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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1840 - 3 - July to September

Wednesday 1 July 1840

MARRIED at St.George’s Church on Tuesday the 30th ult by the Rev George Hough, Sen. Colonial Chaplain, Alexander MACDONALD Jun. Esq. to Anna Louisa, eldest daughter of Alexander SINCLAIR Esq of London.

BIRTH at the Royal Observatory on Wednesday the 24th instant, Mrs. MACLEAR of a daughter.
Royal Observatory, 29th June 1840.

12 Manchester Buildings, Westminster.
NOTICE is hereby given, that all further Claims or Applications regarding the Compensation monies payable under the Act 3 and 4 Will. 4: ch. 73 entitled “An Act for the abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies; for promoting the industry of the Manumitted Slaves, and for Compensating the persons hitherto entitled to the Services of such Slaves,” must be forwarded to this Office on or before the 31st day of October next ensuing – after which day no such Claim or application will be received. – Dated the 14 th day of January 1840.
By Order of the Commissioners of Compensation,
(Signed,) HENRY HILL, Secretary

Cape Town, 19th June 1840
The Assistant Commissioners of Compensation desire to give publicity to the above Notice, which has been transmitted to them by the Commissioners in London, and beg to call thereto the particular attention of all Parties interested in the subject matter.
Geo. NAPIER, Governor
WM. PORTER, Attorney General

{Assistant Commissioners}

List of Appraisements for which no application has been made for the Report, or for which Powers of Attorney have not been registered.

