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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

1845 Proclamation: enregisterment of land of the Settlers of 1820

From the Supplement to The Graham's Town Journal, March 27th 1845
Transcribed from the original at the National Archives in London (CO53/15) by Sue Mackay


by His Excellency Lieut.General Sir Peregrine MAITLAND, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, of the Royal Military Order of William of the Netherlands, and of the Imperial Order of St.Waldimir of Russia, Colonel of Her Majesty's 17th Regiment of Foot, Governor and Commander in Chief of Her Majesty's Castle, Town and Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, and of the Territories and Dependencies thereof, and Ordinary and Vice Admiral of the same, Commanding the Forces &c &c.

Whereas it is enacted by Ordinance No.15 1844, bearing date the 28th day of August, and entitled “An Ordinance to provide for the enregisterment in the Land Register of the Colony of certain Sub-divisions of the Locations and Extensions of the Settlers of 1820” that it shall and may be lawful for the Governor of this Colony to publish by Proclamation in the Government Gazette and in some one or more of such newspapers as shall be published in Graham's Town, the names of such persons as shall, after due investigation, be recommended by the Board of Commissioners for Lands as the persons entitled to receive Grants of the aforesaid Sub-divisions of the Locations, together with a description of the said Sub-divisions, and also the particulars of all such Grants or original Locations and other Lands as it may be necessary to cancel, by reasons of portions thereof being included in such aforesaid Subdivisions, and thereupon to proclaim that unless objections showing cause to the contrary be lodged in writing at the office of the Secretary to Government in Cape Town, within six weeks from the day on which such Proclamations shall last be published, the Title Deeds therein mentioned will be cancelled, and the Subdivisions aforesaid granted accordingly.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive Grants of the Subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz.:

In Hezekiah SEPHTON's or the Salem Party

Thomas NELSON, Lot No.1 – 19 morgen 177 square roods, with two shares in the commonage, allotted to and surveyed for John TALBOT, and sold to said NELSON.

Thomas NELSON, Lot No.2 – 20 morgen, with two shares in commonage, allotted to John TALBOT, being apparently the shares of REES and RAYNER. RAYNER appears to have sold to REES, whose widow married John TALBOT, who sold to said NELSON.

Charles PENNY, Lot No.6 – 3 morgen and 210 square roods, with one share in commonage, apparently allotted to William MILLER, who sold to Charles SLATER, who sold to James HAYWARD, for whom it was surveyed, and who sold to said PENNY.

John FILMER Jun, Lot No.9 – 6 morgen, with one share in commonage, apparently allotted to John JONES, who sold to William TROTTER, for whom it was surveyed, and who sold to said FILMER

Philip AMM, Lot No.10 – 3 morgen and 300 square roods, with one share in commonage, allotted to Robert PITT, who sold to James HOWSE, who sold to Joseph SHORT, for whom it was surveyed, and who sold to Jn. SHORT who sold to the said AMM.

John FILMER Sen. two thirds and Ebenezer FILMER one third of Lot No.17 – 9 morgen and 568 square roods, with three shares in the commonage, being the shares of said John FILMER or John PHILLMORE and of his deceased son Thomas PHILMORE or FILMER, claimed by John FILMER, and of Thomas YOUNG, who sold to Jas. HOWSE, who sold to John FILMER Sen., who sold to Ebenezer FILMER.

Charles PENNY, Lot No.18 – 6 morgen and 376 square roods, with two shares in commonage, being the share allotted to William WATSON, who sold to Jas. HAYWARD, who sold to said PENNY, together with the share of Jas. TEMLETT, who sold to William WATSON, who sold to Jas. HAYWARD, who sold to the said PENNY.

Charles PENNY, Lot No.19 – 6 morgen 540 square roods, with one share in commonage, being the original share of Josh. SHORT, who sold to Jas. HAYWARD, who sold to the said Charles PENNY.

Benjamin RUDMAN, Lot No.20 – 6 morgen 432 square roods, with one share in commonage, being the original share of Richard PAINTER, who sold to said RUDMAN.

The Revd. William SHAW in trust for and on behalf of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference, Lot No. 21 – 12 morgen and 300 square roods, with four shares in the commonage, being the original shares allotted to the Revd. William SHAW as minister.

William Henry MATTHEWS, Lot No.22 – 23 morgen, with three shares in the commonage, being the original shares of the said W.H. MATTHEWS, of S. BONNIN, who sold to said MATTHEWS, and of George CLARKE, who sold to Jas. HOWSE, who sold to said MATTHEWS.

Joseph GUSH, Lot No.23 – 27 morgen, with two shares in the commonage, being the share of William SERGEANT, who sold to R. GUSH, and the share of the said R. GUSH, who sold both the said shares to Mark NORDEN, who sold to John NORTON, who sold to the said Joseph GUSH.

Joseph SHORT, Lot No.24 – 5 morgen, with one share in commonage, being the share of Js. HANCOCK, who sold to Charles Thomas CROFT, who sold to N. LAKE, who sold to J. TALBOT Sen, who sold to said SHORT.

Thomas PEEL, Lot No.26 – 4 morgen and 80 square roods, with one share in commonage, being the homestead of Thos. ROBINSON, sold to R. PRIOR, with the share in commonage of J. EVANS, both sold by said PRIOR to Wm. HARTLEY, who sold to said PEEL.

William Carey HOBSON, Lot No.27 – 3 morgen 495 square roods, with one share in the commonage, being the share of Samuel RUDMAN, who sold to B. PATRICK, who sold to C.T. CROFT, who sold to W.C.HOBSON.

