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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1840 - 2 - April to June

Wednesday 1 April 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 30th March by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John PATTERSON to Mary Ann WICKS

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 30th March by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Daniel MILLS, baptised Ellen Margaret.
A son of Mr. Samuel RANDALL, baptised Samuel.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
March 15: A son of Mr. James McCLUSKY, baptised William
March 16: A son of Mr. Chas. ROBINSON, baptised Thomas.
March 22: A daughter of Mr. M. HIGGINS, baptised Mary.
March 25: A son and daughter of Mr. John DE COSTA, baptised John and Mary Anne.

March 20: Martin Robertson, son of Mr. Timothy CONWAY, aged 11 months.
March 27: Mr. George STARKIE, aged 30 years.
At Caledon, March 21: Cornelia Agatha, daughter of Hercules TENNANT Esq, aged 1 year and 7 months.

Saturday 4 April 1840

DIED at Rondebosch on the 31st instant, John Charles, the infant son of J.W. WOODCOCK Esq of the Bombay Civil Service, aged seven months and four days.

DIED at Cape Town on the 2nd instant, William Henry HERRON Esq (of the Firm of Messrs. WATERS & HERRON), in his 37th year.

Wednesday 8 April 1840

At Rondebosch Church on Sunday the 15th March by the Rev J Fry RN:
A daughter of James GEE, baptised Sarah Ann.
An adult native of this colony, surname PATTEN, baptised Wilhelmina Fredrica.
An adult native of this colony, surname MOSE, baptised Frances Cornelia.
In St.Frances’ Church Simon’s Town by the Rev T.A. Blair:
March 15: A son of Mr. R. LANGLEY, baptised Robert Francis.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
March 29: A daughter of Mr. Michael JACOBS, baptised Sophia.
March 29: A son of Geo. CALLAGHAN, of Malmesbury, baptised George.
April 1: A son of Capt. HENDERSON, baptised William.

March 29: Mary O’CONNOR, aged 60 years.
At Simon’s Town:
March 11: John JUTOLL, aged 55 years.
March 14: Mrs. Charlotte NORMAN, aged 48 years.
March 22: Mary Ann APOLLO, aged 15 years.

MARRIED by Special Licence on Monday the 30th March 1840 by the Rev G.W. Stegmann, Mr. C.H. EBELING to Miss S.H.E. PALLAS.

Saturday 11 April 1840

Departed this Life on Friday the 3rd inst, our beloved Mother, Maria Magdalene, Wife of the late Francois Louis MABILLE, aged 43 years 7 months; of which painful loss we hereby give notice to Relatives and Friends.
Cape Town 6th April 1840

DIED at Cape Town on the 9th inst, Mary, daughter of Mr. William CAIRNCROSS, aged 14 years and 3 months; deeply regretted.

Wednesday 15 April 1840

Departed this Life on the 14th instant, in the 79th year of his age, at his house in Boom-street, Mr. James Edward FORD, deeply regretted by his Wife and Family.

In St.George’s Church on Monday 6th April by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
Matthew Livingston GREEN to Caroline Ellen POLLARD

In St.George’s Church on Monday 6th April by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of C.M. WELSFORD Esq, baptised Alice Kelsey.
A daughter of Godfrey RAWSTORNE Esq, baptised Christiana Catherine Caroline.
A son of Mr. Jonathan CALF Jun, baptised James John.
A daughter of Mr. J. GREEN, baptised Antoinette Magdalena.
A son of the late William DAVIS, baptised William Samuel Thomas.
On Monday the 13th April by the same:
A son of Mr. John DYASON, baptised Roger.
A daughter of Mr. Wm. Augustus GILLIES, baptised Harriett Maria Jane.
A daughter of Mr. James LOXTON, baptised Eliza Ellen.
A son of Mr. George WESTON, baptised John William.

