HAMSON, William et al
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 557
Birmingham Poorhouse
July 22nd 1819
My Lord
Hearing that propositions are made to labourer mechanics etc to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope, we the undermentioned persons, with our families being reduced to great distress, through loss of trade and other misfortunes and have been compelled to apply to the parish for relief, and having but small hopes of our conditions being altered at present, at least for the better, we have had the boldness to address your Lordship as the properest person to apply to on this subject, if your Lordship will condescend to answer this favourably you will confer a lasting obligation on us, as we would much rather live by our own industry than be supported by other means. That this letter may have the petition contained therein granted is the hearty prayer of your Lordships most obedient humble servants.
Name, age, family,
William HAMSON, 30, wife & boy, been in the Army
Slater REEVES, 30, wife, been in the Navy
[Jabeus] JONES, 32, single, been in the Army
James HARRISON, 23, single, been in the Army
George BATES, 26, wife & child, been in the Army
William HAMPTON, 21, single, been in the Army
James SIMPSON, 40, single, pensioner on reduction 5d per day
Richard TIMMINGS, 37, wife, been in the Army
William SMITH, 40, single, 5d per day been in the Navy
Charles CLARKE, 30, single, been in the Navy
Edward YARDLEY, 23, wife & child, been in the Navy
John HAMILTON, 17, single,
John HALL, 18, single,
John HARWOOD, 36, wife & 4 children,
Charles CHATWIN, 18, single,
Thomas TREES, 26, single, been in the Navy
William SHAKESPEARE, 30, single, been in the Army
William SIMONS, 42, wife & child, been in the Army
Stephen HEELEY, 21, single,
- Hits: 5814