William Henry MATTHEWS, Lot No.28 – 6 morgen 342 square roods, with one share in commonage, being the original share of S.CYRUS, who sold to said W.H. MATTHEWS.

William Carey HOBSON, Lot No.29 – 19 morgen 415 square roods, with one share in commonage, being the original share of Samuel UPCOT, who sold to the said W.C. HOBSON.

Charles SLATER, Lot No.30 – 23 morgen, with one share in the commonage, being the original share of his father Thomas SLATER

Joseph WILMOT, Lot No.31 – 10 morgen 426 roods, with one share in commonage, being the original share of the said WILMOT

Charles SLATER, Lot No.32 – 11 morgen, 362 roods, with one share in commonage, being the original share of said SLATER.

Henry AMOS, Lot No.33 – 4 morgen 200 square roods, with one share in commonage, being the share of Benjamin PATRICK, who sold to the said AMOS.

William GRAVETT, Lot No.34 – 12 morgen 344 roods, with one share in the commonage, being the original share of Benjamin BOOTH, who sold to George JENKINSON, who sold to Jn. FORD, who sold to said W. GRAVETT.

William GRAVETT, Lot No. 35 – 58 morgen with five shares in commonage, being the homestead of Christopher WEBB, share of R. PICKSTOCK, and share of G. GRANT or GRAVETT, allotted to said PICKSTOCK, and the shares of Charles PENNY, of William PENNY and of Charles WOOD, who sold to the said R. PICKSTOCK, who left or bequeathed the whole of the said five shares and homestead to the said W. GRAVETT.

Charles SLATER, Lot No.36 – 10 morgen 552 roods, with one share in the commonage, being the share of T. WELLS, who sold to Wm. SERGEANT, who sold to G. GRAVETT, who sold to E. NIEL, who sold to C.T. CROFT, who sold to Charles SLATER.

Thomas SEPHTON, Lot No.38 – 11 morgen with one share in commonage, supposed to be the share of J. NORTON, who sold to Hezekiah SEPHTON (but also said to be H. SEPHTON's own share) who left or bequeathed to Thomas SEPHTON.

Thomas SEPHTON, Lot No.39 – 16 morgen 186 roods, with one share in commonage, being the share allotted to him.

Thomas KING Sen, Lot No.40 – 9 morgen 540 roods, with one share in commonage, being the share allotted to him.

Thomas SEPHTON, Lot No.41 – 29 morgen with five shares in commonage, including the shares of G. HODGES, who sold to Hezekiah SEPHTON, of __ MAYNARD, of J.M.MAYNARD and of Jos.MAYNARD, allotted to the said Hezekiah SEPHTON, together with the share of H. SEPHTON, or that purchased by him from J. NORTON, alluded to in the description of Lot 38, bequeathed by the said H.SEPHTON to Thomas SEPHTON.

Charles PENNY, Lot No.42 – 5 morgen 450 roods, without any share in commonage, being the homestead of Wm.HAZEL, sold to C.T.CROFT, who sold to N.LAKE, who sold to Jas. HAYWARD, who sold to said Charles PENNY.

John FILMER Jun, Lot 43 – 11 morgen 400 roods with two shares in commonage, being the share of R. PRIOR, who sold to J.HUTTON, who sold to William SARGEANT, who sold to the said FILMER, and the share of P.DIXIE, who sold to J.HOWSE, who sold to said FILMER.

Benjamin RUDMAN, Lot No.45 – 7 morgen with one share in commonage, being the share allotted to him.

Joseph SHORT, Lot No.46 – 7 morgen with one share in the commonage, being the original share of David HALL or Thos. HOMES, and of whom sold to James HOWSE, who sold to said SHORT.

Joseph GUSH, Lot No.50 – 7 morgen 160 roods, the homestead of John EVANS, with the share of Christopher WEBB in the commonage. John EVANS sold to R.PRIOR, who sold to R. GUSH, who sold to M. NORDEN, who sold to Joseph GUSH.

The present and future proprietors of locations in the Salem party, 5365 morgen and 555 roods, as common pasture land in the several shares to be mentioned in the title deeds of the said locations or subdivisions respectively.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deeds by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in Salem party, viz:

The grant made on quitrent to Mr. Hezekiah SEPHTON dated 20th November 1823, of 5913 morgen and 533 square roods of land in the District of Albany, on the Assegai Bush River, being the extent allotted for the location of SEPHTON and party of Settlers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In GARDNER's Party

1st John GARDNER, 908 morgen, surveyed for Edward GARDNER, being the shares of the said Edward GARDNER and of William ABBOTT, allotted to the said Edward GARDNER and by him ceded to his son, the said John GARDNER.

2nd Isaac DUGMORE, 454 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for him

3rd the estate of the late James DEVINE, 454 morgen surveyed for him, being the share allotted to John DUDLEY, who sold to the said John DEVINE.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deeds by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in GARDNER's party, viz:

1st The grant made of quitrent to Mr. Edward GARDNER, dated 20th November 1823, of 862 morgen and 132 square roods of land in the District of Albany on the Careaga River, being the extent allotted for the location of Mr. Edward GARDNER and party of Settlers.

2nd The grant made of quitrent to Mr. Edward GARDNER, dated 5th January 1827, of 953 morgen and 468 square roods of land in the District of Albany, being the extension to the location belonging to Mr. Edward GARDNER and party of Settlers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In Riet Fontein Party

Charles PENNY, 67 morgen and 56 roods, with 27 shares in the commonage, being the following lots surveyed for him, viz:

No.8 - 1½ morgen with one share, purchased from Thomas WILMOT

No.17 – 5 morgen 192 roods with three shares, purchased from James URRY, Wm. WATSON and D. HALL.

