to Mary Anne WILLIAMS.
At Rondebosch Church 2nd may by the Rev J. Fry:
Doolancanie, female apprentice of Mr. A. BYRNE Sen, baptised Mary.
May 15: William LAMBERT, late seaman, aged 22 years.
May 16: Thomas HENRY, late of HM 72nd Regt, aged 40 years.
May 17: Mr. Michael ROSS, aged 47 years.
May 17: Mrs. Alice PHILLIPS, aged 57 years and 3 months.
At Rondebosch:
April 27: Mrs. Louisa HARE, wife of Mr. William HARE, aged 21 years and 5 months.
Saturday 28 May 1842
BIRTH on the 27th May 1842, at Plumstead Cottage, Wynberg, the lady of Capt John S. YOUNG, Commandant of the 5th Regt Cavalry of His Highness the Nizam’s Army, of a son.
We understand that Major SELWYN R.E. has just sold his farm on the Kareiga for the sum of £2,500. Lieut. DANIELL, of Sidbury, is the purchaser. This farm, as we learn, was bought before the late Kafir irruption for £600, by an individual for whom two parties became responsible. The buyer became insolvent, and the securities thought they were ruined by being compelled to take the farm over at that valuation. These parties, however, sold the property for £750; after which it realised £1050, and it has recently fetched the sum we have mentioned. The farm comprises 2,800 morgen, and is about 11 miles distant from Graham’s Town.
We understand that some doubts existed in the minds of the Directors of the E.P. Fire Assurance Company as to whether the whole of the damage lately done to Lieut. DANIELL’s house at Sidbury was the effect of lightning. They have, however, with commendable liberality, given the sufferer in this instance the benefit of the doubt, and agreed to make good the entire loss which has been sustained, amounting, we believe, to about £120.
Wednesday 1 June 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday 30th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
George William BOTTING to Christina Carolina GETZE
Joseph Fitzgerald JAMES to Maria Elizabeth NIEUWENHUIS
In the Independent Chapel on Sunday the 22nd May by the Rev Henry Calderwood:
A son of Mr. James POWRIE, baptised Edward.
In St.George’s Church on Wednesday the 25th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of William MUSGRAVE Esq, baptised Emily.
May 27: Bruce Hunter JAMIESON, aged 68 years.
May 27: Charles WEBLEY, carpenter, aged 25 years.
Saturday 4 June 1842
On the 2nd instant at 4 o’clock pm it pleased the Lord to call to him my beloved Mother-in-law Mrs. Johanna Hendrica BRAND, Widow of the late Colonel Jacob CLARIS.
Welkom, Camp Ground, 3rd June 1842
In the Roman Catholic Church, May 31 1842
A son of Roger James O’GRADAY, baptised James.
Wednesday 8 June 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 6th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Lawrence CUNNINGHAM to Margaretha Johanna Helena VAN HEMERT.
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 6th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Henry William BROTHERTON, baptised Mary Eliza.
A son of Mr, John James NALER, baptised Peter Joseph.
An adult person, native of this colony, baptised John Cornelius, surname WILLENBURG.
June 4th: Antoinette Magdalena, daughter of Mr. John GREEN, aged 2 years 2 months and 21 days.
June 5th: Alida Christina, wife of Mr. William Henry JERRAM, aged 55 years 10 months and 26 days.
Wednesday 15 June 1842
In St.George’s Church on Thursday the 9th June by the Rev E.P. Blunt AM, officiating Chaplain to the Forces:
By Special Licence
Robert Mascie TAYLOR Esq, Lieut HM 25th, to Miss Elizabeth Frances GARLAND.
On the same day by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Helperus Ritzima Van Lier KUYS to Miss Ann Elizabeth GREEN.
In St.George’s Church on Tuesday the 14th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. James ELLIS, baptised Caroline Sarah.
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town by the Rev E. Judge AM:
April 5: Four children of Doortje, van der Kaap, baptised Rosa SCIPIONE, Rosena SCIPIONE, Doortje SCIPIONE and Thomas SCIPIONE.
April 3: A son of John WILLIAMS baptised Jeary.
April 9: A daughter of Charles KOCKS, baptised Carolina Johanna.
April 12: A daughter of Clartje PETERSON, baptised Clartje.
June 10th: Johanna KOK, native of this Colony, aged 60 years.
June 11th: John BURNS, seaman, aged 57 years.
June 12th: Mary Ann, wife of Mr. John CAIRNCROSS, aged 35 years and 6 months.
June 13: Mrs. Letitia Mary LEY, wife of Mr. Pieter Hendrik LEY, aged 39 years and 9 months.
At Simon’s Town
April 1: Sarah Anne ROBINSON, aged 3 months.
April 11: Thomas SWAN, aged 51 years.
April 15: William THOMPSON, aged 21 years.
April 18: Charles MILLIN, age unknown.
April 18: Henry LNFFINGHAM [sic], aged 42 pears [sic]
April 23: James SIMPSON, aged 58 years.
May 12: John NUTE, aged 41 years.
May 18: Clartje PETERSON, aged 3 years.
DIED at Stellenbosch on the 23rd ult, after a short illness, my beloved Husband Mr. John Fortescue BEYNON, born at Bristol, aged 34 years 2 months and 2 days.
Elizabeth BEYNON
Saturday 18 June 1842
DIED at Clanwilliam on Friday the 3rd last, my infant son, and on Monday the 6th June last, my beloved Wife Rachel Johanna LAMBRECHTS, 25 years of age, leaving me and 4 Orphans to deplore her loss.
Clanwilliam , 7th June 1842
Wednesday 22 June 1842
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 20th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
John Cornelius WILLENBURG to Elisabeth Johanna KERBEY
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 20th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Andries G.H. L’Amour DE MANIELLY, baptised Andries Fransous Josephus.
A daughter of Robert DEEKER baptised Frances Susannah.
A daughter of John Benjamin MIDDELKOOP, baptised Frances Ellen Jane.
To Field Cornets and Other Inhabitants in the Country
My son Adam Willem, about 16 years of age and a Carpenter by trade, having left my house on 19th April last, to return to his Employer Mr. LANGEVELD in Cape Town, and having not since been heard of, any Person who may meet him is kindly requested to give notice to the nearest Magistrate that the Lad may be sent home. He is middle-sized, has a semi-circular scar on his brow, and marks of wounds on his throat, the middle finger of his left hand cannot bend; he was dressed in moleskin and wore a Jim Crow hat.
Michiel MATTHYSEN at Newlands.
21st June 1842
Saturday 25 June 1842
In the Episcopal Chapel, Long-street by the Rev T.A. Blair:
A daughter of Mr. T.J. HITCHCOCK, baptised Elizabeth Jane.
In the Roman Catholic Church
Jun 20: A son of Timothy MAY, 27th Regt, baptised John.
BIRTH at Stanhope House on the 24th inst, Mrs. Harrison WATSON of a daughter.
Wednesday 29 June 1842
June 22: Charles MORPHEW, seaman, aged 35 years.
June 26: Mr. John FELL Sen, aged 63 years and 5 months.
DIED on Sunday night last, the 26th instant, Mr. John FELL Sen, aged 63 years and 5 months, much regretted by his Family and Friends.
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