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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Additonal Information

This is pre 1820 information mainly taken from actual images of UK parish registers and other primary sources which I have personally researched. Further information about the settlers and their families once they reached the Cape can be found at

Sue Mackay

GRIFFITH, Charles and Valentine - Extra Data


Brothers Charles and Valentine GRIFFITH were joint leaders of GRIIFITH's Party, who sailed on the Stentor along with their brother John and sisters Mary, Cornelia and Eliza. They were the children of Charles GRIFFITH, Captain of Marines, and Bridget OWEN. Charles GRIFFITH came from a prominent family from Penpompren, Cardiganshire.


Welsh Archive Service


Charles GRIFFITHS of this parish and Bridget OWEN of this parish were married by banns on 5 September 1782 in Llanbadarn Fawr, Cardiganshire

Both signed

Witnesses: Mary JONES and Chas. Thos. JONES

[Note by vicar] The above Charles GRIFFITHS and Bridget OWEN were previously married in Ireland as appears by certificate bearing date 4th July last.


Thomas son of Charles GRIFFITH and Bridget his wife baptised 19 October 1785 in Llanbadarn Fawr, Cardiganshire [the entry is amongst the entries for 1785 but has 1874 written in the margin]

Charles son of Charles GRIFFITH Esq baptised 13th November 1788 in Llanfihangel Genau'rglyn, Cardiganshire [entry originally 13th April and scored out]

Eliza daughter of Charles and Bridget GRIFFITHS baptised 25 October 1795 in Llanllwchaearn, Montgomeryshire

John son of Chas. GRIFFITH and Bridget baptised Feb 25th 1798 in Llanllwchaearn, Montgomeryshire


Baptisms of Valentine, Mary, Cornelia and Sophia so far not found.


Burke's Landed Gentry

LINEAGE--The family of GRIFFITH of Penpompren, of which Mr. GRIFFITH is the representative, is of great antiquity in Cardiganshire, and were seated there until 1787. Thomas GRIFFITH, who was living at Penpompren in 1650, left an only son, Thomas GRIFFITH, Esq. who m. Anne, dau. and heiress of John WEST, Esq. of London and of Tredole, co. Cardigan, and dying in 1694, was s. by his only son, Hugh GRIFFITH, Esq., who m. Susannah, dau. of Meredith LLOYD, Esq. of Cwmbwa, co. Cardigan, and d. in 1731, leaving by her three sons, John, his heir, Cornelius, and Charles. The eldest, John GRIFFITH, Esq., s. his father, and resided at Penpompren, where he rendered himself highly useful as a magistrate for a long period. He served as high-sheriff of the county, in 1757, and d. in 1782, leaving two sons, Thomas, his heir, and Charles, Captain Royal Marines, who d. in 1818, leaving issue. The former, Thomas GRIFFITH, Esq., s. his father. He m. 10 Dec. 1778, Jane, only child of Richard PHILIPS, Esq. of Coedgaen, co. Carmarthen, and Wandsworth, co. Surrey, and by her was father of the late Thomas GRIFFITH, Esq. of Trevallyn Hall.


From: "Record of the Griffith Family in South Africa, 1820-1968" by Mr & Mrs P. Goedkoop-Griffith, a copy of which is in the Albany Museum in Grahamstown.

Children of Charles GRIFFITH and Bridget JONES [sic. I think the researcher confused the name of the witnesses with the name of the bride. The marriage entry above clearly shows her name as OWEN]

Thomas born 16 Oct 1785
Charles born 2 Oct 1787
Valentine born 28 April 1790
Mary born 12 July 1792
Cornelia born 17 Jan 1794
Eliza born 17 Oct 1795
John born 22 Jan 1798
Sophia born 12 Dec 1799


Will of Charles GRIFFITH (held at National Archives, Kew)

I Charles GRIFFITH of the City of Chester Esquire a Captain in His Majesty's Royal Marine Force do this twenty eighth day of October in the year of our Lord 1816 make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say First I direct all my just Debts Funeral Expences and the Expences of proving this my Will to be paid and satisfied out of my personal Estate and I give and devise all my Messuages Tenements Lands Heredit[ament]s and real Estate whatsoever in the parishes of Llanginfillin [Llangynfelyn] and Llanbadarn in the County of Cardigan and elsewhere unto my oldest son Thomas GRIFFITH and his heirs for ever and I give and bequeath to my said son Thomas the sum of one hundred pounds to my son Charles the like sum of one hundred pounds and to my son Valentine the like sum of one hundred pounds to and for their own respective proper uses and as for and concerning all the rest and residue of my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever or which I have power to dispose of I give and bequeath the same unto all my children Thomas Charles Valentine Mary Cornelia Eliza and John equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike and to their respective Executors admons and assigns and for their own proper use and uses respectively and I appoint my said sons Thomas and Charles Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I revoke all former and other Wills by me made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Charles GRIFFITH the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses.
Jas. KELSALL, Att'y Chester
Henry KELSALL his son
Proved at London 2nd March 1819 before the worshipful John DODSON Doctor of Laws and Surrogates By the oath of Charles GRIFFITH Esquire the Son the surviving Executor to whom administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.


National Archives, Kew, L0ndon

ADM 45/21/223 

Valentine Griffiths, 1st Lieutenant Royal Marines, who died: 16 November 1843. Notes on executor's application for money owed by the Royal Navy.


Valentine GRIFFITH sailed for Tasmania, arriving on 12 July 1823 on board "William Penn". He had previously fathered an illegitimate child in South Africa.

Private Baptisms, St, George's Cathedral, Cape Town
11th April 1824
William Valentine, illegitimate son of Valentine GRIFFITH and Mary MORGAN, born 15th March 1821.
Sponsors Richard Hairbottle, William Sheepley, Rachel Sheepley

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