PEDDER, George Murray, 1826
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 297
Post Office
Table Bay
Feb 10 1826
My Lord,
In pointing out to your Lordship my peculiar distressing situation I hope not to be deemed presumptuous.
In the year 1818 I arrived in this Colony and established a Whale Fishery, embarking a capital of five thousand pounds sterling, all that I had hardly gained during the war, the whole of which property with my eldest son was destroyed by fire, done intentionally by the hands of two slaves. This event left me with a wife and four very young children in a perfect state of destitution, my half pay being involved in my misfortunes. The anxious feeling which has continued to mark the Government of this Colony that the afflicted and unfortunate may share its protection prompted me to solicit His Excellency Lord Charles SOMERSET's patronage for the appointment of deputy Port Captain. My destitute circumstances joined to my being so old an officer [that] the conviction His Lordship felt of its being necessary for the general good of the shipping interest of this Colony to place an experienced & active officer in the situation were reasons that induced His Excellency to honor me with the appointment.
I beg leave to sate I was from the year 1799 until the peace in active service afloat and had the honor of serving under the lamented Lord NELSON in the action of the 2nd April 1801 & in the action with the enemy on the coast of France under the orders of Sir Sidney {SMITH] afterwards with Captain Peter RAINER in culling out the Dutch frigate (Maria Regensberger) afterwards HMS [Java?] In the action Capt P. RAINER honored me by public mention of my name in the official dispatches to the Admiralty. My misfortunes from fire have destroyed the means I had of reference except the two enclosed certificates. I can however with confidence refer your Lordship to Sir J. BRENTON Bart, who will not only confirm my assertions but satisfy your Lordship as to my competency to fill my present station, with justice to the public.
His Excellency has been pleased to say he will honor me with a letter of recommendation to your Lordship. I beg leave to state the different ships I have served on .
Station |
Ships |
Commanders |
Channel |
Achille |
Capt. G. MURRAY |
North Sea |
Edgar |
Do |
Channel |
London |
Do |
North Sea & Mediterranean |
Penelope |
India |
Blenheim |
Rear Admiral Sir Thomas STRAWBRIDGE |
India & China Seas |
Caroline |
Peter RAINER |
North Sea |
Ganges |
Mediterranean |
Argo |
Cape of Good Hope & America |
Niemen |
Sl. PYMM |
I humbly hope your Lordship may be pleased to take into consideration my long service and to confirm my present appointment.
I have the honor to remain
Your Lordship's obedient servant
Lieut.R.N. G.M. PEDDER
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 301
This is to certify that Lieut. George Murray PEDDER served during the war in four different ships under the same commander as myself and that he was considered a zealous and attentive officer and a good seaman and I have reason to believe he is well qualified to fill any situation where nautical skill is required.
Given under my hand on board HMS Martin, Simon's Bay
January 31st 1826
Thomas WILSON Captain
National Archives, Kew, CO48/86, 302
This is to certify that Lieut. G.M. PEDDER has served as Lieutenant in His Majesty's ships since 1807 and has to my knowledge been considered a worthy and deserving officer, and must from the situations he has held be perfectly competent to undertake any employment where nautical knowledge is required.
Given under my hand in ?? Bay this 28th day of January 1826
[illegible signature]
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