GRIGGS, William (brother of John GRIGGS),1835
National Archives, Kew CO48/164, 111
9 Cambridge Road
Mile End
[date obscured] 1835
My Lord,
His majesty's Government did me the honor of instituting an inquiry in South Africa respecting a Brother of mine, John GRIGGS, who went out as a Free Settler to Algoa Bay with WILSON's Party, and have transmitted to me the result of such inquiry stating that he is alive and where he is resident and for such consideration I am truly grateful, since the receipt of which I have rec'd a letter from my Brother and he is desirous on account of his distressed situation of returning to England. Now My Lord as I am bound by the ties of affection to return an answer to his request I wish to know whether a letter or letters not exceeding four ounces would be conveyed free of expence through the Colonial Office to him sealed or unsealed and as he has been unfortunate in his emigrating and lost his all whether His Majesty's Government would condescend to [convey] him to this Country at their expence.
Grateful for favors rec'd
I beg to subscribe myself My Lord
Your Lordship's very humble servant
William GRIGGS
- Hits: 4972