CHUBB, James re Joseph TURPIN, 1820
National Archives, Kew, CO48/52, 132
Jan 6th 1820
My Lord,
I most humbly beg leave to commend to your Lordship the Bearer, Joseph TURPIN, my Son in Law, who is going out as a Settler to the Cape of Good Hope, and is to sail with his wife in the Aurora. He is the writer of this, and has held a Situation as Teacher, in a very respectable Academy in Hackney for five years. As there are 141 children in the Party he belongs to, and no other Schoolmaster among them, they will of course want Education, should it meet your Lordship's approbation to grant him a Salary, or out of your wonted goodness, to recommend him to the Governor of the Colony. Your Lordship will confer an additional obligation on myself and Friends.
I am, my Lord,
Your Lordship's most humble and dutiful Servant
Late permit Examiner in the Excise office, near Forty years employed by the Hon'ble Board,
now Superannuated.
P.S. These Papers are enclosed that Earl BATHURST may recollect the Favors he has done me.
[Note on reverse]
Lord B cannot offer him a Salary or further situation as Schoolmaster but has no objection to his undertaking the Education of children as a means of procuring a livlyhood
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