FABIAN, Benjamin
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 223
Sept 23 1819
In consequence of having little or no employment at present I am induced to make application to go to the Cape of Good Hope under the System now Establishing. I am a Boat Builder &c Twenty six years of age and in a good state of health – I have a wife and two children, the eldest not five years old.
I shall be particularly obliged if you will condescend to favor me with a reply, stating if I may be permitted to go, and at what time I must be ready to embark, so that I may be able to settle my business previous to my leaving my native place.
I shall also esteem it a favour if you will inform me the difference in expence if I should go alone or if I should take my family. Your early reply will much oblige.
Your most obedt hble sevt
Benjamin FABIAN
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 225
Sept 28 1819
I am exceedingly obliged for your early reply to my former letter and shall esteem it a particular favor if you will forward me a Duplicate of the Conditions of Emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope
I am Sir
Your very obdt hbl sevt
Benjamin FABIAN
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