COWAN, Pattison
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 118
Co. Fermanagh
30th July 1819
My Lord,
I beg leave to address you respecting the encouragement held out by Government to persons emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope and North America. I had the honour to serve His Majesty eighteen years in the 12th Reg't Lt. Drs. from which I receive Q'Master's half pay 3s per day and to hold a Lieutenant's commission five years in the Sussex Militia untill the regiment was disbanded. And begs leave to refer to Lt. Gen. ARCHDALL, Colonel of the 12th Lt. Drs., & Lt. Colonel NEWBERY of the Sussex Militia for a character during the above periods. My Lord I wrote on the 15th inst to H. GOULBURN Esq, Under Secretary, to be so good as to inform me the encouragement I might expect on imigrating to North America with wife & seven children after 23 years service but has received no answer, which causes me to think my letter must have been mislayed. However since I wrote Lt. Gen. ARCHDELL informed me that there is encouragement held out to imigrate to the Cape of Good Hope (but could not exactly state the particulars) which place I should prefer to North America if my family got a free passage out to the settlement and that I could draw my half pay. Your Lordship's compliance in acquainting me with the encouragement I might receive will particularly oblige.
My Lord, your Lordship's most obed't humble sevt
Pattison COWAN
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