National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 497
13th Sept 1819
I have received yours of the 8th inst explaining the nature of the encouragement held forth by Government to persons going as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope.
There are several people of this neighbourhood who wish to go under my direction for whose information you'll oblige me by replying to the following questions.
Is it necessary to go to London personally to be examined whether you be a fit person to emigrate or not?
Can I bind my servants or trades people who I mean to take out to the fulfilment of a certain number of years service there in consideration of the sum of money I advance for them; they entering into agreements here to that effect?
What point will the transports sail from?
As the time for preparations is so short I would feel much obliged by your informing me of these particulars as soon as possible.
I am Sir your most obd't
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