No. of Claim Name of Party mentioned in the Return Residence
43 Philip Wouter HAUPT, as surrogated Executor by Johannes Jacobus HAUPT, Executor Testamentary to the Estate of Jacobus DE VILLIERS, J. P. son, counter claimant of slaves registered in name of Samuel DE BEER, of Graaff Reinet Kweek Valley
59 Jan Louis VENTER, Jan’s Son Zeekoegat
71 Henriette Wilhelmina MOMBERG, as Executrix of Petrus Bernardus NIEUWENHUIZEN Riet Bron.
93 Johannes Gerhardus Stephanus BRONKHORST, Roelof’s son Eendevogel Fontein
117 Pieter Daniel JACOBS, Pieter’s son, junior Slange do.
136 Sara Jacoba KORF, Widow of Barend Fredrik LUBBE, Andries’ son Eyer do.
147 Anna Margaretha RENSBURG Executrix of Stephanus NEL, Piet’s son Quaggas do.
156 Marthinus Christoffel BARNARD Schiet do.
207 Albert Erasmus VAN WYK, Gerrit’s son Rondegat.
216 Hendrik BOTHA, Johannes Jacobus’ son Pakhuis.
295 Johannes MOSTERD, Edward’s son Bosch Kloof Onder Bokkeveld.
296 Johannes Jacobus SMIT, Nicolaas’ son Graaffwater Fld. Cornetcy Onder Bokkeveld.
Graaff Reinet
432 Melk Jacobus BRINK, Daniel’s son, counter claimant of slaves registered in the name of David Johannes JOUBERT, Willem’s son Camdeboo.
441 Petrus Johannes DU TOIT Groenkloof.
442 Hendrik Petrus Janse VAN RENSBURG, David’s son Nooitgedagt.
506 Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court, counter claimant of slaves registered in the name of Willem Cornelis VAN RHYNEVELD Drostdyhouse.
517 Johannes Helbergard Adam Hendrik HELBERG Graaff-Reinet.
551 Anna Maria SMIT, separated wife of Dirk Johannes Albertus CRAFFORD Church Street.
604 Daniel Johannes VAN DEN HEVER Doornkloof.
622 Christiaan Jacobus LIEBENBERG, Barend’s son Keerom.
637 Johannes Jacobus VAN TONDER Lange Zeekoegat.
640 Johannes Abraham KRUGER, Jacob’s son Wildebeeste Fontein.
646 Jacob KRUGER Bad.
647 Tjaart Jacobus LESSING Do.
648 Jacob Petrus KRUGER Do.
655 Andries Johannes VAN DER WALT, Nicolaas son Nooitgedagt.
662 Petrus Carolus DUVENAGE Wolwekop.
665 Johannes Hendrik KRUGER Rietfontein.
673 Louis Stephanus LESSING, Christiaan’s son Groot Valey.
674 Hendrina Francina KRUGER, Widow of the late Isaac David VORSTER Vinkfontein.
675 Barend Johannes VORSTER, D. son Do.
704 Henning Petrus Nicolaas PRETORIUS Driekoppen.
717 Hester Christina SMIT, widow of the late Coenraad WENDE Pretorius Kloof.
746 Johanna Maria VAN VREEDEN, separated wife of Olof Abraham Servaas DE MEYER Papoen Fontein.
749 Guillaume Michiel VAN NIEKERK, as Executor Testamentary of Machel Johanna VAN NIEKERK Sepstranjes Poort.
750 Joachim Jan Hendrik VENTER Modderfontein.
757 Barend Godlieb LIEBENBERG Riet Fontein.
762 David Schalk VAN DER MERWE, claimant of a slave registered in the name of Petrus Jacobus BOOYSEN, Jan’s son Lang Fontein.
778 Gabriel Francois CLOETE Gaol of Graaff Reinet.
787 Hendrik Johannes DU PLESSIS, Charel Jacobus son Beschuitfontein.
788 Lambert Meyburgh Groot Verlang.
789 Stephanus Johannes Roelof VORSTER, Isaac David son Zuurfontein.
821 The Widow Gerrit STEENKAMP, born Barbara Margaretha GRISSEL Rhenosterfontein.
841 Michiel Fredrik HORN Klipfontein.
843 Andries VAN DER MERWE, Senior Driefontein.
953 Johan Joachim Lodewyk WERNICH, Stephen’s son Graaff Reinet.
959 Johannes Henricus VISSER Schotelfontein.
1000 Stephanus Johannes KRUGER, Gert son Brakrivier.
1001 Dina Johanna GOUSCH, Widow of the late Coenraad GROBBELAAR Sterrenbergs Spruit Brakrivier.
1004 Johannes POTGIETER, Johannes’ son Klaas Smits Rivier.
1023 Pieter DU PLESSIS, Jan’s son Rietfontein, Agter Sneewberg.
1041 Lavinia Catharina STEENKAMP, WIDOW OF Louis VAN WYK Spitzekop do.
1042 Daniel DU PLESSIS, Daniel’s son De Aap do.
1044 Pieter Willem VORSTER, Isaac David’s son Riet Vallei do.
1046 Roelof VORSTER Do. do.
1047 The Widow of Willem Jacobus VORSTER, born Johanna Maria KRUGER Do.
1053 Willem PRETORIUS Spitzekop.
1078 Petrus Joachim PRINSLO Zwartfontein.
1115 The Widow Floris COETZE, Senior, born Catharina Cornelia DE KLERCK Bruintjes Hoogte.
1116 Johannes Lodewyk VAN DER WALT Zuurberg Brakke Rivier.
1117 Tjaart VAN DER WALT, Hendrik’s son Do. do.
1118 Louis Johannes VAN WYK Schilderkrans do.
1119 Nicholaas VAN DER WALT, Andries Johannes son V Veurens Kraal.
1120 Douwe Gerbrand STEIN, Douwe’s son Bulhoek do.
1121 Casper Jan Hendrik VORSTER Do. do.
1122 Andries VENTER, Jan’s son Koedoe do.
1123 Jan Michiel Andries VENTER, Andries son Koedoe do.
1124 Tjaart Petrus VENTER, Jan’s son Brakrivier do.
1134 Johannes Christiaan HENNING Wonderboom do.
1144 Willem Fredrik HENNING Groot Rivier do.
1148 Gert Lodewyk KRUGER, Piet’s son Sterrenbergs Spruit.
1150 Godlieb Johannes OPPERMAN, sen. Do. do.
1152 The Widow Louis Johannes FOURIE, born Gertruida GROBBELAAR Do. do
1153 Johannes FOURIE, Louis’ son Do. do.
1154 Jan Harmse STEENKAMP, Jan’s son Do. do.
1155 The Widow Willem Jacobus PELSER Do. do.
1159 The Widow Johannes Jacobus GREYVENSTEIN Do. do.
1166 Carel David AUKAMP Groot Vlei.
1170 Gert Francois HENNING, Pieter Hendrik’s son De Keur do.
1171 Bernardus Rudolph BEUS Zoutpansdrift do.
1186 Philip SCHUTTE, senior Grote Dam, Tarka.
1212 Hendrik Jacobus DE BRUIN Kay, Tarka.
1217 Pieter Willem Adriaan PIEK Riet Vallei, field cornetcy of Koenap.
1218 Jan Hendrik DE LANGE, Barend’s son Bosch fontein, Tarka.
1230 Pieter George JORDAAN, Pieter Johannes’ son Palingkloof, do.
1239 Marthinus VAN DER MERWE, Marthinus’ son Wilgebosch, Tarka.
1246 Gerrit JORDAAN Riet Rivier, do.
1248 Pieter VENTER, Adriaan’s son Rietfontein do.