No.18 – 7 morgen 10 roods, with three shares purchased one from Samuel or Thomas FIELD, one from Samuel BONNIN, who purchased from a previous proprietor, and one held in PENNY's own right.

No.19 – 8 morgen 51 roods, with three shares purchased from Wm.PENNY, John MILLER and George GRAVETT.

No.20 – 7 morgen and 21 roods, with three shares purchased from Thos.HOLMES, Richard PICKSTOCK and Thos.WELLS.

No.21 – 1 morgen 407 roods, with one share purchased from Samuel BONNIN.

No.28 – 13 morgen with three shares, purchased from Samuel BONNIN, who purchased from ___ DIXIE, Thos.OATS and James HOWSE.

And the following lots surveyed for William LEE, and sold to him by the said C. PENNY, viz:

No.1 – 8 morgen 330 square roods, with two shares, purchased by W.LEE from PITT and H.SEPHTON.

No.5 – 4 morgen 486 square roods, with one share, purchased by W.LEE from Richard PRIOR.

No.11 – 440 roods with one share, purchased by W.LEE from Thos.EVANS

No.15 – 4 morgen 174 roods with three shares, purchased by W.LEE from C.WEBB, C.WOOD and H.SEPHTON.

No. 16 – 5 morgen 42 roods with three shares, purchased from Thos.NORTON, Robt.PITT and D.ROBERTS.

Thos.KING Sen, 6 morgen 573 roods, being Lot No.2 surveyed for the said KING, with three shares in commonage, one in his own right and two purchased from W.H. MATTHEWS and W. HAZEL.

Thomas Francis KING, 2 morgen 111 square roods, being Lot No.3 surveyed for the said KING, with one share in commonage, purchased from Thos.CROFT. Also 7 morgen and 253 square roods, being Lot No.3, surveyed for the said KING, with three shares in commonage purchased from S. RUDMAN, Thos. SLATER and Wm. MUIR.

William MILLER, 11 morgen and 60 square roods, being Lots No.6 and 9, surveyed for the said MILLER, with four shares in commonage, one held in his own right and three purchased from C.SLATER, John PAINE and Wm.MUIR.

John TALBOT, 10 morgen 500 roods, being Lot No.25, surveyed for the said TALBOT, with four shares in commonage, two in his own right and that of his son, and two from REES and RAYNER.

Richard PAINTER, 8 morgen, being Lot No. 27, surveyed for the said PAINTER, with four shares in commonage, purchased from William LEE, who purchased from H.SEPHTON.

The present and future proprietors of locations in the Riet Fontein party, 1921 morgen and 145 roods, as common pasture land in the several shares to be mentioned in the title deeds of the said locations or homesteads respectively.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In MOUNCEY's Party

1st Joseph HEWSON, 88 morgen, being the portion surveyed for him.

2nd Joseph HEWSON, 88 morgen, being the portion surveyed for William TAYLOR and by him ceded to the said Joseph HEWSON

3rd Charles MOUNCEY, 344 morgen, being the portion surveyed for him

4th Lydia SOUTH, 118 morgen, being the portion surveyed for the late William SOUTH, who bequeathed the whole of his property to his wife the said Lydia SOUTH, by will dated 27th December 1828.

5th Thomas William HEWSON, 166 morgen, being the portion surveyed for him, being the shares of George CARR and Thomas CARR, who sold to William OWEN, who sold to the said Thomas William HEWSON.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned title deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in MOUNCEY's party, viz:

The grant made on quitrent to Mr. Charles MOUNCEY, dated the 20th November 1823, of 602 morgen and 52 square roods of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted to Mr. Charles MOUNCEY and party of Settlers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In the Nottingham Party

Thomas TIMM, Lot No.1 – 96 morgen, being the share of the said TIMM

Benjamin KEETEN, Lot No.2 – 96 morgen, being the share of the said KEETON

Joseph RADFORD, Lot No.3 – 96 morgen, surveyed for said RADFORD, being the share of Thomas GOULDING, who sold to said RADFORD

Richard BRADFIELD, Lot No.5 – 96 morgen, surveyed fro Thomas BRADFIELD, being the share of George BROWN, who sold to Thomas BRADFIELD, who sold to Richard BRADFIELD.

Frederick WOODS, Lot No.6 – 96 morgen, surveyed for George PALMER, being his original share sold to said WOODS

Richard BRADFIELD, Lot No.4 – 96 morgen, surveyed for him being the share of Joseph BRADFIELD, sold to said Richard BRADFIELD

Richard and Joseph BRADFIELD, Lot No.7 – 96 morgen, surveyed for the late John BRADFIELD senior, being the share of the said John BRADFIELD, the father of the present claimants, who appear to have purchased the claims of the other surviving members of the family to the said land.

Joseph BRADFIELD, Lot No.8 – 96 morgen, surveyed for him, being the share of John MORRIS, sold to the said Joseph BRADFIELD

Thomas SHONE, Lot No.10 – 96 morgen, surveyed for him, being the share of Henry SHEPHERD, who sold to Thurston WHITTLE, who sold to said SHONE.

Thomas PIKE, Lot No.11, 96 morgen, surveyed for Joseph WEAKLEY, being the share of Joseph RADFORD, who sold to Joseph WEAKLEY, who sold to Thomas PIKE.

