BROWN, John (2)
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 219/220
24 Henrietta Street
Covent Garden
London, 20 July 1819
I beg to submit myself to your notice to relating to the new settlement at the Cape of Good Hope. I am ready to deposit £100 & take ten persons agreeable to the regulations adopted by Government and shall be glad to meet your wishes in every respect. My object is to be among the first settlers who go out and besides pursuing agriculture, to establish a store on the coast for Goods from Europe as well as for the shipping of grains. I beg humbly to submit also to His Majesty's Government as Agent Factor or Correspondent should one not be already appointed for the reception of vessels persons or stores that might follow my arrival out, or in any capacity in which my knowledge & mercantile connexions might be deemed useful. I have a knowledge of the Irish Procurement Trade and Business, and generally speak the French language. 32 years of age, and unmarried I am known to some Gentlemen of the House of Commons and can offer the highest testimonials for character, responsibility etc. If this anthem of my views should meet with your consideration I shall be happy to enter more minutely into the subject .
I remain Sir,
Your most Obedient
Humble Servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 227
24 Henrietta Street
Covent Gardens
London, 22 July 1819
I have done myself the honour of addressing two letters to you and the Colonial office – one supporting a settlement in the Cape of Good Hope, the other supporting the terms upon which land could be claimed in New South Wales. Upon both subjects I feel interested. Should I not have made my enquires in a proper manner, or with sufficient authority I hope I shall be pardoned which arises from my ignorance of forms in addressing public authorities. I applied to a personal friend of mine for the honour of a personal introduction, but he has gone out of town earlier than he expected but gave me permission to use his name as an immediate influence, if necessary.
R.G. BAKER Esq, Temple a friend of your brother who would on his return to town bear testimony to what I advanced in mine of the 20th respectingcapability in the event of any trust being reposed in me. Hoping you will pardon the liberty I take, I remain
Your most Obedient Humble Servant
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