1340 Gerhardus Jacobus SWART, Jacobus’ son Brakfontein Oorst Riet Rivier.
1356 Petrus Lourens ERASMUS, Lourens Johannes’ son Jager fontein, east do.
1369 Gerrit VAN DER MERWE, senior Elands Drift, Baviaans Rivier.
1371 Hendrik DE BRUIN, Hendrik’s son Kromme river do.
1377 Willem Godfrey LOTTER Bothma’s Gat.
1379 Jacomina OBERHOLZER, Widow of Christoffel BOTHA, senior Fonteinshoek do.
1389 Philip Albertus OPPERMAN Daggaboer, Baviaans River.
1395 Gerrit Albertus VAN DEVENTER Willege River, Zwaggershoek.
1403 Johannes Gysbertus ROOS Orange River, Brak River.
1430 Andries NEL Quaggasfontein, Fish River.
1431 Abraham Jacobus ESPACH Wantzel Koester, field cornetcy of Fish River.
1432 Johannes Philippus DREYER Jantjes Drift do.
1433 The Widow Joseph VAN DYK Buffels Fontein, Fish River.
1461 Gysbert Jan Carel REITZ, counter claimant of slaves registered in the name of John MANDY Bathurst st., Graham’s Town.
1462 William SHEPHERD High do. do.
1470 Ensign James BRABAZON, H. M’S 75th Regt. Graham’s Town.
1478 John M’KENNY, as claimant of a slave registered in the name of Jacobus MARAIS, Charles’ son, of Cradock Do.
1483 Thomas BERRY Do.
1500 The Widow of Jan NEL, senior Palmiet fontein, field cornetcy of Fish River.
1503 Dirk Willem VAN ROOYEN, as Executor to the Widow of Dirk VAN ROOYEN, senior Mooimeisjesfontein.
1507 Wynand Fredrik BEZUIDENHOUT, Piet’s son Rust and Vreede Ward, Baviaan’s Kloof.
1544 Bernardus RENS, of Uitenhage Town, as Guardian Cornelis Johannes, and Ignatius Johannes MULLER (minors) Buffels fontein, residency of Port Elizabeth.
1576 The Widow Gabriel STOLLS, senior, born Isabella DE JAGER Rietfontein, ward Zwarteruggens.
1594 Petrus VAN STEDEN, Jacobus’ son Enzaamheid, Baviaan’s Kloof.
1604 Jasper Johannes SLABBER Klein Brak river Ward Zwarte Ruggens.
1609 Ignatius Leopoldus RAUTENBACH, Ignatius’ son Klein rivier ward van Stadens River.
1628 Susanna Maria CRONJE, Widow of the late Johannes POTGIETER Seacow River, Ward Gamtoos River.
1639 Roelof Johannes OELEFSE Boschman’s river.
1656 Johannes MarthinusVAN DER MERWE Kom Ward, Baviaan’s Kloof.
1660 The Widow Salomon DU PREEZ Swartkops rivier, Ward Coega.
1686 Adriaan JONKER Warmecros, ward Zwarte Ruggens.
1689 Gerrit Hendrik HOLTHAUSEN Cabo, Ward Bushman’s River.
1749 Diederik Christoffel LEZAR, of Wynberg, Cape District, counter claimant of slaves registered in the name of Nicolaas Johannes BASSON Mattjesgoedfontein, Ward Zwarte Ruggens.
1770 Petrus Theodorus VERMAAK Klipdrift’ Ward Zietsekamma.
1775 Johannes Hendrik STOEDER, married to the Widow Johan Hendrik MEYER Conga do.
1795 Johannes Gideon VAN LOGGENBERG Onverwagt, Gamtoos River.
1809 Johannes Christian STROEBEL Gamtoos River, Ward Baviaans Kloof.
1861 Sarah Maria BARNARD, Widow of Christiaan ROELOFSE Olyvenhoute Kraal, Ward Before Plettenberg’s Bay.
1862 Elizabeth Maria VOSLO, Widow Hendrik BARNARD, sen Do. do.
1885 Fredrik Christoffel BARKHUYSEN Piesang River, behind do.
1903 Willem HOLLETT, counter claimant of slaves registered in the name of Andries Marthinus KOCHUM, Godlieb’s son George Town.
1923 Fredrik Swerus MULDER Zeekoegat, Ward before Olifants River.
1948 Johannes Jacobus MEYER, Esaias’ son Vleesch Bay, Mossel Bay.
1994 Coenraad SRTYDOM Rruis River, Cango.
2001 Stephanus FOURIE, Louis’ son Goede Verwachting, do.
2007 Hester Maria PIENAAR, Widow Jacobus Ernst COETZE Buffelskloof, do.
2010 The Widow Johannes Stephanus OLIVIER, sen. Buffelsbosch River do.
2138 The Widow Stephanus VAN DER MERWE, born Martha Magdalena ENGELBRECHT Buffelsklip, above Olifants River.
2139 Martha Magdalena ENGELBRECHT, Widow Esaias Engelbrecht MEYER Warme Bad, do.
2390 Pieter Hendrik DE NECKER Vermakelykheid Field-Cornetcy of Onder Duivenhoks River.
2461 Petrus Jacobus KEMP, Gert’s son Kinko, Breede River.
2481 Johannes ODENDALL, Hendrik’s son Doornkraal, above Duivenhoks River.
2488 Johan Andries Heysse WICHT, of Cape Town, counter claimant of slaves registered in the name of Christiaan Jacobus SERVENTYN Brand River.
2571 The Widow of Paul ROUX, Jacobus’ son, born Elizabeth STORM, counter claimant of slaves registered in the name of Johannes Josua MINNAAR Warm Water’s Bath.
2571 Johannes Josua MINNAAR Do.
2774 Petrus Hermanus MARÈ, Lucas’ son St. John’s River, Field-Cornetcy of Swart River.
2780 The Widow of Jan Hendrik BADENHORST, Casper’s son Village of Caledon.
2782 Jurie Jacobus WESSELS, j. w. son Kwartel Fontein Do.
2799 Jacobus GILDENHUYS, sen Onrust River, Caledon.
2803 Maria Catharina HAMMAN, District of Swellendam, counter claimant of slaves registered in the name of Johan Jurgen HAMMAN, Jacobus’ son Van Helsdingen’s Kuil, Field Cornetcy of above River Zonder End.
3045 Willem DE JONG Village of Worcester.
3079 Philippus LE ROUX, sen. De Groote Eiland, Field Cornetcy of Worcester and Goudini.
3139 The Widow Jan THERON, Jacobus’ son, born Anna HUGO Groot Valey, Tulbagh.
3203 Wilhelmina Christina LIEBENBERG Tygerkloof, Field-Cornetcy of over 24 Rivers.
3236 Jacobus Abraham DE CLERCQ, Jan’s son Halfgewagd vries gewonnen, Field-Cornetcy of before 24 Rivers.
3271 The Widow Johannes SWANEPOEL, sen., born Magdalena VAN DEN BERG Tuin Kloof.
3359 The Widow Petrus Bernardus MARAIS, P. son, born Johanna Sophia DU TOIT Riet Valley.
3394 Johannes Ludovicus KRUGER, sen. Oude Plaats, Ward of Klein Roggeveld.
3403 Jan VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Piet’s son De Hoop do.
3470 Johannes SCHERMANS, Frans’ son. Touws Fontein, Klein Zwarteberg.