Thomas HARTLEY junior, Lot No.12 – 96 morgen surveyed for Thomas HARTLEY senior, being the original share of T.HARTLEY sen., who ceded it to T.HARTLEY jun.

Thomas HARTLEY junior, Lot No.13 – 96 morgen, being the share allotted to the said HARTLEY

Richard and Joseph BRADFIELD, Lot No. 14 – 96 morgen, allotted to and surveyed for John BRADFIELD junior, who sold to said Richard and Joseph BRADFIELD.

Joseph BRADFIELD, Lot No.15 – 96 morgen , being the share allotted to and surveyed for Edmund BRADFIELD, who sold to said Joseph BRADFIELD

Richard BRADFIELD two thirds and Joseph BRADFIELD one third of Lot No.16 – 96 morgen allotted to and surveyed for Francis ALLISON, who sold to John and Edmund BRADFIELD, who sold to Richard and Joseph BRADFIELD.

The Proprietors of Land in Nottingham Party, Lot No. 17 – 12 morgen and 892 square roods, being the lot reserved as a market place.

The Methodist Wesleyan Conference, Lot No.18 – 3 morgen 488 roods, being the Chapel ground given by the party to the said Conference.

Joseph BRADFIELD, Lot No.19 – 96 morgen allotted to and surveyed for George HODGKINSON, who sold to Joseph BRADFIELD.

George GOULDING, Lot No.20 – 144 morgen, surveyed for him, being the share of the said GOULDING and George MUGGLESTONE

The Estate of the late William PIKE, Lot No.21 – 96 morgen being the share allotted to and surveyed for him

The Estate of the late William PIKE, Lot No.22 – 144 morgen, surveyed for him, being the share of W. WRIGHT and the half share of George MUGGLESTONE, sold to GOULDING by the said WRIGHT and MUGGLESTONE respectively.

Note: An agreement of sale dated March 8th 1827 between WRIGHT and PIKE reserves to WRIGHT the portion of Land between Bathurst Township and DEDNAM's farm, but this cannot refer to any portion of the above 144 morgen.

George BAGER, Lot No.23 – 96 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for the said BAGER

Thomas PIKE, Lot No.24 – 96 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for Joseph WRIGHT, who sold to the said Thomas PIKE

Thomas TARR, Lot No.25 - 96 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for the said TARR

Samuel JACKSON, Lot No.26 - 96 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for the said JACKSON

Richard HULLEY, Lot No.28 – 96 morgen, surveyed for him, being the share of George DENNISON, who sold to Thomas WEBSTER, who sold to Richard SIMPSON, who sold to said HULLEY

The Estate of the late Peter VALENTINE, Lot No.29 – 96 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for the said VALENTINE

Edward TIMM, Lot No.30 – 66 morgen, surveyed for him, being a portion of the share of Henry FOULDS, who sold the whole share to Isaac DEDNAM, who sold the said 66 morgen to Edward TIMM

Edward TIMM, Lot No.31 – 96 morgen, allotted to and surveyed for Thomas NELSON, who sold to Edward TIMM

William ELLIOTT, Lot No.32 - 96 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for the said ELLIOTT

Mark ELLIOTT, Lot No.33 - 96 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for the said ELLIOTT

Jeremiah GOLDSWAIN, Lot No.35 - 96 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for William HARTLEY, who sold to said GOLDSWAIN

Jeremiah GOLDSWAIN, Lot No.36 – 192 morgen, surveyed for William PIKE junior, being the shares of Thomas PIKE and George SANSOM, who both sold to William PIKE, who sold to said GOLDSWAIN.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned title deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in the Nottingham party, viz:

1st The grant made on quitrent to Captain Charles TRAPPES, dated 9th October 1821, of 1237 morgen and 330 square roods of Land in the District of Albany.

2nd A portion of the grant made on quitrent to the Rev.J.Thomas BECHER and Edward Smith GODFREY Esq of the County of Nottinghamshire in trust for the subscribers at large, of 2768 morgen and 282 square roods of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted to the late Mr.CALTON's (or Nottingham) party of Settlers, of which 356 morgen and 112 square roods have been deducted and transferred to the proprietors of HAYHURST's party under Ordnance No.97 on the 4th June 1844. Leaving the remainder, viz. 2412 morgen and 170 square roods to be now cancelled and included in the subdivisions of the Nottingham party.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:


William MOUNTFORT, Lot 2 A 77 morgen, being the location, and Lot No.2 B 117 morgen, being the extension allotted to the said William MOUNTFORT

Daniel VENEBLES, Lot No.3 A 155 morgen, being two locations and No.3 B 234 morgen, being tow extensions surveyed for him; one of each allotted to him, and one to the late Charles BREEZE, who sold to the said VENEBLES.

The Estate of the late William CALVERY, Lot No.4 A 28 morgen, surveyed for him, being a portion of the location of Josh. SCOTT, who sold to James CANNON, who sold to said CALVERLY.

William CROUT, Lot Nos. 5 A 56 morgen, being a portion of the location of Joseph SCOTT, who sold to CANNON, who sold to WEBB, who sold to Rich. BOUCHER, for whom it was sold to John VENABLES, who sold to the said CROUT.

William COCKCROFT, Lot No.6 B 117 morgen, being the extension allotted to the late Abraham ROBINSON, and surveyed for him, who sold to Jn.MANLEY, who sold to John VENABLES, who sold to said COCKCROFT.

Benjamin KEETON, Lot No.7 A 72 morgen, being the location, and 7 B 117 morgen, being the extension of Samuel LIVERSAGE, who sold to James CANNON, who sold to Mrs.Hannah FORD, who married the said KEETON, for whom the land was surveyed.