Saturday 18 April 1840

Messrs. DUNELL & STANBRIDGE have removed from Shortmarket-street, corner of Market-square, to the Stores No.21 St.George’s-street, lately occupied by Messrs. HEIDEMAN, HODGSKIN & Co.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 14th April 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Petronella Johanna OBERMEYER, deceased Wife of Johan Fredrik SCHUBERT, late of Cape Town; Catharina Carolina NIEUPORT, Widow of the late Jacob HEIBERG, also late of Cape Town; and Stephanus Christiaan SMIT, Stephanus son, deceased, late of Zwartland in the District of Stellenbosch, are required to take Notice that the said deceased Persons died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 26th May next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Persons as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

On our own responsibility, from personal observation this (Friday) morning April 17th 1840, we pronounce the state of the wide streets, of Long-street for instance, discreditable to the Governor, the Colonial Secretary, the Superintendent of Police or persons whose business it is to watch over the welfare of this Town. The Streets (of the Lanes we have often spoken) – the wide streets of Cape Town are studded from end to end with heaps of putrid and putrefying filth, while a direful epidemic is raging amongst the Inhabitants. This, on the authority of nose and eyes, we affirm. And we hereby charge all the parties above named, and all others referred to as much as if they were here named, with gross and culpable neglect of duty. And we call upon the inhabitants to interfere forthwith, and to provide for their own safety thus grossly and culpably neglected by the constituted authorities. Let them call a meeting of the Householders, vote a voluntary tax or contribution, elect Honorary Conservators of Public Cleanliness – and signify by memorial to the Home Government their opinion of the present Local Administration. From this our readers will clearly see that our patience is exhausted. We hope theirs is so too.

Wednesday 22 April 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday 20th April by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John NORKETT, baptised Thomas.
A daughter of Mr. Robert SKY, baptised Mary Ann Jane.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas WATSON, baptised Frances Jane.
A daughter of Mr. Charles ANDREWS, baptised Frederica Rykie Jacoba Priscilla

April 14: Mr. James Edward FORD, aged 79 years.
April 17: Miss Adelaide Emily GIANI, aged 15 years.

Saturday 25 April 1840

DIED on the 23rd instant, William Henry, youngest son of Mr. J.H. COLLARD, aged one year and eight months.

Mrs. BRYHURST, who is accustomed to Tuition, will be happy to attend Private families to give instruction to a few Pupils in Reading, Writing, Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic and the Rudiments of Music. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mr. A.S. ROBERTSON, Heerengracht.

The Undersigned, duly authorised thereto, will sell by Public Auction on the Spot, on the 6th May next, the above valuable Property, with all the Buildings thereon, and 54 Morgens of Land, situated at Hottentot’s Holland, being part of that well-known Property Gustrouw, belonging to W.H. WATHEN Esq. The situation of this delightful spot is particularly adapted for carrying on an extensive Export Trade, having a safe capacious Harbour and good Anchorage for any sized Vessels; it is usually adapted for a Whale Fishery, or for Salting Fish, which are taken in any quantities a few yards from the Salting House, or for the formation of a beautiful Village, application for Lots of Building having been repeatedly made, or for the erection of a Marine Villa. A stream of Fresh Water runs through the Property, which can be led over any quantity of excellent Garden Ground, and it is well supplied with Wood.
At the same time will be sold four capital Whale Boats, and all the Pots, Tackling, Gear, Harpoons &c &c belonging to a complete Fishery.
James WEGE
Stellenbosch April 20th 1840
The Property is in the mean time for Private Sale.

Wednesday 29 April 1840

MARRIED by Special Licence in St.George’s Church, Wynberg on Saturday the 25th April by the Rev Holt Okes DD, George D. DRURY Esq of the Madras Civil Service, to Henrietta Margarita, daughter of Lieut-General Sir Benjamin D’URBAN KCB.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 25th April 1840 at No.2 Stal-plein, upper end of Plein-street, by the Rev G.W. Stegmann, Carel Mauritz ZASTRON Esq to Mrs. the Widow of the late Peter Heinrich POLEMANN Esq.

