CHAPMAN, W (William), 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 280
5th Sept 1819
My Lord,
I beg leave to solicit your Lordship's favour for the supply of the Provisions &c for the Passengers now about to embark for the Cape of Good Hope. I am unacquainted with what plan your Lordship will devise respecting to the Victualling but I beg leave to state a plan – at __ per head per day to be Victuall'd according to the British Transport regulations – or pursuant to an Act of Parliament regulating the Passengers' Provisions – The Passengers to go on board at Gravesend and the whole to commence being victuall'd at a fixed day which plan I have no doubt your Lordship will find the best & cheapest and the expence of each Passenger will then be seen at one view.
Having had a great practice in supplying Passengers with Provisions &c I have no doubt I should be able to make such an offer as would meet his Lordship's views – should there be an opening I will procure a recommendation from Mr. LUSHING in my favour. Your answer will oblige.
Your most obedient humble servant
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