National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 131
No. 4 Smiths Arms Place
Church Lane
27 July 1819
Having observed by the public newspapers that his Majesty's Government are pleased to offer a free passage to persons willing to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope and such other arrangement as they, under the circumstances of each individual case, may think proper.
I beg leave to state that I am desirous of availing myself of it and that I am a hatter by trade with a wife and four children and that we are named and aged as follows, viz
Jonathan FREEMANTLE aged |
46 years |
34 |
John |
14 |
Sarah |
10 |
James |
6 |
Mary |
2 |
I beg leave further to state that I have been eight years in his Majesty's navy and that during the above period I have been on board the Hawke Captains BARTON & BOWEN and on board the Dryad Lord BEAUCLERK and was discharged from the service at the peace of Ameins.
I have worked at my business since I left the Navy but in consequence of the general depression in trade I am not now able to get any work and I trust therefore you will consider that I am a proper person to be sent to the Cape and entitled to the encouragement offered.
I remain Sir
Your most obed hble st
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