Saturday 4 July 1840

On Tuesday the 30th June by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
(By Special Licence)
Alexander MACDONALD Esq Jun. to Miss Anna Louisa SINCLAIR
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town on the 15th June by the Rev E. Judge AM:
Mr. John WILSON to Miss Mary Ann DALY

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 29th June by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. John SMITH, baptised Catherine Ann.
A daughter of Mr. Abraham BARTHOLOMEW, baptised Mart Ann.
In the Roman Catholic Church, June 26:
A son of John MANASSES, baptised Emanuel.
A daughter of the same, baptised Rosina.

June 26: Frederick Walter Octavus, son of Donald MOODIE Esq, aged 9 months.
June 27: Mr. James CHALMERS, aged 35 years.
June 29: Rosanna, daughter of Mr. Robert INGLESBY, aged 17 days.

DIED at Stellenbosch on the 29th ultimo, after a short illness, Frances, third daughter of Frederick DICKINSON Esq.
1st July 1840.

Wednesday 8 July 1840

At Rondebosch Church on Friday the 3rd July by the Rev J Fry RN:
Mr. Thomas SHARMAN to Miss Mary Ann WALLIS
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 6th July by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
James HIGGS to Ann HUNTER, widow

MARRIED by Special Licence at Rondebosch Church, by the Rev John Fry on Monday the 6th July, Clerke BURTON Esq, Master of the Supreme Court, to Catherine Elizabeth, only daughter of Charles Arnoldus BECKER Esq of Rondebosch.

Saturday 11 July 1840

In the Episcopal Church at Wynberg, June 16th, by the Rev T.A. Blair:
Mr. A. BYRNE to Miss Ann BUTLER
In the Episcopal Church at Wynberg by the Rev Holt Okes DD, June 26th:
Mr. William TUBB to Miss Susan MOORE

At Rondebosch Church on Sunday the 28th June by the Rev J Fry RN:
A son of John DIGGERY, baptised John Alfred.
A daughter of William HARE, baptised Ellen.
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 6th July by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Thomas SMITH, baptised William Lewis.
In the Roman Catholic Church, July 3rd:
A daughter of Capt. TOBY, baptised Helen.

