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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Correspondence 1821 to 1837.

Here only letters by known settlers or their families, or letters of great relevance to the 1820 settlers, have been transcribed, whereas ALL the 1819 correspondence was transcribed (see CO48/41 through CO48/46) whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape.

Unless otherwise stated letters were written to either the Secretary of State for the Colonies or his deputy.The original correspondence is filed in order of receipt. Here it has been placed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the writer, with letters by the same writer in chronological order, for ease of reading. Original spelling has been maintained. Reference numbers, where given, refer to printed page numbers stamped on the letters and will enable visitors to the National Archives to locate the letter more easily.

SCOTT, John, 1822

National Archives, Kew, CO48/59, 439

Bedford Arms

East Lane


8th Oct 1822

My Lord,

The humble petition of John SCOTT, a settler at the Cape of Good Hope went out in Mr. WILSONs party as a shipwright and having since obtained leave of permission from His Excellency the Governor Lord Charles SOMERSET returned to England on some private affairs, wishing to return to his wife and six children and being unable to pay his passage himself, begs his Lordship would be pleased to grant him a passage out in one of His Majesty's store ships, and your humble petitioner in duty bound will ever pray

Your Lordship's most obed't humble servant


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