CALDECOTT, Charles, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 193/194
13 Great Smith Street
13 Aug 1819
My Lord,
In consequence of the declared intention of Government to colonize the Cape of Good Hope, I beg leave to submit to your Lordship the following statements. I have been liberally educated and brought up to the profession of a Surgeon. I was a pupil of the late Lt.Col. BLICKER and passed my anatomical studies under the instruction of Mr. ABERNETHY: I passed the Royal College 14 yrs ago and have been in practice in Town for nearly four years and in personal testimonials of my abilities and character I consider every way satisfactory through the medium of the most respectable references. But having a family of six children, and my means being slender when I first commenced practice in the Hampstead Road, I was unsuccessful in placing to myself such a practice as I had the most flattering expectation I sh'd have done, and which I most assuredly sh'd have accomplished if I c'd have commenced in the same neighbourhood. But failing thro' want of means, my family has had to endure, for these last six months, the most severe privation and my situation at this time is truly distressing: under the circumstances I have ventured to solicit your Lordship's kindness to afford me your sanction in emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope as I am informed the whole of the patronage rests exclusively Yr. Lordship's. I doubt not, was your Lordship fully apprized of the whole of my case, your Lordship w'd most certainly take it into consideration; but lest I sh'd be tedious i beg leave to refer you to the Rt.Hon.N. VANSITTART, who is in full [obscured] of the same, with whom I have of late corresponded on different subjects, and from whom I rec'd the enclosed note yesterday in reference to the subject I have now submitted to your Lordship. I am well known to Mr. BLAIR of Great Russell Street, Surgeon and whom I have no doubt w'd feel a pleasure in recommending me to Yr. Lordship's notice. Waiting your Lordship's pleasure
I have the honour to be My Lord
Your Lordship's most obdt hbl sevt
[accompanied by above-mentioned note]
Downing Street
August 11 1819
Mr. VANSITTART presents his compliments to Mr. CALDECOTT and has to acknowledge receipt of his letter of the 10th inst and to acquaint him that as all the arrangements connected with the intended plan of emigration rest exclusively with Lord BATHURST, particularly the selection of individuals, Mr. VANSITTART could not feel at liberty to press upon his Lordship a request which would interfere so materially with the exercise of the discretionary power confided to him on this occasion.
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 402
13 Great Smith Street
9th Oct 1819
My Lord,
I humbly submit to your Lordship the following proposition and trust that your Lordship will be pleased to favour me with a reply as early as convenient and your Lordship will much oblige
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
Provided 50 or 60 families agree in a Bond of Friendship to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope, to defray their own passage, and £10 or £20 each family in the hands of His Majesty's Government, to be paid them again after the manner proposed in the circular, issued in respect to those lately sent out free by His Majesty's Government to that Colony, would His Majesty's Government give permission to such families (first submitting their names and vocation to the consideration and approving of His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonial Department) to proceed to that Colony and also grant them 100 acres of land for every such family depositing £10, and 200 acres of land for every such family depositing £20, subject to the same laws and colonial regulations as the grants given to those above mentioned.
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