National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 646
5th August 1819
It is my wish to go to the Cape but I have not the means of paying the ten pounds required but should be glad to go with any gentleman wishing to take ten out with him having but a very poor prospect in this country. I am stout & healthy am 21 years of age by trade a press maker. I live at No.52 Long Lane West Smithfield where any communications will be duly attended to.
Sir I remain your humble and willing servant
PS I am single man
No.52 Long Lane
West Smithfield
13th August 1819
I have received your letter on the 5th in which you direct me to the circular letter. I have not seen one and shold be glad if I can have one to see the proposals of Government for sending people to the Cape.
Sir I remain your humble servant
- Hits: 6138