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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1842 - 3 - July to September

Saturday 2 July 1842

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 29th June 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Gertina Johanna SCHUTTE, deceased wife of Stephanus SCHOEMAN, of the Division of Colesberg, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Husband, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Colesberg, on Saturday the 13th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Wednesday 6 July 1842

At Rondebosch Church, 20th June, by the Rev J. Fry:
Mr. Thomas Richard BUTLER to Miss Ellen Frances PETERSON.

In the Roman Catholic Church
June 25: A daughter of Antonio Andrew FITZ, baptised Helen Cornelia.
June 26: A daughter of Mr. G. CALLAGHAN, baptised Maria Lucia.
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 4th July by the Rev. George Hough MA:
A son of Henry SHERMAN Esq, baptised Frederick Orford.
A daughter of Thomas Wilkinson ELLIOTT Esq, baptised Catherine Jane.
A son of Mr. James BUTTENSHAW, baptised John Henry.
A daughter of Mr. William BENTLEY, baptised Amelia.

July 4: John McVIE, pensioner from HM 60th Regt, aged 60 years.
July 4: John EAGAR, baker, aged 42 years.

Saturday 9 July 1842

In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town by the Rev E. Judge AM:
June 6: Jacob Jacobus WEIGHOUT to Susanna Hendrina EVANWITZ.
June 6: Martinus Florus ABRAMSE to Clartje PETERSON.

In the Scotch Church by the Rev Thos. Smith:
July 3: A daughter of Mr. Humphrey McLACHLAN, named Sarah Anne.

At Simon’s Town
June 15: John BAIRD, aged 61 years.
June 16: Joseph SMITH, aged 31 years.
June 25: Mark CONOLLY, aged 42 years.
July 4: John DENNY, aged 16 years.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 4th July 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Johannes GROBBELAAR, late of the Paarl, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Paarl, on Saturday the 20th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 4th July 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Maria Jacoba OTTO, widow of Ernst Johannes Jacobus WILKEN, late of Graaff-Reinet, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graaff-Reinet, on Saturday the 20th August next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 4th July 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Sara Gesina Wilhelmina BOSHOFF, deceased wife of Joseph HILLEBRAND of Zeekoe Gat, Field-Cornetcy of Vet Rivier, in the District of Swellendam, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Husband, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Swellendam, on Friday the 19th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Wednesday 13 July 1842

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 11th July by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Robert Lamb HOWARTH to Miss Johanna Frederika Josina SMITH.

In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town by the Rev E. Judge AM:
June 3: A son of John MORGAN, baptised Thomas Fitzherbert.
June 3: A daughter of W. BUNSTER, baptised Mary Fitzherbert.
June 6: An adult, surname WEIGHOUT, baptised Jacob Jacobus.
June 6: An adult, surname ABRAMSE, baptised Martinus Florus.
June 6: An adult, surname PETERSON, baptised Clartje.
June 6: A daughter of Truitje RUTHVEN, baptised Hendrica Abramse.
June 6: A son of Martinus ABRAMSE, baptised Abram.
June 13: A son of Thomas RUSHEN, baptised William Edward.
June 13: A son of Samuel MASON, baptised William James.
June 25: A daughter of the Rev Edward JUDGE AM, Colonial Chapalin, Simon’s Town, baptised Laura.
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 11th July by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. John BEVIL, baptised Alfred Clark Henry Charles.
A daughter of Mr. Robert Henry HOOPER, baptised Mary Ann Elizabeth.
A son of Mr. Joseph ROSS, baptised Joseph Nicholas Andrew.

4th July: Patrick BAYLEY, pensioner, aged 52 years.
5th July: Mrs. Sarah SANDERS, aged 50 years.
7th July: Mrs. Isabella WATSON, wife of Albert WATSON Esq, of the Ceylon Rifle Regt, aged 27 years.

