National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 44
31 July 1819
London No 16 New Road
Corner of Princes Sq. St Georges East
Having seen a circular dated Downing St. July 1819, I wish to embrace the offer there made of going out to the Cape of Good Hope. The circular states that a person is to take out ten families. I am requested by ten families to write to you Humbly praying is Majestys Ministers, to send them out to the Cape of Good Hope.
Sir, I shall feel myself to lay under the greatest obligation if you will condesend to favor me with an answer where we are to wait on you. And what supplys there will be afforded.
Sir, I am not acquainted with the proper means of application. I hope your kindness will pardon me if this is not properly adress'd
I am Sir, with the greatest sense of obligation
Your very humble & obedt. Serv.
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