In St.George’s Church on Monday 27th April by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Charles VON GROSS, baptised Charles Henry.
In St.Andrew’s Church by the Rev William Robertson:
A daughter of Mr. James McGREGOR, named Ann.
A daughter of Mr. A.S. ROBERTSON, named Helen.

April 20: George James Edward, son of the late Jn. HUDSON, aged 1 year and 7 months.
April 22: Roger, son of mr. John DYASON, aged 6 weeks.
At Simon’s Town:
April 24: Mrs. Mary BALSTON, wife of G.F. BALSTON Esq of HM Naval Establishment, aged 52 years.

Saturday 2 May 1840

Mrs. WINTLE (lately from London)
Begs to inform the Gentry and other Inhabitants of Cape Town that she gives lessons in Dancing – Schools and Families attended. For Terms &c apply at her Residence, No.21 Plein-street, corner of Boom-street.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 28th April 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Schalk Willem BURGER, late of Klein Drakenstein in the District of Stellenbosch, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Paarl, on Tuesday the 9th June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 28th April 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Barend Godlieb LIEBENBERG, deceased, and of Sophia ROODE, deceased, Wife of Pieter Coenraad FABER, of the District of Colesberg, are required to take Notice that the said deceased Persons died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Colesberg, on Tuesday the 9th June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

(By Special Licence)
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town by the Rev A. Fielding AM:
April 23: Mr. Nathaniel JONES to Miss Louisa STUBBINGS
In the Roman Catholic Church:
April 28: William CARROL to Mary BRIAN

In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town:
April 17: A daughter of J.P.P. BARROW Esq RN, baptised Julia Marguerite.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
April 23: an adult girl of colour, baptised Clara.

April 30: Mr. Samuel John MOLLETT, aged 72 years and 4 months.
At Simon’s Town:
April 2: John HEALD, aged 38 years.
April 11: Mrs. Sophia Ann WATERMAN, aged 44 years.
April 14: Infant Catherine CONNOLLY.
April 24: Roze ROZENA, aged 25 years.

The Undersigned, in his capacity as Executor Testamentary, will sell by Public Auction on Thursday morning (tomorrow), at the Residence of the late W.H. HERRON Esq, Somerset Road, a great variety of Household Furniture, consisting of Drawing & Dining Room, mahogany and rosewood Furniture, Chimney and Pier Glasses, Mahogany Four-poster and Tent Bedsteads, Dressing Tables, Wash Stands, Crockery Ware, an excellent assortment of Cut Glass, King’s pattern plate, a variety of Plated Ware. Also Tiffin baskets, China Punch Bowls, Backgammon Boards, a set of elegant carved Chess-men, Plated Branches and Candlesticks with Shades, 2 superb India Shawls, Hassocks and Marble Tables.
R. WATERS, Testamentary Executor

Saturday 9 May 1840

BIRTH at Beaufort on the 2nd inst, Mrs. KINNEAR of a daughter.

In St.George’s Church on Saturday 2nd May by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Edward Frederick WYLDE Esq, baptised Charlotte Antoinette.
On Monday the 4th May by the same:
A daughter of Mr. Thomas BUTT, baptised Anne Elizabeth.
A daughter of Mr. John Collins ECKLEY, baptisedHenrietta Caroline.

April 38 [sic]: Mrs. Anne BROWN, wife of Mr. John BROWN, aged 43 years.
May 3: Edward JACOBS, aged 20 years.
May 4: Edward, son of Mr. Samuel BENOY, aged 18 years.
May 4: Mary Ann, daughter of Charles BUSH, aged 6 years 1 month and 1 day.
May 6: Charles Abel HEURTLEY, son of Mr. A.C. HEURTLEY of Simon’s Town, aged 19 years and 6 months.