Saturday 16 July 1842

In the Wynberg Church by the Rev Dr Okes:
May 16: Mr. Benjamin JEFFERSON to Miss Martha BEDORELL.
July 5: Mr. George HARRIS to Minervia Catherine.
July 5: Mr. John Bethrise TOPP to Miss Elizabeth HALL

In the Wynberg Church by the Rev Dr Okes:
April 17: An adult person, baptised George MORTIN.
May 22: A daughter of George PETERSON, baptised Louisa Ann Adelaide.
May 22: An adult person, baptised Christiana.
May 29: A daughter of Peter BOTHA, baptised Phajie.
In Rondebosch Church by the Rev J Fry:
June 19: A son of Mr. Richard HAYBITTLE, baptised Benjamin James.
June 26: A daughter of Mr. Joseph KNOWLEN, baptised Sarah Ann.
June 26: A son of Daniel VOLG, baptised Daniel William.

At Wynberg, 10th May, Sarah MORRIS, wife of Mr. John MORRIS Sen.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 12th July 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of John FELL, late of Cape Town, and of John George William WALTON, late of Beaufort, both deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town, on Tuesday the 23rd August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Wednesday 20 July 1842
In the Wynberg Church by the Rev Dr Okes:
17th April: An adult person, 23 years of age, baptised George MARTIN.
22nd May: A daughter of George PETERSON, baptised Louisa Ann Adelaide.
22nd May: An adult, aged 25 years, baptised Christiana.
29th May: A daughter of Peter BOTHA, baptised Phaltji.
26th June: A daughter of Mr. Joseph KNOWLIN, baptised Sarah Ann.
26th June: A son of Daniel VOLG, baptised Daniel.
10th July: A daughter of Mr. D. HANIFEE, baptised Johannah Elizabeth.
14th July: A son of Capt. John Smith YOUNG BCS, baptised Edward James.
In the Wynberg Church by the Rev J. Fry:
June 19th: A son of Mr. Richard HAYBITTLE, baptised Benjamin James.
In St.George’s Church, cape Ton on Monday the 18th July by the Rev George Hough MA;
A son of Mr. Christian Carstens SCHONEGEVEL, baptised Christian.
A son of Mr. Charles BANKS, baptised George Edward John.
A daughter of Mr. James HAMILTON, batised Sarah Ann.

July 17: Nancy Louisa BUYS, native of this Colony, aged 44 years.

Saturday 23 July 1842

DIED at the New Military Hospital on Monday the 18th instant, Staff Assistant Surgeon ROSS, aged 37 years.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 15th instant, in the South African Missionary Chapel, by the Rev. T.A. Blair, Mr. William BROADWAY, second son of the late Captain Henry BROADWAY, H.E.I.C.S, to Miss Catherine Elizabeth BECK, eldest daughter of the Rev J.H. BECK of the S.A. Missionary Society.

In Rondebosch Church by the Rev J. Fry:
July 11: George PELTERET to Evelina STOUDEN.

In Rondebosch Church by the Rev J Fry:
July 11: Jane and Lucy, daughters of G. PELTERET; also an apprenticed negress of D. CLOETE Esq, baptised Evelina.

Wednesday 27 July 1842

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 25th July by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Thomas MACLEAR Esq, FRS, baptised Thomas Henderson.

July 17th: William, son of Mr. William PRODGERS, aged 1 year and 18 days.
July 19th: Richard GRIBBLE, carpenter, aged 30 years.

Saturday 30 July 1842

MARRIED at Cape Town on the 27th instant, by the Rev Dr Adamson, the Rev James LAING, Missionary, Caffraria, to Isabella, eldest daughter of the late Peter MIRRLEES Esq, Glasgow.

