Filed under S
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 937
9th Sept 1819
Having made application to the Commander in Chief respecting myself and some others going to the Cape of Good Hope I am directed by the Commander in Chief that all communications respecting the same must be made to your office. It is the wish of myself and some other pensioners to go to the new colonies, all we wish to know is the proposals and on what terms and if pensioners can have the same indulgence with respect to drawing our pension as in this country.
Out Pensioner Chelsea Hosp 52nd Foot
Direct Nicholas FITZSIMMONS, Out Pensioner Chelsea Hospital, Coothill, Ireland
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 965
County Cavan
27th Sept 1819
I have received the necessary instructions from your office concerning the indulgence granted subjects going out to the new colonies. All I am at a loss for is to know whether pensioners can draw their pension there the same as in this country, as there are a number of us here who would wish to go. Sir, if you would be graciously pleased to let me know if it will do for our pension to lie in Sir Joseph SIM's hand, Chelsea Eagent, to answer the deposit money as there is many of us drawing small pensions not able to answer the deposit money in hand.
Out Pensioner Chelsea Hospital 9d per day
- Hits: 5262