Wednesday 13 May 1840

The Small Pox epidemic still prevails throughout the Town and it seems to have penetrated into most of the country districts. Small Pox, it should be recollected, under proper preparation and proper treatment, is not a very dangerous disease. Thousands pass through it without being confined to bed, or even to their apartments, for a single day. But gross living, filthy habitations and foul air render it one of the fiercest scourges with which our race is chastised.
From these causes chiefly, the deaths in Cape Town have been numerous; and consequently we may hope that they will rapidly decrease under the purifying process now going forward. To this purifying process all should lend their assistance. Every nuisance should be reported – and we think we can promise that every reported nuisance will be abated.
We may call the attention of proprietors of houses to a nuisance which they will probably be called upon to abate, and towards which they may take some steps more convenient for themselves than that of waiting for the besom of authority. We mean the letting of cellars and similar caverns for human habitations, that have neither chimney, back-yard nor drain.
A considerable sum has been subscribed for the Relief of the Destitute Sick, and a Meeting of the Subscribers will be held on Thursday at 12 o’clock in the Commercial Hall, to determine on the mode of applying it. The Epidemic will probably, or rather certainly, leave a great number of orphans and other destitute creatures for whom some provision should be made. Perhaps some part of this fund may be applied to relief of urgent cases of this description.

We give below from the Colonial Times, Graham’s Town, a report of the first instance in which a Caffer has applied to a Colonial Court for injury done to his character. Without anticipating the result of the application, we must express our opinion in favor of such a mode of proceeding. We feel surprise that many other Chiefs have not been advised long ago to seek redress in this civilised manner, instead of allowing resentment to rankle in their hearts till it led to open violence.

Saturday 16 May 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday 11th May be the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. George Alfred ASHLEY to Miss Eliza STANLEY
In the Roman Catholic Church:
May 11: John KEANEY to Anne BARRY

In St.George’s Church on Monday 11th May be the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Patrick BROPHY, baptised Thomas
In the Roman Catholic Church:
May 10: A son of Michael DELAHUNT, baptised Thomas James.
May 10: A son of John WALSH, baptised John.
May 11: A son of Joseph KEAN, baptised James.

May 6: William WILSON, seaman, late of the bark Sir John Falstaff, aged 26 years.
May 7: Mr. George HUDD, aged 55 years.
May 11: Mrs. Maria Hendrica ROBERTSON, wife of Lieut-Col. ROBERTSON, Bombay Army, aged 34 years and 6 months.
April 28: Clara JACOB, aged 17.
May 9: Mr. William BROWNRIGG, aged 22 years.
May 9: A child of Louis CHERRIES, aged 4 years.

Wednesday 20 May 1840

DIED at Rondebosch on the 11th May, Maria Henrica, aged 34 years, Wife, and at “Leeuwenrust” on the 17th May, Charlotte, aged 14 days, infant daughter of Lieut-Col. William Donald ROBERTSON, Bombay Army.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 18th May by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
Hercules TENNANT Esq to Miss Hermina Geertruida Johanna BUYSKES.
Mr. John TAIT to Miss Eliza LITTLE.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 18th May by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. H. Nelson CHASE, baptised Catharina Barendina.
A son of Mr. Thos. SEDERSTROM, baptised Thomas Peter.
A son of Mr. Wm. HICKMAN, baptised John Abraham.
An adult person, native of the Cape, baptised Ann Maria, surname HORNE.

May 15: Miss Gertrude Cornelia Helena WHISKIN, aged 27 years and 2 months.
May 15: Miss Elizabeth Sarah ANSON, aged 14 years.
May 17: Charlotte, daughter of Lieut-Col. ROBERTSON, Bombay Army, aged 14 days.
May 18: Thomas, son of John PRODGER, aged 2 years and 4 months.