The subjoined curious document is taken from De Lima’s Almanac for 1842:
Members of Volks-Raad:
Chief Landdrost: J. BOSHOFF Esq.
Heemraden: P. PRETORIUS Esq, J. RASMUS Esq, P. HUMAN Esq and B. PRETORIUS Esq. One of the Heemraden acts as Secretary.
Sheriff and Vendue Master: S. BOSHOFF Esq.
Orphan Master: G. LOEDOLFF Esq.
Commission of Land Board: P. BOSHOFF Esq and P.J. ZIETSMAN Esq, Commandant H.J. LOMBAARD and P. PRETORIUS Esq.
Committee for the Registry of Landed Property, Deeds &c: Jacobus BURGER Esq and G. LOEDOLFF Esq.
Rev J. LINDLEY, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, Mr. P, JOUBERT, Acting Clergyman.
Mr. L.E. MESHAM, English and Dutch Schoolmaster; Mr. H. LESAR, Chief Schoolmaster.
Merchants and General Dealers: DORMEHL & OORTMAN, MINNIE & MEYER, H. RICHTER & Co, W. WAHL, J.P. ZIETSMAN.
J. POORTMAN Esq, Doctor and Apothecary.
Mr. J.G. MOCKE, Lodging-house keper and Butcher.
The widow MARITZ and the widow P. RETIEF, Bakers.

Wednesday 3 August 1842

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 1st August by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. Clarke William ADAMS, baptised Alfred William.
A daughter of William George HICKMAN, baptised Cecilia Anna Magdalena.

July 29: William Gordon McKENZIE Esq, Lieut-Colonel Bengal Army, aged 57 years and 2 months.
August 1: Mrs. Ann McLanclan [sic] FORREST, wife of John FORREST Esq MD, aged 32 years.

BIRTH at Sea Point House, on the 28th July, the lady of Peter McLEAN Esq, Royal Artillery, of a son.

Saturday 6 August 1842

DIED at Cape Town on the 1st August, Anne McLachlan FORREST, wife of Dr. FORREST, Surgeon to the Forces.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 2nd August 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Lieutenant Colonel William Gordon McKENZIE, late of the Bengal Army, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town, on Tuesday the 13th September next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 2nd August 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Sara Johanna Ermina BERNHARDI, late of the Paarl, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Paarl, on Saturday the 17th September next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 2nd August 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Johanna KARSTEN, widow of Tobias MOSTERD, late of Onder Bokkeveld in the District of Clanwilliam, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Clanwilliam, on Saturday the 17th September next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Wednesday 10 August 1842

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 6th instant, at Annandale House, Cape Town, by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Henry, eldest son of the Rev John BICKERSTETH MA, Rector of Sapcote in the County of Leicestershire, to Jane, fifth daughter of the late Thomas BOSWELL Esq of Hammersmith Terrace, Middlesex.

BIRTH on the 8th instant, Mrs. James SEARIGHT of a son.

By Special Licence
At Cape Town on Saturday the 6th August 1842 by the Rev George Hough MA:
Henry BICKERSTETH Esq to Miss Jane Shuter BOSWELL

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 8th August by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Thomas CHRISTIAN Esq, baptised Arthur William.
A son of Mr. Isaiah TITTERTON, baptised William Joseph.
A daughter of William LEO, baptised Margaret Elizabeth.

Saturday 13 August 1842

MARRIED on Thursday the 11th instant by Special Licence, by the Rev E. Poulett BLUNT, Garrison Chaplain, William McDONALD Esq, Captain 25th Regiment, to Caroline, daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Eyre SMYTH. Late 62nd Regiment.

At Rondebosch on Tuesday the 9th August by the Rev George Hough MA:
Capt. Hugh McDONALD of the brig Pilot, to Miss Ann HOLLOWAY.

Wednesday 17 August 1842

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 15th August by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Henry BOASE to Miss Elizabeth Jane BOASE.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 15th August by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. John TAIT, baptised Eliza,
A daughter of Charles ANDREWS, baptised Mary Ann.
A daughter of William COLSON, baptised Jane Johanna.
An adult person, native of this colony, baptised Mary Sophia, surname ADAMSE.
An adult person, native of this colony, baptised John Christoffel, surname PAULSEN.

Aug 5: Donald STEWARD, aged 43 years.
Aug 9: William CUTTING, aged 57 years.
Aug 11: Peter SWANSTREN, aged 62 years.
Aug 11: Richard ENO, aged 34 years.
Aug 12: Adriana Petronella SLABBERT, native of this colony, aged 60 years and 4 months.