Note: Mr. P.W. LUCAS has filed Claim No. 463, as Executor to the Estate of the late William FORD, claiming the above Land, but the sale by CANNON appears to have been made to Mrs. Hannah FORD.

The Estate of the late George PRICE, Lot No.8 B 117 morgen, being the extension allotted to Joseph SCOTT, who sold to James CANNON, who sold to Rich. WEBB, who sold to Rich. BOUCHER, for whom it was surveyed, and who sold to the said PRICE.

The Estate of the late Thomas MANLEY, 9 B 750 morgen, surveyed for him

The Estate of the late William FORD, 10 B 666 morgen, allotted to him, and surveyed for Benjamin KEETON

Richard FORRESTER, 1 morgen and 40 square roods, surveyed as the Homestead of Richd. WEBB; Joseph SCOTT sold to James CANNON, who sold to Richd. WEBB, who sold to Richard FORRESTER

The Estate of the late William CALVERLY, 2 morgens and 393 square roods, surveyed as his Homestead, and purchased by him from M. LIVERSAGE

John FORRESTER, 360 square roods, bought by him from John STANLEY, for whom it was surveyed, and who purchased from the late Charles BREEZE

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in LIVERSAGE's party, namely:

The grant made on Quitrent to Mr. Samuel LIVERSAGE, dated 23 January 1824, and 624 morgen and 423 square roods of Land in The District of Albany, being the extent allotted to Mr.Samuel LIVERSAGE and Party of Settlers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In SOUTHEY's Party

Thomas INGRAM, Lot Nos. 2 and 4 – 160 morgen 234 square roods, surveyed for James THOMAS, being his original share and that of Thomas STYLES, who sold to said THOMAS, whose widow sold to the said INGRAM.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in SOUTHEY's party, viz:

The grant made on quitrent to Mr. George SOUTHEY, dated 20th November 1823, of 700 morgen and 146 square roods of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted for the location of Mr. George SOUTHEY and his party of Settlers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In FORD's Party

The Estate of the late Miles BOWKER, Lot No.1 – 345 morgen without any share in the common land, being the original shares of Richard CROUCH, Elisha PAINE and James DICKS (the second), who sold to the said BOWKER.

James JENNINGS, Lot No.2 – 37 morgen and 220 square roods, surveyed for Miles BOWKER with one share in the common land of the party, allotted to the widow of the late James JENNINGS and her son the present claimant, to whom the said widow's share has been ceded.

Note: The sale to Miles BOWKER has not been proved.

The Estate of the late James DICKS (the first), Lot No.3 – 16 morgen, being the homestead surveyed for Eliza DICKS, with one share in the commonage, being the location of the said DICKS.

Note: This land was bequeathed to Eliza DICKS, with reversion to her brother at her death.

Joseph DICKS, Lot No.5 – 78 morgen with one share in the commonage, allotted to and surveyed for him

Robert MILES, Lot No.7 – 26 morgen 170 square roods with one share in the commonage, allotted to and surveyed for him

To the present and future proprietors of homesteads, FORD's party to whom shares in the common land may be granted, 619 morgen and 580 square roods as commonage, being the extent surveyed as the common land of the party between the Lynedoch and George Rivers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in FORD's party, viz:

The grant made on quitrent to Mr. Edward FORD, dated 20 November 1823, of 1154 morgen of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted for the location of Mr. Edward FORD and his party of Settlers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In HYMAN's Party

The Estate of the late John HOLT, Lot No.1 – 976 morgen, surveyed for him, and said to have been purchased from William TROLLIP

Samuel HAYWARD, Lot No.2 – 96 morgen, being the extent surveyed for him, exchanged with or purchased from DEDNAM

William BARTLETT, Lots No.3,5 and 6, in extent 309 morgen, being first the homestead and extension of Charles HYMAN, who sold to William TROLLIP, who sold to John HOLT, who sold to John HAYWARD, who sold to said BARTLETT; second, share of William NEAT, who sold to John KING, who sold to John MANDY, who sold to said BARTLETT, and third, John TROLLIP's share, sold to said BARTLETT

Joseph WEAKLEY, Lot No.4 – 618 morgen, surveyed for him, supposed to be his own share, and the extensions of other Settlers, except BARTLETT and John HAYWARD

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in HYMAN's party, viz:

The grant made on quitrent to Mr. Charles HYMAN, dated 20th November 1823, of 1353 morgen of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted to Mr. Charles HYMAN and party of Settlers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:


Joshua DAVIES, Lot No.4 – 24 morgen, being the original share of Henry KING, who exchanged with Samuel BENNETT, who sold to Thomas BRENT, who sold to William HUNT, who sold to Mrs. WHITTLE, who sold to said DAVIES

Estate of the late Thomas BRENT, Lot No.4 – 24 morgen, being the homestead allotted to and surveyed for the said BRENT and supposed to include with its rights on the commonage certain land purchased from John GITTINGS, who purchased from Samuel Harper BRADSHAW, who acquired it from certain eight Settlers, who agreed to give up to him 15 acres of each of their shares.

John EDKINS junior, Lot No.5 – 27 morgen and 50 square roods, being the original homestead of Samuel BENNETT, who exchanged with Henry KING, who sold to James POWELL for whom it was surveyed, and who sold to John EDKINS senior, who ceded it to said John EDKINS junior.

