FRASER, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 205
80 Old Street
St Luke's
May it please Your Lordship
The Humble Representation and Petition of William FRASER
Sheweth 1st - That in the years 1798-9 I, the said William FRASER, twice traversed the extent of country from Cape Town to the Great Fish River, (the boundary of Caffraria).
- that, in that space, I was successively at Saldanah Bay, Mussel Bay and Algoa Bay
- that being there a bombardier in the 1st Batt'n Royal Regt. of Artillery, under the command of Sir Francis DUNDAS and attached to the Commissariat Department under Deputy Commissary General PRINGLE - I, the said William FRASER, became thoroughly acquainted with the state, situation and resources of the country, and in a great [measure] with the names and language of the native Boers, the Hottentots, and the Caffres.
Further: - that the fertility of the soil, the quality of the water, the salubrity of the climate and various other advantages in the neighbourhood of Algoa Bay, drew my attention particularly to that spot, and I even then was struck with the appropriateness of the situation for establishing a Colony; and I would, long ere now, (had not my Duty in the Regiment prevented me) have gone to the Cape of Good Hope with a view of settling at Algoa Bay.
Further: - that I am now desirous of proceeding there according to the plan arranged by government and can say without ostentation that I would be generally useful to the Colony, and I am ready to make myself so, under the directions of Government if required.
Further: - that in the year 1817, I was discharged from the Regiment (being then a sergeant at the East India College, Addiscombe, and having been nineteen years a non-commissioned officer) with a pension of thirty pounds per annum - which united with all my efforts, proves inadequate for the support of my family, consisting of a stout useful lad of 14 years, and five younger children.
Lastly: - that nine respectable heads of families are willing to join with me, to form the number ordered by Government, - the most part of whom are agriculturalists, 2 coppersmiths and one blacksmith.
The Petition[er].
Humbly assures your Lordship that certificates of sobriety, steadiness and general good character can be obtained from the different officers under whom I have from time to time been employed – and.
Implores your Lordship to condescend to inform me, the said William FRASER, whether (as has been allowed to foreigners in His Majesty's service, and retiring to their native country) four or five years of my pension, might not be paid down, for the comfortable removal of my family to, and establishment at Algoa Bay - on condition of my forfeiting all future claims on Government.
Unprompted and unassisted, I have presumed to address your Lordship, and your Lordship's petitioner humbly requests the sentiments of your Lordship on the subject.
I have the honor to be my Lord
Your Lordship's most obedient & most humble servant
William FRASER
[In clerk's hand]
Enclosed circular. Added that his application for a commutation of his pension must be addressed to Treasury.
To Lord Viscount SIDMOUTH
- Hits: 6854