FONE, George
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 169
Near Bristol
Aug 7 1819
My Lord,
I hope your Lordship will forgive the liberty I have taken in addressing this to you. I am not certain the application I am about to make should be made direct to your Lordship but my residing in the country so far from the Metropolis I hope will be an excuse. I have heard it is the intention of Government to send out persons to the Cape of Good Hope as colonists. I therefore hope I may be permitted to go. I am a young married man at present without family about 24 years of age & my wife has been bred up in the farming business from infancy. If any experience is required I flatter myself I can give every satisfaction. I hope your Lordship will order an answer to be returned to my letter as to the proper means I am to pursue directed to George FONE, Henbury near Bristol, Gloucestershire.
I am yr Lordship's most hbl svt
George FONE
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