BAINBRIDGE, Thomas, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 263
July 28 1819
The following are the persons which have agreed to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope under the care of Mr. Thomas BAINBRIDGE.
Thomas BAINBRIDGE, a tailor, aged 39 years
Elizabeth BAINBRIDGE, wife, aged 36 yrs
Do. BAINBRIDGE 13 yrs, Jane BAINBRIDGE 11 years
Address: No.23 King St, Soho Square
George FELTHAM, farmer, aged 19,
No.6 Canbourn Alley
John MAIDMENT, butcher, aged 25 years
Sarah MAIDMENT, aged 24
Address; No. 23 St.Anne Court
Giles WILLEN, farmer, aged 37 years
Racheal WILLEN, aged 27 years
Children Alis WILLEN 6 years, Elizabeth WILLEN 2 years
Address: No. 3 Union Court, Union St, Middlesex Hosp.
William WILLIAMS, carpenter, aged near 50 years
Address: No. 3 Middle St, Cloth Fair
Luke BRADSHAW, carpenter, aged 41 years
Daughter Mary Ann BRADSHAW, aged 16 years
Address: No.57 Compton St, Clerkenwell
John NORRIS, carpenter & boat builder, aged 32 years
Elizabeth NORRIS, aged 27 years
Child Luezah NORRIS, aged 2 years
Address: No.18 Princess St, Drury Lane
George DOBSON, boot and shoe maker, aged 29 years
Sarah DOBSON, aged 24 years
Address: No. 33 King St, Soho Square
James BAKER, farmer, aged 27 years
Ann BAKER, aged 26 years
Children James BAKER 5 years, Sarah BAKER 2 years
Address: No.1 Terril St, Bethnell Green
William CUTCHER, painter, aged 32 years
Address: No.8 Brompton?, New Street
Wm. Newell ELLISON, aged 46 yrs
Trade a cabinet maker
And last his wife, aged 40 yrs
Of No.6 Great Earl St, Seven Dials
The abovementioned names are strong, able and most industrious men willing to work and by their own consent submitted their names to this paper for the Emigration of the Cape of Good Hope.
I remain yours &c
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 431
King Street, Soho
Tuesday afternoon, August 24th 1819
My Lord,
With compliance to the circular concerning emigration to the Cape of Good Hope we the undersigned begg leave to recommend ourselves unto His Majesty's councill.
Thos. FRANCIS occupation taylor, No.19 Kings Row Pimlico, 3 children under 14, wife (27), man's age 30 years,
John HARPER, taylor, Leicester Court, Leicester Fields, four children under 14 years, wife age 25 years, man's age 38 years,
William GOOD, farmer, No. 7 Vine Street Spittlefields, 3 children under 14 years, wife age 26, man's age 27 years,
Stuart GIBSON, taylor, No. 103 Wardour Street Soho, wife's age 19, man's age 22,
James SOUGHTON, builder carpenter, No.4 White Lion Court, White Lion Street, Seven Dials, 3 children under fourteen years, wife age 34 years, man's age 33 years,
Stephen APPLEFORD, carpenter, No. 1 Greavie Court, Knightsbridge, 3 children under 14 years, wife age 36 years, man's age 38 years
William SLADE, farmer, No. 5 St.Georges Place wood, Westminster, 4 children under 14 years, wife aged 34, man's age 37 years,
Hugh THOMSON, taylor, No.24 King Street, wife age 34 years, man's age 39 years, 6 children under fourteen years.
My Lord,
The above mentioned persons is desirous of joining the number of persons whose names I have already transmitted to you on the 28th day of July 1819
My Lord I remain your Lordship's most humble and devoted servant
No. 23 King Street, Soho
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 476
Wednesday Sept 8th 1819
My Lord,
In compliance to the circular letter that appeared to the public I have already transmitted to your Lordship's inspection two lists of the names of persons wishing to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope as one party. I further begg leave to submit to your Lordship the list of a few more names of persons desirous of joining the above party making one whole party consisting of 25 heads of families.
Charles WALTON age 29, labourer at No.3 Godly? Gardens, Hammersmith
George REEVES aged 21, a turner of No.1 Bennett Street, Westminster
Thos. RENOLDS Age 28, one child under 16, wife age 20, No.11 King Street, Spittlefields
Thos. BUNDY age 29, gardener, wife 23, one child under 14, No. 21 King Street, Soho
Wm. BLOOM age 33, tile maker, wife 32, No. 6 Dean St
Rob't DICKASON age 44, 4 children under 16, a labourer, No.5 Great Garden Street, Whitechapel
Nicholas ARCHER, age 42, labourer, Little Church St.No.1
My Lord,
I also further beg leave to submit to your Lordship's inspection a copy of the articals that the said party has formed for the mutual support of each other.