July 6: Helen TOBY, aged 3 weeks.
July 8: Barnaby KANE, aged 60 years.

BIRTH on the 14th June at Tryntjes Rivier, near Caledon, the lady of Major W. SHAW of a son.

Departed this life on the 3rd June 1840, my dearly beloved spouse Catharina Elizabeth JACOBS, born on the 16th July 1778, whereof notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
Jan Anthonie VAN NIEKERK

Wednesday 15 July 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 13th July by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Charles Barker CRICKMORE, baptised Charles John.
A son of Joseph SEARLE, baptised James.
A son of Christopher COLLINS, baptised Charles William.
A son of Peter FIFE, baptised Robert.
In St.Andrew’s Church, Cape Town on the 13th July by the Rev W. Robertson:
A daughter of R.P. DOBIE Esq named Barbara.

July 11: Martha OSBORNE, aged 26 years.

Mrs. SEARLE’s Seminary for Young Ladies
Mrs. SEARLE, in returning sincere thanks to the Public for the support she has already received, begs to announce that she has (in addition to the various branches of Polite Education already taught at her Establishment) entered into engagements with a French Gentleman of acknowledged abilities, in order that her Pupils may receive the best Instruction in that highly useful and ornamental Language, on the most reasonable Terms.

DIED at her Residence in Nova Constantia, on Wednesday the 8th instant, Mrs. Mary Leonora COLYN, the wife of Johannes Lambert COLYN Esq, aged 27 years.
Nova Constantia, 10th July 1840.

Saturday 18 July 1840

BIRTH in Church-square, cape Town, on the 15th July, the lady of Lieut-Col. ROSS H.E.I.C.S. Bengal Establishment, of a son.

In the Roman Catholic Church, July 11:
An adult woman of colour, baptised Maria.
A son of the same, aged 8 years, baptised Peter James.
In St.Andrew’s Church, Cape Town on the 15th July by the Rev W. Robertson:
A son of Mr. Humphrey McLACHLAN, named John.

Wednesday 22 July 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 20th July by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Rd. Crewe ARDERNE, baptised Henrietta.

July 16: Mrs. Johanna Carolina BARTHOLOMEW, wife of Mr. Abraham BARTHOLOMEW, aged 37 years.
July 16: Delley WARRINGTON, aged 47 years.
July 19: Mr. Edward GEORGE, aged 59 years and 6 months.
July 19: Mr. John Austin MOLLETT, aged 30 years.
July 20: Mrs. J. VRIESWYK, widow.

Saturday 25 July 1840

In the Roman Catholic Church July 20:
Adelph Heinrich Ludwig THIELMAN to Anne O’CONNOR.

In the Roman Catholic Church July 19:
A daughter of Louis FONDZEGA, baptised Rosa Charlotte.

BIRTH on the 23rd, Mrs. Henry SHERMAN, Harrington-street, of a daughter.

Wednesday 29 July 1840

BIRTH on the 25th inst, Mrs. W.J. SMITH, Grave-street, of a son.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 27th July by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
Mr. Henry Frederick CORLESS to Miss Elizabeth SPIERS.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 27th July by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Thomas GRIMES, baptised Alfred Martinus.

July 23: Alexander McDONALD, aged 39 years.
July 26: Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Robert SPENCE, aged 3 years and 2 months.
July 28: Charlotte, daughter of Mr. Benj. BOND, aged 6 years and 6 months.

The Undersigned respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Plumstead and its Vicinity that he has opened, in the Village, a Branch Establishment, which he has stocked with carefully selected Grocery and Chandlery Wares of superior quality; and he trusts that his Moderate Charges will secure to him the liberal share of Patronage with which he has hitherto been favored.
Prime Hams and Bacons just landed and for sale at his Stores, No.33 Plein-street and at Plumstead.
17th July 1840

Saturday 1 August 1840

Private Teacher of English Writing and Arithmetic, Geography, Use of the Globes, and Astronomy, at Six Dollars per month. Also of Latin, Greek, Hebrew and the Mathematics, at 10 Dollars per month. Enquire of Mr. JARDINE, Public Library, or Mr. COLLARD, Stationer, Heeregracht.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 29th July 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Ellen HART, deceased wife of William Dods PRINGLE of Clifton, Baviaan’s River in the Division of Somerset, are required to take Notice that the said deceased having died intestate, a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Husband, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Somerset, on Friday the 11th September next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

In the Episcopal Church at Wynberg by the Rev Holt Okes DD, July 20th:
Manus ABRAMS to Rosannah Elizabeth BERKS.

