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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

CASTLE, Joseph

National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 253



28thAugust, 1819


Having seen in the Bristol Mirror that there is intended a British settlement to be made on the Coast of Affrica at the Cape of Good Hope, and learning that Government will not engage with one individual only, I have myself a wife and three children under the age of 14 years and particularly wish to become a settler there, and have engaged with ten persons of respectable character and healthy constitutions, and industrious wishing to go there, Provided that they can have the 100 acres of land that is granted to every settler asured to them by me as stated in the Papers, and I wish to know if that will be the case, and please to inform one if we will be allowed to carry any furniture or any other ludgage what will be useful and what wait and were we must all go to enter our names and pay the deposit or where I must become responsible for all, and where we shell sail from and what time as I have some property to dispose of and shall be glad to sail as soon as any vessel goes to that coast please to give an answer as soon as possible and state what step is first to be taken. In doing so will most oblige your much obedient


Land Surveyor and Gen'l Agent

NB Please to consider that I understand the farming and husbandry concerns as well as that Business and recommended to write to you by a Nobleman of our Country J ADDINGTON Esquire.




National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 368

Shipham, Somerset, Bristol

30th September, 1819


As your letter was missent to Wells and did not come to my hands as soon as it should, it have been much to my disadvantage of sending you the return or of settling of my own business at home. I am about it as fast as possible, I hope that the whole of the transports will not go out till the later end of November for fear I may be oblidged to dispose of part of my property to my disadvantage, if they do sail before that time I will if please God be ready also at that time If I leave some of it to some friend to settle it for me, so please to say in your answer about what time we must be ready and were we shall embark and if it be a great way for us to take shipping, I should thank his most gratious Majesty's Goverment to grant me authority to press wagons or carts to take the woman children and ludgage to the spot as it will be expensive for us to hire them and the little money they can save will be of service to them in the Colony to support them when landed before they can bring it about to bring round their first crop. I flatter myself that I have the best collection of settlers going to that country for honesty sobriety industry and able people, therefore I hope that everyone will be acceptable and have everything to their advantage. Myself have been bred to farming for twenty five years, done Land surveying for seven years therefore can do either of them and I know the use of arms having been in the [obscured] Light Company of Independant Volunteers under Captain Edmund SHEPPARD Esquire, and in the Blogden Troop or Independant Volunteer Cavelry commanded by the [obscured] Captain Samual BAKER Esquire, for about six years, and this, as we found every article, did much reduce me with some other misfortunes in life and occ[asions] my going to this distant Country which will be to all our advantages, and if occation should require us to take up arms by an invitation of the Caffers or any other Pour [Power], we are ready all in defence of the Colony.

I remain your most obedient and humbly at your command


NB Mr Henry CASTLE is my cousin and have been twice to the Cape of Good Hope before, and well understands [the] plantation of sugar cane and the manufactory of [obscured] & brick and tile making; has been foreman in his fathers yard for some time. Please to say what wait each person is allowed to [take] with them.

Name and Description of the Person taking out the Settlers

Joseph CASTLE, Farmer and Land Surveyor, age 32 years

Edith CASTLE, 20. John 4. Robert 2 Phebe Mariah Infant


Henry CASTLE, Farmer, 25, Ann CASTLE, 23

William BUNCOMBE, Farmer, 20

Sarah SPARKS, 21

John CREEFE, Farmer, 16

Charles PODGER, Farmer, 16

James HORLE, Farmer, 36, Sarah HORLE, 34, James 5 Edward 3 Mary 7

John MORGAN, Farmer, 29, Harriet MORGAN, 34, John 1 Mary 7 Elizabeth 5

James WAYGOOD, Plumber and Glazier, 20, Eliza WAYGOOD, 23, James 2 Ann Eliza Infant

Benjamin TUTTER, Farmer, 19

George HOWE, Farmer, 30, Ann HOWE, 32, James 10. Aron 6. Sarah 4. Ann 3. Suzanah 2

