National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 60
No.4 Angel Alley
July 25 1819
I am very hoping of taking the oportunity of writing these few lines as I understand people is goin to be sent to the Cape of Goodhop. I should be very happy to imbrace the oportunity as I cannot get any imployment in my own country. I should be very happy to go the the Cape of Goodhope as I have a wife and one child and a brother that wold wish to go as well as myself. We have cheiflay been brought in the farming line and other things we understand if required Building but not perfessals [professionals] to the trade as we never served any aprentisship.
Sir I hope you will not be ofended at this ill rote letter but hopes you will take it in to consideration that we may be able to understand more abought the perticulars of our undertaking.
Sir I remainyour most humble and obedient servant
- Hits: 5415