Saturday 20 August 1842

In the Roman Catholic Church
August 7: A daughter of R. GRIGG, Quarter-Master Sergeant, Simon’s Town, baptised Sarah Margaret.
August 13: A son of B. CARROLL, Corporal 25th Regt, baptised John.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 17th August 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Pieter Willem DE VILLIERS, of Kleygat in the District of Stellenbosch, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Stellenbosch, on Wednesday the 28th September next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 18th August 1842
The Next of Kin and Creditors Johan Coenraad Siebert DORMEHL, late of Graaff-Reinet, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died without appointing any person to be his Executor, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graaff-Reinet, on Saturday the 1st October next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Wednesday 24 August 1842

In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday 21st August by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A daughter of Mr. Charles STUART, baptised Mary.
A daughter of Mr. James PEBBLES, baptised Jean Elizabeth.

BIRTH at Sea Point on the 23rd instant. Mrs. W.J. SMITH of a son.

DIED at Richmond, Surrey on the 22nd May last, John Harfield TREDGOLD Esq, late Secretary to the Anti-Slavery Society, aged 44 years.

Saturday 27 August 1842

BIRTH at Cape Town on Wednesday the 24th instant, Mrs. Clerke BURTON of a son.

In Rondebosch Church, 21st July, by the Rev J. Fry:
A son of Mr. M. BUTLER, baptised James.
At Rondebosch, 14th August, by the Rev Dr Okes:
A daughter of H. ROHDE Esq, H.C.C.S, baptised Sophia,
In the Roman Catholic Church, 21st August:
A daughter of John MANASSES, batised Anna Catharina.
At Rondebosch on Sunday 23rd August by the Rev Geo. Morgan, Scottish Church:
A son of R.P. DOBIE Esq named William Burnie.

DIED at Beaufort on Sunday the 14th inst, Mr. Charles POPE, Deputy Sheriff
Beaufort, 18th August 1842.

Wednesday 31 August 1842

In St.George’s Church on Monday 29th August by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. John JEAREY, baptised John Thomas.
A son of Mr. Edw. Brown KIRTON, baptised William Henry.
A daughter of Mr. John GRAHAM, baptised Harriet.
A son of Mr. John CURRAN, baptised Edward James.
A daughter of Mr. William BOONE, baptised Christianna Maryann.
A daughter of Mr. William EDWARDS, baptised Maria Wilhelmina.
A son of Mr. Thomas ADAMS, baptised William Ravenscroft.

August 24: Mrs. Jane LOLLEY, aged 48 years.