Samuel BIRT, Lot No.6 – 27 morgen, being the homestead allotted to and surveyed for him

William NEWTH, Lot No.7 – 18 morgen and 45 roods, being the portion surveyed for him, as the remaining extent of his original share.

Richard FORRESTER, Lot No.8 – 29 morgen, being the extent allotted to and surveyed for Thomas BAKER, who sold to Thomas INGRAM, who sold to Patrick McCORMACK, who sold to the said FORRESTER.

Isaac WIGGLE, Lot No.9 – 29 morgen, being the extent allotted to and surveyed for the said WIGGLE, and supposed to have attached thereto the share in commonage of Henry KING, who exchanged with Samuel BENNETT, who sold to Thomas BRENT, who sold to William HUNT, who sold to Mrs. WHITTLE, who sold to Joshua DAVIES, who sold to the said WIGGLE

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in BRADSHAW's party, viz:

The grant on quitrent to Mr. Samuel BRADSHAW, dated 20th November 1823, of 993 morgen and 286 square roods of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted to Mr. Samuel BRADSHAW and his party of Settlers.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In SCANLAN's Party

Percival FREYNE, Lot No.1 – 810 morgen surveyed for him, being his own share and that of James JOHNSTONE, whose widow he married in community of property.

The estate of the late Alexander FORBES, Lot No.2 – 422 morgen, allotted to and surveyed for him

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in SCANLAN's party, viz:

The grant on quitrent to Mr. William SCANLAN, dated 20th November 1823, of 960 morgen of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted for the location of Mr. William SCANLAN and his party of Settlers

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:


Richard BOWLES, Lot No.3 – 371 morgen, being the extent allotted to and surveyed for him

Henry AMOS, Lot No.5 - 10¾ morgen, being the share of MENZIES, whose widow married Benjamin PATRICK, who sold to the said AMOS.

William MARSH, Lot No.6 – 371 morgen, being the share allotted to and surveyed for him

Charles WEBBER, Lot No.8 – 250 morgen, being the share allotted to John GREEN, who sold to John MASKELL for whom it was surveyed, and who sold to LEECH, who sold to the said WEBBER.

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in MENZIES or SWEETMAN's party, viz:

The grant on quitrent to Mr. Thomas SWEETMAN, dated 15 December 1826, of 2344 morgen of land in the District of Albany, being the location and extension thereto allotted to Mr. T. SWEETMAN and his party of Settlers

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In MORGAN's Party

The estate of the late Thomas MILLER, No.1 – 237 morgen, being the location and extension of W. FLODGATE, who sold to Henry HALSE, who sold to the said MILLER, for whom it was surveyed.

The estate of the late Thomas MILLER, 133 morgen and 429 roods of Lot No.2, between the two branches of the Kowie River, being a part of the location and the whole of the extension allotted to and surveyed for William THOMAS, sold by his trustees to the said MILLER.

The estate of the late Mrs. William THOMAS, 52 morgen and 171 roods of Lot No.2, being the remaining extent thereof, allotted to and surveyed for the said THOMAS and also the Village, Lot No. 7 10 morgen and No.12 4 morgen and 525 square roods, both allotted to and surveyed for the said THOMAS.

Thomas FRANCIS, Lot No.3 186 morgen and Village Lot No.15, 6 morgen and 460 roods, both surveyed for George PHILLIPS

George CLARK, Lot No.5, 172 morgen and Village Lot Nos.11, 22 morgen 530 roods and No.13, 3 morgen, all surveyed for Charles KESTELL, and sold to the said CLARK, on account of the insolvent state of the said KESTELL.

The three daughters of James THOMAS, Lot No.6, 110 morgen, being the extension of said THOMAS, and the Lot No.9, 75 morgen, surveyed for James THOMAS, also the Village Lot No.17, 3 morgen and 406 roods, surveyed for David ROES

George CLARK, the Village Lot No.6, 26 morgen and 504 roods, surveyed for John TARR jun, who sold to Chas. KESTELL, and whose Insolvent Estate it was sold to the said Geo. CLARK.

Thomas FRANCIS, Lot No.7, 110 morgen, and Lot No.10, 76 morgen, both surveyed for James LANCE, who purchased from Thos. Henry HALSE, sold to the said FRANCIS

George CLARK, Village Lot No.9 - 17 morgen, allotted to James THOMAS, who sold to David ROES, who is supposed to have sold to John BLAKEMORE, who sold to Thomas FRANCIS, for whom it was surveyed, and who sold to Chas. KESTELL, in whose insolvent estate it was sold to said CLARK.

The estate of the late Thomas MILLER, Village Lot No.10 – 10 morgen, surveyed for Geo. PHILLIPS

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in MORGAN's party, viz:

The grant on quitrent to Mr. Nathaniel MORGAN, dated 23 January 1824, of 628morgen and 450 square roods of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted to Mr. Nathaniel MORGAN and his party of Settlers

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have recommended the following parties as the persons entitled to receive grants of the subdivisions undermentioned, respectively, viz:

In HOWARD's Party

The estate of the late Edward HEALY, Lot No.1 – 100 morgen, being the extension surveyed for him

John NILAND, Lot No.2 – 630 morgen, surveyed for him, said to be his own share, and land bought from FELTON, Will HOWARD and S. CADLE.

James Harper, Lot No.4 – 133 morgen surveyed for Henry HARPER, said to be the share of the said Henry HARPER and a portion bought from W. HOWARD.