Saturday 23 May 1840

In the Episcopal Church at Wynberg by the Rev Holt Okes DD May 4 1840:
Joseph James SMITH to Ann Ellen ARMSTRONG
In St.Andrew’s Church on Wednesday 20th May by the Rev William Stegmann:
Mr. Thomas CAIRNCROSS to Miss Caroline Helena FISON

In the Episcopal Church at Wynberg by the Rev Holt Okes DD May 20 1840:
A daughter of E. CHRISTIAN Esq, baptised Mary Margaret.
In the Roman Catholic Church, May 18:
A daughter of Joachim LEITE, baptised Anna.
A son of Laurence RYAN, baptised Louis.

Wednesday 27 May 1840

MARRIED at D’Urban on the 11th inst by the Rev Mr. J.J. Beck, Lieut. Charles PRITCHARD of the late St.Helena Regiment to Miss Johanna Hermina DE VILLIERS.

BIRTH on Tuesday morning, Mrs. FAIRBAIRN of a daughter.

Notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends that our beloved Sister, Hendrica Elizabeth COLYN, Widow of the late Mr. W.R. OSMOND, died on Friday the 22nd instant at Elsjes Rivier, near Simon’s Town, aged 33 years 3 months and 15 days, leaving 6 children.

Saturday 30 May 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 25th May by the Rev T.A. Blair, officiating for the Sen. Col. Chaplain:
Mr. John MILLER, widower, to Miss Ann Rachel BANKS

May 19: Mrs. Sarah BENFIELD, aged 30 years.
May 20: Mrs. Frances LAING, wife of Mr. Richard LAING, aged 42 years 2 months and 21 days.
May 20: Mr. William James REED, aged 42 years.
May 22: Mrs. Elizabeth Anne SCOTT, wife of Rich’d Hastings SCOTT Esq, of the Bengal Civil Service, aged 24 years.

Wednesday 3 June 1840

BIRTH at Cape Town on the 29th May, Mrs. DOBIE of a daughter.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 1st June by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Col. Chaplain:
Mr. William Henry ALDERSON to Sophia Cornelia DAMANT

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 1st June by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Col. Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Samuel BARKER, baptised Sarah Catherine.

May 27: Mr. James TAYLOR, aged 35 years.
May 29: William Litchfield (twin), son of Mr. Edward SANDERS, aged 16 years and 9 months.
May 30: Mr. Thomas HARDING, aged 36 years 2 months and 29 days.
May 31: Charles, son of Mr. Charles SPARKS, aged 1 year and 5 months.

William MASKEW, Haberdasher, Linen Draper &c has removed from No.15 Heeregracht to 21 St.George’s-street, immediately opposite the Gazette Office, where he solicits a continuance of the favours which he has hitherto enjoyed from his Friends and the Public.

DIED on the 30th May at Leeuwenhof, in the 28th year of her age, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of John FAIRBAIRN.

Saturday 6 June 1840

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 3rd June 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Siebert Jacobus WILD, of Cape Town, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 14th July next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Wednesday 10 June 1840

DIED on Tuesday the 26th May last, Ann Sophia, aged four years and one month, second daughter of J.R. INNES MA, Superintendent General of Education.
Cape Town, 5th June 1840.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 8th June by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Col. Chaplain:
A son of Mr. James SCOTT, baptised James.
A daughter of Francis PHILLIPS, baptised Sarah.
A daughter of the late Catherine SMITH, baptised Frederica Sophia.

June 5th: John Charles, son of Mr. William LUTMAN, aged 6 months and 2 days.
June 6th: Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. William BENTLEY, aged 6 months and 6 days.
June 9th: Henry, son of Christina, native of the Cape, aged 10 years.

Saturday 13 June 1840

Departed this Life at Graaff-Reinet on the 18th ult, our much beloved son Thomas Nicolaas German, aged 1 year 7 months and 26 days.

In St.Andrew’s Church on Thursday the 11th June by the Rev G.W. Stegmann:
(By Special Licence)
Mr. Henry CRIGHTON to Miss Petronella Francina Dorothea FLAMME.
On Thursday 11th June by the same:
(By Banns)
Mr. Robert Kirkwood BROWN to Miss Erike Elizabeth PETERSEN.

