National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 232
October 18th 1819
My Lord,
I hope you will pardon the liberty I thus take in addressing your Lordship but being an officer on the half pay of the late 97th regiment and having served in the army more than sixteen years, four of which on the Peninsula under the command of His Grace the Duke of WELLINGTON, and my friends during that period having died, I feel desirous of emigrating to the new settlement about to be established on the coast of Africa and hope your Lordship will condescend to inform me if there should be any objection on the part of Government to that effect and if not whether a passage would be granted and on my arrival if my half-pay would be insured to me.
I have the honour to be your Lordship's most obedient and very humble servant
Lieut. late 97th Regt
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