William and Robert BEST, Lot No.7 – 141 morgen, being the location and extension of John VAUGHAN, who sold to David ROES, who sold to John BLAKEMORE, for whom it was surveyed, and who it is said sold to Mrs. GODFREY, who sold to John ARMSTRONG, out of whose estate it was sold to Benjamin NORDEN, who sold to David ROES, who on the 17th June 1840 sold to the said William and Robert BEST.

Note: The above land appears also to be claimed by Thomas FRANCIS Jr. on a certificate of sale to him by David ROES, dated 2nd March 1837, but no purchase money appears to have been paid.

Mary HEALY, Lot No.8 – 225 morgen, surveyed for John POULTON as an extension, and sold by him to the said Mary HEALY

John NILAND, Lot No.9 – 92 morgen, surveyed for him, purchased from Andrew CONWAY, who purchased from MEHRTENS and Sarah THOMAS, the widow of the late John CADLE.

James HARPER, Lots No.10 and 11 – 130 morgen, being the share of the late Giles WILLAN, one half surveyed for him and sold by his widow to John ARMSTRONG, who sold to the said HARPER; the other half sold to and surveyed for Patrick GARVEY, who sold to John ARMSTRONG, who sold to the said HARPER

The estate of the late Edward HEALY, Lot No. 12 – 28 morgen and 339 square roods, being his location surveyed for him.

The estate of the late Edward HEALY, Lot No. 13, 266 morgen, being the location and extension of William TARR, whose widow sold to the said HEALY.

Mary HEALY, Lot No.14 – 51 morgen and 372 square roods, being the location surveyed for John POULTON, sold to the said Mary HEALY.

Thomas PAYNE Jr., Lot No. 15 – 94 morgen and 118 roods, called Blakemore Springs, surveyed for David ROES, having been allotted to William HOWARD, who sold to John BLAKEMORE, who sold to David ROES, who sold to the said PAYNE.

James HARPER, Village Lot No.2 – 31 morgen 576 roods, surveyed for Henry HARPER, one half of his own right and the other half purchased from William HOWARD.

The widow of the late William TARR, Village Lot No.3 – 27 morgen, surveyed for her, containing the share of the said TARR, one share of FELTON, who sold to D.ROES who sold to MELEY, who sold to the said TARR; who sold to WATTS who sold to MELEY, who sold to the said TARR, and supposed also to contain a third share exchanged with POULTON.

James HARPER, Village Lots Nos. 4 and 5 – 12 morgen 252 roods, being the share of Giles WILLAN, one half viz Lot No.4 sold to and surveyed for Patrick GARVEY, who sold to John ARMSTRONG, and the other half viz Lot No.5 surveyed for his widow Rachel WILLAN, who sold to said John ARMSTRONG, in whose estate both were sold to the said James HARPER.

James HARPER, Village Lot No. 6 – 13 morgen, allotted to and surveyed for Thomas BAINBRIDGE, who is said to have pledged it for debt to Thomas NELSON, who sold it to John BLAKEMORE, who sold it to John ARMSTRONG, in whose estate it was sold to the said HARPER.

James HARPER, Village Lot No.7 - 10½ morgen, being the original homestead of John NILAND, who exchanged with William LEATHERN, for whom it was surveyed, and who sold to John BLAKEMORE, who sold it to Tobias THARRAT, in whose insolvent estate it was sold to the said HARPER.

James HARPER, Village Lot No.8 – 12 morgen and 225 square roods, being the original homestead of Edward HEALY, who sold it to Tobias THARRAT, in whose insolvent estate it was sold to the said HARPER.

Mary HEALY, Village Lot No.9 – 29 morgen 300 square roods, being the share of George HEATH, who sold to John POULTON, for whom it was surveyed and who sold to the said Mary HEALY.

John NILAND, Village Lot No.10 – 4 morgen 190 square roods, surveyed for him, being certain small portions purchased by him from LEATHERN, HEALY and ROES

Susanna TARR, Village Lot No.11 – 4 morgen 490 roods, surveyed for John POULTON, who sold to BLAKEMORE, who ceded to the said Susanna TARR

And whereas the said Board of Commissioners for Lands have reported that it is necessary to cancel the undermentioned Title Deed by reason of portions thereof being included in the aforesaid subdivisions in HOWARD's party, viz:

The grant on quitrent to Mr. William HOWARD, dated 20 November 1823, of 804 morgen and 376 square roods of land in the District of Albany, being the extent allotted to Mr. William HOWARD and his party of Settlers.

And whereas notices showing cause against the Government Notice of the 29th August 1844, respecting unclaimed sub-divisions in WILSON's Party, so far as the said notice relates to the sub-divisions numbered 3rd and 4th, namely by William STANTON against No.3 and by the Master of the Supreme Court, and by W.CURRIE as agent for F. PHILLIPS, executor to the estate of the late Walter CURRIE, against No.4. And whereas the said notices have been referred to the Board of Commissioners for Lands, who have been thereby enabled to recommend the issue of title deeds of the said sub-divisions to the following parties respectively, viz:

In WILSON's Party

15th William STANTON Sen., 112 morgen and 118 square roods, apparently the original share of TAYLOR and COLLIS, allotted to HORNE, who is said to have sold to COLLIS, who sold to STANTON, for whom it was surveyed as appears by notice lodged by the said STANTON against the 3rd section of the Government Notice dated 29th August 1844.

16th The estate of the late William BOARDMAN (under the administration of the late Orphan Chamber) 224 morgen 256 square roods, being the original two shares of two WALKERs, one MALBY and one GRIGS, allotted to WALKER senior and junior, but in BOARDMAN's possession at his decease, sold on account of his estate on the 16th September 1825 to the late Walter CURRIE, for whom it was surveyed, but by whom the 2nd and 3rd instalments of the purchase money have not been paid, as appears by notice of the Master of the Supreme Court against the 4th section of the Government Notice dated 29th August 1844.