Artical 1st that such one on joining his company shall deposit two shillings per week untill the time of embarkation to make one common stock to buy such necesary articals as the company shall deem fit to take with them to the Colony.
2nd that the money so collected shall be deposited in a savings bank in the company's name and three trustees or stewards shall be chosen from among themselves to see the money deposited in the bank and not to be drawn but by the voice of the company.
3 that the money so deposited is not to be drawn out but when three trustees or stewards is present and not by one alone and any member drawing back his word after joining the company shall forfeit the money he has paid into their hands unless he is rejected by Government or is stopped by illness of himself, wife or family or any unforeseen accident.
4 that such man is to work for the good of his own company before he gives his labour to another, if any man belonging to this should work for another that which he earns shall be given to the company's stock for his land to be brought forward with the rest and to increase the necessary ?? the farming stock of the company.
5 if any man belonging to this company do meet with any accident in the company's service or fall sick, the same shall be supported out of the company's stock and his land brought forward the same as when in health and such time as the three years is expired and if any man dies within the said dated time his wife and children shall be supported out of the company's stock and the land cultivated with the rest untill the said time of three years is expired.
6 that there shall be a committee and a leader chosen amongst themselves and to be free chosen every six months the same to look over and transact all business and receive and pay all mony belonging to the company and a boock kept for that purpose and the leader to have in his power to call an assembly of the company whenever he sees occasion require.
These my Lord is the rules that we have laid down for the mutual suport of each other therefore I have taken the liberty of laying them before you.
I remain your Lordship's most obedient and humble and devoted servant
No. 23 King St, Soho
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 563
Sep 30 1819
My Lord,
In compliance with the forms and requisitions of your Lordship on the part of the Government we beg leave to say that we are willing to conform ourselves thereto and have on the other side transcribed a list of the names ages &c of the proposed settlers.
The amount of the joint capital exclusive of deposit &c we estimate at £500 at the least.
We beg leave to observe that the major part of the proposed settlers are members of the Established Church of England & would wish to be settled in some part of the Cape near whereto a sect of that description domesticates.
We have the honour to be My Lord
Your very hbl svts
Henry SOUL
On behalf of ourselves and all the other persons named on the other side.
Proposed settlers |
Age |
Trade |
Wife's name |
Age |
Male children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Giles WILLEN |
37 |
Farmer |
Rachel |
28 |
2 |
6,1 |
23 King St.Soho |
Charles FELTON |
19 |
Farmer |
Mary FELTON His mother |
39 |
His sister |
13 |
Aged 39 years |
27 |
Butcher |
Sarah |
24 |
Taylor |
31 |
Taylor |
Elizabeth |
28 |
2 |
9,2 |
1 |
6 |
Elizabeth his wife |
38 |
Taylor |
Mary |
26 |
2 |
13,1 |
2 |
5,3 |
Children |
37 |
Labourer |
Ellen |
26 |
2 |
7,5 |
1 |
1 |
Elizabeth aged 13 |
32 |
Carpenter |
Mary |
33 |
3 |
9,4,1 |
Jane aged 12 |
38 |
Carpenter |
Rebecca |
33 |
1 |
2 |
Francis REYNOLDS |
28 |
Labourer |
Mary |
23 |
1 |
1 |
Joseph BUNDY |
22 |
Gardener |
William BLOOM |
30 |
Tile Maker |
Mary |
32 |
44 |
Carpenter |
3 |
11,9.6 |
1 |
13 |
Nicholas TREHER |
42 |
Labourer |
William BOND |
46 |
Smith |
Martha |
45 |
2 |
13,3 |
1 |
11 |
Henry TEAL |
38 |
Smith |
Maria |
34 |
2 |
7,6 |
29 |
Gardener |
Catherine |
25 |
39 |
Farmer |
Anne |
25 |
2 |
3,1 |
John BROWN |
40 |
Carpenter |
Sarah |
35 |
2 |
5,1 |
2 |
2,3 |
23 |
Farmer |
Catherine |
27 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
George HAWES |
21 |
Turner |
36 |
Taylor |
Ann |
34 |
3 |
8,6,3 |
3 |
13,12,10 |
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