In the Episcopal Church at Wynberg by the Rev Holt Okes DD
Maria Johannah TRISCAR and Johannah ARENS, both adults.

Wednesday 5 August 1840

On Thursday the 30th July by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Peter Laur. CLOETE Esq baptised Josias Gordon.
In St.George’s Church, 3rd August, by the same:
A daughter of Thomas MACLEAR Esq, FRS & HM Astronomer, baptised Augusta Emily.
A son of Mr. Leonard WHITELY, master mariner, baptised Leonard Neptune.
A daughter of Mr. C.J. FINDON, baptised Mary Ann Jane.
A daughter of the late James BROWN, baptised Jane.
In the Lutheran Church on Sunday the 2nd instant by the Rev G.W. Stegmann:
A son of Peter Donald HÖHNE Esq, baptised Martin Melck.

July 29: George SHORT, aged 55 years.
July 29: James, son of Ann CLARKE, aged 1 year and 1 month.
August 1: Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. Abrm. BARTHOLOMEW, aged 2 months.

Having just arrived from England per ‘Meg Merrilies’ with a small but select Investment of Fine Goods, consisting of Silk Velvet, Gros de Naples in all colours, French Merinoes, Challies, Mousline de Laines, Printed Saxonys, Mantean and other Dresses, Shawls, Scarfs and Handkerchiefs in great variety, Collars and Gloves, Neloms and Artificial Flowers, Satin and other Shoes, Silk and other Cloaks, Flannel, Table Linen and various other articles – begs to inform the Public of Cape Town that she has taken the Shop lately occupied by HURFORD & Co at the Corner of the Heeregracht and Strand-street, for one month only, from Monday 3rd August, and will submit them at such Prices as she hopes will insure a ready Sale.

Saturday 8 August 1840

MARRIED by Special Licence at Sans Souci, on the 5th instant by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain, John STEIN Esq to Catherine Olivia, only daughter of the late Joseph HODGSON Esq and grand-daughter of the Hon. Hamilton ROSS Esq.

BIRTH on the 7th instant, the lady of Dr. FORREST, Medical Staff, of a daughter.
August 7th 1840.

In St.Andrew’s Church on Wednesday 5th August by the Rev G.W. Stegmann:
A son of Mr. James PEBBLES, baptised James Robert Burns.
A son of Mr. John STRACHAN, baptised James Adamson.
In the Episcopal Church at Wynberg:
A daughter of Mr. Christopher HAYLETT, baptised Sarah Augusta.

Wednesday 12 August 1840

By Special Licence at Sans Souci on Wednesday 5th August by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
John STEIN Esq to Catherine Olivia, only daughter of the late Joseph HODGSON Esq.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 10th August by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Col. Chaplain:
A son of Mr. James DAVIS, baptised Charles Henry.
A son of Mr. John CHAMPION, baptised Charles John.
A son of Edward Plato FRANCIS, baptised James Benjamin.

Saturday 15 August 1840

BIRTH in cape Town on the 13th August, Mrs. M.E. CHANGUION of a son.

(By Banns)
In the Roman Catholic Church, July 28:
Charles ROBISON to Catherine NELLY.
(By Special Licence)
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town 6th August by the Rev E. Judge AM:
Mr. George Berkeley HEWSON to Miss Sarah MILLER.

In the Roman Catholic Church, July 26:
A daughter of Dennis McGUIRE, 27th Regt, baptised Eliza.
August 11: A son of John FRAZER, baptised William.
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town, 13th July, by the Rev E. Judge AM:
A son of John COLLINS, baptised John William.
A daughter of T.H. HINDLEY, baptised Elizabeth.
A daughter of Salem THOMAS, baptised Catharine.

August 9: James MORAN, 27th Regt.
At Simon’s Town:
July 8: Salam, aged 60 years.
July 11: Richard PERRYMAN, late of HMS Fantome, aged 48 years.

Wednesday 19 August 1840

In St.Andrew’s Church on Thursday 13th August by the Rev G.W. Stegmann:
Mr. Thomas BURKE to Miss Charlotte WOOD
In the English Church Rondebosch on Monday 17th August by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
Mr. Philip STIGANT, widower, to Mrs. Maria Christena GELDENHUIS, widow of the late Mr. Mart. Hend. GELDENHUIS.
Same day in St.George’s Church by ditto:
Isaac Johannes Jacobus LUITER to Engela Martha ONGER.
Henrich WITTICH to Philippina Margaret Mary Ann THOMSON, widow.

In St.George’s Church on Monday 17th August by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen. Col. Chaplain:
A son of Robert ROSS Esq, Lieut-Col. Hon. E.I.C.S. Beng. Establishment, baptised John.
A daughter of Henry SHERMAN Esq, baptised Maria Orford.