June 9: Margaret, daughter of Charles ISAACS, aged 15 years.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 10th June 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Johann Christiaan LANGERMAN, late of Cape Town, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 21st July next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Wednesday 17 June 1840

In St.George’s Church on Tuesday the 9th June by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Col. Chaplain:
A daughter of William HAWKINS Esq, baptised Johanna Antoinette.
On Monday the 15th June by the same:
A son of Mr. Alfred Henry NITCH, baptised Henry Thomas.
A son of John William Henry DIETZ, baptised Adrian Gerhardus.

June 12: Harriet Eliza, daughter of John WELCHMAN Esq, Capt. Hon. E.I.C. Service, aged 1 month.
June 14: Richard Freeman, son of Mr. Richard YATES, aged 8 days.

DIED at Rondebosch on the 12th instant, Harriet Eliza, the beloved Infant of Captain and Mrs. WELCHMAN, aged 1 month.
Rondebosch, Cape of Good Hope, 13th June 1840.

DIED on Monday evening the 15th instant, Mary Emma, the infant daughter of John FAIRBAIRN Esq, aged 20 days.

Saturday 20 June 1840

MARRIED at Swelledndam on the 25th ultimo, Mr. Richard COLLINS, Teacher of the Public School at that Place, to Miss Clementina Emma Charlotte, daughter of Capt. E.C. EMETT.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 16th June 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Johannes Hendrik VAN LOGGERENBERG and his Wife Elizabeth KREKEL, formerly of the District of Colesberg, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Colesberg, on Saturday 1st August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 16th June 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Fredrik Marthinus KLOPPER, of Graaff-Reinet, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Graaff-Reinet, on Tuesday the 9th June next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Opposite Captain HARE’s
NORDEN & PERRY have received Instructions from the Curators of the Minor Children of Johannes Gysbertus Van Reede VAN OUDTSHOORN to sell by Auction on the Premises on Tuesday the 23rd June at 11 o’clock, the Estate
Old Wynberg
Comprising a substantially built Dwelling House containing 8 Rooms. Kitchen, Pantry, Stables, Coach House and Outhouses. Also 7 Lots of Woodland and Building Ground.
NB There is an abundant supply of Water.
Liberal Strykgeld will be given
Further Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be known on application to the Auctioneers.

Wednesday 24 June 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday 22nd June by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
Giles HATT to Helena Margaret BYRNS.

No. 3½ Market-square
T. ADNEY (Piano Forte Tuner) begs leave to intimate that he has removed to the House of Mr. HOME, Market-square, where he has constantly on hand new and second-hand Piano Fortes, of various descriptions, from eminent Makers, which can be warranted to stand any climate and keep well in tune; prices varying from £15 to £85. Instruments received from Merchants and others at the charge of 5 per cent on the Sale of any being effected by him; and 2½ if withdrawn or sold by the parties themselves; the first tuning to be paid for extra, and kept in tune without further charge. NB Piano Fortes tuned by the year at the distance of 20 miles, and carefully removed by a covered spring van.

Saturday 27 June 1840

At Claremont by the Rev Dr Philip on Tuesday 23rd June 1840:
Mr. William J. RUSSELL to Miss Mary BACHELOR.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Wednesday 24th June by the Rev G.W. Stegmann:
Mr. William CAIRNCROSS to Miss Catherine Mary Elizabeth McDOUGAL.

June 23: Mr. John HIGGS, of the Civil Engineer Department, aged 34 years.

DIED at Cape Town on the 26th inst, aged 9 months, Walter Frederick Octavus, son of Mr. D. MOODIE.

The Cases of Small Pox in Chavonnes Hospital have fallen this week to 2 admitted, and 9 remaining; in the Old Military Hospital, 3 admitted, 13 remaining; at Tygerberg 4 were admitted, 7 remain.
The disease has appeared at Port Elizabeth and Graham’s Town.

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