HART, Samuel Hood, 1830
National Archives, Kew, CO48/137, 296
Near Bridport, Dorset
Feb'y 13 1830
Hon'd Sir,
I have a Father, Wm. HART, in Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, and he wishes much to have me with him but he cannot raise money sufficient to pay for a passage for me, and I wish much and am very desirous of being with my Father, but I have no Friend that can pay for a passage. And I have to beg that your Lordship would get a free passage for me and if I am granted the passage free you'll have the kindness to inform me of the time and place, when and where I am to Embark a what will be nesesary for me to be provided with in a plain way previous to my leaving here. Your presenting this my request before the Honourable Commissioners of the Office will be ever greatfully remembered.
By Your Honour's most Obed't and ever Humble Servant
Sam'l Hood HART
PS. You'll please to answer this as soon as convenient.
- Hits: 4988