National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 49
Tuesday August 3, 1819
Battersea fields Surrey Near the Duchess of York
I take the liberty of addressing myself to you, understanding you are the proper gentleman to be applied to. I wish to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope with my family which consists of nine Children, my Wife, Myself, all Healthy. I am an Engraver by profession, but have always lived in the Country, and understand Agriculture passably. I hope you will not think I brag when I say that whatever my Inclination leads to, I have always succeeded in, being a turner, blacksmith and machinist several other things to notice which (I) would be happy to show any person you would depute to examine. I am sure that I can find resources enough in my family for all we shall want, My Children being ingenious, If you will be so good, Sir, to let me know how I may to proceed and what luggage I may take, it will much oblige Sir,
Your most humble & Obedient Servant
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