EGAN, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 83
Charter School of Trim
Co. Meath, Ireland
12 Oct. 1819
My Lord,
Having for the last 12 years been master of Trim Charter School which School is now suppressed and having a wife and seven healthy children to provide for viz: three sons, well grown boys & four girls, I beg your Lordship's protection in enabling me to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope with them. The boys are all able to assist in the farming line as I have reared them to habits of industry and their ages are 14, 15 and 16 years. I shall lodge the necessary deposit for each and also for three or four able men to come with me should I prove so fortunate as to meet your Lordship's approbation. My age is 38 years my wife 34 both thank God extremely healthy & most anxious for the settlement - I can bring £300 with me which will enable me to provide comfortably for them - my eldest son is a good classical scholar & I trust will turn out a loyal and good subject to his Majesty's government as that principle has been inculcated in my family from their birth.
With earnest solicitation for your Lordship's kind protection
I am, my Lord, your Lordship's most obedient and very dutiful humble servant
William EGAN
Master of Trim Charter School
- Hits: 5978