HILL, Aaron
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 744
No. 25 Milk Street
24 August 1819
Honored Sir,
This town is all a tiptoe to go to the Cape of Good Hope. Amontst [*amongst] the rest the out - Pensioners are very anxious to know if they will be allowed to go and retain their pensions or if the Government will advance a few years pension. I am a Pensioner and was at the Capture of the Cape in 1795 under the Command of Generals CLARK & CRAIG . Sir George Keith ELPHINSTON now Lord KEITH, commanded the Naval part of the expedition; I am well acquainted with the country and most humbly beg to know when and to whom I must apply for a passage and what will be the Expence by granting the solicited information you will greatly oblige, Honored Sir
Your Most Obedient Humble Servant
Aaron HILL
late Royal Artillery
- Hits: 5457