SMITH, John (WILLSON's Party), 1820
National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 324
Le Bell Alliance
Feby 5th 1820
The man of the name of Charles BOWSHER that was going out with me has wilfully left me without any cause and I have lernt by a letter I receivd in the Downs he has or means to go and apply to your office for a passage in the Brilliant and say he lost his passage by mistaking the time the ship was said to sail and I have got another man in his stead of the name of Mathew MENS..[name unfortunately obscured in binding] which name (with your primission) shall be inserted in the list and Charles BOWSHER erased from the same as he has forfited all by runing away from the ship.
Honored Sir I have the honor to be
Your Honor's most obed't and humble servant
[Note from GOULBURN: Take care this man has not got a passage]
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