Cape Town, August 31 1842
On the forenoon of Sunday last two large vessels, the Abercrombie Robinson and the Waterloo went on shore on the South Eastern beach at the bottom of Table Bay.
Both vessels were engaged as Transports by the British Government. The Abercrombie Robinson had on board, besides her crew and several passengers, 501 soldiers with their officers. She was a large Ship of nearly 1500 tons burden. After grounding near the shore she stood upright, and no lives have been lost. She will probably, or rather certainly, be a total wreck.
The Waterloo, a Ship of 414 tons, bound to Van Diemen’s Land, had on board, besides her crew, two hundred and nineteen male convicts, Dr. HELSELL in charge, Lt. HEXT, Ensign LEIGH, thirty men of HM 99th Regiment, five women and thirteen children. She took the ground between eleven and twelve o’clock in the forenoon and in fifteen or twenty minutes became a mass of rubbish, And now ensued a most piteous massacre. In about two hours and a half, amidst the crumbling heaps of their perfidious prison – of men, women and children, one hundred and ninety four were crushed, disabled and drowned.
There was no preparation for saving life made on board or on shore. No life buoys, no coils of ropes lashed to casks, nor any apparatus for establishing a communication with the shore from the Ship.
On the shore there was no Life Boat, no apparatus for throwing ropes over stranded vessels, nor any thing, in short, to show that the Government or people here had ever before heard of such a thing as a shipwreck. We stood amongst thousands on the beach within a hundred and fifty yards of the dissolving fabric, looking on the agonised faces of our fellow creatures, as they sunk in dozens, battered and bruised and suffocated – useless as children, or idiots, or wild Caffers. As corpse after corpse floated to our feet, and was raised from the brine, there seemed a curse in every dead man’s eye on the improvidence, the imbecility, the brutish indifference to human suffering and human life, to which, combined with fiendish avarice, so many miserable souls had been sacrificed.
For this ship, it appears, was built twenty seven years ago at Bristol, of light materials for the timber trade. No longer fit to carry logs, she is patched up like other whited sepulchres, stuffed with a living cargo by a contractor, and dispatched to the ends of the earth – a voyage of more than twenty thousand miles.
No doubt a “survey of professional men” will “find” that there was no fault anywhere; that the Waterloo was a sound ship, thoroughly repaired, and perfectly seaworthy; that she had on board all the equipments requisite for such a voyage and such a consignment; that the officers of the ship did all that human strength, directed by skill and animated by humanity, could do; and that the accident must be ascribed entirely to a hurricane, a mountainous sea, and a remarkably hard beach.
Now as to the hurricane and the mountainous sea, it is enough to observe that there were twenty other vessels at anchor in the Bay, besides the Waterloo and the Abercrombie Robinson, and none of them parted from their anchors, or dragged them to any perceptible extent. The wind was blowing a gale, but by no means a violent one, and it was partly off shore. The sea was not running unusually high. Without ropes in their hands or any precaution, men walked into the water up to their shoulders to drag out the bodies of the dead and dying, without the slightest risk. This could not have been done had the surf been such as a gale causes on an open beach. These are facts to which thousands can bear witness.
With respect to the bottom or ground where the ship struck, some say it is rock, others that it is sand, like the rest of the beach. As soon as the weather is fine it will be examined, and the most convenient spaces marked for this method of disembarking Her Majesty’s troops or convicts.
For some years back such “accidents” have been ascribed to the insufficiency of Lighthouses at the entrance of the Bay. That fault has just been fully remedied. The old Lighthouse is now properly attended, and the new one is so well placed, and so brilliant, that no man dare pretend to miss it, or to mistake it for anything else. These and some further improvements in this department, still in progress, were forced on the Government by the remonstrances of the Public, and particularly of the mercantile body.
When the Helen was lost at the entrance of the Bay, four or five months ago, the Commercial Committee very properly inquired into the cause, and found on the testimony of numerous witnesses that the Lights on that particular night were defective, and had thus misled the master of the vessel. This they represented to Government, and a remedy was instantly found.
We recommend the same course in the present case. The committee cannot compel witnesses to attend or give evidence, but they can invite them; and if interested parties disregard such invitations, that fact will not be without meaning.
These two wrecks will be much talked of at home. We think we can insure their being mentioned in Parliament. Let us show that we here are neither indifferent to human life nor to the character of our bay, which the villainy and the incapacity of strangers have too often brought into undeserved disrepute.
In the midst of this unhesitating condemnation on some points, and charges of guilt on others, we have to mention that two unofficial spectators, Mr. MOLTENE and Mr. STILL, procured the assistance of a common boat belonging to a Malay, which reached the Waterloo after she was falling to pieces, and brought off two men, and on a second trip fastened a rope to the wreck. After this a larger boat, belonging to Messrs. SINCLAIR was brought from the Abercrombie Robinson, and moving backwards and forwards along the rope, saved a good many lives. This shows what might have been done by a Life Boat used in time.
We purposely avoid going further into details at present, satisfied with thus openly charging all the parties concerned, before the world, with the offence of culpable negligence, or criminal intention. The world, let them be well assured, expects an answer, and will treat them according to the case they may make out in defence.
It is not strange, by the way, that we should hear such lamentations from what is called the Shipping Interest, as if no employment could be had for their new-built, fine-moulded, copper-fastened A.I. Vessels, while for the most important of all services, the transport namely of troops, and of persons under Judicial Sentences, such vessels as the Waterloo find ready acceptance in the twenty seventh year of their fragility and rottenness? We shall endeavour to force our way through this moral confusion, convinced that either the Shipping Interest are a pack of liars or the Contractors a pack of knaves. The official gentry who grant the contracts and their cousins the Surveyors will naturally fall into their proper places in the course of the Inquiry.


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