GEDDES, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 281
Near Bewdley
21st July 1819
My Lord,
From what I can learn from newspaper report it seems to be the intention of His Majesty's Ministers to encourage industrious men with familys to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope. I hope your Lordship will pardon my presumption in addressing myself to you but I know of no other way but through the means of your Lordship of being made acquainted with the particulars. The Business I have followed through my life is that of a gardener, and have beside a good knowledge of Agriculture in general and have fill'd respectable situations with credit to myself and satisfaction to my employers, Proofs of which I can give to your Lordship's satisfaction. I have also to inform your Lordship that I am at present disengaged and have no other motive in leaving my native country than that of bettering my condition and providing for a numerous family which I have already got and still likely to encreas. I am my Lord well awair that the length of the voyage will be attended with many unpleasant inconveniences but I have made up my mind to sacrifice a present comfort if a future good can be obtained. It may perhaps save trouble and be satisfactory to your Lordship to know the ages of myself and family. I was born in Oxfordshire AD1874, my wife in Warwickshire AD1780, both healthy and good constitutions. Five children two boys & three girls the oldest seven years. I have little more property than what we shall want to furnish us with things necessary for the voyage if your Lordship should condesend to give us encouragement to undertake it.
I am your Lordship's most obedient and verry humble servant to command
William GEDDES
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