Now therefore by virtue of the powers invested in me as aforesaid O do hereby proclaim and make known that unless objections be duly lodged as aforesaid, the sub-divisions herein before mentioned will be granted in the manner recommended by the said Board of Commissioners for Lands.

And whereas it is enacted by the said Ordnance No.15 1844, bearing date the 28th day of August, that in case any such objections as aforesaid be lodged as aforesaid, the said objections shall be referred to the Board of Commissioners for Lands for investigation, and should the said Board deem it necessary in any case to amend their previous recommendation, a further publication of six weeks by proclamation, in manner aforesaid, of such amended recommendations shall be necessary before it shall be lawful for the said Government to direct that ant title deed or title deeds shall, in conformity with such amended recommendation, be cancelled, or be issued, as the case may be: Provided, that if no objection be lodged within the period of six weeks to any such amended recommendation, it shall be lawful for the said Governor to direct the certain title deed or title deeds referred to in such amended recommendation to be cancelled or issued as the case may be, in conformity therewith.

And whereas the following objections have been lodged against the recommendation of the Board of commissioners for Lands as published by proclamation on the 29th August 1844 and have been referred to the Board, Viz:

1st By Anne HULLEY against No.4 in CAWOOD's Party, Caffre Drift, in favour of Samuel CAWOOD, 694 morgen.

2nd By the Master of the Supreme Court against No.3 in WILSON's Party, in favour of Alexander BISSET, 560 morgen and 590 roods

And whereas the Board of Commissioners for Lands have deemed it necessary to amend their previous recommendation in these cases, as follows, viz:

In CAWOOD's Party

4th Richard HULLEY, 694 morgen, being the two shares surveyed respectively for STEPHEN GRADWELL and Robert FOXCROFT, who both sold to Richard KILBRECK, who sold to Samuel CAWOOD, who sold to Richard HULLEY, as appears by claim 223 D A Albany, and objection lodged by Ann HULLEY in terms of section 2D of Ordinance No.15 1844. This claim is subject, however, in common with the rest of CAWOODS's Party, to a general objection lodged by Richard HAYHURST.


3rd To Alexander BISSET, 336 morgen and 354 square roods, being two original shares of CURRIE, allotted to EARLE, who sold to said BISSET, and two original shares of CURRIE and two of BISSET; and to the estate of the late William BOARDMAN (under the administration of the late Orphan Chamber) 224 morgen and 236 square roods, being the original share of COLLIS, two shares of BOARDMAN and one of PALMER, allotted to the said BOARDMAN, making together 560 morgen and 590 roods, surveyed for the said Alexander BISSET.

Now therefore by virtue of the powers invested in me as aforesaid I do hereby proclaim and make known that unless objections be lodged as aforesaid the said sub-divisions No.4 in CAWOOD's Party and No.5 in WILSON's Party will be issued in conformity with the amended recommendations of the Board of Commissioners for Lands.


Given under my Hand and the Public Seal of the Settlement at Cape Town this 6th day of March 1845


By command of his Excellency the Governor


6th March 1845

Whereas an objection has been lodged in writing by Richard HAYHURST at the Office of the Secretary to the Government in Cape Town, in terms of the Ordinance No.15 1844, bearing the date the 28th day of August, and entitled “An Ordinance to provide for the enregisterment in the Land Register of the Colony of certain Sub-divisions of the Locations and Extensions of the Settlers of 1820” against the issue of titles to the several sub-divisions in CAWOOD's Party, as recommended by the Board of Commissioners for Lands, and published by Proclamation dated the 29th August 1844 – and whereas the said objection has been referred to said Board, and whereas the said Board have reported to His Excellency the Governor that they do not see cause to amend their previous recommendation, viz: that the following parties are the persons entitled to receive grants of the sub-divisions undermentioned respectively, viz:

In CAWOOD's Party, Kaffir Drift

1st Robert KILBRECK, 347 morgen, being the share surveyed for William GRADWELL, who sold to the said Robert KILBRECK, as appears by claim No.220 D. A. Albany.

2nd Robert KILBRECK, 847 morgen, being the share surveyed for the said R. KILBRECK, as appears by claim No.224 D.A. Albany

3rd William CAWOOD, 347 morgen, being the share surveyed for him, as appears by claim No.222 D. A. Albany

4th Samuel CAWOOD, 694 morgen, being the two shares surveyed respectively for Stephen GRADWELL and Robert FOXCROFT, who both sold to Robert KILBRECK, who sold to the said Samuel CAWOOD, as appears by claim No.223 D. A. Albany

5th John CAWOOD, 369 morgen, being the share surveyed for him, as appears by claim No.263 D. A. Albany

Except in so far as regards the sub-division 4th, in which case, on the objection of Ann HULLEY, and not the objection lodged by Richard HAYHURST, they have amended their previous report, and have recommended Richard HULLEY as the person entitled to receive the grant instead of Samuel CAWOOD.

It is hereby notified and declared that the Title Deeds of the said sub-divisions will be issued in the manner recommended by the Board of Commissioners of Lands unless such issue shall be restrained by the Interdict of some competent Court or Judge, to be duly sued out, within three months of the date of this notice, and lodged, or a copy thereof lodged, in the Office of the Secretary to Government in Cape Town within the time prescribed in the 5th section of the said Ordinance No.15 1844.

By His Excellency's Command


Secretary to Government

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