August 11: Mrs. Cornelia Sophia GOODERICH, widow of the late Samuel Bridget GOODERICH Esq, Lieut. Hpn. E.I.C.S., aged 36 years.

DIED at her Residence in Sir Lowry’s-street, Mrs. Cornelia Sophia, widow of Lieut. Samuel Bridger GOODRICH, Madras Army, and daughter of J.B. HOFFMAN Esq, deeply regretted.
Cape Town, August 18th 1840.

DIED on the evening of the 13th instant, my beloved wife Aletta Elizabeth WALDEK, at the age of 25 years and 8 months, of which painful loss notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
August 14th 1840

Saturday 22 August 1840

In the Roman Catholic Church, Aug 16:
A son of Daniel KENNEDY, baptised John Francis.

On the 30th April 1840, at Dannenberg in Hanover, Mrs. the widow of the late C.G. HÖHNE Esq, aged 72 years, 7 months and 12 days, deeply regretted.

DIED at the Paarl on the 12th instant, my dear Husband Johan Diederick MOHR, late of Tulbagh, aged 57 years, of which painful loss notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
Elizabeth Gertruyda MOHR, born THERON.
Paarl, Aug 17 1840.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 19th August 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Edward Joseph TOWNSEND, late of Graham’s Town, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Graham’s Town, on Saturday the 3rd October next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 19th August 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Cornelia Sophia HOFFMAN, widow of Samuel Bridget GOODRICH, deceased; and of Aletta Elizabeth WALDEK, deceased wife of Joseph MOSENTHAL of Cape Town, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 29th September next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Persons as aforesaid, and Tutors Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 19th August 1840
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Agatha Catharina POTGIETER, deceased wife of Jacobus Stephanus VERMAAK, of the Uitenhage District, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Husband and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Uitenhage, on Tuesday the 29th September next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Wednesday 26 August 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 24th August by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 24th August by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Sen.Col. Chaplain:
A son of Mr. George WELCH, baptised George.

August 22: Mrs. Anna Maria GARSTIN, wife of Chas. GARSTIN Esq. Hon. E.I.C. Service Bengal Establishment, aged 20 years.

W. GILLMAN respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Cape Town and Visitors that they will find at his House Accommodations equal to any Hotel in the Town. Spacious Sitting and airy Bed Rooms. Charges moderate. Tiffins, Dinners &c expeditiously provided.
NB Soda Water, Lemonade, Draught and Bottled Ales and Porter.

Saturday 29 August 1840

Departed this Life at Rondebosch on the morning of the 22nd instant, after a long and trying illness, Anna Maria, the beloved wife of Charles GARSTIN Esquire of the Bengal Civil Service.

DIED at Plumstead on Wednesday Morning, the 19th inst, at the Residence of his brother the Rev. Holt OKES DD, after a few hours’ illness, in the 73rd year of his age, Robert John OKES Esq, second son of the late Thomas OKES MD of the City of Exeter, Devonshire.
Aug 24th 1840.

In the Roman Catholic Church, Aug 24:
Joshua SMITH to Ellen McAULIFFE

In the Roman Catholic Church, Aug 23:
A daughter of John LONIGI, baptised Justina.

August 23: James RIGNEY, private 25th Regt, aged 19 years.

BIRTH on Wednesday the 26th inst, at Stanhope House, Mrs. Harrison WATSON of a son.

Wednesday 2 September 1840

DIED in Cape Town on the 27th ultimo, William Octavius ATKINSON Esq, aged 46 years.

Wednesday 9 September 1840

Insolvent Estate of BRINK, MOLLETT & Co
On Monday the 14th September next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon will be sold by Public Auction, in Hout-street of this Town, the Moveable Property belonging to the above mentioned insolvent estate, namely
A Complete Printing Establishment
The materials whereof consist of
Two splendid Albion Presses
A most complete Athol Screw Press
A great variety of Jobbing Type
As also very complete Founts of Double Pica, Great Primer, English, Pica, Small Pica, Long Primer, Brevier, Minion, Double Pica and Great Primer Script, and a series of Ornamental Type, of which further particulars will be made known hereafter.
A great quantity of Printing and other Paper, Cards, Dutch School Books, “Trap der Jeugd”, Mill and Glazed Boards, Ink, Parchment, Boards, Racks, Tables, Composing Frames, and other Printing Materials &c.
The above will be sold in Lots to meet the convenience of Purchasers.
Cape Town, 20th August 1840
Joint Trustees.

Saturday 12 September 1840

Collector, Book-keeper and General Agent
5 Market-square
Tradesmen’s Books kept, Books made up, and Complicated Accounts adjusted with accuracy and dispatch.