Samuel BURDGE, Farmer, 35, Sarah BURDGE, 30, Thomas 8 Samuel 7 Sarah 5 Mary 3

John TATTON, Farmer, 18

John SANDERS, Farmer, 29, Fortune SANDERS, 29, William 5 John 1 Ann 3

Thomas VOWELS, Farmer and Plow maker, 42, Betty VOWELS, 35 James 7 Thomas 5 Elizabeth 3

Thomas SMALL, Cardwinder, 19

Thomas HARRIS, Mason, 43 Elizabeth HARRIS, 43, Ann 14 Sarah 12 Eliza 6

William PHILLIPS, Farmer and Butcher, 30, Jane PHILLIPS, 32, Fredrick Lueasa 6 Johanah 1

Joseph COX, Farmer, 22

William WELLS, Cardwinder and shoe maker, 28, Ann WELLS, 26, Betsy 4 Louesa 2

John GILL, Brick and Tile maker, 40, Suzanah GILL, 40, William 8 Betsy 17 Mary 14 Harriet 13 Fanny 6 Nancy Infant

Emanuel COOK, Stone cutter, 27

George HACKER, Farmer, 18


Thomas PALMER, Farmer, 31, Mary PALMER, 30, George 12 Thomas 1 Eliza 10 Sarah 9 Mary Ann 7 Betsy 5 Phebe 3

James NAIBOURS, Farmer, 38

William PIPE, Farmer, 40, Martha PIPE, 35 William 10 Martha 8 Mary 6 Ann PIPE infant




National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 371

Shipham, Somerset, Bristol

September 30th, 1819.

In reply to your letter of the 8th of August last I have to inform you that as your letter Particulary specified that I must give such asurety that the individuals to whome I allude should appoint some person to be the responsible medium of correspondence between His Majesty's Goverment and them, this is to certify that the persons to whom I allude appointed me as the medium of communication or superintendent for them, and that the whole of those persons returned in the enclosed form have consented and given their names, and that neither of them are infirm or incapable of work. And further I do inform you that myself and all accompaning me are willing to comply to the offers and laws of His Majesty's Goverment and I remain

Your most obedient humble servant

At your command



James JONES , Minister

George DAY, Church Warden.





National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 446

Shipham, Somerset, Bristol

20th October, 1819


Having wrote to you the thirtyth September last, and enclosed a return of the names and ages of ninty three persons men woman and children that is disirous of becoming settlers at the Cape of Good Hope and accompanied by an assurance that myself and all accompaning me are willing to comply with the offers of His Majesty 's Goverment and I hope will all be accepted to be allowed proceed as Settlers under my direction and I shall be responsible for their deposit as they are the most elegiable people I can get for that Colony being healthy and active persons, as I have heard a vessel sailed from Cork I have been ever since making preperation for our embarking to some considerable expense and as I have had no answer from have been very uneasy for fear my letter did not come to your hands as I fully expected if it did I should have been accepted and an return immediately. The Parishoners of an adjoining Parish have made an offer to me since that as they have many poor in their parish that do wish to accompany me if approved of they will advance money for them therefore I shall thank your Lordship by giving me an answer if we are accepting and if ther be room for any more I shall make a return of them with any [other] information you can give me in so doing will much oblidge your most obedient humble servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 465

Shipham, Somerset, Bristol,

27th October, 1819


I have received your letter of the 22nd instant stating that the whole number of persons whom it is possible to send to the Cape of Good Hope during the present year, have been already completed and therefore that no further encouragement can at present be given to persons desirous of proceeding to that Colony as it refer to my letter of the 20th instant particular and mention nothing of the former I wrote to you of the 30th of September last I know not whether it allude to that or not, or where the persons I enclosed is considered to embark with these persons that proceed immediately or the next voyage as the whole of our party is very desirous of going if we not this present voyage I shall trust and hope to be considered to go the first opportunity, as most of us have settled all business and am ready to start if possible and myself with several others shall be quiet out of business till that time and am provided with most articles ready to embark as we could not have thought the whole had been full by this time therefore shall thank your Lordship to inform me of the particulars, whether we can go, or not this time, if not please to say about what time the next will sail, that we may be ready, in do doing will much oblidge,

Your most obedient and humble servant



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