DIED on board the Christina, Captain BIRKETT, between the Cape and St.Helena, on the 28th May last, on his way to England, Alexander MORGAN Esq, Senior Partner in the House of MORGAN, MELBOURN & CO, Batavia, in the 63rd year of his age.

Wednesday 16 September 1840

DIED at Sea on board Ship “La Belle Alliance”, on the 5th August 1840, Lt.Col. SPRY, Madras Army, in his 57th year. His mildness and amiability of character endeared him to his Family and Friends, who are now left in the deepest affliction.

Saturday 19 September 1840

DIED at Simon’s Bay on the 14th instant, aged 50 years, Mrs. WILKINSON, 32 years a Resident in the Colony.

DIED at Sea on the 21st July last, on board the Mary & Jane, shortly after leaving Calcutta, Captain Thomas WINTER, aged 57 years, sincerely regretted by his numerous friends and acquaintances.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 31st August by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
Mr. John McDONALD, master mariner, to Miss Ann Maria FERRIES
On Monday the 7th September by the same:
Mr. James WILSON to Mrs. Margaret TAYLOR, widow.
On Friday 11th September by the same:
Mr. Johan Jacob SIEMS to Miss Isabella Johanna VAN DER SCHYFF.
On Monday 14th September by the same:
Mr. Marcus DeCourcy SIMMS to Sophia LAHRBUSCH.
Mr. Henry STEWART, widower, to Elizabeth EVANS.
Mr. Peter HANDLEY to Martha JANSEN.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
August 31: Richard GRIGGS, Serjeant 27th Regiment, to Miss Elizabeth Wilhelmina LINGENFELDER.
September 7: John Garcia MANASSES to Johanna Dorethea EDWARDS.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 31st August by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A son of Mr. Thomas Jas. WELCH, baptised Charles Boacher.
A son of Richard HAYBITTEL, baptised Henry John.
A daughter of Mr. William THORP, baptised Mary Ann.
A son of Mr. Robert SPENCER, baptised Andrew John.
On Monday the 7th September by the same:
A son of Augustus Smith LE MESSURIER Esq, Advocate General of Bombay, baptised James.
A son of Mr. J.E. STIDWORTHY, baptised Edward Blore.
A son of Mr. Richard WEBB, baptised Charles Hamilton.
On Monday 14th September by the same:
A son of Mr. Donald CAMERON, baptised John McKenzie.
A son of Mr. John GALLOWAY, baptised John
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town, 10th August, by the Rev E. Judge AM:
A son of Mr. Stephen OSLER, baptised James Goodrick.
On the 24th by the same:
A son of Mr. Josiah ANDERSON, baptised Josiah James Griggs.
In the Episcopal Church, Wunberg by the Rev John Fry:
August 16: A daughter of Mr. J. BARTLET, baptised Mary Johanna.
August 23: A son of George HARRIS, baptised George Manuel Weig.
Sept. 13: A daughter of Moses MEYER, baptised Sophia.
In the Roman Catholic Church, August 30th:
A son of John DONNELLY, baptised Laurence.
On Wednesday 9th Sept. by the Rev G.W. Stegmann:
A daughter of Mr. P. MACDOUGAL, baptised Emily.

At Wynberg, 19th August, Robert John OKES Esq, aged 72 years and 8 months.
In Cape Town:
August 27: William Octavius ATKINSON Esq, aged 46 years.
Aug 27: James, son of Joseph SEARLE, aged 2 months and 19 days.
Aug 29: Mrs. Frederica Francisca FABING
AUG 31: William CAREY, seaman, aged 28 years.
Aug 31: Casper Hendrick, son of the late Mr. Martinus Hendrik GILDENHUIS, aged 4 years 7 months and 27 days.
Sept 4: Mrs. Elizabeth CANNON, wife of Mr. John CANNON. Aged 44 years.
Sept 13: John JONES, aged 45 years.
Sept 14: Emily, daughter of Mr. P. MACDOUGAL, aged 25 days.

Wednesday 23 September 1840

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 21st September by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
Mr. William WRIGHT to Miss Caroline Clatworthy BROWN.

In St.George’s Church on Monday the 21st September by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Daniel DUTTON, baptised Charlotte.

Sept 17: Sarah, wife of Michael CAESAR, aged 32 years.
Sept 19: Eleanor, daughter of Thomas DAVIS, aged 16 years.

Saturday 26 September 1840

On Tuesday 22nd inst at the Mission House, Church-square, by the Rev Dr Philip:
Mr. Edward SOLOMON to Miss Janet MATTHEWS.

DIED on the 18th instant, at Herschell Lodge, Claremont, Thomas HARRIS, aged 41 years, sincerely lamented.

  • Hits: 18393